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When Pleasing Others Is Hurting You: Finding God's Patterns for Healthy Relationships
When Pleasing Others Is Hurting You: Finding God's Patterns for Healthy Relationships
When Pleasing Others Is Hurting You: Finding God's Patterns for Healthy Relationships
Ebook265 pages5 hours

When Pleasing Others Is Hurting You: Finding God's Patterns for Healthy Relationships

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About this ebook

You want to do the right thing—to take care of your family, to be a good employee, to "be there" for your friends. And you're good at it. Everyone knows they can depend on you—so they do.

But are you really doing what's best for them? And what about you—are you growing? Are you happy and relaxed? Are you excited about your gifts and your calling, or do you sometimes think,

"I don't even know what I want anymore."

Find out why you have trouble saying no. Learn why you feel accepted only when you are producing. And finally experience the deep joy and peace that come with serving other people out of your abundance, not out of your need.


Release dateJul 1, 2010
When Pleasing Others Is Hurting You: Finding God's Patterns for Healthy Relationships

David Hawkins

With more than 30 years of counseling experience, David Hawkins, PhD, has a special interest in helping individuals and couples strengthen their relationships. Dr. Hawkins’ books, including When Pleasing Others Is Hurting You and Dealing with the CrazyMakers in Your Life, have more than 350,000 copies in print.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was a great read and has given me a much better understanding of my husbands codependent behaviours. This book also helped me to identify some codependent behaviours within myself. I am not a Christian, but I am open to reading a book containing scripture, so that did not bother me. However, if you are not interested in reading biblical references, then this book is not for you.

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When Pleasing Others Is Hurting You - David Hawkins




Is Hurting




The Relationship Doctor

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.NIV®. Copyright©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

Verses marked TLB are taken from The Living Bible, Copyright © 1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL 60189 USA. All rights reserved.

Cover by Koechel Peterson & Associates, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota

This book includes stories in which the author has changed people’s names

and some details of their situations to protect their privacy.


Copyright © 2004 by David Hawkins

Published by Harvest House Publishers

Eugene, Oregon 97402

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Hawkins, David, 1951-

    When pleasing others is hurting you / David Hawkins.

         p. cm.

    ISBN 978-0-7369-2778-9 (pbk.)

     1. Assertiveness (Psychology)—Religious aspects—Christianity. 2. Christian life. I. Title.

    BV4647. A78H39 2004

    248.4—dc22                                                                                 2003022199

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, digital, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.

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This book is dedicated to the courageous men and women who struggle against the odds to set healthier boundaries that will create for them the life they have been called to live.


Completing a book is a huge project, and many helpful and encouraging hands are involved behind the scenes. I take responsibility for the final product, but my manuscript was improved by many able individuals. I would like to mention a few of them, knowing that I cannot name them all.

I would like to thank the entire family at Harvest House Publishers—from the president of the company, Bob Hawkins, to the sales and marketing and editorial staff—for believing in this project and assisting me in creating the best book possible. Working closely with them to see this book to completion was challenging yet affirming, and I am thankful for the opportunity to work with so many wonderful people. Your books do make a difference!

More specifically, my personal editor, Gene Skinner, the guy assigned to me, has again been actively involved in strengthening the manuscript and encouraging me in my writing. His hand will often go unseen or unrecognized, perhaps even by me. But it is there nonetheless, building, enlivening, making a stronger, more powerful book. His name deserves to be on the cover with mine. Thank you, again, Gene.

I have again been fortunate to have Terry Glaspey, friend, able writer, and editor at Harvest House, as my personal champion of ideas. He knew, and said, this book needed to be written. Please know, Terry, that your encouragement is special to me.

On a day-to-day basis I must thank Christie and Jim again, who have critically yet tenderly read the manuscript, helping me find ways to enliven my writing and the message of this book. Writing a book is a time-consuming task, and the manuscript needed to be altered and strengthened in many ways. I want you both to know how invaluable your advice and suggestions are to me.

I am fortunate to have many other cheerleaders in my life. A few who have applauded the reluctant artist within are my sons, Joshua and Tyson, and friend, Judy. Thank you for affirming both me and my writing.

