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Dark Prophecy of Malgorpeo: The Soul Alliance, #4
Dark Prophecy of Malgorpeo: The Soul Alliance, #4
Dark Prophecy of Malgorpeo: The Soul Alliance, #4
Ebook1,593 pages24 hours

Dark Prophecy of Malgorpeo: The Soul Alliance, #4

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Roger Torrents and Israel Mckinley are reeling from the events of the Spring Equinox Festival, and they fear the Soul Alliance is being torn apart. Roble is off in the Soul Freezer village, and Slick and Slime are nowhere to be found. The Chosen Ones are left alone to set sail on the high seas in search of the Soul Stones, where they must face unimaginable obstacles as they break into evil island shrines and battle vicious wardens, knowing Chanulville and the Central Orb’s future depends on their success.

In the meantime, Slick and Slime embark on the urgent mission of collecting the pieces of the Dark Prophecy of Malgorpeo. As they delve into Lord Rayo’s past, they uncover far more horrifying dangers and details than even they could’ve imagined. As the scroll is brought together piece by piece, they slowly realize that stopping the darkness of the prophecy may only leave them with one choice. One where not everyone will survive or live to remember Chanulville.

Release dateOct 8, 2015
Dark Prophecy of Malgorpeo: The Soul Alliance, #4

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    Book preview

    Dark Prophecy of Malgorpeo - Charles Streams

    Chapter 1: The Purple Shadow

    Slick and Slime flew out of the teleporter. Slick staggered a few paces forward, and Slime fell off his shoulder, landing as a jumbled blob. Slick raised his index fingers as Slime recomposed himself and bounced back to his brother’s shoulder. When their eyes adjusted to the darkness, they found themselves on the edge of the swamp, looking toward the Chanulville Valley. Their hearts skipped a beat as they saw the green house not far away to the right. Although not the construction of the present day, they recognized the house they had lived in during the first years of their lives.

    The two green Chanulanos were about to head to the house, but then, in the distance, they were distracted by an atypical glow coming from the zócalo, so they started in that direction. As the archway came into view, it looked normal enough, the proverb glowing from the top. But when Slick’s and Slime’s eyes fell on the Central Orb, even their mouths dropped open in surprise. It was gold.

    After their initial amazement, they scanned the zócalo, seeing the different-colored couples walking around the plaza, dressed in ancient colorful robes. Slick and Slime cautiously made their way forward, knowing their clothing would easily identify them as foreigners. But as they headed to the quiosco, no one gave them a single glance, so the two greens danced the rest of the way and up the stairs to get a closer look at the golden Central Orb.

    As soon as they reached the top, an icy chill filled the air. Slick and Slime glanced in every direction, finally seeing a purple shadow gliding toward them. They both zapped, but the beams passed right through, and the dark figure continued zooming toward them. No other Chanulano gave any notice to the shadow or the zaps, so Slick and Slime turned and ran down the stairs, across the zócalo, and through the archway, heading toward their childhood home. They could still feel the icy chill chasing them, so they raced up the dirt path to the doorway and barged into the cottage.

    The two greens couldn’t help chuckling when they saw a middle-aged Saxon balancing two young boys on his shoulders as he twirled, picking up speed with each turn. Slick slammed the door and ran across the living room. The green Ancient One gave no notice to them or to the chill that filled the room as the purple shadow passed effortlessly through the closed door. Now trapped in the house, Slick and Slime zapped as powerfully as they could, but the figure floated forward unharmed. When they were about to make a run for it around the living room, there was a loud bang, and the front door was blown off its hinges. A wooden staff poked through the doorway, zapping a large purple beam across the room. The zap hit the dark shadow, instantly dissipating it in a rush of wind.

    Slick and Slime watched as an aged man entered. He had gray hair and a long beard and wore a ragged purple robe. Slick and Slime both broke into smiles as they recognized the resemblance to their uncle.

    Are you witless? the man said. Do not zap. Do not hide. You run!

    Hello to you too, Master Bubblash, Slick said in reply.

    * * *

    Roble’s heart pounded as he brought up the rear of the group of Chanulanos walking through the darkness of the forest. He had been in the woods often enough over the years, having used it as a safe place to take Hazel to zap when Chanulville still didn’t know that he and Avellana had a soulbeam-mixed marriage. But walking in the dark night on his way to the Soul Freezer village, Roble was having a hard time controlling his fears.

    The group consisted of men and women, a few of whom had brought their children. While the younger Chanulanos sent darting glances this way and that at the slightest sound, most of the adults were steely faced, talking about how glad they were to be free of the oppression in the Chanulville Valley as they went.

    Roble wondered if the others really thought living with the Soul Freezers would be better than their freedom in the valley. He also questioned whether the men in front knew how to get to the village. Slick and Slime had told him about some places in the forest where they thought Soul Freezers frequented, but up until then, Roble thought the group was just walking aimlessly among the pine trees.

    After a while, Roble noted that they had passed into a more unfriendly section. He couldn’t see any of the red-fanged squirrels, but he could hear their sinister chirping above in the pine trees. Roble scanned the area ahead, waiting for Soul Freezers to appear, but then, suddenly, two people burst out of the brush from the side. The other adults turned in fright, index fingers raised.

    Shag and Beeze Jex were standing there. Roble waited for the brothers with long black hair to yell energetically, but they just stood there with dazed expressions.

    We’re joining the Soul Freezers, Shag said blandly.

    Village, Beeze added.

    Roble’s heart beat with panic. He approached Shag and Beeze before anyone else could. He grabbed them and was about to shake them and tell them to go back to the Chanulville Valley, when white zaps flashed through the night. A group of Soul Freezers appeared out of the darkness and surrounded them. The lead man from the valley told the Soul Freezers that they were there to join the village; Roble had no other choice but to turn with Shag and Beeze and rejoin them.

    The Soul Freezers took all the packs and possessions, frisking each person individually. Roble recognized Ogzewally because of his hairy arms, Látiga because of her mangled right hand, and Chasco because of his lumpy physique. When the welcoming party finished their examination, they pushed the group together and forced them to the left.

