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Breach of Contract
Breach of Contract
Breach of Contract
Ebook352 pages5 hours

Breach of Contract

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With the legal trouble behind them, Daniel Caplin and Rafael Argon are ready to settle into a low-key D/s relationship, but life is unrelenting, when blackmail shatters their illusion of happily ever after. Pictures from one of the Rafael’s public scenes instill fear into his new submissive, Daniel, acting as a wedge driving the new couple apart.

The building peril in George’s community weighs heavy on his shoulders as he struggles to find the culprit—all while hiding his feelings for his new house guest. Jesse is torn between ending his marriage, picking up a rebound he should have left fifteen years in the past, and the dangling carrot of a possible relationship with a man. He is forced to fight for what he wants most, a leap he may be too chicken to take.

In the sequel to Legally Bound, George battles to take down an unknown enemy, while watching helplessly as those he cares for are broken beyond repair. Can Rafael and Daniel rebuild their trust after it's broken with lies? Can George hold it together as Jesse is ripped from his life?

Release dateNov 10, 2014
Breach of Contract

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    Book preview

    Breach of Contract - J.R. Gray

    Chapter One

    I have a way out of your marriage, if you want it. George Sirus attempted to make the statement nonchalant as he stood at the bar uncorking a fresh bottle of wine with his back to Jesse. They were midway through their twice weekly dinners, something they had started up after Rafael's case was dismissed. Jesse reacted to him in a way no one ever had, completely normally. He’d never treated George like anything but his equal. George knew he’d created the image himself with his elusiveness and never sleeping with his slaves. It was his own fault, but Jesse had never adhered to the rules or protocol everyone else in the scene did. Half the time Jesse’s cheeky manner was disrespectful, but it was raw and honest. George had found he liked the married man more than was healthy and started digging shortly after for a way to help Jesse out of his unhappy marriage. George told himself it was to aid his friend, but there were selfish reasons behind the gesture he would never admit to.

    Jesse nearly spit out his salmon. Excuse me? he said between coughs.

    George poured more wine into both their glasses, almost second guessing what he’d said, and sat back down at the small table nestled into his all-glass four season room. The room was a tropical betrayal of the November wind and cold outside. A light snow was swirling around the building, turning the Chicago skyline bleak. Because of the perfect placement of the room and the location of the building on the north side of the city right on Lake Shore Drive, the sweeping miles of view were of both the skyscrapers as well as the expansive lake bordering them. Outside lay a balcony surrounding three sides of the room. His massive penthouse was the two top stories of the high-rise. It was one of the few luxuries George indulged in even being the owner of the biggest BDSM club in the city.

    After what happened with Cill, I wanted to look into it. The words were smooth in George’s light accent.

    Jesse had stayed two nights with him after the fight he’d had with his wife a month ago, and the company in the penthouse had been intoxicating. Not that he was ever alone, with at least one slave there 'round the clock, but Jesse added something more—something the middle-aged man had never expected to desire. Moreover, it was one thing he hadn't felt he deserved. Jesse treated him like he was normal.

    I can't. You know about her father. Jesse wiped his mouth then set his napkin alongside his plate before pushing it back. He had almost white blond hair, with darker red undertones at the roots, and stunning blue eyes with flecks of gray. It was apparent by Jesse's trim appearance he took care of himself and exercised regularly, but he also had superb fashion sense. George wasn't at all shocked the attorney's wife used him as arm candy. He had a similar fantasy rolling around in the back of his mind.

    Yes, the Judge. I looked up your wife, and I've found I am quite familiar with her father, and if you had been to the Amenti with me, you would be familiar with his lifestyle, as well. George pursed his lips, wearing a coy smile as he dropped the hint.

    Isn't that the name of your club... Both of Jesse's brows shot up. His lifestyle. Him maybe, but there is no way Bunny is a BDSM freak.

    An amused smile curled over George's mouth. You'd be surprised how many people you would never pinpoint as freaks are in the lifestyle. I'll introduce you to a picture of my slave Elliot later, to prove my point.

    Elliot, the kid who answered the door naked, right? Jesse cocked his head as if he was thinking. He does look familiar, come to think of it.

    There was a twinkle in George's blue eyes. I'm sure he does, and if seen with the bastard he calls a father, you'd know him.

