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The Lady from the Sea (1888)
The Lady from the Sea (1888)
The Lady from the Sea (1888)
Ebook209 pages3 hours

The Lady from the Sea (1888)

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Henrik Ibsen (20th March, 1828 – 23rd May, 1906) is often referred to as the father of realism and ranked just below Shakespeare as Europe’s greatest ever playwright especially as his plays are performed most frequently throughout the world after Shakespeare’s. He was Norwegian and although set his plays in Norway, he wrote them in Danish and lived most of his professional life in Italy and Germany. His affect on the theatre is still evident today and shapes the distinction of plays being art as opposed to entertainment since he broke down all previous traditions and explored issues, developed characterisation, revealed uncomfortable truths, challenged assumptions and brokedown facades in ourselves as well as society. These factors are clearly demonstrated in The Lady from the Sea, the lady being Ellida, the daughter of a lighthouse keeper who therefore grew up by the open sea and has a deep love for it. She married Dr Wangel who had two daughters by his former wife, Bolette and Hilda and they had a son who died as a baby. Her husband recognises the strains put on the marriage by the infant death and is concerned for Ellida’s mental health but more important to Ellida is the return of her former love who she had promised to wait for. She does decide between the two men and her reasons make for good reading in this symbolic play.

Release dateAug 20, 2013
The Lady from the Sea (1888)

Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) was a Norwegian playwright and theatre director. His plays include: Brand, Peer Gynt, A Doll’s House, Ghosts, An Enemy of the People, Hedda Gabler, Rosmersholm, The Master Builder, Little Eyolf, John Gabriel Borkman and When We Dead Awaken.

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    Book preview

    The Lady from the Sea (1888) - Henrik Ibsen

    Lady From The Sea by Henrik Ibsen

    The outstanding playwright Henrik Johan Ibsen was born on March 20th, 1828 in Skien, Grenland, Norway.

    A playwright, theatre director, and poet Ibsen was a founder of modernism in theatre and is often cited as the the father of realism.

    His plays include many classics; Peer Gynt, An Enemy of the People, A Doll's House, Hedda Gabler, Ghosts, The Wild Duck, Rosmersholm and The Master Builder are just some of  the many that have helped to ensure he is the most oft performed playwright after Shakespeare.

    Ibsen wrote at a time when the stage was heavily censored and writers were expected to observe strict moral codes.  Ibsen broke these rules producing controversial works that were unafraid to explore the human condition.

    Such was his standing that many playwrights and novelists have claimed him as a seminal influence including George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde, Arthur Miller, James Joyce and Eugene O'Neill.

    Ibsen was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1902, 1903 and 1904.

    Although most of his plays were set in Norway he wrote almost everything in Danish which was the then common language of Norway and Denmark.  Intriguingly most of his great plays were written whilst he resided in Italy and Germany over a twenty five year period.

    Henrik Johan Ibsen died on May 23rd, 1906 in Kristiania (now modern day Oslo), Norway.

    Index of Contents


    Act First

    Act Second

    Act Third

    Act Fourth

    Act Fifth

    Henrik Ibsen – A Short Biography

    Henrik Ibsen – A Concise Bibliography

    Task Of The Poet – A Speech by Henrik Ibsen

    Selected Poetry of Henrik Ibsen

    Notable Quotes of Henrik Ibsen


    Doctor WANGEL.

    ELLIDA WANGEL, his second wife.

    BOLETTE, his daughter by his first wife.

    HILDE (not yet grown up), his daughter by his first wife.

    ARNHOLM (second master at a college).



    A Stranger.

    Young People of the Town.



    SCENE - The action takes place in small fjord town, Northern Norway.


    (SCENE. DOCTOR WANGEL'S house, with a large verandah garden in front of and around the house. Under the verandah a flagstaff. In the garden an arbour, with table and chairs. Hedge, with small gate at the back. Beyond, a road along the seashore. An avenue of trees along the road. Between the trees are seen the fjord, high mountain ranges and peaks. A warm and brilliantly clear summer morning.

    BALLESTED, middle-aged, wearing an old velvet jacket, and a broad-brimmed artist's hat, stands under the flagstaff, arranging the ropes. The flag is lying on the ground. A little way from him is an easel, with an outspread canvas. By the easel on a camp-stool, brushes, a palette, and box of colours.

    BOLETTE WANGEL comes from the room opening on the verandah. She carries a large vase with flowers, which she puts down on the table.)


    Well, Ballested, does it work smoothly?


    Certainly, Miss Bolette, that's easy enough. May I ask, do you expect any visitors today?


    Yes, we're expecting Mr. Arnholm this morning. He got to town in the night.


    Arnholm? Wait a minute, wasn't Arnholm the man who was tutor here several years ago?


    Yes, it is he.


    Oh, really! Is he coming into these parts again?


    That's why we want to have the flag up.


    Well, that's reasonable enough.

    (BOLETTE goes into the room again. A little after LYNGSTRAND enters from the road and stands still, interested by the easel and painting gear. He is a slender youth, poorly but carefully dressed, and looks delicate.)