    Roble glanced at Shag and Beeze as they went. The two boys were still in a stupor, showing no emotion even after being surrounded by Soul Freezers. Roble pondered if there was any way he could free the two young men without exposing himself, but the pace was so swift that he wasn’t able to try anything during the trek, and then Ogzewally brought the group to a halt next to a mighty pine tree dripping with sap. The hairy Soul Freezer shined his soulbeam at the tree, and the trunk split, exposing a short doorway. Ogzewally, Chasco, and Látiga began corralling the new arrivals one by one, forcing them to duck into the tree, and then firing their soulbeams at the ground to open a teleporter. Roble watched nervously when it was Shag and Beeze’s turns, but the teleporter swallowed them up just like the others. Roble’s heart pounded against his chest when he stepped through the opening, but the next thing he knew, he appeared in a unfurnished bunker with gray stone walls, where all the others were crammed, trying to stay to the sides so as not to be hit by the people coming out of the teleporter. A single white torch on one wall cast a wavering light over the cramped room.

    When Ogzewally, Chasco, Látiga, and all the other Soul Freezers were inside the chamber as well, Ogzewally shined his soulbeam at the torch, and the shelter was plunged into complete darkness. The kids cried out in fear, but then three white soulbeams lit up the room as Ogzewally, Látiga, and Chasco shot theirs at the walls together. The floor of the bunker suddenly dropped. The Soul Freezers smirked and laughed as the new arrivals, unaware of the ride they had been in for, screamed, cried, and grabbed hold of one another. After the stomach-wrenching drop, the elevator stopped suddenly. A few of the group fell to the floor while others crashed into each other from the jolt. Ogzewally cleared a path and shot his soulbeam at the wall. A passageway opened, this time leading into a dank corridor of gray stone, lit only by a torch with a dim white flame.

    The newcomers passed into the corridor one by one, and all the Soul Freezers joined them after. Ogzewally shot his soulbeam to close the door. As Roble heard the elevator zooming upward, his stomach tightened and his heart pounded even more forcefully. He glanced back to see the outline of the door had vanished. He felt trapped, and he didn’t think he was ever going to leave the Soul Freezer village alive.

    * * *

    It took you long enough to get here. And do not call me that again. My name is Melvin, the old man said. I stopped being Master Bubblash long ago. He walked across the room and patted Slick on the chest. He paused momentarily when he switched over to Slime as if unsure of where his chest was but then patted him as well. He lifted his staff after, and the end glowed purple, and Slick’s and Slime’s green crystals were tugged out of their shirts. Once Melvin saw the gems, he lowered the staff.

    You can see and touch us? Slick said.

    Stop asking questions, Melvin said.

    No one’s supposed to say that to us, Slime grumbled to Slick.

    I know. We’re only supposed to say that to other people, Slick replied.

    I will say whatever needs to be said, Master Bubblash said. First things first, I repeat, when you see the enemy, you run. Do not zap. Do not hide. You run! Understood?

    Yes, Master Bubblash, Slick said. He and Slime smiled as the old man cast them a stern look.

    Outside. Even when Saxon cannot see me, I cannot bear the supposed games he plays with Sandor and Sherman, Melvin said.

    Slick and Slime glanced at Saxon, who was now palm zapping the two boys so they rose slowly up the wall of the living room. Sandor and Sherman were smiling gleefully.

    I know who you are because of your green crystals, but how do you know who I am? Master Bubblash said once they were outside.

    Your descendant, Gooze, was our adopted uncle. You look alike, Slick explained.

    Hmm, Master Bubblash said. As I said earlier, when you see the shadow, you run. Do not zap. Do not hide. You run!

    We’re sorry, oh wise one, Slick said, causing Slime to chuckle slightly, but we don’t even know why we’re here.

    Come now, children, Melvin replied. Do you have that little piece of parchment you grabbed before you teleported here?

    Slick and Slime suddenly realized that they had been so surprised by their surroundings and the purple shadow that they had forgotten about the mysterious piece of old parchment that they had grabbed from the chamber of protection in Sneldegar in the swamp.

    Of course you do not! Master Bubblash said. That is why you are here. You must recover the pieces.

    The pieces of what exactly? Slick asked.

    Do not speak of it! Melvin exclaimed. He can sense you already, and any mention of him or his objects will bring him directly to us.

    It’s a he? Slick said.

    This isn’t confusing at all, Slime said.

    The piece in modern-day Chanulville is only a representation. The actual physical piece has been trapped here. You must recover it to teleport back.

    Any clues as to where it could be? Slick asked.

    Wherever he is during this time is where the real piece will be.

    Do you know where he is? Slime asked.

    Do I look unintelligent? Master Bubblash asked.

    No, Slick and Slime said, noticing Melvin’s staff twitch.

    Excuse my roughness. I was projecting my frustration because I must ask you a promise before any other matter. Slick and Slime looked confused, and Master Bubblash scowled. When you recover the final piece, promise me that, no matter what, you will take me back with you. Please, I am at your mercy.

    We promise, Slick and Slime said without hesitation.

    Master Bubblash gave a firm nod. With that all settled, remember, you run. Do not zap. Do not hide. You run!

    Chapter 2: No Sign of Slick & Slime

    Mick Mcgintling was running down the main corridor in Kulk. He almost stumbled in the dim light, but the growling coming from behind him kept him racing onward. He dared a short glance over his shoulder, catching sight of the horde of snarfalogs snarling on his tail. As soon as he reached the Chac Mool chamber, he entered Roger and Israel’s room. Roger was asleep, so Mick shook him forcefully, trying to wake him up.

    Roger Torrents bolted up on his bed in his room in Kulk, gasping for breath. His clothes were still damp from the night before in Noge’s Cove, and his brown hair was sticking up wildly after he fell asleep on it while it was still soaked. Hazel helping him and Israel back to Kulk was a faint memory. Roger slowly turned to look at the bed on the other side of the room. At first he thought Israel was asleep since he looked so stiff, but then his brown-haired friend gulped, trying to choke back his tears, and Roger saw his large Adam’s apple move.

    Israel Mckinley looked at Roger when he heard him stir. He didn’t want to give Roger any more grief, but Israel still didn’t have any idea what they were going to do. As soon as he had woken up, his brain had started racing, trying to plan a course of action, but nothing concrete would develop.

    We need to find Slick and Slime, Israel said, grabbing his glasses.