    Jesse sat back in his chair. He had his tie pulled loose and the top button of his purple button up undone. His suit jacket was off, and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled to his forearm.

    So Bunny is a sub? He shuddered and poked his tongue out. George thought Jesse looked a little bit like he was having a seizure.

    George chuckled darkly, brushing a hand over his well-manicured facial hair. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the Judge's wife, so I can't tell you what kink she may or may not be into.

    Jesse crossed his arms over his chest. Explain what you know about him.

    George enjoyed the cat and mouse games of only giving people the information they asked for. It pleased the sadist in him greatly, made better by how annoyed Jesse got with him.

    He is a dominant and has always kept a sub boy on the side.

    A mix of emotions washed over Jesse's face. From what George could see there was first shock, then disgust, and lastly confusion settled into place, his eyes twice their normal size.

    He's on the down low?

    I guess if you want to refer to it in crude terms. George set his fork aside and rang the tiny bell for the slave to come take away their dishes. Plenty of people with lives in the public choose to live that way. They have a family for appearances and a lover on the side for fulfillment. I see it every day, and it's more common for men my age or older because of the taboo which used to be placed on gay men.

    A red headed, fair skinned slave came in and left with their plates. George refilled their glasses, having found the other man more open when he was buzzed.

    So let me see if I've figured this out. You're going to give him hell about his lifestyle choices if he gives me hell on mine. Jesse picked up his glass and sipped his wine.

    You have the theory down. George followed suit with the wine and got to his feet to look out the window. Say the word and I won't meddle. I was merely trying to help so you felt like you had a choice in the matter.

    But where would I stay? Jesse breathed out. I guess I can ask Daniel if I can stay with him ‘til I can find a place of my own.

    I won't hear of it. Stay here, George said too eagerly, his back to Jesse.

    That's not a request, is it?

    George shook his head, glad his expression was masked.

    Fine, but only ‘til I find a place of my own in the city.

    George reluctantly nodded.

    Let me think it over.


    Jesse Goldmen paced the bedroom he shared with his wife, Pricilla. She was in the master bath perched at her makeup table, babbling on about the most recent gossip from her circle as she painted her face. She was beyond thin to the point of where her bones jutted out in an unattractive manner.

    Are you dressed yet? she called, drawing him out of his own mind.

    We have hours. He sat down on the bed in his boxers. Since George had offered him freedom, he had avoided talking to anyone, trapped in his own mind.

    She sighed in such a way he instantly knew he had forgotten something. You didn't live with someone for over ten years without picking up on their little cues.

    What did I forget? He got to his feet to pick up a suit, knowing he'd lose any argument he started. George's words stuck out in his mind, but he knew he was too chicken to act on them. It would throw his whole life into upheaval. A sore spot formed in the center of his chest. Did he really just admit to himself he was too big a pussy to change things when he had an opportunity? Fuck. If anything, it was the saddest realization he had ever come to about himself. When had comfort and familiarity turn to fear? Potential happiness and freedom were within his grasp, and he was staying. He wanted to bang his head in to the wall. What did he have to lose? He couldn't believe the prospect of being alone was worth more than living with someone he didn't love, or more so, couldn't even stand at this point.

    You forgot I have to be at the conservatory early to approve the final menu, gift bags and greet the guests.

    Can I meet you there later?

    She tutted. It was her universal sign for how could you even ask? He didn't understand why he always had to be with her. Every damn time she left the house, she made him go with her.

    Hurry up. We need to be out of here in fifteen minutes. She pushed past him into their large walk- in closet going to her side to take her dress off the hanger.

    He ran his fingers over his suits, going for one he hadn't worn recently, a light gray with matching vest and teal shirt. His hand shook as he started to pull on the shirt. It sank in, all his choices for the past ten years, and the weight of it nearly broke him. He had traded his happiness for hers. He had given in to every request to avoid a fight, and their marriage, in the process, had become all about her. There wasn't a damn thing here he cared about, and he had no one to blame but himself. He looked around the room. Not a piece of him stood anywhere in it. He had one bookshelf in the study. Everything else, down to the knickknacks in his study, was her taste, her choice. If he left right now, the only thing he would care to take were his clothes.

    I want a separation. The words left his mouth before he realized he said them.

    She looked up, her delicate fingers sliding a choker into place around her throat. Excuse me? She said the words like she didn't believe what she was hearing, and he didn't blame her.

