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News from Nowhere: "Apart from the desire to produce beautiful things, the leading passion of my life has been and is hatred of modern civilization."
News from Nowhere: "Apart from the desire to produce beautiful things, the leading passion of my life has been and is hatred of modern civilization."
News from Nowhere: "Apart from the desire to produce beautiful things, the leading passion of my life has been and is hatred of modern civilization."
Ebook259 pages2 hours

News from Nowhere: "Apart from the desire to produce beautiful things, the leading passion of my life has been and is hatred of modern civilization."

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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William Morris was born in Walthamstow, London on 24th March 1834 he is regarded today as a foremost poet, writer, textile designer, artist and libertarian. Morris began to publish poetry and short stories in 1856 through the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine which he founded with his friends and financed while at university. His first volume, in 1858, The Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems, was the first published book of Pre-Raphaelite poetry. Due to its luke warm reception he was discouraged from poetry writing for a number of years. His return to poetry was with the great success of The Life and Death of Jason in 1867, which was followed by The Earthly Paradise, themed around a group of medieval wanderers searching for a land of everlasting life; after much disillusion, they discover a surviving colony of Greeks with whom they exchange stories. In the collection are retellings of Icelandic sagas. From then until his Socialist period Morris's fascination with the ancient Germanic and Norse peoples dominated his writing being the first to translate many of the Icelandic sagas into English; the epic retelling of the story of Sigurd the Volsung being his favourite. In 1884 he founded the Socialist League but with the rise of the Anarachists in the party he left it in 1890. In 1891 he founded the Kelmscott Press publishing limited edition illuminated style books. His design for The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer is a masterpiece. Morris was quietly approached with an offer of the Poet Laureateship after the death of Tennyson in 1892, but declined. William Morris died at age 62 on 3rd October 1896 in London. Here we present News from Nowhere.

Release dateJan 21, 2014
News from Nowhere: "Apart from the desire to produce beautiful things, the leading passion of my life has been and is hatred of modern civilization."