    Roger nodded as he sat up. It was only then that he realized that the bedroom door was open, and Hazel Adelobra was lying on a mattress out in the Chac Mool chamber, keeping watch on them. She jumped up when she saw Roger and Israel coming out of their bedroom, fixing her blondish-brown hair with her hands.

    Please change your clothes, Hazel said softly. I don’t want you catching a cold.

    Roger hesitated, but then he and Israel went to teleport home and change into dry clothes.

    When they returned to Kulk, Roger, Israel, and Hazel walked down the dimly lit stone corridors until they reached the Zappers’ room. No one was there, so they headed to the Color Council chamber and out into Chanulville. They walked briskly down the rolling hills toward the zócalo. There were still decorations remaining from the Spring Equinox Festival, but very few Chanulanos were out. Roger, Israel, and Hazel crossed the vacant area to Slick and Slime’s house.

    Both boys called out, but no answer came. Roger dared a zap at the house, but when multiple green beams fired back, they dodged out of the way.

    They’re not here, a voice grumbled as flames shot across the yard.

    Roger, Israel, and Hazel peered through the bars of the fence at Flame the incendito in the doorway of the cabin on the lawn.

    Where’d they go? Roger called.

    How should I know? Stop making so much noise, Flame yelled. He shot flames from both hands and then disappeared into the cabin.

    Maybe they’re still in the swamp, Israel said.

    Roger nodded, and Israel and Hazel followed him toward the swamp. Hazel didn’t say anything as they passed into the cover of the murky vegetation, but she became more alert, ready to defend Roger and Israel if any dangerous creatures made their presence known.

    They stopped in the tree house, but there was no sign of Slick and Slime there either, so they headed deeper into the swamp until they came to the bog where the sparkly waterfall oozed over the branch connecting two trees. They walked along the shore of the quagmire to the right. When they reached the waterfall, Roger and Israel went straight through the slime, but Hazel screeched when she tried, so they turned back around.

    We forgot, Israel said. Slick and Slime haven’t given you permission to enter yet.

    Roger and Israel hesitated when they saw the disappointed look on Hazel’s face.

    Hurry and see if they’re in there, Hazel said. I’ll wait here.

    Watch out for the sombroscurs in the bog, Israel said.

    Roger picked up the pace as he led Israel through the waterfall. This time they continued through the tunnel and around the inner area until they reached Slime’s bog. They had felt sure they would find Slick and Slime there, but there was no sign of them.

    I know those green beams came from here last night, Roger said.

    Let’s check the willow circle, Israel said.

    The two Chosen Ones returned down the path a little before cutting into the vegetation toward the center. When they reached the willow circle, they were surprised to find the Tunkal and the green Ancient Treasure on the ground, the sparkling drips from the willow branches falling around them. But what surprised them most of all was seeing the green chamber of protection exposed and wide open.

    There’s a chamber of protection here? Israel said, looking at Roger.

    I guess, Roger said, stepping up to look inside but finding it completely empty. What were they doing here last night?

    I don’t know. Why would Slick and Slime just leave the Tunkal and stiletto lying here? Israel said. And why leave the chamber wide open like this?

    Roger and Israel searched the circle and examined the drum and knife, but there was no other sign of what might have been going on there the night before.

    We better get to Hazel, Roger said.

    They filled Hazel in on what they had found, but she didn’t have any ideas what Slick and Slime could have been up to. She had never heard of a chamber of protection inside of Chanulville either.

    Roger, Israel, and Hazel traversed the swamp again and returned to Kulk. This time when Roger placed his orb summoner against the secret wall, they found Otto Guzzlebop, Zepnargle Trooch, and Graham Brawlior. Otto was a chubby yellow Chanulano with a round and mostly bald head. Zep, a blue with brown hair, was one of the tallest Chanulanos. And Graham was an orange and one of the most muscular Chanulanos, even though he was Roger and Israel’s age. A discolored map was spread out on the floor, and a bunch of ancient parchments surrounded it. Otto was leading Zep and Graham in an intense examination of the map and scrolls.

    Hazel greeted everyone, but Roger and Israel paused, just staring. The Zappers’ room seemed so empty. Roble was gone to the Soul Freezer village, Slick and Slime weren’t there goofing around, and Mick was...

    Where are Slick and Slime? Roger asked.

    We haven’t seen them yet today, Otto answered. But they told me last night in the zócalo to start making plans on how best to recover the Soul Stones once summer gets here. You guys can help us. We’re looking at an ancient map that shows some landmarks in the ocean.

    We need to talk to Slick and Slime first, Israel said.

    They left this with me last night, Zep said. He fished a note from his pocket.

    Roger opened it for him and Israel to read. Hazel peered over their shoulders. The note was zapped by Slime.

    Roger and Israel:

    Slick and I are heading on a search to uncover some information that we believe Saxon left for us to help heal the Central Orb. We honestly don’t know what we’ll find, but we will let you know as soon as we do.

    Roger, please go back home for now. We will feel better if you and Israel are safe while you are in Valley View as you finish up the school year. You will have the summer away from home again while you search for the Soul Stones, so please stay at your parents’ house until then.

    The Chosen Ones will need both of you to lead them on the search for the Soul Stones. Practice your shields and zaps as much as you can. When you are ready, Flame will escort you to visit Burny and the incenditos for the clues to find the Initiator’s Crystal.

    Slick and Slime

    After reading the note, Israel looked as if he were about to cry, but he didn’t. He grabbed Roger and pulled him back out into the corridor. Hazel followed after them.

    Roger, please will you go back to your parents’ house? Israel said, blinking away his tears. We still need to get ready for our AP tests.

    We’ll be okay, Roger said. I’ll go back. We still have a month to get ready for the tests.

    And, Roger, Israel continued. I want to be there too, because I want to find Marc.

    Hazel perked up when he said this.

    I want to make him pay. Israel’s face was determined.

    Roger nodded, but Hazel’s face creased with concern.

    Chapter 3: Pieces of Prophecy

    Slick and Slime followed Master Bubblash toward the zócalo. The ancient man glanced back at them every once in a while, eyeing Slime in particular. The two greens observed their surroundings, still feeling unsure about where the teleporter had taken them.

    Are you going to tell us what that sha— Slick began.

    I said don’t mention it! Master Bubblash said harshly. It will bring him directly to us!