    You've tried to turn me into something I'm not, and it's my fault for letting you get this far. This isn't me. I don't want any of it.

    Jesse, I can't believe you're pulling this now of all times. Get dressed, and we can talk about this later.

    I'm not going. He turned around and hung the suit back up, instead grabbing a Black Sabbath tee to pull over his head.

    I know this is a ploy, like everything else. Her hands flew to her hips. So what do you want?

    Nothing. There is nothing you can give me to change my mind. I want... He couldn't bring himself to say divorce. It was so permanent. I want a separation.

    She laughed at him in her shrill tone, returning to putting on her jewelry. His mouth fell open.

    I don't want to be late. Hurry up.

    He set his jaw and grabbed a bag off the top shelf of the closet. I'm not kidding.

    She turned on him with murder in her eyes. Get dressed. I have an image to uphold.

    Chapter Two

    The next few days flew by, and George didn't hear a word from Jesse. He guessed Jesse wasn't ready to leave his marriage.

    George was in the middle of his Saturday morning routine in his expansive playroom when the back bell to the elevator signaled he had someone coming up. The number of people who had access keys to the under building parking garage numbered below ten, and he wasn't expecting any of them. Deciding to play a little game with Elliot, he unknotted the silk cravat from his neck and tied it over the young slave’s eyes. The slave's hands tightened into fists. George was playing into his fear of the unknown.

    Relax and be a good boy. He dragged the tips of his flogger over Elliot's lightly freckled stomach, teasing him with the feather touch. He stopped the contact, set the flogger aside, and walked out of the playroom to head his guest off.

    The back elevator dinged as he approached, and the doors slid back to reveal Jesse's face. He had circles under his eyes and worry lines in his forehead. Two fingers held a garment bag over one shoulder and a duffle over his other.

    Is it still okay if I stay? He put a smile on his lips that George knew was fake.

    But of course. Let me help you. George approached him and tried to take the bag, but Jesse didn’t move to hand it over.

    I’ve got it.

    Don’t be absurd. I would have a slave do it, but he’s rather tied up at the moment.

    The statement earned a chuckle out of Jesse, and he gave up the bag. Even hurt Jesse had a light in his blue eyes and his heart on his sleeve, a trait that made him wholly unique compared to the masks most wore to impress George. I can stay on the sofa or something if the slaves use the guest rooms.

    George laughed and turned his back to stalk down the hall. When he didn’t hear Jesse following, he cast a glance over his shoulder. Slaves in bed … how naive you really are, handsome.

    Jesse started after him, brow creased. Where do they sleep then? He caught up and followed George to the other side of the penthouse.

    He realized Jesse was serious, and he laughed throatily again. I have cages for them.

    I love you and Daniel, but your lifestyle is fucked.

    George opened a thick oak door at the end of the hall in to an expansive room with a view as stunning as the living room Jesse had spent so much time in.

    Is there a room in this place without a view?

    Does that require an answer?

    Jesse stepped in and tossed his garment bags on the bed. The room was done in blacks and grays. There was a sitting room area off to one side, with a large rug and welcoming furniture placed in front of the floor to ceiling windows. Jesse walked to the juncture of the glass walls and looked down. He quickly turned and took a seat on the antique fainting couch and put his head in his hands. George didn’t comment, walking the duffle straight in to the walk-in closet before taking a seat on the chair adjacent to Jesse.

    Tell me what’s in your head, little one?

    Jesse raised an eyebrow but didn’t question the pet name. I told her I wanted a separation.

    George felt an ache settle in his chest, but he didn’t let it show it outwardly. Is that what you want?

    Jesse dropped his head to hang between his shoulders. Maybe I’m a pussy, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t look her in the eyes and tell her I wanted a divorce.

    Why do you think that is? It was hard for George to understand being anything but up front about what he wanted from someone. Maybe it was the dominant training.

    I don’t know. I told her I wanted to talk, and I had it all built up in my mind, but when she was standing there in front of me, I couldn’t say it. I told her I was unhappy, and I need time to figure things out.

    And why do you feel like you couldn’t say it to her face? George asked.

    Because at one point I was happy, and I did love her. I want to make her happy, even if I’m not happy. There is something wrong with me. Jesse’s body language exuded pain. It was written all over him.