William Morris

William Morris (1834-1896) was an accomplished writer, textile designer and artist. A utopian socialist, he was associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and the English Arts and Craft Movement, and was a founding member of the Socialist League in Britain. Greatly influenced by the medieval period, Morris helped establish the modern fantasy genre though his works The Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems, A Dream of John Ball, and The Well at the World’s End. Authors like J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were greatly influenced by works like The House of the Wolfings, The Roots of the Mountains, and The Wood Beyond the World. Morris was also an accomplished publisher, founding the Kelmscott Press in 1891, whose 1896 edition of the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer is considered a masterpiece of book design.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Unconvincing fiction doth not an utopia make.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Do not be too quick to dismiss Morris's speculation as woefully inaccurate. Yes, his "future" more resembles a mythical past than anything else, but to fault him too strongly for that misses the point. His object was less to prognosticate than to urge. Jules Verne's "Paris in the 20th Century" is an example of a 19th Century premonition of how 19th Century trends WOULD be extrapolated into the future; "News from Nowhere" deals in how those trends COULD be contravened. The shape this imagined utopia takes on in its superficial qualities (manners of dress, for instance) is entirely the result of Morris's evident aesthetic prejudices. Morris was a driving force in the Pre-Raphaelite movement of English painters. Their cause was to reject what they saw as the stultifying forms and conventions common in art since the latter half of the Renaissance. As subject-matter, Morris and his fellows generally borrowed subject matter from Medieval history and legend. It's not surprising then that his utopia also dresses itself in those motifs. Ultimately the substance of Morris's story lies elsewhere. Unlike Verne, he isn't trying to amaze with projected technological advancement. In fact Morris saw the proliferation of machinery as ugly and tending more to increase than lessen the burden of labor on the common man. So the scientific trappings of his future society are mostly hidden. At one point his protagonist sees a water craft propelled down the river by no discernible force, without a sail or a column of smoke to denote a steam engine; briefly wondering at the sight, the observer shrugs it off and continues instead to admire the natural beauty around him. Morris's goal was to elucidate his vision for the future of our social institutions. He was an active Socialist who wished to establish a convincing alternative to versions socialism that relied on an authoritarian state. He foresees a world where government occurs locally and democratically. He reasons that most criminal activity arises from class divisions and property disputes and that without these order and security will succeed naturally. With life's necessities shared equally, the requirement for compulsive, unpleasant work will be diminished and labor--imbued with artistic pride--will become a pleasure.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The new world on the morrow of the revolution- not sure that Robert Tressell would have been too impressed though
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Perhaps this is not a great work of literature. It is utopian, and it is on the conceived utopia that the book's merit rests. And Morris, a socialist with obvious agrarian anarchist leanings, convinced me (inadvertently) that anarcho-communism couldn't work.Still, I've a few fond memories of the work, perhaps for personal reasons: why not love that which one learns from?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The narrator falls asleep and wakes up a couple of hundred years into the future. What he discovers is a socialist utopia supposedly without money ("extinct commercial morality"), property, poverty, crime, among other things. The sickness of idleness, not wanting to work, has been cured, so everyone wants to contribute. Too rose-red to ben taken seriously. Everyone is funnily polite, probably reflecting Morris' environment, and too many book-learned men is seen as not good. Occupations are mentioned as belonging to certain people.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    “Well,” said Hammond, “our villages are something like the best of such places, with the church or mote-house of the neighbours for their chief building.  Only note that there are no tokens of poverty about them: no tumble-down picturesque; which, to tell you the truth, the artist usually availed himself of to veil his incapacity for drawing architecture.An enjoyable utopian tale by William Morris in which the main character, who asks his hosts to call him Guest although he is obviously meant to be Morris himself, wakes in his own bed in Hammersmith only to find himself in a future world that seems to be based on the Arts and Crafts movement that was so important to Morris.As usual with utopias this is a satire on modern (i.e. late-Victorian) society, but he gets in some more personal seeming digs about about artists, academics and Cambridge University (Oxford's "less interesting sister"). Once of the main features of the future society is that people enjoy making things and that the aesthetics of objects are equally as important as their function, as in the Arts and Crafts Movement. On the surface, it seems like a lovely place to live, but Morris does not touch on what would happen if you were disabled, got ill or had a difficult childbirth.Guest's new friends take him on a trip up-river to see hte countryside and join in the hay harvest further up the Thames, which ends at what must be William Morris' other home, Kelmscott Manor. Eventually he ends up back in his own bed, but it ends on a hopeful note as rather than being miserable to be back, Guest is filled with hope for the future.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Written in 1890 by William Morris, yes that William Morris, famous for designs on wallpaper, fabric and much, much, more.

    You could describe this as sci-fi or as utopian (as opposed to dystopian) or even communist propaganda !

    The basic premise is that a man goes to sleep in his room in 1890 in London and wakes up in the same room in the year 2000. In essence this is someone in the past speculating on life in the future. So there are no robots or flying cars because this was written in a pre-technical age.

    He meets and becomes friends with people, his cover story is that he has come from a foreign land where they do things differently.

    The future he describes is a socialist utopia where people are fit, healthy, well dressed but not in a formal way and most importantly they are happy. They are free to pursue their own interests and many of the tasks that support their society are shared and not related to money or profit.

    The bit I found interesting was how the people in the future described the past. They mainly described it as the days of slavery. The time when people had no choice but to do dangerous and unhealthy work just to survive and all their Labour’s were To support a handful of wealthy people who lived in luxury while those that supported them had lived that were nasty, brutal and short.

    Just before I read that part I had recently read that in the USA around 27% of workers get no annual holidays and a lot out the people who do get annual holidays choose to work through them instead. Slavery? People working to support a handful of rich people? Unfortunately, it sounded all too familiar to me and recent changes like the “gig economy” has served to enslave people even more and while the rich get richer the number of poor just continues to rise.

    I’m not labouring a point here as this is pretty much the gist of the book. It is explored in some detail by elaborating on the day to day existence in the people in the future.

