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Father Material
Father Material
Father Material
Ebook236 pages2 hours

Father Material

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

One night of loosened inhibitions and Natalie Simmons's world has come completely unravelled. It must have been the experience of the white–water rafting. Or maybe it was the result of being dumped and on the rebound. Either way, she let down her guard and now she's pregnant with a stranger's baby!

A stranger who is a thrill–seeking river guide, a nomad beholden to no one. What does Evan Murphy know about settling down or being a father? They couldn't be more wrong for each other, which is why Natalie is so determined to go it alone.

But Evan's got other plans.

9 Months Later

It's not what they're expecting.
Release dateJul 1, 2012
Father Material

Kimberly Van Meter

Kimberly Van Meter started her writing career at the age of sixteen when she finished her first novel, typing late nights and early mornings, on her mother’s old portable typewriter. She received The Call in March 2006 with Harlequin Superromance and hasn't looked back since. She currently writes for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. Kimberly and her three children make their home in the Central Valley of California.

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    I forgot to review this when I read it, but I remember it being fun.

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Father Material - Kimberly Van Meter


THE HIGH SUN glinted off the river, its smooth surface broken only by the frothy whitecaps that churned against the rocks hidden beneath, and Natalie Simmons’s step faltered as she surveyed its awesome power. Her gaze traveled along the limestone and shale canyon cliffs the river was nestled between and the breath was stolen from her chest.

Holy Mother, she’d never felt so small.

Amazing, isn’t it? a man with blond hair and a lazy smile asked as he approached, reading her expression. She recovered with a shy nod, accepting his outstretched hand for a quick shake. It never fails to get me right here every time, he said, knocking on his chest for emphasis. He grinned broadly, showcasing nice, white even teeth that surely made his dentist proud and she found herself smiling back, though she’d never been what could be deemed a flirt by any stretch of the imagination. Name’s Evan. I’ll be your guide. What’s yours?

N-Natalie, she warbled around the dust in her throat. He chuckled as if she weren’t the first one to suffer from too much nature all at once and she tried again. Natalie Simmons.

Well, Natalie, welcome to Moab. Just sit tight and someone will come to put your stuff with the others. We should be ready to shove off soon.

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask if another bus was coming, as she still hadn’t seen Dan anywhere, but Evan the River Guide Guy was gone before she could put the words together. She started toward the cluster of people Evan had pointed to, all the while keeping an eye out for the one person she’d made this trip for.

She couldn’t wait to see the look on Dan’s face when he saw her. The urge to giggle almost relieved the tightness in her lungs but she contented herself with a secret smile, knowing everything was going to work out.

Another five minutes crawled by and Natalie slapped her thigh in mild annoyance—he was late. Dan was always late. They used to joke he’d be the type to skid in on one foot to the chapel. She’d, of course, threatened him with bodily harm if he did that on their wedding day and they’d laughed. She swallowed and flinched at the sharp pain that followed but managed to keep her eyes dry. She fingered the pendant around her neck for strength. A gift from her oldest sister before she left for the Peace Corps many years ago, the pendant served to remind her she wasn’t here to cry. She’d done enough of that the first month after Dan had left. Now was the time to be proactive. If Dan was going river-rafting, by damn, so was she. She’d show him there were more dimensions to Natalie Simmons than he ever dreamed. Boring, indeed. Predictable, watch this. She was practically a goddamn daredevil, she thought glancing at the river again as if it were a coconspirator, and not the subject of her nightmares a full week running prior to her flight date.

Squaring her shoulders, she jerked at the suitcase as it got stuck on a pebble and moved toward the group with a dogged smile on her face.

Her gaze skipped over the anonymous faces in an attempt to lock onto the one she knew best, but there was still no sign of him.

Double-check the knots, Joe, she heard Evan say as he motioned to the slim man who had turned his attention to the rigging on the larger raft that would be used to haul the camp supplies from each location. I don’t mind eating canned beans every night but I’m not sure how well that’ll go over with the clients if all our food ends up in the mighty Colorado. Good-natured ribbing and lighthearted laughter followed while Natalie waited for Dan.