    You mean Rayo? Slick said.

    Master Bubblash scowled at him as a chill instantly filled the area. The old purple started running, and Slick and Slime, surprised that the he was so spry, sprinted after him. Master Bubblash never looked back, but Slick and Slime dared a couple of glances and saw the purple shadow tailing them again.

    They fled to the zócalo and to the quiosco. As soon as they were up the stairs, Master Bubblash pushed Slick and Slime behind him as he turned to face the purple cloud zooming toward them. A large purple zap shot out of the staff, dissipating the shadow again.

    I will not tell you again! Master Bubblash said, turning on Slick and Slime. Do not mention him or anything about him. When we get to the actual goal, I will instruct on the details I have knowledge of.

    Sorry, Master Bubblash, Slick said, laughing.

    Why do your staff zaps hurt it when ours don’t? Slime asked.

    Instead of asking questions, why don’t you tell me how you came to be? I kept politely glancing in your direction, hoping you would understand my desire to know.

    Slick and Slime snickered, but then Slime explained to him all about how he and Slick had shared a birthstone.

    I did limited genetics research at the university, but that makes sense, Master Bubblash replied. And regardless of your genetic makeup, it is nice to have two of you. I expected one.

    Nice to have two of us for what? Slick said.

    Master Bubblash narrowed his eyes before responded. I have been here for sufficient time that I know exactly where to go on this occasion. Follow.

    They crossed the zócalo to where the purple section was in present-day Chanulville. Slick and Slime whistled as they walked along the streets that were filled with a mixture of red, yellow, orange, blue, green, and purple houses. Master Bubblash didn’t say anything until he came to a stop a short distance away from a two-storied purple house. It was elaborately designed with gold trimming and two columns from the porch to the roof.

    You know why the air gets colder when the shadow nears? Master Bubblash asked. Slick and Slime shook their heads, and he continued. The shadow has the ability to freeze soulbeams. Even Defender and Zapper soulbeams. He glared at the two greens until they nodded in understanding. When the shadow is away, my staff can send him back to where the object is located. When the shadow is already here, we must face it. There is no alternative.

    Master Bubblash walked a few paces toward the house. The temperature dropped with each step they took. When they reached the stairs, Melvin turned around.

    You must be touching one another when you grab the object for both of you to be teleported. I cannot touch it myself, so I must ask you again, please take me with you with the last piece.

    We promise, Slick and Slime said together.

    Master Bubblash nodded before heading up the porch. He lifted his staff, and a large zap blasted the door from its hinges. He ran in first, and Slick and Slime followed closely behind.

    They entered into a very busy living room. There was a table filled with food and drinks, surrounded by multiple Chanulanos wearing purple robes. Hanging above the table, there was a violet tapestry with Congratulations! Spring Equinox Baby! embroidered in gold. A tall and black-haired Chanulano couple sat on a purple couch. The father had his arm around his wife, while she held the bundled baby softly in her arms. They were both smiling broadly at their friends and relatives, who were eating, drinking, and celebrating.

    The purple shadow rose like a fog from the baby in the woman’s arms. Master Bubblash began blasting zaps, catching the tapestry on fire and crashing food and drink off the table. None of the other people gave any notice, but the shadow whooshed upward, filling the room with an icy rage.

    Find the piece! Master Bubblash yelled as he continued zapping around the room. Ten of them are hidden around Chanulville. You must find them there first, then they will teleport you to recover the physical pieces.

    Melvin was going to explain further, but the purple shadow zoomed toward them. He swung his staff, dissipating the shadow, but it formed again almost instantly on the other side of the room.

    Slick and Slime darted to the couch. A surge of cold came from where the shadow had re-formed in the corner, and it whizzed straight at them. Slime bounced from Slick’s shoulder across the room, leaving Slick to be encircled by the shadow. Slick felt his entire body start to freeze, but then Master Bubblash’s staff swung through the shadow, dissipating it again.

    Hurry! Melvin yelled as Slick lifted his frozen arm to loosen it. Slime bounced off the wall and back toward the baby. I will be waiting for you each time, but the shadow will grow stronger, and I will not be as familiar with the situation as I was this first time.

    Slime dove at the baby, stuck his hand to the blanket, and pulled, unwrapping the child and exposing a piece of parchment resting on the stomach. Slime reached out to grab it, but a purple spark blasted him across the room, straight toward where the shadow was re-forming.

    Slick positioned himself right next to the baby as Master Bubblash headed to help prevent Slime from being frozen. Slick shined his soulbeam at the parchment piece. It glowed momentarily, and the air grew even colder as the shadow surged a darker purple.

    Come on, Slime! Slick called.

    Melvin swung his staff at the shadow, giving Slime time to bounce toward Slick. Once his brother was on his shoulder, Slick grabbed the corner of scroll. As soon as his hand touched, he and Slime were encircled by a whirling wind as a teleporter formed.

    They are pieces of Rayo’s dark prophecy, Master Bubblash yelled above the wind. Visit the king of the ploppers next.

    Slick and Slime were sucked against their will into the teleporter and heard no more.

    * * *

    Lord Rayo Malgorpeo stood alone at the head of the long stone table in his throne chamber. He lifted his scepter, zapping downward. The large white beam ran the length, forming six islands as it went. Rayo slowly circled the table, pausing to examine the structures on each island. He stopped on the left side, taking in all six shrines one last time, before lifting his scepter. A powerful zap shot out, dispersing the images, and Rayo headed to his throne.

    As he sat down, he felt a warmth erupt in his chest. An expression of concern crossed his face as he reached into the front of his purple robe and pulled out the gold chain that hung around his neck. The six white crystals were flashing fiercely, and when Rayo let them rest back against his chest, his white soulbeam was forced from his stomach, and his eyes blazed purple with the worried look still etched on his face.

    Lord Rayo sat frozen in his trance with his bony fingers clutching the arms of his throne and his soulbeam firing across the room, hitting the far wall. When his soulbeam cut off, his eyes returned to their normal dark color. Rayo took in a deep breath as he tucked the white crystals back underneath his robe. He sat back, resting his head against the stone throne. His chest moved in and out due to his heavy breathing, but then he closed his eyes, and a calm expression spread on his pale face.

