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User's Guide to Detoxification: Discover How Vitamins, Herbs, and Other Nutrients Help You Survive in a Toxic World
User's Guide to Detoxification: Discover How Vitamins, Herbs, and Other Nutrients Help You Survive in a Toxic World
User's Guide to Detoxification: Discover How Vitamins, Herbs, and Other Nutrients Help You Survive in a Toxic World
Ebook103 pages1 hour

User's Guide to Detoxification: Discover How Vitamins, Herbs, and Other Nutrients Help You Survive in a Toxic World

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We live in a toxic world - and there's no escaping it. But each of us can take steps to enhance our body's ability to detoxify pollutants, synthetic hormones, and cancer causing chemicals. The Benefits? A healthier life with a lower risk of developing debilitating diseases. This User's Guide focuses on specific supplements, including herbs and vitamin-like substances, that help protect your body protect itself.
Release dateMay 25, 2005
User's Guide to Detoxification: Discover How Vitamins, Herbs, and Other Nutrients Help You Survive in a Toxic World

Dr. Shari Lieberman

“Dr. Shari,” as she was called, had many guest spots on television and radio shows and was generally regarded as a nutrition and mineral supplements expert. She privately practiced as a clinical nutritionist in New York City for over 20 years, published scientific research, and presented at US and international conferences. Dr. Lieberman was a prolific writer and wrote in a way that appealed to the general public. She helped explain 28 basic vitamins and minerals to the layperson with her best-selling book, The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book (Avery/Penguin Putnam, 4th edition, 2007), co-authored with Nancy Bruning. Shari Lieberman, PhD, a leader in the field of natural nutrition, died July 20, 2009, in Florida from complications related to metastatic breast cancer. She was 51.

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    User's Guide to Detoxification - Dr. Shari Lieberman


    If you’ve picked up this book, you already know that toxins and germs are prevalent in our environment—in the food we eat, in the air we breathe, and in the products we use. You also know that these harmful substances can interfere with good health and cause a host of illnesses. Although the need to detoxify our bodies is especially important in this chemical-laden, modern world of ours, the need to detoxify has always been with us. In fact, detoxification is highlighted in the oldest intact text still in existence, the Egyptian medical codex, known as Papyrus Ebers. Dating back to the sixteenth century B.C . (over 3,500 years ago), this text suggests that poisonous substances that contribute to disease are produced by undigested food in the intestines. Even then it was known that what goes into our digestive system and how our system deals with it greatly affects the state of our health.

    In the West, however, it wasn’t until the nineteenth century that detoxification was recognized as a necessary tool with which to combat illness. And it wasn’t until the twentieth century that the importance of dietary fiber to our general state of health and to the health of our intestines was brought to light by scientists such as T. L. Cleave, Trowell, and Denis Burkitt.

    These scientists familiarized us with the health-related dangers of highly refined, ultra-processed diets high in sugar and low in fiber. This information started the dietary-fiber craze. Everyone suddenly wanted a clean and healthy colon. Even Saturday Night Live got in on the act with their 1990s skit about a fictional high-fiber cereal Colon Blow!

    While it’s true that getting adequate dietary fiber on a daily basis is of utmost importance in any daily detoxification plan, it’s only one of many steps you can take to detoxify your body. As you’ll learn in this User’s Guide to Detoxification, there are many things you can do to achieve a cleaner internal environment and, ultimately, a better state of health.

    Chapter 1 begins with an explanation of how our environment and, consequently, our bodies have become overloaded with toxins. It goes on to explain what natural detoxification is and who can benefit from undergoing a detox program. Chapter 2 introduces you to a detox-friendly diet and gives you some suggestions for making changes in your eating habits.

    Chapters 3 through 7 take you on a tour of antioxidants, B vitamins, beneficial plant compounds, specialized supplements, and certain herbs that can help you clear the toxins out of your body and promote health.

    Chapter 8 discusses super green drinks and reminds you of the importance of fiber in a detoxification plan. Then, Chapter 9 alerts you to the toxic dangers lurking inside and outside your home and how you can reduce their impact on your health. Finally, Chapter 10 wraps everything together with a quick-and-easy detox lifestyle plan (no Colon Blow required—promise!). Appendix A provides resources for measuring your toxic burden, and Appendix B contains a handy detox-friendly grocery list. Be sure to check out the other resources listed at the end of the book.



    We live in a world heavily burdened by environmental toxins. Ever since the industrial boom of the mid-twentieth century, our planet has become home to dangerous levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). POPs are toxins made up of organic (carbon-based) chemicals and synthetic compounds. These pollutants are practically everywhere—in our soil, water, air, food, and even inside our bodies. We are even exposed to toxins through the seemingly harmless products we use every day, including such items as cosmetics, shampoos, hair products, and household cleaners. These toxins are collectively referred to as xenobiotics because they are foreign to the human body and have the potential to cause harm.

    According to Your Health & Your House by Nina Anderson, more than 4 million new chemicals have been created since 1915. Clearly, our need to clear the toxins out of our bodies—that is, to undergo detoxification—is great, especially in this day and age.


    The removal of harmful substances from the body.

    How Do We Get Exposed to Toxins?

    Our main exposure to POPs is from the food we eat. However, people who live and work near direct sources of these toxins (for example, industrial plants and modern-day farming operations) are prone to exposure through skin contact and inhalation.

    The Dirty Dozen

    Of the many hundreds of POPs in our environment, the twelve most dangerous (the Dirty Dozen) have been targeted for global eradication by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Treaty on Persistent Organic Pollutants. These are aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, dioxin and furans, endrin, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), heptachlor, mirex, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and toxaphene.

    Aldrin is a pesticide used to protect crops from soil insects and is widely banned. Chlordane is a chemical used to protect crops from termites and is also widely banned. DDT is a pesticide used on crops for insect control. It was used on troops during World War II to stop malaria, typhus, and other diseases. Although it is widely prohibited, it is still produced and used, especially to control malaria. Dieldrin is a pesticide used to control disease-carrying insects; its usage is restricted. Dioxin and furans are industrial byproducts that are partially controlled. Endrin is a pesticide used on field crops and to control rodents and is widely banned. Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) is an industrial byproduct released when plastics are manufactured. Its use as a pesticide is widely banned. Heptachlor is a widely banned pesticide that is used against soil insects and termites. Mirex is a widely prohibited chemical used as a pesticide against various ants, termites, wasps, and bugs, and also as a fire retardant in plastics, rubber, paint, paper, and electrical goods. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are widely banned industrial chemicals used

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