    George sat back crossing ankle over knee and pressed his fingers together. There were so many signs Jesse was submissive, and it was amusing to learn more about him. There is nothing wrong with feeling as such, but you can’t continue to be unhappy in your marriage. Do you think you want to try reconciling to fix things? He hated the suggestion, but he had to put the friendship, and the lawyer’s needs, before his own desires.

    He looked up. No, I’m done. Dinner tonight?

    I have appointments at Amenti and matters to attend to, but please treat this like your house, and I will tell the slaves to treat you like a visiting Master.

    A half smile adorned Jesse’s lips. That sounds like entirely too much trust.

    George laughed. Maybe it is. You get settled in, and we can have breakfast in the morning?

    He got up, and Jesse followed, pulling him into a hug, shocking George.

    Thanks again.

    But of course. He turned on his heel and exited the room before he did something that might make the situation uncomfortable for them both.


    Jesse lay back in the large claw foot tub, sitting in the middle of the bath attached to the guest bedroom. There was a massive inviting shower with steamer, but he needed a good soak after the day's events. The tension from the day started to drain off him as the warm water seeped into his muscles. Enough clothes for a week hung in the closet, and he would make time when Cill wasn't home to go get the rest. He'd told her he was leaving this morning, and a screaming match had ensued, followed by crying on her part, and lots of smashed antiques. Jesse had escaped with the bare minimum to get him by. In retrospect he should have packed before telling her, but he was a complete fail at breakups, and figured he always would be.

    He sank down in the tub, submerging his shoulders and raising his arms as the water level rose to avoid getting the briefs he was reading wet. The light from the fixture in the ceiling reflected off his white gold wedding ring. He closed his eyes, pushing away the thought of how many years it symbolized he had wasted. It had been on his finger for nearly ten years, only taken off when he went to the gym, which brought back many fond memories of gay men hitting on him in its absence. Setting the thick stack of papers aside, he pulled it off and blew out a long breath. About to toss the ring to the floor, he heard his phone buzzing against the marble, next to the tub. Daniel's name flashed across the screen as his eyes landed on it. Ditching his ring, he went to grab the phone, making the water slosh with his quick movement.

    What's up?


    Yeah? He tipped his head back to stare at the ceiling.

    Are you in the bathroom? What's echoing? He could hear the disgust in his best friend's voice.

    Yeah, I'm in the tub.

    Daniel didn't speak for a long moment. I thought we were meeting at the bar tonight because Raf is working late.

    Oh, shit. I forgot.

    Daniel, his partner where they worked as city public defenders, was his usual go-to for getting out of charity events with his wife, or drinking partner if he didn't want to go home, which was more nights than he liked to admit to. Although they saw less of each other with Daniel dating their former client, a paid dominant.

    Wait, shouldn't Cill have you getting ready? Think she'll even let you out now? The disappointment showed in Daniel's voice.

    Yeah, about that... Jesse winced. He'd made a huge life change and hadn't even told Daniel. What kind of friend was he? I'm at George's.

    Who? Daniel sounded confused.

    You know, the King or whatever you kinky folk call him. Jesse didn't know where to even start, but one thing was certain, he didn't want to have this conversation over the phone.

    Why the hell are you there?

    Maybe we should hit the bar. I have some stuff to explain. He didn't want to get out of the tub, but his partner deserved an explanation.

    I'm leaving the club. I'm not far. Let me just go there ... if you think he'd be okay with it. There was a reluctant edge to Daniel's voice.

    Yeah, I'm his guest, don't worry about it. George is at the club tonight anyway.

    Jesse had at least twenty-five minutes before Daniel could get there. Lake Shore Drive always had traffic on it. He dropped his phone back to the marble floor and collected the brief. What seemed like moments later, there was a knock on the bathroom door.

    What is it, Elliot? Jesse looked back over his shoulder.

    There is a Mister Caplin here to see you, Sir, the slave said through the door.

    Shit. Tell him I'll be right out. Jesse was starting to sit up in the tub when the door clicked open. He looked back again to find himself staring into Daniel's hazel eyes as he pushed past the poor slave.

    You can't.

    Don't worry about it, Elliot. He waved the young man off.

    Elliot looked grateful as he excused himself.

    Daniel watched the mostly naked man walk off, brow creased when he turned back. He looks familiar...

    Right? I have to ask George about it.