    * * *

    Slick and Slime slowly opened their eyes. They were lying on the ground in the willow circle. The sun was shining brightly, and they felt like they had been asleep for a very long time. Slick suddenly sat up with a jerk as he heard Slime give a soft groan. He looked at his brother and saw that he was almost just a puddle of slime. Slick quickly scooped him up and raced to the back of the area. He poured Slime into the bog, where he re-formed into a ball and started snoring immediately.

    Slick ran back to the willow circle and found the Tunkal, green Ancient Treasure, and the piece of parchment he faintly remembered retrieving. He picked up the piece and carefully spread it out to read the white words seared on the scroll.

    The soulbeam of

    Summoning a prophecy

    Seek and imbue a scepter,

    Disrupt the valley shield

    Destroy the Central Orb

    That’s not very helpful, Slick said. He picked up the piece of prophecy and placed it in the chamber of protection before closing it.

    Knowing that Slime would be asleep for some time, Slick left the area guarded by the slime waterfall. The emerald glowed on his finger and he teleported to the Chanulville Valley right next to the doorway to Kulk. He raced through the corridors until he came to the Zappers’ room. Maps and parchments were spread on the floor, but no one was upstairs, so he placed his green crystal on the back of the statue of his father in the middle of the room. The secret stairway opened, and he blasted off, lowering himself to the downstairs chamber. Otto was there, positioning soul metal on one wall as he recreated the map that he had destroyed in the king’s pyramid.

    Slick! Otto exclaimed.

    How long ago was the Spring Equinox Festival? Slick asked.

    Just yesterday, Otto said. Where have you been?

    I’m not sure, Slick replied, but then he grinned and chuckled before blasting off out of the chamber and returning to the swamp to be with Slime.

    * * *

    Roble woke up on the hard stone floor. He stretched his neck and back, trying to unstiffen his muscles. He looked at the other people in the dull chamber. They had been in the Soul Freezer village for more than a week, but had been cramped in the same room the entire time. A Soul Freezer had arrived to record each of their names, but other than that, the only Soul Freezers they saw were the ones who brought their measly meals. Roble wasn’t sure what greeting he had expected, but he was surprised no one had come to deal with them yet.

    While Roble and the kids were anxious about what would happen next, the other adults appeared calm with their current situation, and even excited to start their new life. Roble glanced in the direction of where Shag and Beeze were sleeping. They had come out of their daze a few days earlier, but after yelling while pounding on the stone door for a while, they had regrouped in one corner, whispering to one another.

    Later in the morning, after everyone else was awake, Ogzewally, Látiga, Chasco, and four other Soul Freezers came in the room.

    Women and children, come with us, Látiga said with a scowl on her long face. Chasco stayed at her side by the door.

    Ogzewally walked around the room, prodding the women and children with ice zaps toward the door. Once they had left with Chasco, Látiga, and two of the other Soul Freezers, Ogzewally told all the men to line up. Roble stepped to the end of the line, and Shag and Beeze stood next to him.

    Shoot your soulbeam, Ogzewally said to the first man, with the other two Soul Freezers standing behind.

    The lead man shot his soulbeam. As soon as Ogzewally saw the white color, he moved to the next in line without saying anything. Ogzewally continued this process until he was halfway through the men, when a tall figure appeared in the doorway and Lord Rayo Malgorpeo entered. The room fell silent.

    Roble had heard about Rayo from the other Zappers of Sneldegar, but since he had always stayed hidden as a spy, he had never seen him up close. The dark hair, black eyes, and bony hands and fingers were even creepier than he had imagined.

    Undress, Lord Rayo said. When everyone in the room remained frozen, he added, Now.

    All the men except for Shag and Beeze started stripping down to their underwear. Roble’s pulse raced as he wondered why Rayo himself had come. Did he already suspect a spy had arrived in the village? When Roble had his shirt off, he reflexively looked down at his stomach. To his own eye, his stomach looked much lumpier than it had before his spy implants had been surgically placed, but he hoped Rayo wouldn’t be able to distinguish the added pudginess.

    Undress, Lord Rayo repeated when he saw that Shag and Beeze hadn’t removed any clothing.

    No way! Shag yelled. We’re not getting naked in front of anyone!

    No nudity! Beeze added.

    Lord Rayo lifted his scepter, and two white vines shot to the floor. The vines wiggled their way toward Shag and Beeze. The boys rushed backward, but when the zap vines reached them, they climbed up their bodies, restraining them against the wall.

    Lord Rayo angled his scepter at the floor, zapping one circle to his left and then maintaining the beam until there was a flash of white light and the circle disappeared. He did the same to his right and then commanded the first man in line to step where the left circle had been. He called the man by name and repeated information that they had retrieved about his life in the Chanulville Valley. The man nodded in reply, and Lord Rayo lifted his scepter, waving it in front of the man.

    Teleport, Rayo said.

    The man shined his soulbeam, teleporting from the left circle to the right. Rayo pointed with his scepter, and the man returned to his place at the head of the line.

    Roble struggled to keep his breathing calm as Lord Rayo moved down the line, ordering each man to teleport in turn. He knew that there was no way the Soul Freezers would just let anyone into their village, but he hadn’t completely prepared himself for all the information that would be gathered about him and his family.

    Roble looked Lord Rayo in the face when he finally stood in front of him.

    Roble Adelobra. A soul mixer, a former royal guard, but now a jobless fix-it man. But most importantly, father to Hazel Adelobra, constant companion of Roger Torrents and Israel Mckinley.

    Roble gave a nod of his head as the rest of the line finally broke rank and mumbled with surprise as they gawked at him.

    Most Chanulanos who cross colored lines are pro-Chosen Ones, Rayo continued.

    Roble gave another short nod of his head.

    Speak, Lord Rayo said.

    I despise the Chanulanos for making me live poor and hidden because of who I married, and I loathe the Chosen Ones for how they’ve turned my wife and daughter against me. If we destroy the Central Orb, then life in Chanulville will revert to how it once was, and I will be free to live how I choose.

    Lord Rayo made no reaction as to whether he believed what Roble had said, but he lifted his scepter and held it in front of Roble’s face. While with the other men he had just waved it, with Roble he moved the rod around his head, down each of his shoulders and arms, before lowering it slowly over his chest and stomach. Roble felt his eyes blink nervously as the scepter stalled in front of his naval.

