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The Hormone Secret: Discover Effortless Weight Loss and Renewed Energy in Just 30 Days
The Hormone Secret: Discover Effortless Weight Loss and Renewed Energy in Just 30 Days
The Hormone Secret: Discover Effortless Weight Loss and Renewed Energy in Just 30 Days
Ebook333 pages4 hours

The Hormone Secret: Discover Effortless Weight Loss and Renewed Energy in Just 30 Days

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An expert in integrative medicine helps women lose weight and look and feel years younger with a simple, science-based thirty-day plan that focuses on one magic word: testosterone.

As women grow older, many struggle to lose weight. Unlike men their age, women more often suffer from sleep problems, osteoporosis, and depression. Some even feel as though they age faster and less gracefully than their male counterparts. While there is ample discussion in the medical community about the effects of estrogen loss, more than ninety percent of women over age forty-five suffer from low testosterone levels. Dr. Tami Meraglia wants women to know that a healthy dose of testosterone can help you slim down, improve your moods, lower your risk for cardiac disease, increase energy and libido, prevent osteoporosis, enhance skin tone and texture, and possibly even prevent cognitive decline.

In The Hormone Secret, Dr. Tami offers an evidence-based thirty-day plan to restore testosterone and balance the relative levels of other hormones, based on lifestyle modifications such as supplements and nutritional adjustments. She also offers a Mediterranean diet–based meal plan and low-impact exercise ideas that will immediately boost your energy. The Hormone Secret is an indispensable guide to taking back control of your hormones and improving your vitality for a strong—and long—life.
PublisherAtria Books
Release dateApr 14, 2015

Tami Meraglia

Tami Meraglia, MD, known as “Dr. Tami” to her patients and fans, is double board certified in integrative and natural medicine and aesthetic medicine. She is the medical director of the Vitality Medical Clinic in Seattle, Washington and serves on the advisory board of Douglas Labs, one of the largest medical grade nutraceutical companies in the United States, where she contributes to research and education.

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    The Hormone Secret - Tami Meraglia


    Have you gained weight in recent years even though your eating habits and activity level haven’t changed? Has your waist expanded along with your jeans size? Do you wake in the morning more tired than you were when you went to bed? Do you crash at 3 p.m. every day, barely keeping your drooping eyes open? Are your arms flabby despite regular workouts with weights and machines at the gym? Do you notice memory problems and loss of focus, a feeling that you’re losing your edge? Do you have osteoporosis or osteopenia?

    Patients over forty tell me almost daily that they’ve gone to the doctor because they have such symptoms. They’re tired and cranky; they don’t sleep well or care much about sex. They’re not as sharp as they used to be. They’ve added pounds and lost muscle. They make an appointment for a physical exam and a series of blood tests, and the results fall in the range of normal. The doctor says, You’re fine, and suggests an antidepressant or sleeping pills or both.

    Yet these women don’t feel fine. I am an MD board-certified in natural medicine, and an expert in hormone and aesthetic medicine. When patients come to my clinic in Seattle, Washington, for help, I tell them normal is a setting on a dryer, not an accurate description of your state of health. These patients simply don’t have a condition or disease that is associated with a code that can be billed to insurance. Sometimes they’re even diagnosed as the worried well. Yes, there is a code for that! But the absence of disease does not equal wellness. Optimal health includes energy and vitality, and true prevention of conditions associated with aging.

    You don’t need to accept the slow decline of energy, mental clarity, and zest for life as the years go by. You don’t have to accept waking up at 2 a.m. unable to go back to sleep. It isn’t normal. I don’t want you to feel fine. I want you to feel fabulous. And I’m going to show you how.

    How Did We Get Here?

    Chalk it up to the great hormone decline. The fact is, women’s quality of life has changed dramatically in recent decades. Yes, we’ve been freed to achieve and realize our dreams as never before. But the educational and career opportunities, and the choices we now have in how and when we build our families, all come at a price. We’re drowning in our increased responsibilities and the pressures of our multiple roles. We’ve also been slammed by a major blow to our hormone levels. It’s a fact of life that hormone levels naturally decline as part of menopause and the aging process. Our mothers and grandmothers experienced these changes as well. But over the last thirty years these levels have dropped much earlier in women’s lives and to a greater degree than ever before. Research shows that hormone levels now decrease 30 percent to 50 percent between the ages of twenty and forty alone. The result is an onslaught of hormone imbalances and deficiencies that weaken our ability to look, feel, and function at our best.