    It’s well worth a read given that it was written over 120 years ago.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My reactions to reading this novel in 1996. Spoilers follow.This book may very well have been on the Unabomber’s bookshelf. This communistic, arts and crafts tyranny would appeal to the anti-technological Unabomber with his hand crafted bombs. Communism is the explicitly stated philosophy at work here, and Morris was famous for his works on artistic aesthetics. Morris is resolutely anti-technological and explicitly and frequently evokes his beloved 14th century Europe as a model for living. He even dismisses their more reprehensible laws as at least being sincere unlike Victorian laws which, according to him, are repressive and hypocritically justified. To be fair to Morris, two of 14th Century Europe’s problems – plague and famine – were not yet really being alleviated by contemporary science – not that Morris really mentions them as problems of 14th century life.This is not really, despite being frequently mentioned in sf histories, a sf novel. Essentially, it’s a dream vision (more echoes of Morris’ medievalism) of Morris’ utopia. As with all utopias, it has to be criticized on two levels: the literary merits and the merits of the ideas. On the literary level, this is – given the constraints of the Utopian genre which usually precludes interesting conflicts – fairly well written. It’s witty in parts and includes an interesting and detailed explanation on how 19th century British society evolved into Morris’ utopia – “an epoch of rest” as the subtitle goes. On the political level, this book is totally unconvincing. Morris makes the usual mistake of socialist/communist utopians in presuming that human nature is mutable according to political and social factors. Morris has a character sweep aside the narrator’s – the dreamer – question on human nature with “The human nature of pauper, of slaves, of slave-holders, or the human nature of wealthy freemen?” This is a tautology since such a version of human nature has to exist before Morris’ “wealthy freemen” can be created.) Not only does Morris make the usual stupid presumptions that man can live in a communist society, indeed an anarchic one here, and simply be persuaded to lead a good, moral life without even being punished when he strays (the culprit will feel bad and mend his ways we're told), but he compounds the problem by not only seeing man as capable of living in a communist world but also as inherently desiring to work and lead a creative life. I think humans (and there is plenty of evidence to back this up) are generally inherently lazy and uncreative. We value energy and creativity in part because of its rarity. To be sure, creativity is fairly widespread but that doesn’t mean everyone wants to be an artisan. (Bookishness is generally discouraged in this world though Morris admits some will still take to it.). Yet, Morris postulates such a utopia where people amuse themselves with farming practices and artisan work out of the Middle Ages. Morris, in his anti-industrial, anti-technological zeal (he snidely has one character remark that machines of production were the only true products of craftsmanship in the Industrial Age) ignores three things: first, that some people’s creativity is only applicable to things in a technological society; second, that those who dwelled in supposed rural bliss (Morris worships nature) flocked to the cities in the Industrial Revolution to make their lives better; third, that hand craftsmanship simply can not provide enough items for the good life he shows. Handcrafted items may be nice, but most people have chosen to opt – voluntarily – for a slight – but still satisfactory – reduction in quality for quantity of goods (I’m speaking of Morris’ goods: furniture, clothes, housewares). Morris has created an arts and craft hell where man supposedly would be happy to live at a mediaeval level. No, not even mediaeval since his utopia is communistic. Morris also improbably has his utopians longer lived and more beautiful than us because of their pleasant world and work thus totally ignoring even contemporary medical science and sanitation (Of course, Morris doesn’t address Victorian improvements in life due to sanitation.) Morris also postulates the abolishment of legal marriage contracts. I do have one area of agreement with Morris when he takes contemporary feminists to task for denigrating women who want to be mothers and serve their families. He rightly sees this as a good and natural desire of most women.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Morris's work starts off promisingly with a contemporary (1890) man transported to an idyllic, initially seemingly Medieval London, which later turns out to be a pastoral, communist (in the original sense) world of sometime in the twenty first century or perhaps later. But this is not really a novel about time travel or even an alternate reality in the usual SF sense of the term. The novel's characters were originally conceived as allegories, but this unfortunately has the effect here of making then bland stereotypes, especially the women. There is no plot to speak of and the reader's knowledge about the society the narrator visits is largely obtained from rather stilted dialogues. The sum of these characteristics makes the future depicted so unbelievable that I found the novel rather disappointing.

