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The Fasting Feast: a path to better health & mental clarity
The Fasting Feast: a path to better health & mental clarity
The Fasting Feast: a path to better health & mental clarity
Ebook54 pages56 minutes

The Fasting Feast: a path to better health & mental clarity

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Fasting is the oldest known method for humans to take steps to benefit their own health in a wide variety of ways. And while a million and one "diets" have come and gone over the years, fasting has remained as a proven path to self-healing, vibrant good health, and increased mental clarity.
Here is a clear, concise presentation of the different types of fasting, techniques for effectiveness, as well as a look at the emerging clinical evidence supporting the physiological benefits of this ancient practice.
In an easy to understand, non-technical way, The Fasting Feast will give you both the scientific and anecdotal material you need to give yourself a solid understanding of what this rediscovered secret to everything from lasting weight loss to recovery from a host of chronic conditions, is all about.

PublisherUdey Johnson
Release dateJul 20, 2014
The Fasting Feast: a path to better health & mental clarity

Udey Johnson

I'm a freelance writer of ebooks and blog articles dealing with travel, history, healthy living and art. While my travel writing certainly contains practical information to help people orient themselves to different places, I tend to go a little deeper into the historical context than the average guide book. My theory is the more you know about a place besides its location, the more you see.This is the same philosophy I bring to all the subjects I write about. My goal is to give readers a unique twist on each topic I address in hopes of offering a new way of looking at things that both challenges, and expands the perspective you arrived with.My professional background is in education as a teacher in everything from public schools to adult education, and even a stint in corporate training. When I'm not writing I enjoy spending time reading, hiking, and traveling.I call Marin county in the San Francisco Bay Area home, but I also spend a lot of time in Montreal, Québec.

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    Book preview

    The Fasting Feast - Udey Johnson

    The Fasting Feast

    A Way to Better Health & Mental Clarity

    Udey Johnson


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2014 by Udey Johnson. All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    Types of Fasts

    Fasting & Weight Loss

    Fasting and Aging

    Fasting for the Brain

    Fasting and Detoxification

    Renewing the Immune System

    Resting the Digestive System

    Ending the Fast


    About the Author


    The best of all medicines is resting and fasting

    Benjamin Franklin

    Food is everywhere in today's world. Yes, hunger still exists, and scarcity remains a problem for many, a problem that we must solve. But for the overwhelming majority of people in advanced industrialized nations, there is no shortage of food, and eating is a virtually non-stop activity. In-fact, for most people in the world, eating is thought of as the most important element in health maintenance. But is that true?

    Certainly eating good food is vital to human health - that is indisputable. We simply cannot survive without the nourishment absorbed from the food and liquids we consume. It's the key to building bones, muscles, and every component of our organic being. But is eating all the time, without stopping to take a rest from ingesting nutritional material, the logical counterpart to this basic truth of human survival?

    Food has now become a virtual obsession for many people. Eating has become a form of recreation in many respects, a central element of our social lives, and even plays a role as entertainment for millions around the world. And all of this has worked to obscure the real relationship between good health and food. The truth is that more food does not equate to more health – and in fact – the inverse may actually be the case.

    The purpose of this guide to the basic elements and benefits of fasting is to acquaint people with the concept and practice of reducing consumption as a means of working with your body to establish a higher state of health and mental clarity.

    The practice of fasting may be the oldest activity aimed at improving health known to humans. It is widely mentioned in every religion's most sacred texts, and may be hardwired into our genes as a boon to health and longevity from the times when fasting was forced on humans by the unpredictability of food supplies.

    Long used as a means of increasing spiritual awareness by mystics and religious adherents of every description, it has regained the public's attention in recent years with the growing popularity of a wide variety internal cleansing regimes and diets.

    Yet while now there are seemingly thousands of elaborate and complicated diet and detox regimes to choose from, the irony is that the most effective means of achieving

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