    LYNGSTRAND (on the other side of the hedge).


    BALLESTED (turning round).

    Hallo! Good-morning. (Hoists up flag). That's it! Up goes the balloon. (Fastens the ropes, and then busies himself about the easel.) Good-morning, my dear sir. I really don't think I've the pleasure of —


    I'm sure you're a painter.


    Of course I am. Why shouldn't I be?


    Yes, I can see you are. May I take the liberty of coming in a moment?


    Would you like to come in and see?


    I should like to immensely.


    Oh! there's nothing much to see yet. But come in. Come a little closer.


    Many thanks.

    (Comes in through the garden gate.)

    BALLESTED (painting).

    It's the fjord there between the islands I'm working at.


    So I see.


    But the figure is still wanting. There's not a model to be got in this town.


    Is there to be a figure, too?


    Yes. Here by the rocks in the foreground a mermaid is to lie, half-dead.


    Why is she to be half-dead?


    She has wandered hither from the sea, and can't find her way out again. And so, you see, she lies there dying in the brackish water.


    Ah, I see.


    The mistress of this house put it into my head to do something of the kind.


    What shall you call the picture when it's finished?


    I think of calling it The Mermaid's End.


    That's capital! You're sure to make something fine of it.

    BALLESTED (looking at him).

    In the profession too, perhaps?


    Do you mean a painter?




    No, I'm not that; but I'm going to be a sculptor. My name is Hans Lyngstrand.


    So you're to be a sculptor? Yes, yes; the art of sculpture is a nice, pretty art in its way. I fancy I've seen you in the street once or twice. Have you been staying here long?


    No; I've only been here a fortnight. But I shall try to stop till the end of the summer.


    For the bathing?


    Yes; I wanted to see if I could get a little stronger.


    Not delicate, surely?


    Yes, perhaps I am a little delicate; but it's nothing dangerous. Just a little tightness on the chest.


    Tush! a bagatelle! You should consult a good doctor.


    Yes, I thought of speaking to Doctor Wangel one of these times.


    You should. (Looks out to the left.) There's another steamer, crowded with passengers. It's really marvellous how travelling has increased here of late years.


    Yes, there's a good deal of traffic here, I think.


    And lots of summer visitors come here too. I often hear our good town will lose its individuality with all these foreign goings on.


    Were you born in the town?


    No; but I have accla - acclimatised myself. I feel united to the place by the bonds of time and habit.


    Then you've lived here a long time?


    Well, about seventeen or eighteen years. I came here with Skive's Dramatic Company. But then we got into difficulties, and so the company broke up and dispersed in all directions.


    But you yourself remained here?


    I remained, and I've done very well. I was then working chiefly as decorative artist, don't you know.

    (BOLETTE comes out with a rocking-chair, which she places on the verandah.)

    BOLETTE (speaking into the room).

    HILDE, see if you can find the embroidered footstool for father.

    LYNGSTRAND (going up to the verandah, bows).

    Good-morning, Miss Wangel.

    BOLETTE (by the balustrade).

    What! Is it you, Mr. Lyngstrand? Good-morning. Excuse me one moment, I'm only—

    (Goes into room.)


    Do you know the family?


    Not well. I've only met the young ladies now and again in company; and I had a chat with Mrs. Wangel the last time we had music up at the View. She said I might come and see them.


    Now, do you know, you ought to cultivate their acquaintance.


    Yes; I'd been thinking of paying a visit. Just a sort of call. If only I could find some excuse


    Excuse! Nonsense! (Looking out to the left.) Damn it! (Gathering his things.) The steamer's by the pier already. I must get off to the hotel. Perhaps some of the new arrivals may want me. For I'm a hairdresser, too, don't you know.


    You are certainly very many-sided, sir.


    In small towns one has to try to acclam - acclimatise Oneself in various branches. If you should require anything in the hair line, a little pomatum or such like, you've only to ask for Dancing-master Ballested.


    Dancing master!


    President of the Wind Band Society, by your leave. We've a concert on this evening up at the View. Goodbye, goodbye!

    (He goes out with his painting gear through the garden gate.

    HILDE comes out with the footstool. BOLETTE brings more flowers. LYNGSTRAND bows to HILDE from the garden below.)

    HILDE (by the balustrade, not returning his bow).

    Bolette said you had ventured in today.


    Yes; I took the liberty of coming in for a moment.


    Have you been out for a morning walk?


    Oh, no! nothing came of the walk this morning.


    Have you been bathing, then?


    Yes; I've been in the water a little while. I saw your mother down there. She was going into her bathing-machine.


    Who was?


    Your mother.


    Oh! I see. (She puts the stool in front of the rocking- chair.)

    BOLETTE (interrupting).

    Didn't you see anything of father's boat out on the fjord?


    Yes; I thought I saw a sailing-boat that was steering inland.


    I'm sure that was father. He's been to visit patients on the islands.

    (She is arranging things on the table.)

    LYNGSTRAND (taking a step up the

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