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News from Nowhere - William Morris

News from Nowhere by William Morris


William Morris was born in Walthamstow, London on 24th March 1834 he is regarded today as a foremost poet, writer, textile designer, artist and libertarian. 

Morris began to publish poetry and short stories in 1856 through the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine which he founded with his friends and financed while at university. His first volume, in 1858, The Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems, was the first published book of Pre-Raphaelite poetry. Due to its luke warm reception he was discouraged from poetry writing for a number of years.

His return to poetry was with the great success of The Life and Death of Jason in 1867, which was followed by The Earthly Paradise, themed around a group of medieval wanderers searching for a land of everlasting life; after much disillusion, they discover a surviving colony of Greeks with whom they exchange stories. In the collection are retellings of Icelandic sagas. From then until his Socialist period Morris's fascination with the ancient Germanic and Norse peoples dominated his writing being the first to translate many of the Icelandic sagas into English; the epic retelling of the story of Sigurd the Volsung being his favourite.

 In 1884 he founded the Socialist League but with the rise of the Anarachists in the party he left it in 1890.

In 1891 he founded the Kelmscott Press publishing limited edition illuminated style books.  His design for The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer is a masterpiece.

Morris was quietly approached with an offer of the Poet Laureateship after the death of Tennyson in 1892, but declined.

William Morris died at age 62 on 3rd October 1896 in London.

Index Of Contents





































Up at the League, says a friend, there had been one night a brisk conversational discussion, as to what would happen on the Morrow of the Revolution, finally shading off into a vigorous statement by various friends of their views on the future of the fully-developed new society.

Says our friend: Considering the subject, the discussion was good-tempered; for those present being used to public meetings and after- lecture debates, if they did not listen to each others' opinions (which could scarcely be expected of them), at all events did not always attempt to speak all together, as is the custom of people in ordinary polite society when conversing on a subject which interests them.  For the rest, there were six persons present, and consequently six sections of the party were represented, four of which had strong but divergent Anarchist opinions.  One of the sections, says our friend, a man whom he knows very well indeed, sat almost silent at the beginning of the discussion, but at last got drawn into it, and finished by roaring out very loud, and damning all the rest for fools; after which befel a period of noise, and then a lull, during which the aforesaid section, having said good-night very amicably, took his way home by himself to a western suburb, using the means of travelling which civilisation has forced upon us like a habit.  As he sat in that vapour-bath of hurried and discontented humanity, a carriage of the underground railway, he, like others, stewed discontentedly, while in self-reproachful mood he turned over the many excellent and conclusive arguments which, though they lay at his fingers' ends, he had forgotten in the just past discussion.  But this frame of mind he was so used to, that it didn't last him long, and after a brief discomfort, caused by disgust with himself for having lost his temper (which he was also well used to), he found himself musing on the subject- matter of discussion, but still discontentedly and unhappily.  If I could but see a day of it, he said to himself; if I could but see it!

As he formed the words, the train stopped at his station, five minutes' walk from his own house, which stood on the banks of the Thames, a little way above an ugly suspension bridge.  He went out of the station, still discontented and unhappy, muttering If I could but see it! if I could but see it! but had not gone many steps towards the river before (says our friend who tells the story) all that discontent and trouble seemed to slip off him.

It was a beautiful night of early winter, the air just sharp enough to be refreshing after the hot room and the stinking railway carriage.  The wind, which had lately turned a point or two north of west, had blown the sky clear of all cloud save a light fleck or two which went swiftly down the heavens.  There was a young moon halfway up the sky, and as the home- farer caught sight of it, tangled in the branches of a tall old elm, he could scarce bring to his mind the shabby London suburb where he was, and he felt as if he were in a pleasant country place, pleasanter, indeed, than the deep country was as he had known it.