Finally, I want to thank the men and women I have worked with professionally (always disguised if used in any way in this book for anonymity) who have taught me the importance of being true to our unique nature. As I watch and listen to your stories I am amazed at your courage to learn new skills, set new boundaries, and search tirelessly for your true nature so that you can rise to new heights. I hope that my counsel has, in some small way, encouraged you to rediscover your true course.


Getting Lost in Your Own Backyard

1. Getting Lost Growing Up

2. The Pleasing Personality

3. Getting Lost in Your Marriage and Family

4. Creating a Healthy Marriage

5. Controlling Children

6. Creating a Healthy Family

7. Getting Lost in Friendships and

the Workplace

8. Creating Healthy Friendships and

Workplace Relationships

9. Controlling Churches

10. Rethinking Being a Good Christian

11. Reclaiming God’s Perfect You

Appendix 1

Appendix 2


Getting Lost

in Your Own


People get lost every day—in mossy woods, in desert ravines, and in urban alleys. But the focus of this book is on those who get lost in the comfort of their own homes, in familiar everyday activities, in raising a family, working at a job, and being a wife and mother. More importantly, this book is about finding your way to a better relationship with God, with your spouse, and with yourself.

If you were to go hiking in uncharted territory, you would do well to take a compass to ensure that you found your way. Unfortunately, many people attempt to navigate the confusing terrain of relationships without help. They think they know where they are and where they are going, but they may not be aware of the perils along the way that can sidetrack them. They lack the emotional and spiritual guidance that can help them stay true to who God called them to be.

How can a person get lost in familiar surroundings? When Pleasing Others Is Hurting You will show you how you can unknowingly stray from the path you had set for yourself. For example, you can ignore your own emotions until you can no longer tell what you are feeling. You can ignore your preferences and eventually forget what is important to you. You may sacrifice your opinions for the opinions of others. You might value the advice of others over your own convictions and the voice of God.

Perhaps at one time you knew what was important in your life and sensed God’s calling for you, but very gradually you lost your direction. Bit by bit you gave up small parts of yourself by sacrificing traits that were important to you. You forfeited components of your identity to please someone else. In this sense you not only became lost but also lost important pieces of your personality. This process of losing yourself to win the approval of another person is called codependency.

Codependency Research

Researchers and counselors have studied the phenomenon of codependency for 20 years. They initially linked the condition to alcoholism and discovered that those who are married to alcoholics display some of the same traits as their addicted spouses even though they may have never taken a drink. In fact, people can take on the traits of those around them even in situations where alcohol is not involved. Certain individuals are chameleon-like, changing their needs and desires to fit the circumstances. If such a woman were with a controlling man, she might neglect her own well-being to keep her husband happy. If she had parents who were quarreling and needed peace in the home, she might ignore her needs to meet the demands of the moment in the family.

Codependency and the Scriptures

But are we not supposed to give up our needs to please others? Doesn’t the Bible say to honor one another above yourselves? (Romans 12:10). Certainly we face tension when applying this scriptural advice. We feel the apparent contradiction and wrestle with it. We worry about thinking too highly of ourselves. Many of us try to lose ourselves for the sake of others and then, feeling exhausted and depleted, feel angry and guilty when we try to replenish ourselves in some meager way. We wonder how this advice could be meant for the overworked individual of the twenty-first century. How do we sacrifice ourselves and appropriately care for ourselves at the same time? Should we ever focus on how well we are doing?

These questions have no easy answers, but we can be sure of this: We must responsibly care for ourselves if we are to responsibly care for others. After all, Christ Himself often pushed away from the needy crowds so that He could rest, pray, and prepare Himself for His ultimate mission.

Yes, we are to consider others above ourselves, watching for ways that we can use our spiritual gifts and resources to meet the needs of others. But we must be responsibly considerate. For example, we would be foolish to meet the physical needs of others when they are fully capable and responsible to meet those needs themselves. The apostle Paul, in Galatians 6:2-5, helps us distinguish between the needs that we are to meet ourselves (those that are within our ability to manage) and those that require the help of other people (those burdens that we cannot carry ourselves). We were never meant to enable immaturity or irresponsibility!