    This hormone loss has accelerated, in part, due to the explosion of stress in our lives and to enormous environmental changes. Since the end of World War II, more than twenty thousand chemicals and other agents have been introduced into the environment and into our food system. You’ve heard about and read about it, yet chances are you haven’t realized the extent of these changes. Most of the cleaning supplies under your sink contain chemicals that negatively affect your hormone levels. Hormones are put into poultry and cattle to fatten them up before they go to market, and that directly affects you. Pesticide residue on fruits and vegetables has an impact on your hormone levels. Chemicals used in canned goods and plastic containers throw off your hormones. All of these are called hormone disrupters, or xenobiotics. Over time, they cause your hormone levels to drop faster than they ordinarily would.

    But the No. 1 culprit above all the rest is stress. Stress is like a little Pac-Man, running through your bloodstream eating all your hormones. Stress, and the inflammation it creates, depletes your hormones and encourages development of diseases including cancer. Our 24/7 lifestyle and the ever-changing world we live in has taken a huge toll. We have heavier workloads, and even our play is not restorative. Our cell phones and iPhones and the demands they make accompany us on vacations at the beach, to the dinner table at meals, and sometimes even in bed. How many of us check our emails before getting out of bed in the morning? I know I am guilty. We have no true breaks. No wonder our bodies are exhausted.

    I’ve written this book to tell you about a true secret weapon that changes everything. It’s one particular hormone that’s the missing link to a better body, brain, and life. You won’t believe the difference it can make. That hormone is testosterone. I’m not talking about taking this hormone. I’m talking about using nutrition, lifestyle changes, and supplements available over the counter to lose weight, look and feel great, and perform at your best. By following my 30-Day Plan, you actually can have enough testosterone in your body without medication—and the results are dramatic.

    What Are Hormones, Anyway?

    If you’re like most women, you probably know very little about hormones, which can make or break the quality of your life after forty. It’s my job to educate you and demystify hormones, which are chemical messengers that control or regulate metabolism and many other body functions, and affect almost all organs. Deficiencies and imbalances in hormones make an impact on everything from your brain and cardiovascular system to your energy level, sleep cycle, skin, weight, sex life, and even your hair and nails. Hormones perform a lot like a symphony, where one instrument off-key can ruin the entire performance. If the level of one hormone is too low or too high, it affects the functioning of other hormones. For optimal health, your hormones must be restored to balance.

    The key hormones for women include the big three: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, and certain others. Estrogen and progesterone are known as the sex hormones for women, and levels of both drop dramatically in perimenopause and menopause. Estrogen deficiency causes hot flashes and night sweats, dries up your sex life (literally), and affects memory and mood. Low estrogen levels also cause irritability and can wreck your sense of well-being.

    Progesterone is the peaceful hormone. It calms you, reduces anxiety, and helps you sleep. Low levels of progesterone drain your energy and can cause anger-control problems and frustration.

    Testosterone, my special focus in this book, is known as the male hormone. But you have a small quantity of testosterone in your body, too (although men’s levels are twenty times higher). That minimal amount you do have packs a powerful punch, playing an outsized role in your quality of life. Depletion of your testosterone levels as you get older is a life changer you can’t afford. Yet testosterone and its benefits for women have virtually been ignored in traditional medicine.

    The Testosterone Powerhouse

    Testosterone helps you lose weight and firm up your body by building muscle and changing your muscle-fat ratio. Testosterone also helps build your bones. It’s no accident that men are at much lower risk for osteoporosis than we are. Their higher testosterone levels give them an advantage. Testosterone also nourishes your brain, which may be a reason men are at much lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease than women. Testosterone boosts energy, too, and has a profound impact on desire and other aspects of your sex life. In addition, this hormone protects your heart, raises your confidence and sense of well-being, and a whole lot more.