She spied a large gnarled piece of wood and, although it didn’t look like the most comfortable place to put her rear, at least it wasn’t the ground. Out of habit, she glanced at her wrist but her watch was tucked away in her luggage and only a tan line met her eye. Perhaps if Dan didn’t show soon, she could ask one of the crew people to radio headquarters or base camp or whatever it was called to find him.

Without meaning to, she found her gaze seeking out the river guide, Evan. He worked quickly and efficiently to get the expedition ready on time, jerking lines to test their strength and helping his colleagues stow luggage on another bargelike raft.

Total eye candy. A dead ringer for Matthew McConaughey if she ever saw one. A candidate for a pinup calendar entitled, Beach Bum Bachelors. The corners of her lips lifted in amusement as more alliterative calendar names came to mind. Names such as Randy River Rogues and Cute Catches of the Colorado.

When she realized she was staring a bit too intently she tried focusing on something a little less masculine. Besides, as good-looking as he was, he didn’t hold a candle to Dan. Of course, she’d never been much for blondes, especially ones with hair that looked perpetually mussed, with the tips bleached white from the sun. It was too bohemian for her tastes. No, she preferred a man with hair as dark and rich as a walnut.

Joe said something just out of Natalie’s auditory range and Evan sent a surreptitious glance her way before offering Joe a chuckle.

She stiffened and pretended she didn’t notice, then looked out toward the water, entranced by its swift, running surface, until a smiling crew member came to stow her luggage for her.

Feeling oddly vulnerable without something familiar around, she tried shifting to a more comfortable position, but there was no changing the fact her tush was sitting precariously on petrified wood. She didn’t have long to move around before Evan started addressing the group and she hurried over to listen.

Welcome to Wild River Expeditions, he began, rubbing his hands together, his obvious excitement rivaling those of his rafters as they crowded around, eager smiles wreathing their faces. My name is Evan Murphy and I’ll be your guide on this trip. He pointed toward the crew members who were putting the rest of the rafters’ luggage on the other rig. "We are here to make your river-rafting experience fun, exciting, something to remember but, more importantly, safe.

The most valuable skill you can possess to make this trip enjoyable is the ability to listen. The river is a beautiful place but it can be dangerous. You must listen and do as I tell you without hesitation in order to stay safe when we’re out there. Together, we’ll work as a team to make this the best damn adventure you’re ever going to have.

Murmurs of excited agreement rippled through the small group, but Natalie was too busy watching for another bus and hoping her former fiancé was on it. She frowned when nothing but some indeterminate bird hopped across the path and then flew away. Where was he? Dan was missing all the important stuff. A sliver of irritation followed as her gaze automatically swept the area, again looking for his familiar face.

Any questions?

Perhaps he missed his flight or his layover was longer than expected. She sent a worried glance in the direction the bus had gone but there was nothing but scenic nature, pretty as a postcard, staring back.

The hairs rose on the back of her neck and she turned, somehow knowing Evan was staring right at her.

Any questions? he asked, his forehead wrinkling in displeasure as if to send home the point that she wasn’t listening to the very important things Dan was missing.

Sorry, she murmured, flushing with embarrassment when the other rafters turned to see who Evan was addressing, knowing she deserved their censure for not paying attention. Panic was beginning to set in and all she could think about was that they were missing the most crucial member of the group.

All right then, let’s get this show on the road! Evan said, his enthusiasm returning. You’re going to want to change into your swimsuits if you haven’t already and grab your hats so we can hop into the boat for some basic instruction before we shove off.

She couldn’t let Evan start the trip without Dan. Winding her way through the group as they dispersed to change, Natalie went to tug on Evan’s shirt sleeve to catch his attention, but her fingers grazed sun-kissed bare skin instead.