Many of us have discovered the hard way that meeting the need of another person is sometimes irresponsible. We must be wise stewards of our own bodies and resources, and we must meet our immediate responsibilities to God, to our family, and to our mission. The gospel does not call us to be workaholics, weary and depressed because we are unrested, overworked, and malnourished—with our brain cells screaming for relief. Many have unwisely suffered in the name of the gospel, only to render themselves utterly ineffective.

We face a great challenge to find this delicate balance between service to others and care for ourselves. This struggle appears to be particularly difficult for women. Therefore, this book is primarily for women who have lost their way, though it will be helpful to men as well. In our culture, and especially in our churches, women are particularly prone to losing their way by focusing too much on other people’s needs. Many women who move off course in an attempt to please others eventually disconnect from their true spiritual and emotional nature. One day, they wake up and look in the mirror, surprised to see someone that they do not recognize. They find they have developed a pleasing personality, one that fears setting limits, enforcing boundaries, or making the choices that could bring joy into their lives.

This book will lead you on an exciting quest for perspective and balance. You will discover the influences that have led you off course and into codependency and pleasing others. You will also find your way back to the path of becoming the person God meant you to be.

Chapter One

Getting Lost

Growing Up

The more you listen

to the voice within you,

the better you will hear

what is sounding outside.


Nearly half the counseling session had elapsed before I realized that the little girl sitting quietly on the chair in the corner of my office had not said a thing. She was dressed neatly; soft, blond curls fell to her shoulders. She clutched a stuffed animal and watched attentively as I talked with her parents and her brothers.

Once I realized my mistake, I took extra care to include her in the remainder of the session. I was glad I did. Though obviously reluctant to participate, she gave added insight into the way her family functioned.

Throughout the session, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson had seemed content to focus on their problem child. Their narrow gaze was fixed upon Johnny, a 12-year-old whose behavior had become a source of consternation for his teachers and his family. His younger brother, Jeremy, stirred up almost asmuch trouble. Compared to the turmoil created by her older brothers, Jessica’s behavior was exemplary.

The Thompsons had scheduled the appointment after having a conference with their sons’ teachers. It seemed that both boys, but especially Johnny, had been behaving badly of late. Johnny showed up late for school, failed to turn in homework, and disrupted class with his horseplay. Ameeting with his teacher and Jeremy’s teacher confirmed that both boys were having disturbing problems in school.

The Context

In an initial counseling session, I often try to find the context in which problem behaviors are occurring. Children’s behavior never occurs in isolation and always has meaning. In this family, the probable reason for the boys’ behavior was obvious. The Thompsons were in the process of separating after a lengthy marriage and several attempts at reconciliation. Both were amicable about the separation, but they were clearly distressed. They had agreed, however, not to let their bickering and imminent separation impact their children. If only it were that easy.

The family impressed me as friendly, engaging, and polite with one another. If anything was unusual about this first session, it was the positive regard each person showed the other family members. I saw no sibling rivalry and heard no harsh words from the parents. The tranquility in my office belied the turmoil in the home.

I asked each person to talk about the impending separation and what it meant to him or her. The boys were nonchalant. It isn’t going to really affect us, Jeremy said.

It’s between them and they’ll handle it, Johnny said. They said we can see them as much as we want.

When I asked Jessica about the separation, her response surprised me.

I just want Mom and Dad to be okay, she said. I want them to be happy.

At that point Mrs. Thompson jumped in. Jessica’s our little helper. We can always count on her to make things right. She never causes us any problems.

Jessica’s Role

After the session ended and we scheduled a meeting for the following week, I reflected on what I’d learned. Two things stood out. First, although the boys expressed no apparent concern about the separation, their problems at school told the real story. Second, Mrs. Thompson’s comments about Jessica made me wonder about the impact such pressure would have on the girl. To her parents, Jessica’s role was clear:

• She was their little helper.

• She always made her parents feel better.

• She never caused any problems.