    Teleport, Rayo finally said.

    Roble couldn’t keep his heart from pounding or help glancing down as he shot his soulbeam. To his ears, he felt like he could hear Otto’s devices whirring inside himself. Would his implants really allow him to teleport as a Soul Freezer? A white soulbeam sparkled, and he sighed with relief as he teleported between the circles.

    Rayo left to face Shag and Beeze without another word. They were still struggling against the zap vines.

    Shoot your soulbeams, Lord Rayo said.

    When Shag and Beeze hesitated, Rayo held his scepter in front of them. Moments later, both boys’ purple soulbeams shot out.

    Why would you come to the Soul Freezer village with purple soulbeams? Rayo asked.

    We’re here to face our nemesis! Shag said.

    Showdown! Beeze added.

    Rayo gave no reaction and walked back to Ogzewally.

    Give each of the new men a menial job. Take the purple boys to the jail, Rayo said.

    The leader of the Soul Freezers left the room, and Ogzewally and his companions left shorty after. When the door closed, Roble took in a huge airy breath, the memory of Rayo’s scepter vacillating in front of his stomach haunting him as he got dressed.

    * * *

    Israel kept himself and Roger busy in school the week after the Spring Equinox Festival. Roger had returned home, and while there were some awkward and conflicted moments with his parents, they seemed content that Roger and Israel were studying so much for their upcoming AP exams.

    At the end of the week, as soon as Otto told Roger and Israel that Slick had shown up momentarily in the Zappers’ room, they rushed from Kulk, with Hazel right behind them. They jogged down the rolling hills, teleported from the archway of the zócalo to the blue section, and ran to the swamp.

    All three of them were gasping for breath when they passed the tree house, but even Israel kept his skinny frame moving as fast as he could. Hazel waited outside the sparkly waterfall again as Roger and Israel rushed in. They raced to Slime’s bog but didn’t find Slick and Slime. They then ran to the willow circle. The Tunkal and green stiletto were no longer there, and the chamber of protection was closed, but the two greens were nowhere to be seen.

    What’re they thinking? Israel said angrily when they were back with Hazel. I know they would never tell us what they’re up to, but why wouldn’t they at least come see us? I’m sick of them! And Otto should’ve told us earlier.

    Hazel gave Israel a concerned expression, but Roger just started leading them back to the valley at a discouraged pace.

    Chapter 4: The Sparkle

    Roger couldn’t help glancing up from across the table when Israel slammed his pencil down. They were in the Valley View High School library taking the AP Biology test the first week of May, and Israel had finished with lots of time to spare. Roger knew Israel saw his stunned expression, because his friend readjusted his scantron sheet and written answers so they were in plain view. Roger smiled slightly but then focused back on finishing the essay portion of the exam.

    Well, I know I got a five on that AP test too, Israel said as they walked out of the library. That test was even easier than chemistry.

    Good, Roger said.

    How did you do? Israel asked nervously.

    I’m not sure.

    We studied enough, so I’m sure you at least got a three, Israel said. And you get the same amount of college credits whether it’s a three or a five.

    Roger nodded his head. He definitely agreed that if he didn’t at least pass the test, then something was wrong. Israel had made them study multiple hours each day throughout all of April. Keeping their minds occupied was a welcome distraction to forget about what had happened to Mick...

    We can go to the swamp again today, Roger said to change his train of thought.

    After we meet with the Soul Alliance, we can, Israel said. Why do you think Jessica was so eager to have a meeting?

    I don’t know. At least she wants to be in Chanulville now.

    I know. Let’s walk the halls to look for Marc. Maybe if we scare him enough, he’ll zap at us, and then we can zap back.

    Roger and Israel headed toward the hallway where Marc’s locker was. They had only seen him once, and Marc had turned tail and run away. This time, they only saw Willard Frake, whose locker was next to Marc’s, so they quickly left. Each time they passed Willard, he tried to invite them to hang out, but they had already run out of plausible excuses since he no longer knew anything about Chanulville, so they preferred to avoid him.

    The two boys headed for the side exit. They hadn’t generated a different teleporter, and since Claudette Alberteau was still guarding the one in the secret passage on the second floor, Roger and Israel had been using a portable teleporter underneath the bleachers of the football field.

    As they neared the doorway, Blaine Warnock, Alfred Claunch, and Mindy Menlove were coming inside. Roger and Israel tensed up with anger and picked up their stride. The Soul Freezers seemed surprised, but they didn’t move either, jostling the Chosen Ones. As Roger and Israel pushed their way past, Israel suddenly felt Blaine’s hands tugging at his pockets, so he pushed the blond-haired man’s hands away.

    Zap at us! Israel said, raising his voice.

    What? Blaine said.

    He wants us to zap at him, Mindy said, chuckling.

    I dare you, Israel said. Zap at us!

    You wouldn’t stand a chance, Alfred said.

    Then zap at us! Israel said.

    Mindy cackled harder.

    Come on, Mindy, what are you laughing at? Roger finally joined in. We can still see the zap burns on your arms. Bring it on! Roger pointed his index finger at Mindy’s arms. Jessica Bergenline had burned her arms so badly a few months earlier in the battle in the forest of Chanulville that she had scars.

    Mindy’s laugh turned into a scowl, but Blaine motioned for her and Alfred to follow him, and they continued down the hallway.

    What was Blaine trying to do? Roger asked when they were outside.

    He was trying to pickpocket me. They must know we have it, Israel said. Rayo must want Mick’s orb summoner.

    Why would they want it?

    I don’t know, but I think it’s a good sign. When Roger gave Israel a questioning look, he continued. I expected something big from Rayo once he got the last of the six white crystals. But he hasn’t done anything over the past month. Maybe he needs an orb summoner or a Chosen One.

    We’ll have to tell everyone to watch out. The Soul Freezers might try kidnapping someone this year.

    Roger had told the rest of the Soul Alliance to meet in the Chac Mool chamber. He had originally hoped that Slick and Slime would conduct the meetings, but since they were gone too, he didn’t even want to be in the normal room where Mick used to hold them.

