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Life Force
Life Force
Life Force
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Life Force

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Bradford’s escape module crashed landed on a seemingly mundane and ordinary planet - but it was anything but ordinary. His badly damaged body was rescued by a creature only seen in your worst nightmare. Humanoid and something frighteningly alien bonded in an unlikely friendship, and proceeded to unravel the very strange mysteries existing on this world full of surprises - leading to the most bizarre concept of all.

Release dateMay 14, 2015
Life Force

David. B. Reynolds-Moreton

Retired Research & Development Engineer. Interests:- Physics, Electronics, Chemistry, Renewable Energy Systems. Also:- writing Sci-Fi and building an adult realtime 3D adventure computor game.

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    Life Force - David. B. Reynolds-Moreton

    Life Force


    David B. Reynolds-Moreton


    * * * * *


    D.B.Reynolds-Moreton on Smashwords

    Life Force

    Copyright © 2015 by D.B.Reynolds-Moreton

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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    Table of contents

    Chapter 1. The awakening

    Chapter 2. Into the heat

    Chapter 3. Dangerous waters

    Chapter 4. The deep caves

    Chapter 5. The final decision

    Other stories by the same Author

    Life Force


    Bradford’s escape module crashed landed on a seemingly mundane and ordinary planet - but it was anything but ordinary. His badly damaged body was rescued by a creature only seen in your worst nightmare. Humanoid and something frighteningly alien bonded in an unlikely friendship, and proceeded to unravel the very strange mysteries existing on this world full of surprises - leading to the most bizarre concept of all.

    Lift Force

    The story

    Chapter 1

    The awakening

    Zon sat on his favourite rock high up on the mountain top, or to be more precise, he didn’t sit or stand, he just plonked down there, looking out over the sandy alluvial plain beneath, and the rolling verdant hills and valleys which reached out to the distant horizon, where the barren lands began. He often came up here to watch the day end, and observe the meteor display which lit up the sky with its fiery streaks as darkness fell. The green tinged yellow sun was just about to dip below the horizon, and he always marvelled at the brilliant display of colours which lit up the long streaks of cloud before the inevitable soft velvet darkness swept over his world.

    As the last tiny bit of the sun’s crescent dipped out of sight, the first of the brightest stars sparkled into existence - tiny brilliant diamonds of flickering fire, until the whole sky was peppered with their dancing lights. And then came the meteor shower, tiny bits of space detritus which had been pulled down by the planets massive gravity to burn up in the atmosphere, leaving thin trails of fiery light in their wake.

    Zon always marvelled at this beautiful display, never tiring of its regularity as there was always something different to see each time. And then he saw something very unusual, one of the meteors didn’t have a fiery tail - it was just a shimmering ball of light, sweeping across the sky in a long slow curve to disappear behind one of the hills. It somehow rang a bell in Zon’s mind - this had happened before - a long time ago - and the outcome had been far from pleasant.

    The alien craft had landed not far from him, so he slid over the intervening ground towards a pile of rocks, assuming a rock like shape to observe what would happen next. A hatch opened on the craft, and four two legged beings emerged, and he thought they had a mean and ugly look about them - even their movements appeared aggressive. Zon wondered how they could remain upright with only two legs, but they seemed to, somehow. The beings wandered about for a while, looking at the different trees, bushes, and rocks, and then they saw a Rockcat, a friendly furry little creature with big brown eyes and a permanent smile on its face. One of the aliens pointed a shiny object at the Rockcat, and a thin beam of light leapt from it - and the Rockcat was no more, disappearing in a cloud of water vapour and little bits of fur.

    The aliens made a cackling sound - they seemed to find it amusing. Several other Rockcats came out to see what all the noise was about, and the aliens blew them all to bits as well. Zon could see no reason for this wanton destruction of such friendly creatures, and wondered why they had done it.

    Not content with the needless killing of harmless wildlife, the aliens then proceeded to blast several rocks to dust and then a Dingle tree, leaving only the shattered and smoking stump to show where it had been. Zon liked the Dingle trees, as they obligingly swung their branches around to shade him from the heat of the midday sun when he was under them. He would have to stop these horrible creatures from destroying his world - and him too, if they could see him, and realised what he was.

    He reached out to them mentally, and recoiled from the hideous stink of the mental image pictures in their minds - these were indeed evil creatures, and there was no place for them in his world. But what to do? There were the sinking sands; if he could lead or guide them towards the sands, that should take care of them - nothing ever came back from there.

    Zon slid along behind the four destructive creatures, keeping just out of sight and ready to melt into the background should any of them turn around. They continued to tramp on down through the valley, blasting anything out of existence which took their fancy, and again Zon wondered why they did this.

    Leaving a trail of destruction in their wake, the four aliens eventually reached the edge of a patch of sinking sand. Zon recognised it for what it was because of the extremely fine white particles and the way they shimmered in the sunlight. The aliens hesitated at the sands edge, almost as if they sensed the danger

    Before they could turn back, Zon formed a mouthpiece, an air cavity, and throat complete with vocal cords. Filling the air cavity as full as he could, he forced the air up through the throat piece, emitting an almighty roar which echoed back and forth from the surrounding hills.

    The aliens looked around in all directions, but all they could see were trees and scrub like bushes - and a clear patch of sand ahead of them. Not knowing which bush hid the creature with the mighty roar, they rushed out onto the shimmering sands, and slowly sank out of sight, with arms waving frantically. Zon didn’t like taking life unnecessarily, and he never did so except in exceptional circumstances, all he wanted to do was protect his world from harm. But that was along time ago.

    Was this bright light in the sky another vehicle full of these destructive aliens, or something else? He felt compelled to find out. Extruding four legs, Zon sped off in the direction he thought the light might have come down in, but it was a long way away and the light level was dropping all the while. Ahead he could see the outline of one of the highest hills in the area, and he headed for it, climbing its steep slopes in great bounds until he reached the top. By the time he had done so, all the valleys were shrouded in darkness, and there was little hope of finding his target, so he settled down for the dark time, marvelling at the brilliant coloured stars in the dark velvet of the night sky. He often wondered if they had worlds around them, supporting life in its different forms - but he would probably never know - he was alone, except for the very occasional visitor, and few survived long enough for him to make meaningful contact with.

    With the first glimmer of dawn, Zon stirred, but he would have to wait some time for the sun to rise and light up the valleys below before he could continue his quest.

    Below him, the hills fell away to the beginning of the desert area of sand and broken rock - and the rising sunlight glinted off something at the deserts edge. The only thing which reflected light, was water, and there was no water there - it must the falling star-like thing of the previous night, he thought.

    Zon clambered down from his rocky perch on the hill top, and began the long journey towards the desert area up ahead. It was nearly midday by the time he reached the start of the sandy barren lands, and just up ahead he could see several pieces of shiny metal. The alien craft had come down in a rocky area at the edge of the sands, and torn itself to pieces in doing so, but to one side lay a larger piece of the craft and he headed for that.

    This part of the alien craft must have been made of sterner stuff, for it was almost intact -

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