    I find that most of my women patients over age forty have low testosterone levels, and I consider testosterone the unsung hero of women’s health. The drop in testosterone as we age takes a huge toll on women’s stamina, appearance, mental acuity, general health, and happiness. Yet it is possible to change this trajectory—without a prescription. I see the results every day at my clinic, when women come to me complaining of feeling off. Could testosterone be your ticket to looking, feeling, and functioning better? If you’re over forty (or perhaps even younger), the answer is probably yes.

    Most women don’t know they need testosterone, and few medical professionals understand the problems associated with loss of testosterone in women. I have written The Hormone Secret as a wake-up call. You can achieve healthy testosterone and other hormone levels with the same strategies that work for my patients.

    Don’t wait till you’ve got hot flashes, you’re stressed and exhausted, your sex life’s in a ditch, and you can’t sleep or focus. Don’t accept weight gain and muscle loss, bone loss and memory problems. It’s much easier to make small changes now.

    Give Me 30 Days to Change Your Life

    You don’t have to resign yourself to being less than your best. We age because we lose our hormones, not the other way around. I know, because I’ve treated so many cases of hormone deficiency successfully. Yet The Hormone Secret isn’t about going to the doctor. It is possible to protect the supply of testosterone (and estrogen and progesterone) your body does manufacture, utilize it more effectively, and stimulate increased production when appropriate—at home. Through healthy eating timed right, lifestyle changes, and herbs, vitamins/minerals, and supplements found in health-food and drugstores, you can look and feel younger, healthier, and happier than you have in years.

    My protocols also help with weight loss and looking and feeling young after you’ve balanced your testosterone and other hormone levels. I speak regularly at medical conferences throughout the world to educate other physicians on my methods.

    My 30-Day Plan is going to help you change the way you think, move, eat, and supplement—and lose eight to ten pounds while you’re doing it. In the pages ahead, I will help you to:

    1. Evaluate the levels of your own hormones (including testosterone) with self-tests. These self-assessments are the same ones I’ve used with thousands of patients. For example, you’ll find the testosterone self-test on page 49. Many women discover that their scores are eye-openers. They never knew they had hormone deficiencies.

    2. Heal your adrenal glands. Your adrenals manufacture testosterone and many other hormones, but stress interferes with adrenal function. When the adrenals can’t do their job right, your hormone levels decline. You lose energy and have trouble managing the pressures and strains of everyday life. Adrenal fatigue, a condition symptomized by body aches, fatigue, nervousness, and sleep and digestive problems, is one of the most common and widely missed threats to our health today. My 30-Day Plan gives you step-by-step instructions for preventing and treating adrenal fatigue.

    I will also show you effective ways to slash the chronic stress that stops the adrenals from producing hormones as they should. A new perspective and breathing and other exercises will focus and calm you. I will teach you how to turn off stress and turn on healing and rejuvenation. Incidentally, did you know that your body’s response to stress is to produce fat? Yes, stress makes you fat.

    3. Detoxify your liver. Your liver works overtime to filter all the pollution and pesticides you’re exposed to. A sluggish liver performs below par. The liver also activates testosterone and other hormones and converts them into safe, cancer-protective metabolites. My detox in the 30-Day Plan (which is different from detoxification of the colon) includes a cleanse that pulls out and disposes of toxins and heals and tones the liver.

    4. Eat hormone-friendly foods. Changes in what (and when) you eat will speed weight loss, boost energy, and can even help you live longer. Nutrients are the raw ingredients for building our cells, detoxifying the liver, and healing the adrenals. But our food sources are less nutrient-dense than they were fifty years ago, due to pollution, pesticides, and farming practices. I’ll show you what to eat in order to compensate—and provide a maintenance guide for life after the 30-Day Plan.

    5. Boost and balance hormones with herbs and supplements. My 30-Day Plan details specific herbs and vitamin/mineral supplements available over the counter to balance any hormone deficiencies you may have. For example, the herbs maca and ashwagandha help increase testosterone. Vitamin C and vitamin B complex boost estrogen levels in women.