He came right down to the river-side, and lingered a little, looking over the low wall to note the moonlit river, near upon high water, go swirling and glittering up to Chiswick Eyot: as for the ugly bridge below, he did not notice it or think of it, except when for a moment (says our friend) it struck him that he missed the row of lights down stream.  Then he turned to his house door and let himself in; and even as he shut the door to, disappeared all remembrance of that brilliant logic and foresight which had so illuminated the recent discussion; and of the discussion itself there remained no trace, save a vague hope, that was now become a pleasure, for days of peace and rest, and cleanness and smiling goodwill.

In this mood he tumbled into bed, and fell asleep after his wont, in two minutes' time; but (contrary to his wont) woke up again not long after in that curiously wide-awake condition which sometimes surprises even good sleepers; a condition under which we feel all our wits preternaturally sharpened, while all the miserable muddles we have ever got into, all the disgraces and losses of our lives, will insist on thrusting themselves forward for the consideration of those sharpened wits.

In this state he lay (says our friend) till he had almost begun to enjoy it: till the tale of his stupidities amused him, and the entanglements before him, which he saw so clearly, began to shape themselves into an amusing story for him.

He heard one o'clock strike, then two and then three; after which he fell asleep again.  Our friend says that from that sleep he awoke once more, and afterwards went through such surprising adventures that he thinks that they should be told to our comrades, and indeed the public in general, and therefore proposes to tell them now.  But, says he, I think it would be better if I told them in the first person, as if it were myself who had gone through them; which, indeed, will be the easier and more natural to me, since I understand the feelings and desires of the comrade of whom I am telling better than anyone else in the world does.


Well, I awoke, and found that I had kicked my bedclothes off; and no wonder, for it was hot and the sun shining brightly.  I jumped up and washed and hurried on my clothes, but in a hazy and half-awake condition, as if I had slept for a long, long while, and could not shake off the weight of slumber.  In fact, I rather took it for granted that I was at home in my own room than saw that it was so.

When I was dressed, I felt the place so hot that I made haste to get out of the room and out of the house; and my first feeling was a delicious relief caused by the fresh air and pleasant breeze; my second, as I began to gather my wits together, mere measureless wonder: for it was winter when I went to bed the last night, and now, by witness of the river-side trees, it was summer, a beautiful bright morning seemingly of early June. However, there was still the Thames sparkling under the sun, and near high water, as last night I had seen it gleaming under the moon.

I had by no means shaken off the feeling of oppression, and wherever I might have been should scarce have been quite conscious of the place; so it was no wonder that I felt rather puzzled in despite of the familiar face of the Thames.  Withal I felt dizzy and queer; and remembering that people often got a boat and had a swim in mid-stream, I thought I would do no less.  It seems very early, quoth I to myself, but I daresay I shall find someone at Biffin's to take me.  However, I didn't get as far as Biffin's, or even turn to my left thitherward, because just then I began to see that there was a landing-stage right before me in front of my house: in fact, on the place where my next-door neighbour had rigged one up, though somehow it didn't look like that either.  Down I went on to it, and sure enough among the empty boats moored to it lay a man on his sculls in a solid-looking tub of a boat clearly meant for bathers.  He nodded to me, and bade me good-morning as if he expected me, so I jumped in without any words, and he paddled away quietly as I peeled for my swim.  As we went, I looked down on the water, and couldn't help saying -

How clear the water is this morning!

Is it? said he; I didn't notice it.  You know the flood-tide always thickens it a bit.

H'm, said I, I have seen it pretty muddy even at half-ebb.

He said nothing in answer, but seemed rather astonished; and as he now lay just stemming the tide, and I had my clothes off, I jumped in without more ado.  Of course when I had my head above water again I turned towards the tide, and my eyes naturally sought for the bridge, and so utterly astonished was I by what I saw, that I forgot to strike out, and went spluttering under water again, and when I came up made straight for the boat; for I felt that I must ask some questions of my waterman, so bewildering had been the half-sight I had seen from the face of the river with the water hardly out of my eyes; though by this time I was quit of the slumbrous and dizzy feeling, and was wide-awake and clear-headed.