    Roger and Israel stood against the wall, while Jessica, Margaret, Evelyn, and Graham stood close to the Chac Mool. Evelyn looked more scared than she ever had at a meeting, but Graham was holding her hand comfortingly. Rod’s bedroom door slid open just enough for him to slip out, then he climbed up and sat on the statue. Hazel, Manny, and Tawnya came in right when Roger was starting.

    Roger just went right into an explanation about what he and Israel thought Blaine and the other ex-Chosen Ones were up to, and then he gave them an update on Zep and Otto’s plans to retrieve the Soul Stones during the summer. Roger didn’t have anything else to say, so after some silence, Jessica came to stand up front.

    I know we’re going to have another summer of searching and all that, so I really think it would be nice to finish off our junior year of high school with some fun, Jessica said. I’m going to the junior prom next week, and I know Margaret’s going, and Graham and Evelyn are as well. So especially now that Blaine is going to be trying to kidnap us, it would be nice if you two went to keep watch. Jessica turned to look at Roger and Israel.

    The red and yellow glared at her.

    I’m sorry, but we all know you’re not going to the junior prom, Jessica said.

    We’ll be happy to keep watch, Hazel said, walking to stand next to them as Roger and Israel turned their frowns on her.

    Perfect, Jessica said. That’s all I wanted to know.

    The meeting ended, and everyone dispersed. Before Rod could get back in his room, Margaret caught up to him.

    Are you going to the prom? Margaret asked.

    No, Rod said.

    You, Shag, and Beeze could all go stag again, Margaret continued. You had fun at the Winter Ball, but this time just don’t destroy all the decorations.

    We’re not going, Rod said.

    Let me talk to Shag and Beeze about it. Why didn’t they come out for the meeting? If they’re going to search for the Soul Stones with us, they should know what’s going on.

    They’re not going. Rod looked at Margaret’s surprised expression. They have stuff to get ready for their faceoff with their nemesis.

    I thought helping fulfill the prophecies was preparing them.

    They’re not going. Rod finally slid his door open partway, squeezed through, and shut it before Margaret could say anything else.

    * * *

    Jessica Bergenline admired herself in the full-length mirror in her bedroom. She smiled at the elegant and sexy sparkly blue dress she had chosen for the junior prom. Blue had been her favorite color before she had found out about Chanulville, but now, even though it was a dance in the outside world, wearing anything other than blue to a formal event seemed wrong.

    I can’t believe I let Chanulville become such a big part of me, Jessica mumbled, though she smiled too as she straightened her orb summoner chain.

    Her parents, Annie, and Zane were in the kitchen when she went upstairs. Annie rushed over to touch Jessica’s dress.

    Oh, you look so beautiful, her mom said, joining Annie in her admiration.

    Wow, her father said. He was about to stand up but Zane drew his attention back to the card game they were playing at the kitchen table.

    When the doorbell rang a few minutes later, Zane was quick to run with Annie to the front door in the living room. Jessica smiled but walked briskly after them. Her younger siblings already had the door open, and Eric Manookin was standing there in a tuxedo, with his spiked blond hair.

    You look so gorgeous, Eric said as soon as he saw Jessica.

    Is that a limo? Zane asked, looking outside.

    You know it, dude, Eric said.

    We better get going, Jessica said when her parents reached the door.

    Have fun, her father said.

    Be careful, her mother added.

    I’ll be home by midnight, Jessica said. As she closed the door, she heard Annie and Zane’s footsteps racing to the window to peek out.

    You really do look gorgeous, Eric said as he grasped Jessica’s hand in his and escorted her to the limo. He opened the door for her and helped her in before climbing in behind her.

    You’re as handsome as ever, Jessica said as the limo drove off.

    Valley View High’s power couple is going to have the night of their life, Eric said, taking Jessica’s hand again.

    Oh yeah, Jessica said, leaning her head against Eric’s shoulder.

    The limo took them to one of Valley View’s fanciest restaurants, The Mountainside Terrace. The restaurant was lavishly adorned, and Eric and Jessica were seated at a cozy corner table. The window was outlined with a string of lights and looked out at the mountains surrounding Valley View. The table had a red jar candle, casting a romantic glow over the couple. They talked very little over their expensive dinner of small portions of cobb salad and chicken marsala but gazed across the table into one another’s eyes in between bites.

    Shortly after their dinner plates were cleared, the waiter brought over a slice of strawberry cheesecake, placing it in the center of the table.

    I went ahead and ordered dessert for us, Eric explained. I still remember how cheesecake is your favorite.

    You always knew me so well, Jessica responded.

    Eric spooned a piece of cheesecake, reaching it across the table to feed to Jessica. They finished the cheesecake, taking turns giving bites to one another.

    Once they were back in the limo, Eric pulled out a bottle of sparkling cider and two champagne glasses. He poured them each a glass, and they sipped it slowly as the driver took them up Valley View Canyon to the lookout point. Eric and Jessica walked along as they looked out over the lights of Valley View, and then Eric paused and embraced Jessica.

    I always envisioned our night would go like this, he said.

    It’s exactly how I dreamed too, Jessica replied.

    They hugged under the moon and stars for a time before returning to the limo. The chauffeur headed back down Valley View Canyon and dropped them off at the high school.

    Jessica had been so swept up in the evening that the danger that might await at the dance had slipped her mind until Eric was giving their dance tickets to the woman with a smoke-wrinkled face and big, dark hair at the entrance. Jessica’s hand went to her chest involuntarily to touch her orb summoner, and Claudette cast her a cold glance.

    The common area of Valley View High School had been decorated with silver balls hanging above that cast star shapes on the ceiling and walls, creating an intimate atmosphere. As Eric led her to get their picture taken, Jessica scanned the dance area. She saw Margaret, Graham, and Evelyn, and then she glanced upward to the curtained platform overlooking the commons and saw Roger, Israel, and Hazel peeking out. Considering herself safe, Jessica turned her focus back to Eric.

    After pictures, Eric took Jessica among the crowd of students and pulled her close to him to slow dance.

    Everyone’s looking at us, Eric said. Just like we always knew they would.

    Jessica smiled as she glanced around.

    Remember the first time we met? Jessica asked.

    Of course, babe, Eric said. I had just moved to Valley View, and I drove by you. You knocked me right off my feet.

    When you slammed on your brakes, you freaked me out, but then when I saw you get out of the truck...