I wondered how these expectations would affect Jessica’s development. Would her role in the family become set in stone? Did her parents realize how she was developing and how this behavior might impact her?

Jessica seemed to be taking on the role of the pleasing personality while her older brothers acted out the family pain. She seemed intent to make herself invisible, to not cause trouble for her parents. The family had enough trouble, and she was determined not to add to it. She was already taking on many characteristics of codependency, which we will discuss more fully later in this chapter. But first, let’s look at another family scenario that can create a pleasing personality.

The Millingers

The Millingers were different from the Thompsons in every way except one:They too were inadvertently raising a child with a pleasing personality. But that is not what brought them into counseling.

The Millingers were a large stepfamily that brought together kids who were yours, mine, and ours. But they were not the Brady Bunch. They came to counseling because they wanted to merge more effectively. Bringing two families together had generated conflict and tension. They wanted help in creating a happier family.

As I recorded some initial history, I found that Jim Millinger had been married previously and brought two sons into the family. Brenda Millinger was also previously married and brought two daughters to the family. After they married, they had three children of their own, bringing the total to seven.

The Millingers’ family constellation defied typical strategies. Because of their history, they actually had three oldest children and three babies. Even completing a geneagram—an outline of a family tree that involves the birth order—was a challenge. But several themes emerged.

Jim Millinger’s oldest son was a distant, athletic youth. He had chosen to have little to do with the rest of the family. He obviously did not like the other children and set out to do his own thing. He checked out emotionally and physically. Jim’s younger son was somewhat more involved, but he too found ways to be emotionally absent from this family that he did not want to be a part of.

Brenda Millinger’s two daughters were much more nurturing and concerned about the welfare of the family. They could both see that unifying this compilation of individuals would take a lot of work. The oldest daughter, Linda, was determined to help the family function. She was obviously the most responsible of all the children. She used her organizational skills and controlling nature for the family’s benefit. She commonly helped the other children off to school and made sure the house was clean when her parents came home in the evenings.

During the first session, I watched the family members’ disjointed attempts to interact with one another. Of course, simply having six children in the same room (one of the older children had chosen to attend a sports event) was chaotic. Some wanted to dominate the conversation, some wanted to distract, and others wanted to disappear into the cushioned chairs. Linda tried in vain to bring everyone together, to make the family function effectively. She scolded the others for any misbehavior.

Linda’s Own Place

As I studied the family, I was reminded of Virginia Satir’s groundbreaking study of family roles. In her bestselling book Peoplemaking, she notes that each child needs to have a unique and distinct place within the family. In fact, children will go to extremes to create their own place. She found that they will usually take on the role and communication style of the distracter, the placater, the computer, or the blamer.

The distracter wants to take the focus off anything happening at the moment that may be too intense. The computer is disengaged emotionally and handles things matter-of-factly. The blamer finds fault with everyone, attacking others and using shame to manipulate them. Placaters try to please others. They are the harmonizers, uncomfortable with conflict and tension. They are also the codependents that eventually end up losing their own identity in their marriages and other relationships.1

Linda was not the oldest of the seven, but she had decided early on that she could bring the three families together. She wanted harmony, and she hated to see her siblings and parents in pain. Slowly, gradually, she lost track of her own feelings and opinions, and she based every decision on her desire to bring peace to the family.

As I came to know the Millingers, I learned that Linda had always been a sensitive child. She could sense her parent’s pain. She watched them closely as they struggled to unite this disjointed group. Bit by bit she set aside her own dreams and goals—her very self—as she tried to make one family out of three. When her parents were busy at work, she supervised the household. When they were too tired to care for the younger children, she became a second mother. When her brothers and sisters got out of hand, Linda did her best to make them behave.

Linda was an astute observer. She noticed the need for a placater in the family. She found a unique role to play, one that offered her self-esteem and a special place in the family structure. She saw that her parents were often exhausted from their jobs and looked to her to care for the younger children. The more she did, the more she demonstrated that she was capable of caring for the family. And the more her parents relied upon her. The stage was set for her to take on a pleasing personality.

For her efforts, Linda was both rewarded and chided. At times the other children

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