As I got in up the steps which he had lowered, and he held out his hand to help me, we went drifting speedily up towards Chiswick; but now he caught up the sculls and brought her head round again, and said - A short swim, neighbour; but perhaps you find the water cold this morning, after your journey.  Shall I put you ashore at once, or would you like to go down to Putney before breakfast?

He spoke in a way so unlike what I should have expected from a Hammersmith waterman, that I stared at him, as I answered, Please to hold her a little; I want to look about me a bit.

All right, he said; it's no less pretty in its way here than it is off Barn Elms; it's jolly everywhere this time in the morning.  I'm glad you got up early; it's barely five o'clock yet.

If I was astonished with my sight of the river banks, I was no less astonished at my waterman, now that I had time to look at him and see him with my head and eyes clear.

He was a handsome young fellow, with a peculiarly pleasant and friendly look about his eyes, an expression which was quite new to me then, though I soon became familiar with it.  For the rest, he was dark-haired and berry-brown of skin, well-knit and strong, and obviously used to exercising his muscles, but with nothing rough or coarse about him, and clean as might be.  His dress was not like any modern work-a-day clothes I had seen, but would have served very well as a costume for a picture of fourteenth century life: it was of dark blue cloth, simple enough, but of fine web, and without a stain on it.  He had a brown leather belt round his waist, and I noticed that its clasp was of damascened steel beautifully wrought.  In short, he seemed to be like some specially manly and refined young gentleman, playing waterman for a spree, and I concluded that this was the case.

I felt that I must make some conversation; so I pointed to the Surrey bank, where I noticed some light plank stages running down the foreshore, with windlasses at the landward end of them, and said, What are they doing with those things here?  If we were on the Tay, I should have said that they were for drawing the salmon nets; but here -

Well, said he, smiling, of course that is what they are for.  Where there are salmon, there are likely to be salmon-nets, Tay or Thames; but of course they are not always in use; we don't want salmon every day of the season.

I was going to say, But is this the Thames? but held my peace in my wonder, and turned my bewildered eyes eastward to look at the bridge again, and thence to the shores of the London river; and surely there was enough to astonish me.  For though there was a bridge across the stream and houses on its banks, how all was changed from last night!  The soap- works with their smoke-vomiting chimneys were gone; the engineer's works gone; the lead-works gone; and no sound of rivetting and hammering came down the west wind from Thorneycroft's.  Then the bridge!  I had perhaps dreamed of such a bridge, but never seen such an one out of an illuminated manuscript; for not even the Ponte Vecchio at Florence came anywhere near it.  It was of stone arches, splendidly solid, and as graceful as they were strong; high enough also to let ordinary river traffic through easily.  Over the parapet showed quaint and fanciful little buildings, which I supposed to be booths or shops, beset with painted and gilded vanes and spirelets.  The stone was a little weathered, but showed no marks of the grimy sootiness which I was used to on every London building more than a year old.  In short, to me a wonder of a bridge.

The sculler noted my eager astonished look, and said, as if in answer to my thoughts -

Yes, it is a pretty bridge, isn't it?  Even the up-stream bridges, which are so much smaller, are scarcely daintier, and the down-stream ones are scarcely more dignified and stately.

I found myself saying, almost against my will, How old is it?

Oh, not very old, he said; it was built or at least opened, in 2003. There used to be a rather plain timber bridge before then.

The date shut my mouth as if a key had been turned in a padlock fixed to my lips; for I saw that something inexplicable had happened, and that if I said much, I should be mixed up in a game of cross questions and crooked answers.  So I tried to look unconcerned, and to glance in a matter-of-course way at the banks of the river, though this is what I saw up to the bridge and a little beyond; say as far as the site of the soap- works.  Both shores had a line of very pretty houses, low and not large, standing back a little way from the river; they were mostly built of red brick and roofed with tiles, and looked, above all, comfortable, and as if they were, so to say, alive, and sympathetic with the life of the dwellers in them.  There was a continuous garden in front of them, going down to the water's edge, in which the flowers were now blooming luxuriantly, and sending delicious waves of summer scent over the eddying stream.  Behind the houses, I could see great trees rising, mostly planes, and looking down the water there were the reaches towards Putney almost as if they were a lake with a forest shore, so thick were the big trees; and I said aloud, but as if to myself -

Well, I'm glad that they have not built over Barn Elms.