Oh! She jerked her hand away as completely inappropriate images of him posing in her fictitious calendar forced their way into her brain. Appalled at herself, she managed to stammer some kind of apology before continuing nervously. Uh, we can’t leave yet. We’re missing someone, she said, gesturing desperately at the clipboard in his hand. Dan Gorlan. He was supposed to be here. Please check your list.

Gorlan…that name rings a bell. Evan scanned the paperwork, flipping the pages as he searched, and she breathed against the knot in her chest.

Everything was going to be fine. He’d see Dan was missing and he’d send someone to go find him. She’d almost calmed to an acceptable level until he nodded his head, pointing at two names. Ah, that’s right, he said. I knew I recognized the name. Here it is. Dan Gorlan and Jessica Chambers—canceled. Are they friends of yours?

Canceled? She wanted to wail at the cosmic cruelty, but she was too stunned by the second bit of information to do more than stare dumbly, her jaw falling slack and her knees wobbling dangerously. Who’s Jessica? she asked in a guttural whisper.

I don’t know. Maybe one of them got sick. Happens all the time, Evan answered, shifting uncomfortably.

The tears she’d sworn were finished rushed to prove her wrong. He wasn’t coming. And even if he had…he’d planned to bring someone else.

They canceled a few weeks ago, Evan continued awkwardly when she failed to stop staring at him as if he was somehow in on her complete humiliation. In fact, you and Mrs. Stemming— he pointed discreetly toward the middle-aged woman wearing an electric blue hat and fussing with her river shoes —took their places. Otherwise we wouldn’t have been able to accommodate your reservations.

Lucky me.

Mortified, Natalie backed away, stumbling on her words as the need to escape swamped her ability to form a coherent sentence.

If she hadn’t been choking on a golf-ball-sized clot of misery she would have laughed at the irony. She came all this way for nothing. She blew half her savings on a trip to prove herself to a group of strangers.

And Dan couldn’t care less.

The next thing she knew she was moving away, intent on one thing—getting the hell out of there.


HOLD ON THERE, are you okay? Evan called out, startled when she abruptly spun on her heel and practically ran to the supplies raft. Just as she got to the barge, she turned unexpectedly and they almost collided. He skidded to a stop, hands outstretched, and tried again. Settle down a minute and tell me what’s wrong.

I need my luggage, she answered with a rigid jaw, her face ash-white under the hot sun. I just need my luggage, please, she repeated with a slight hiccup. When he didn’t react quickly enough, she began pawing through the bags with single-minded determination. I saw it go in here. It’s black—

Wait, he commanded, alarmed by the sickly shade of her face. Take a minute to calm down. You don’t look so good.

I’m fine, she insisted, but the shine in her eyes gave away the presence of tears and her hands were clenched at her sides as if she had a death grip on the last shred of her dignity.

You look ready to pass out. Wait here, he said, gesturing for her to stay put. He had an idea that might put some color back in her cheeks.

He walked purposefully to his bag and pulled out a clean bandana. After a quick trip to the water’s edge, he returned, wringing out the cloth before handing it to her. Use this to cool down, he instructed, his gut twisting unexpectedly when she peered at him with shy gratitude in her dark hazel eyes, accepting it with a murmured thanks. He looked away quickly, sending his gaze out toward the water and back again until he was certain whatever had just happened to his insides was done.

I’m sorry, she said, sniffing just a little. But I can’t stay—I thought…well, my friend…he…I just can’t.

Can’t what? he said, gentling his voice. Start from the beginning. What happened?

A hiccup followed but she managed to swallow and continue in a stop-and-start manner. I was going to meet my friend…but it was a…

Surprise? he guessed and she nodded, looking all the more miserable. Something told him her friend Dan wouldn’t have been the only one surprised.

Here’s how I see it, he said after she’d handed the bandana back to him. You shouldn’t let your ‘friend’ ruin your good time.

That’s just it, this isn’t what I’d consider a good time, she replied. This trip was…oh, forget it. I was stupid to think one trip could change anything.

He didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t the first person to back out of an excursion at such a late date, though admittedly it didn’t happen often, but he had a feeling if anyone needed the opportunity to cut loose a little, she did. It’s really none of your business, man. He ignored the voice in his head and tried one more time, telling himself if that didn’t work he’d call for a ride and be on his way.

If you’re truly set on leaving, I’ll arrange a car to come and get you but I have to warn you—the trip is nonrefundable this late in the game. Are you prepared to eat a considerable amount of money for nothing? Wouldn’t you rather at least have something to show for it?

His question earned him an uncertain look and he knew he’d hit a nerve. Who knows, it might even take your mind off your…friend and you could actually have a good time.

Her expression puckered at the word friend but his suggestion seemed to have some effect.

Totally nonrefundable? she asked, wiping at her nose.

Sorry…dumb company policy.

Natalie sighed unhappily and her stare dropped to her feet as she seemed to consider the information.

Boyfriend? he ventured cautiously, though why he hadn’t a clue. He’d long since stopped trying to score with the women on his rig, no matter how oddly adorable they looked in clothes completely ill-suited for such a rugged trip. At thirty-five, he was getting too old to play the games that invariably followed when they realized he wasn’t interested in anything more long-term. One woman had actually stalked him for a summer. He gave an imperceptible shudder at the memory but it served to remind him to back off the rafters.

Ex-fiancé, she whispered, as if saying the words any louder might make the mortification worse.

That’s rough, he answered, her revelation sending his thoughts tumbling into his own past and he looked away. He knew how it felt to be made a fool. Whoever said time healed all wounds was an idiot in Evan’s opinion.

You wouldn’t believe how incredibly stupid I feel right about now, she admitted. She drew hard on her bottom lip just as it started to quiver and Evan couldn’t help but commiserate.

It’s his loss, he offered gruffly. He’s probably not worth it.

He heard his name and he knew it was time to shove off. The silence stretched between them until it was almost awkward but he wanted her to stay. Why, he couldn’t say and he didn’t have time to wonder. Well? What’s it going to be? he finally asked.

She inhaled deeply and seemed to square her shoulders a bit and the subtle action gave him hope. He made one more push. Listen, I’m not trying to pry into your business but I know from personal experience riding on the river can go a long way toward soothing a bruised heart. And a damaged ego. Why don’t you give it a try? It can’t get any worse, right?

She gave him a derisive look. I could drown. I’d say that’s a bit worse.

Haven’t lost anyone yet.

There’s a first time for everything.

He lifted his hands. You got me there, he continued, pleased to see a spark of personality popping to life behind her eyes, but I promise I’ll do my best not to start a trend on this particular trip.

She cracked a reluctant smile. Promise?

Absolutely. With that said, he sobered and met her gaze. So…staying or going?

She looked out at the river, obviously weighing her decision carefully, and he couldn’t help letting his eyes wander. He liked what he saw but she was the last kind of person he needed to be fooling around with—even if she was cute as hell with her sassy short blond hair and long, coltish legs that looked as if they could wrap around a man just like Julia Roberts had in the bathtub scene with Richard Gere in Pretty Woman. The random thought made his shorts tighter as the blood rushed from his head to…other places. Annoyance at his reaction colored his voice as he said, I can’t wait much longer. If you really don’t want to stay—

No, she said quickly, drawing a deep breath and offering a short nod. You’re right. I’m here. The money is already spent. I’ll stay.

She offered a tremulous smile as if she expected a pat on the head for her bravery. Instead of feeling aggravated, which he should have been because she’d already thrown him off schedule, his lips tilted upward in a silly grin as he gave her shoulder a friendly rub. Glad to hear it. For what it’s worth, I think you’re making the right choice, he said, relieved to note his lower region was returning to normal. Until she graced him with a smile that lit up her face like a Christmas Day parade.

The sincere gratitude he read in those incredible eyes immediately made him wish someone had come along to knock some sense into his head. She wanted to go; he should’ve just let her. It wasn’t his job to talk people into staying. He got paid either way. Suffering under the very real sensation he’d just complicated everything, he grumbled to no one in particular as he raked

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