    His partner gave a low whistle as he stepped further into the room and cast a look around the expansive bathroom. Well don't let me disturb your soak in what I'm sure is an antique clawfoot in the middle of a bathroom bigger than my bedroom. Daniel chuckled and sat back against the sink basin.

    Jesse grabbed the hand towel next to the tub and tossed it over his dick. Should I tell Raf you're barging in on me in the tub?

    Says the guy who admittedly gets off to my sexual escapades? Daniel’s stare was pointed.

    Touché. Jesse leaned back. Well, I'm not getting out now. This shit is amazing.

    Daniel stole the bench from the dressing table and took a seat. So what the fuck is this?

    Jesse let out a long breath, not meeting Daniel’s eyes. I told Cill I want a separation.

    Daniel coughed, eyes going wide. Excuse me?

    I'm staying with George while I figure out if I want a divorce. Jesse side eyed his partner.

    You told her this? Not that you're going on a business trip like last time? Daniel set his elbows on his knees and leaned forward, resting his chin in his hands.

    No, I told her the truth. Well, some of it. Jesse exhaled a long breath.

    Daniel put a hand over his open mouth. And so you're quitting?

    Jesse shook his head. No, George is helping me. Plus, I only told her I needed a break to figure things out. I'm not sure if I want a divorce.

    Start from the beginning and explain. Daniel stared harshly and crossed his arms over his chest.

    Can you stop giving me that look? It's awkward naked.

    Daniel got up. Get dressed. I really need a drink now.

    Jesse glanced at his watch. Okay, I have like two hours.

    Daniel looked around the lavish bathroom once more. Only you could go up in the food chain after leaving an heiress.

    Forty minutes later, they were sitting at one of the bars they frequented in Wrigglyville, close to Daniel's house.

    Why'd you want to come all the way up here anyway? We were closer to the Library. The Library was their usual bar in the loop near the courthouse.

    I've got plans later, Jesse said, side stepping the issue, hoping his friend would ignore it. He wasn't that lucky.

    A hard fist hit him in the shoulder. It's like you're not even a lawyer. You're barely separated. What if she hires someone to follow you? George and me, we are safe, but the fucking minute you step foot in Kennedy's house you better have told Cill you want a divorce.

    You don't really think ... no, you're right, she may very well. Jesse scrubbed a hand over his face.

    Daniel nodded and sipped his Blue Moon.

    I need to tell her it's really over. He shifted in his seat and exhaled. I think I want a divorce, but I didn't have the balls to say it.

    Of all people, you can't stand up to her. I know. You are married to the devil. I've known this our whole friendship.

    Jesse pressed his forehead into the bar and sighed. I'm not cut out for relationships.

    You aren't cut out for relationships to controlling bitches. Daniel gave him a look and tipped his beer to his lips.

    So what, I should switch teams? Jesse rolled his eyes.

    You get off to my hook ups.

    My ass is an exit only hole. Jesse clenched his whole body and shuddered. Even if I do find some men attractive and sucking dick sounds like fun, he muttered under his breath.

    Daniel chuckled. Let someone massage your prostate, then talk to me again.

    That's how they get you! It feels so good, let me try my fingers, Jesse said in a mock higher voice, before slamming his hand down on the table. Then next thing you know you have a twelve inch cock in your ass!

    I think you've watched too much gay porn. Daniel nursed his drink.


    Daniel gasped and stared at him.

    He looked around. What?

    I was joking! You've watched gay porn?

    Jesse slipped his beer and avoided eye contact. I was trying to visualize what you do. Little tip, Papa Bear, BDSM is not something you can ever recover from.

    Daniel snorted beer and spit it all over the bar top. He huffed and faux pouted, which made his partner laugh harder.

    When the other man had calmed down from his fit of laughter he asked, You're still going to go, aren't you?

    Jesse shrugged one shoulder. I've been married far too long. I want to live a little.

    You're thinking with your dick. Daniel flagged down the barmaid for another drink.

    They fell into silence, watching sports center for a while.

    So why did you want to come out on Saturday anyway? Jesse asked.

    Raf is working tonight, and I wanted to talk to you before you distracted me with this whole life changing news. He picked at the label of his beer.

    Jesse twitched. On or off. You know how much it irritates me to watch you pick it.

    Does it really? Daniel eyed him and picked at the paper some more.

    Yes, so stop fumbling it. Off or on.

    He didn’t

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