    I know my program works because I’m in the trenches all day, every day, listening to women’s problems and finding solutions that will get the results everybody wants in a busy life. Often research looks good in a textbook but isn’t true in clinical practice. Or, even worse, the findings are so hard to implement that patients won’t follow them. Not only have I been able to prove that my plan works; I’ve found systems, techniques, and tricks to make research ideas doable. For example, it’s fine to tell a patient, Don’t eat sugar. But the reality is that isn’t going to happen in the vast majority of cases. People are far likelier to respond to: Eat sugar twenty percent of the time if you must, and avoid it the rest of the time.

    My practice is divided. I also have one of the largest nonsurgical cosmetic and skin-care practices in Seattle, where I correct what the world has done to us. My clinic is a national training center for physicians. In addition, patients are treated here for adult acne, correction of sun damage, and facial rejuvenation. I work on transformations from the inside out, but the outside affects our confidence. When you feel good, you look good; when you look good, you feel good. You have a spring in your step and feel a little happier.

    It Worked for Me

    I know the value of my plan, because it’s changed my own life. At age forty-two, I stopped wearing skirts—my favorite things—because I had this little fat pouch at my tummy. I’d had my second child at forty-one, and gained fifty pounds with each pregnancy. My obstetrician wasn’t concerned, because I am genetically on the thin side. But I was a resident and up all night every third night, and I had nausea during pregnancy. I ate normally all day, but I’d hit the cheese and crackers nonstop after the sun went down, and my stomach acted up. Boy, did I gain weight.

    I did breast-feed for a year with each child, and that helped me lose the baby weight, but my body looked and felt very different. My percentage of body fat jumped 10 percent even though I weighed the same. I wasn’t as patient as I wanted to be with my children. I wasn’t sleeping well.

    It wasn’t until I balanced my own hormones—without a prescription—that my life changed. Progesterone was my biggest deficiency, and I started off with over-the-counter progesterone cream. Almost immediately, I felt calmer and started sleeping better. I had more patience with my toddlers. I also began to address my low estrogen levels, which were less problematic than my progesterone deficiency but still caused memory and focus issues. (I didn’t have hot flashes, though.) I followed my own program, which did wonders for my brain.

    But it wasn’t until I added testosterone that I began to realize the importance of this hormone. It was my Aha moment. At forty-seven, I thought, I’m doing what everyone else is doing—estrogen and progesterone—and, yes, I’m lean. But I’m not firm. I’m flabby. I knew testosterone increased the muscle-to-fat ratio, and I took two herbs that boosted my levels. Gone was the fatigue that had lingered even after estrogen and progesterone had been restored, and my sense of well-being (that hard-to-define happy place) had returned.

    Let’s Get Started

    With the measures ahead, you can start taking control of your body, too. You can trim down fast and look younger, wake up your sex life, help your bones, heart, memory, sleep, increase strength and endurance, and so much more. No more doctor’s visits to get help for fatigue and lack of energy, where you’re told, You’re fine. You can become the CEO of your own health.

    – PART ONE –

    Your Hormones and the Secret Weapon


    Hormones Working Together: The Entire Orchestra

    Perk up your ears and imagine sitting next to me as the curtain is about to rise on the opening night of a concert. The orchestra consists of strings, wind, and percussion sections, each tuning up with dissonant sounds. Initially, there is a kind of chaos as orchestra members practice and refine the parts they play in the performance that’s about to begin. Yet slowly the instruments begin to work together in harmony. They become a cohesive unit as the curtain goes up, and the performance transports you. In many ways, your hormones, which control the functions of organs and tissues in your body, are similar to a philharmonic. Hormones must balance and work in concert with one another to create optimal health. In perimenopause or menopause, too little or too much of one hormone causes an imbalance in others and can set off a chain reaction of dysfunction. This imbalance is common, because our hormones rarely decline at exactly the same rate and pace.

