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Off the Wall
Off the Wall
Off the Wall
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Off the Wall

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Ancient artifacts provoke fresh fear when a night at the museum goes from fun to freaky!

Jane is ready for the time of her life. Tonight she and forty-nine other girls will be spending an actual night in a museum! At first, she’s making lots of new friends and having a ton of fun, but the stakes get raised when one girl, Daria, dares her to take a tour of the museum after lights out. The girls have heard that one of the mummies in the Ancient Egyptian exhibit comes to life when the museum closes. Jane accepts the dare. After all, there’s no way a mummy can come to life. Or is there? And are there, perhaps, other secrets that will be revealed in a museum at night?

This surprising story is rated a Level 4 on the Creep-o-Meter.
Release dateJun 11, 2013
Off the Wall

P.J. Night

A lifelong night owl, P.J. Night often works furiously into the wee hours of the morning, writing down spooky tales and dreaming up new stories of the supernatural and otherworldly. Although P.J.’s whereabouts are unknown at this time, we suspect the author lives in a drafty, old mansion where the floorboards creak when no one is there and the flickering candlelight creates shadows that creep along the walls. We truly wish we could tell you more, but we’ve been sworn to keep P.J.’s identity a secret…and it’s a secret we will take to our graves!

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    Book preview

    Off the Wall - P.J. Night


    For centuries the girl had been asleep.

    Asleep, tightly wrapped, in her close-fitting bed. Asleep, undisturbed, under tons of silent sand.

    Asleep through turmoil and wars and famines on the Earth’s surface. Asleep when the mighty Nile flooded its banks, and asleep when decades of drought wiped out whole villages.

    Civilizations had come and gone while she slept, and nothing had disturbed her dreamless sleep. She had slept through the early days of her tomb’s discovery. Through years of patient, careful digging as the sand above her was brushed away. She had slept as her sarcophagus was lifted into the glaring sunlight of an Egyptian day and carried away from its resting place.

    And for the next hundred years she had slept in a dusty office in an Egyptian museum, visited by almost no one.

    But now, in the darkness, she began to stir. Something was coming through to her. Sounds. Movement. Then the sense that she was in the wrong place. It was time to wake up.

    In the darkness, the girl frowned.


    I don’t want to go, Jane whispered to herself. I don’t want to go.

    Ahead of her the huge, cavernous lobby of the Templeton Memorial Museum was ringing with the clamor of fifty other girls Jane’s age. They were lined up in front of a long table, eagerly signing in for the Templeton Lock-In.

    A poster on the wall above the tables blasted the neon-pink words: THRILL TO AN OVERNIGHT EXPERIENCE BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE MUSEUM! But from her place at the end of the line, Jane was not thrilled. Not at all. Not one bit.

    It will be good for you, her mother had said to her that morning. You need to socialize with more girls your own age.

    But what, Jane wondered, am I supposed to say to girls I’ve never seen before in my life? And how on Earth can I possibly spend an entire sleepover with them?

    She cast a miserable glance around the lobby—a bustling hive of girls and their parents and all their random good-bye conversations.

    "Dad, I don’t need an alarm clock! They’ll wake us up, I swear! And I don’t see your allergy pillow, honey. Where’s your allergy pillow? And Fine, then! I don’t want to hear another word about it! And No, Mommy, don’t hug me. Everyone will think I’m a baby."

    I’m just not anything like these girls, Jane thought. I can tell just by looking at them. Why, why did I have to—

    Are you here to register, dear? came the friendly voice of a woman in front of her.

    Jane jumped out of her thoughts. The line had been moving along without her noticing, and now she was standing right at the registration table.

    I guess so, said Jane. Nervously she twisted a hank of her blond hair around one finger.

    Okay! What’s your name?

    Jane Meunier.

    The woman glanced through a sheaf of papers and checked off Jane’s name. Have you done a lock-in with us before, Jane?

    No. We—I—uh—just moved here, Jane stammered. "I don’t know anything about anything."

