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Ebook71 pages56 minutes


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A dark ugly shape appeared close to Mars, and proceeded to wipe out the mining colonies there. It looked as if Earth would be next, so a probe was sent up to investigate - it disappeared in a puff of dust. The only hope mankind had was to approach the alien vessel undetected - which seemed to be an impossibility. A team of four very brave astronauts undertook the seemingly impossible mission, to pit their wits against an alien technology of immense power. If they didn’t succeed, humankind would be assigned to the pages of history - an alien history, for that was all that would be left.

Release dateOct 18, 2012

David. B. Reynolds-Moreton

Retired Research & Development Engineer. Interests:- Physics, Electronics, Chemistry, Renewable Energy Systems. Also:- writing Sci-Fi and building an adult realtime 3D adventure computor game.

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    Intervention - David. B. Reynolds-Moreton



    David B. Reynolds-Moreton


    * * * * *


    D.B.Reynolds-Moreton on Smashwords


    Copyright © 2012 by D.B.Reynolds-Moreton

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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    Table of contents

    Chapter 1. The Threat

    Chapter 2. Attached

    Chapter 3. The Occupants

    Chapter 4. Power Source

    Chapter 5. Central Control

    Chapter 6. Dissection

    Chapter 7. Pressure Release

    Other Books by the same Author

    About the Author


    A dark ugly shape appeared close to Mars, and proceeded to wipe out the mining colonies there. It looked as if Earth would be next, so a probe was sent up to investigate - it disappeared in a puff of dust. The only hope mankind had was to approach the alien vessel undetected - which seemed to be an impossibility. A team of four very brave astronauts undertook the seemingly impossible mission, to pit their wits against an alien technology of immense power. If they didn’t succeed, humankind would be assigned to the pages of history - an alien history, for that was all that would be left.


    Chapter 1

    The Threat

    The first sign of the forth coming trouble was when the Europa Lander on one of Jupiter’s moons stopped sending back signals.

    The Lander took pictures of the terrain along with geographical data and sent it up to the Obiter, which then relayed the data back to Earth. It had been doing this for eighteen months without a hitch - and then they stopped. All attempts to contact the Lander failed; it was almost as though the Lander had ceased to exist along with the Obiter - there was no response of any kind whatsoever.

    It was too far out in the Solar System to send a manned crew to sort out the problem, so the whole project was written off to bad luck, or failure of some kind.

    A few weeks later and one of the Martian bases reported that an unidentifiable object was approaching the planet, and it refused to answer any radio signals. They had swept through all the frequencies available to them without any acknowledgment, and were beginning to panic. So far there had been no hint of alien contact throughout all the years of space exploration, so it was looked upon by those back on Earth with some degree of disbelief and doubt, despite the general publics reports of flying saucers and other such weird things.

    It wasn’t until several more of the mining stations reported seeing the object on their screens that any credence was given to the reports.

    For several years now Earth had established bases on Mars to mine the rare earth metals which seemed so plentiful there, albeit at some depth, as Earth had almost run out of them, and they were a vital necessity in the production of many modern products.

    The threat to the supply of these vital materials was enough for the ‘powers that be’ to take some action to protect their precious recourses, but only after much discussion and procrastination - as no one was keen to show any form of aggression towards a possible alien contact. This was to change when one of the bases reported that the alien object seemed to be orbiting around Mars, and hovering over any man made construction on the planet.

    After much discussion it was decided to send an unmanned high speed probe from Earth’s orbiting space station to gather any information it could, so that the next step in contact with the alien object could be decided upon.

    It took several days for the probe to reach Mars, and as it homed in on the alien craft there was a bright flash - and the probe was no more - at least according to one of the

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