    That’s why I often hear a familiar story when a new patient comes to my office. I always ask, Why are you here? The answer is usually: I’m not really sick. But I don’t have the energy I used to. Frequently, a primary-care physician has prescribed an antidepressant or sleeping pills. I point out that the symptoms of depression and insomnia are almost identical to those of hormone imbalance. First, let’s check to see if you have any hormone deficiencies, I add. Maybe we can restore hormone balance without adding prescription drugs that have a long list of side effects. I want to know why my patients are experiencing a problem, and address that first, rather than to simply treat symptoms.

    I also explain that our years of perimenopause and menopause are associated with more significant physical changes than at any other time of life, except puberty. Loss of energy is only one of the issues. Unless an MD has taken additional education in integrative medicine or anti-aging (as I have), he/she can easily miss the very real problem of hormone imbalance. Why? Because the traditional medical education that I and other physicians received focuses on diseases and how to treat them, rather than on how to create and maintain wellness.

    Hormone imbalance is not a disease, but it can wreck your quality of life. We live in a society where our hormones are depleted long before the end of our life span, and at a much earlier age than was the case for our parents or grandparents. As early as our thirties, our bodies and our hormone levels are no longer in concert. The challenge is to boost some hormones to help them recalibrate and rebalance. I’m going to educate you in how to deal with and treat any hormone deficiencies you may have. It is possible to reboot your biology with a host of nutritional and lifestyle changes, plus supplementation with herbs, vitamins, and minerals available over the counter. I help women do this every day. But first I want to help you understand the state of your own hormones.

    What’s Going On?

    Just recently, I saw three different patients who felt desperate and didn’t know what was wrong with them. One, a single high-school English teacher, was experiencing premenstrual syndrome (PMS) for the very first time at the age of thirty-nine. She complained of cramps, headaches, and other symptoms, and she felt bewildered by this new turn of events. Another patient, forty-two years old, felt guilty about how often she kept losing her cool, after priding herself on being a patient, calm wife and mother. This isn’t me, she insisted. The third woman, forty-five, a successful business executive, was experiencing profound fatigue for no plausible reason. I used to be a ball of energy. I don’t understand what’s happened to me, she said.

    All three women had no idea their symptoms suggested the beginning of menopause. Neither they nor their primary-care physicians had made the connection, because they didn’t have hot flashes and night sweats. Many women (and some doctors) don’t associate exhaustion, irritability, brain fog, or unexplained weight gain and other menopausal symptoms with hormones. They conclude, I’m cranky because my life is busy. I have small kids and I work. Of course I feel crappy, because I’m not sleeping. My work is stressful. I’m not losing weight, because I’m not working out. Some of these women are divorced. Some juggle a career and the care of elderly parents. Or they’re stay-at-home moms, contending with stresses of their own. Whatever the individual scenario, they just accept feeling off as a consequence of external grievances—when it’s really about internal disequilibrium that can be fixed. And the sooner the better!

    What You Need to Know About Perimenopause and Menopause

    People often confuse the terms menopause, which occurs at an average age of fifty-one in North America according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and perimenopause, the years leading up to cessation of your menses. Menopause simply means you have not had a period for twelve consecutive months. Perimenopause can start ten years before you hit the mark of menopause. You may experience perimenopausal symptoms as early as your thirties—and certainly your forties. Hot flashes and other symptoms are part of menopause, because they’re directly related to the decline and absence of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. However, it is perimenopause that really affects your quality of life. For some women, hot flashes and night sweats start in perimenopause, the period of time when hormones begin to decline but are not yet entirely absent. Other women don’t have flashes and sweats but do have mood, cognitive, weight, and other problems at this stage.

    Why Is This Happening?

    Your ovaries are the primary organs producing several hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in the childbearing years. Childbearing plays a big role in hormone levels. Pregnancy is ten months, not nine. Your ovaries and adrenal glands go into a totally different modality at this time, and hormones are different. It takes quite a while for the body to figure out how to get back to normal. For example, hair gets thick and luxurious during pregnancy. You have the same static level of estrogen and progesterone while you’re pregnant. The normal cycle of your hair growing and then falling out doesn’t occur. It just grows and stays.

    After the baby is born,

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