    The woman chuckled. Well, then, you are in for a wonderful surprise. This is going to be the best night of your life! Now, where’s your sleeping bag?

    Jane pointed to a pile of blankets in her basket.

    Oh, no sleeping bag? remarked the woman. Did you bring a foam pad to put under your blankets? That floor can feel awfully hard.

    Foam pad? exclaimed Jane. "I’ve never heard of using a foam pad! Oh, I knew something was going to go wrong right away!"

    Don’t look so worried! said the woman. They’ve got extra foam mattresses in the Great Hall for people who need them. And you’ll have a wonderful time. The lock-in is one of our most popular events. There’s a huge waiting list every time.

    She’s right. The lock-in is really, really fun. This voice was coming from behind Jane. She turned around to see a girl—who had dark hair and brown eyes—smiling at her. I’m so excited! the girl continued. I’ve been waiting to be old enough ever since my sister did a lock-in here three years ago. Hi, Mrs. Crawford, she added. I guess you know I’m here to register for the lock-in tonight.

    Yes indeedy, Lucy, said the woman at the table. I’ve got your paperwork right here! Jane, this is Lucy Nasim. Lucy has attended every single Templeton Museum event in the history of the world.

    That’s pretty much true, said Lucy. "Pottery workshops, plant hunts in the park, Meet the Owls—you name it. I love this museum. I totally wish I lived here."

    Jane smiled shyly at Lucy. At this moment, she wasn’t exactly feeling the same way, but she could already tell that Lucy was really nice.

    Mrs. Crawford handed each girl a name tag. Lucy, this is Jane’s first time at the museum. Why don’t you take her to the Great Hall? The group leaders are already there. And help her get a foam mattress, okay?

    Of course I will, said Lucy, shouldering her backpack.

    And Lucy—none of your practical jokes tonight, okay? Mrs. Crawford turned to Jane and said, Lucy can be kind of a prankster. Don’t let her play any tricks.

    Lucy rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. "I’ll try to be good. Let’s go, Jane. I know everything about this museum, she added with a laugh as they began walking. The Great Hall’s where we’re going to be sleeping. It’s down at the far end of the building. I think the museum people put it there because they like you to walk past some of their greatest hits on the way."

    Greatest hits?

    Oh, you know, like some of the most famous stuff. There’s a pearl the size of a baseball, for instance. And what some people think might have been King Arthur’s crown. And in there is the Hall of Mythology, said Lucy. It’s superpopular.

    Jane looked around at all the lifelike statues. Most of them were beautiful, but some were a bit creepy. Jane shuddered. In the center of the gallery, a marble boy was struggling to free himself from the tentacles of a massive marble sea serpent. Behind the sea serpent, Jane could see a wall mosaic of a ten-foot-tall woman who seemed to have snakes for hair. And next to the snake-haired woman, even taller, was a battered wooden statue of some kind of monster with not one, but three ferocious dog heads.

    Those myths can get pretty weird, Lucy said cheerfully. But I guess people like the exhibit—it’s always crowded.

    It was thinning out now that the museum was about to close. People were hurrying past the girls on their way toward the lobby, and as Jane and Lucy passed the next exhibit hall, its lights blinked off. Glancing back, Jane realized that the mythology gallery was also dark now. For some reason, she didn’t like the thought of that sea serpent and the snake-haired woman standing silent and motionless in a darkened room.

    Ta-da! Here’s the Great Hall! Lucy exclaimed.

    The Great Hall was a huge round chamber with a vaulted ceiling so high above the girls’ heads that Jane wasn’t sure she could actually see the top. As they walked in, Jane noticed that the hall had four identical entryways spaced at equal intervals, like the directions on a compass. She and Lucy were passing through the south entrance. It had an old-looking map of the South Pole over the door, but that was the only thing that distinguished it from the other three entrances.

    I always go in through this door, said Lucy. I love Antarctica.

    But Jane wasn’t paying attention. She was staring into the Great Hall, which was now a hive of excited girls. Some were laying out their sleeping bags and arranging pillows on top of them. Some were studying

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