    Eric hugged Jessica tighter, and she put her head on his shoulder as they danced. They continued talking quietly about the experiences they had shared, leaving out any mention of the time they had spent broken up.

    Jessica occasionally glanced in Claudette’s direction, and once Mindy stopped by with her date, Blaire Warnock, but she didn’t stay long. Jessica was able to enjoy the dance without too much preoccupation. She and Eric danced to just about every song, fast or slow, only taking a couple breaks to cool off. Jessica again found herself smiling when she was grading Eric’s dancing ability. If she had never been to Chanulville, she probably would never have given it a second thought, but Eric wasn’t half bad at dancing, even to Chanulano standards.

    As Jessica was thinking this, she caught a glance of Willard and his date through the crowd. She chuckled to herself because he was dancing as stiffly as he always had in the zócalo. Jessica felt a moment’s loneliness. Even though she had always done the brunt of the work fulfilling the blue parts of the prophecies, it was still unsettling to know she was the lone blue Chosen One now.

    When the time came to announce the king and queen, Eric put his arm proudly around Jessica. She smiled, but inside she knew she wouldn’t win. Back during sophomore year when she and Eric had broken up, Jessica knew she had lost a lot of her popularity standing, and last year while she had been searching for Taci Trooch’s kidnapper in Chanulville, she had dropped out of her social circles. But she still felt a twinge of disappointment when another cheerleader was announced as prom queen.

    Eric had a look of utter surprise. You should be queen, he said. This is an outrage.

    Eric, it’s fine, really, Jessica said.

    Well, you’ll always be my queen.

    Jessica smiled as Eric started slow dancing with her again. Partway through the dance, Eric moved his head back slightly, looking toward Jessica’s gold chain.

    What’s that necklace? Eric said. I’ve never seen it before.

    Even though Jessica knew it was exposed, she hadn’t properly thought of what she would say to Eric, but he didn’t usually notice her jewelry anyway. She pulled out the orb summoner to show Eric, and he touched it.

    It looks like real gold, Eric said, jealousy passing his face.

    My grandma gave it to me, Jessica lied, grateful he didn’t mention the Ring of Bubblash on her finger too. I wear it because it reminds of what I really want out of life.

    It’s beautiful on you. It makes your eyes sparkle.

    Jessica and Eric shared one more slow dance before leaving the school.

    In the limo as they were driving back to Jessica’s house, Eric turned sideways on the seat and took Jessica’s hands in his.

    Jessica, I know we’ve just recently reconnected, but I had such a great time tonight. I love you.

    Eric... Jessica began. I love you, too.

    But what? Eric had a sudden look of worry because of Jessica’s moment’s hesitation in reciprocating. Wasn’t tonight how you wanted it?

    It was perfect.

    Can’t we go to my senior prom together next week then? You said you’d think about it.

    I don’t think we should, Jessica said.

    Why not? You said tonight was perfect.

    It was exactly how I always dreamed my junior prom would be.

    I don’t understand. Jessica, I’ve really changed. I’m not like I was back when we broke up.

    Eric, stop. It’s not about you, and it’s not about me. It’s about us. We’ve both changed a lot, and we’re both going to change more. At least we should. We can’t just stay in our dream world in Valley View.

    But can’t we change together?

    I haven’t told you yet, but I’m going away for the whole summer. I’m taking a job at a summer camp.

    I could work there too, Eric said, squeezing Jessica’s hands.

    No, Jessica said as nicely as she could. That’s what I meant by both of us should change. We can’t follow each other. We need to find out who we really are. You need to figure out if you want to work for your dad’s company or see where college takes you.

    Eric’s face scrunched up. He didn’t cry, but it was the closest Jessica had ever seen him come to tears in front of her.

    I just don’t understand why we can’t find that out together.

    Because of this. Jessica lifted her orb summoner again. She knew she couldn’t explain about Chanulville to Eric, but it felt good to be honest with the statement.

    Because your grandma gave you a necklace? Eric asked, confused. I don’t think you’ve ever even talked about her before. You always said old people were boring.

    Jessica paused as she thought how to respond. Old people can be boring and frustrating and annoying, but this past year, I spent a lot more time with my grandma. Last summer I helped her out a lot. Jessica almost started chuckling as she thought about how grandma had suddenly become code for Chanulville. It finally made me think about my own life, about Annie and Zane’s life, and what I really want from life. I do love you, Eric, but there’s too much we need to experience before settling down.

    Does that mean you’re not giving up on us completely?

    I’m not saying that, but I am going away for the summer, then I’m finishing out my senior year, and then I’ll have to see where my life’s at. But you’re not going to just wait around for me. You need to be figuring out your life too.

    Eric nodded with a sad look as the limo came to a stop in front of the Bergenlines’ house. They held hands as they walked back to the porch. Jessica turned to face Eric, gave him a short kiss on the lips, and then hugged him tightly. They held each other for a long time before Jessica broke the embrace. She smiled at Eric while she looked into his eyes, and then opened the door. She watched Eric return down the walkway. He knocked on the passenger side window of the limo and said something to the driver. The limo drove off, and Eric started walking down the cul-de-sac, his hands in his pockets and his head lowered.

    Jessica closed the door and found her parents watching a movie in the living room.

    You’re home early, her mom said.

    I told you I’d be home before midnight, Jessica replied, turning to leave.

    Jessica, her dad said. She turned back around. Where did you get that necklace?

    Jessica smiled. Eric gave it to me a while back.

    You really do look beautiful with it, her father said. It makes your eyes sparkle.

    Jessica lifted her orb summoner with her hand and glanced at it. I know, she said before turning back around to go downstairs to her bedroom.

    Chapter 5: Squawking in the Jungle

    Slick and Slime had spent the first two weeks of May searching in the jungle. They wished Master Bubblash had given them more of a clue, but just like with the Rings of Bubblash, their only choice had been to wander in the wilderness until they found the next piece of Rayo’s dark prophecy.

    Do you think Roger and Israel are all right? Slime asked.

    No, Slick said. He smiled at his brother on his shoulder. "But we’re not telling them about the dark prophecy. They’re too snoopy anyway, and if we mentioned it to them, they would especially investigate it to keep their minds occupied. They can’t be involved in this. The purple shadow even

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