I blushed for my fatuity as the words slipped out of my mouth, and my companion looked at me with a half smile which I thought I understood; so to hide my confusion I said, Please take me ashore now: I want to get my breakfast.

He nodded, and brought her head round with a sharp stroke, and in a trice we were at the landing-stage again.  He jumped out and I followed him; and of course I was not surprised to see him wait, as if for the inevitable after-piece that follows the doing of a service to a fellow- citizen.  So I put my hand into my waistcoat-pocket, and said, How much? though still with the uncomfortable feeling that perhaps I was offering money to a gentleman.

He looked puzzled, and said, How much?  I don't quite understand what you are asking about.  Do you mean the tide?  If so, it is close on the turn now.

I blushed, and said, stammering, Please don't take it amiss if I ask you; I mean no offence: but what ought I to pay you?  You see I am a stranger, and don't know your customs, or your coins.

And therewith I took a handful of money out of my pocket, as one does in a foreign country.  And by the way, I saw that the silver had oxydised, and was like a blackleaded stove in colour.

He still seemed puzzled, but not at all offended; and he looked at the coins with some curiosity.  I thought, Well after all, he is a waterman, and is considering what he may venture to take.  He seems such a nice fellow that I'm sure I don't grudge him a little over-payment.  I wonder, by the way, whether I couldn't hire him as a guide for a day or two, since he is so intelligent.

Therewith my new friend said thoughtfully:

I think I know what you mean.  You think that I have done you a service; so you feel yourself bound to give me something which I am not to give to a neighbour, unless he has done something special for me.  I have heard of this kind of thing; but pardon me for saying, that it seems to us a troublesome and roundabout custom; and we don't know how to manage it. And you see this ferrying and giving people casts about the water is my business, which I would do for anybody; so to take gifts in connection with it would look very queer.  Besides, if one person gave me something, then another might, and another, and so on; and I hope you won't think me rude if I say that I shouldn't know where to stow away so many mementos of friendship.

And he laughed loud and merrily, as if the idea of being paid for his work was a very funny joke.  I confess I began to be afraid that the man was mad, though he looked sane enough; and I was rather glad to think that I was a good swimmer, since we were so close to a deep swift stream. However, he went on by no means like a madman:

As to your coins, they are curious, but not very old; they seem to be all of the reign of Victoria; you might give them to some scantily-furnished museum.  Ours has enough of such coins, besides a fair number of earlier ones, many of which are beautiful, whereas these nineteenth century ones are so beastly ugly, ain't they?  We have a piece of Edward III., with the king in a ship, and little leopards and fleurs- de-lys all along the gunwale, so delicately worked.  You see, he said, with something of a smirk, I am fond of working in gold and fine metals; this buckle here is an early piece of mine.

No doubt I looked a little shy of him under the influence of that doubt as to his sanity.  So he broke off short, and said in a kind voice:

But I see that I am boring you, and I ask your pardon.  For, not to mince matters, I can tell that you are a stranger, and must come from a place very unlike England.  But also it is clear that it won't do to overdose you with information about this place, and that you had best suck it in little by little.  Further, I should take it as very kind in you if you would allow me to be the showman of our new world to you, since you have stumbled on me first.  Though indeed it will be a mere kindness on your part, for almost anybody would make as good a guide, and many much better.

There certainly seemed no flavour in him of Colney Hatch; and besides I thought I could easily shake him off if it turned out that he really was mad; so I said:

It is a very kind offer, but it is difficult for me to accept it, unless -  I was going to say, Unless you will let me pay you properly; but fearing to stir up Colney Hatch again, I changed the sentence into, I fear I shall be taking you away from your work, or your amusement.

O, he said, "don't trouble about that, because it will give me an opportunity of doing a good turn to a friend of mine, who wants to take my work here.  He is a weaver from Yorkshire, who has rather overdone himself between his weaving and his mathematics, both indoor work,

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