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Memory's Wake: Memory's Wake Trilogy, #1
Memory's Wake: Memory's Wake Trilogy, #1
Memory's Wake: Memory's Wake Trilogy, #1
Ebook357 pages4 hours

Memory's Wake: Memory's Wake Trilogy, #1

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

She doesn't belong in this fairy tale land.

'Memory' is having a bad day. Torn through a magical portal. Her past unknown, stolen.

She has no idea how much worse things will get. The only thing she knows is she has to run.

A dragon hunts her.

The fairies despise her.

The king wants her soul.

And a wild man follows her in the shadows…

Memory will do anything to get back home, wherever that is, but unexplainable forces and dangerous secrets push her toward a fate darker than she ever imagined.

Will she survive learning the truth?

Victorian style, fairy tale creatures, and Arthurian lore combine in this unforgettable tale.

Memory's Wake is the first book in this complete young adult fantasy trilogy, perfect for readers seeking a unique story full of intrigue, unexpected twists and high-stakes action.

Get your copy of this spellbinding page-turner today.

Release dateJul 16, 2011
Memory's Wake: Memory's Wake Trilogy, #1

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    Book preview

    Memory's Wake - Selina A. Fenech

    Chapter One

    She knew only darkness and a horrible, hateful wind.

    I’m falling.

    She flailed, panicking.

    Where am I?

    All she remembered was a furious, bellowing rumble, like the call of a hungry dragon. It churned her insides as much as the sensation of falling.

    As though woken from a nightmare, her senses felt muddled. Nothing made sense. She couldn’t understand why she still heard that noise, why she still felt as though she plummeted into hell.

    Some other sound teased her, unidentifiable, lost in the wind.

    What’s happening? Is someone there? Pain rampaged through her and the questions fell away.

    The sound again. It was a voice. Hysterical, all static and unclear sounds.

    The girl called out, tearing her throat raw with effort, trying to reach through the gusting void to whoever had spoken. I can’t hear. Help. It hurts!

    The talking stopped.

    No, come back. Please.

    The wailing wind and painful rumbling continued. Her insides rattled as if her ribcage had been hollowed out and filled with marbles. She thought she might throw up.

    Hands grabbed her.

    The shock of that touch forced out a scream.

    Then, like slamming a door on a windy day, the tearing air stopped. The world became solid. Her skin still tingled right to her fingertips but the pain had gone. Only a deep burning in her chest remained. Panic crawled up her back, tugging at her with icy fingers.

    Stop. Look. Feel, she ordered herself, attempting slow breaths.

    Dark hair hung around her face, curtaining her vision. She lay on the ground, face down.

    Did I really fall? Her body hurt all over. Maybe she had.

    Old blackened leaves spread in front of her eyes, and the smell of dirt and rot added to her lingering nausea. Sharp twigs poked through her jeans. She spat soil from her mouth.

    That other voice spoke again. It was a girl’s voice — young, like her own. A strange accent made it curiously elegant and musical. The tremor of fear in it only made it more so. By the fae, what has happened? Can you hear me now?

    Fighting the weakness in her body, the dark-haired girl nodded to the voice and managed to roll over. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked out into a twilit forest of wild briars and giant trees. Beside her, another girl crouched on the ground, plump but strikingly pretty, with skin and hair so pale it was almost white against the shadowed woods. The long hair tumbled all around the stranger, making her look like a beautiful, scared ghost.

    Their breathing matched each other’s; fast, labored, scared out of their minds. An intense frown of thought and calculation marred Ghost-girl’s face. The look of a mind weighing options, assessing risks, looking for answers. In her own head, the dark-haired girl could feel nothing but the fractures of stress upon her sanity.

    She stared at Ghost-girl, hoping for some recognition. No name came to her, yet she felt a strange connection to the pale girl. She wondered what it could mean. Her thoughts scattered in all directions, racing frantically, searching for answers to the growing crowd of questions. Every query drew a blank. She felt completely lost.

    Alward? Ghost-girl called out into the trees. Alward? Oh no, he didn’t make it through. Wide green eyes, shadowed and full of fear, darted from the surrounding woods back onto her. I’m not where I ought to be. Did you do this, did you bring me here? Was it magic of yours?

    The lost girl gaped at the blonde. Magic? Is that why my skin’s tingling like this? But magic’s not real.

    She wasn’t sure she could say just now what was or wasn’t real, but the accusations confused and stung. She was sure she hadn’t done any bringing. And certainly not with magic.

    There must have been some kind of accident, she thought, feeling like the victim of something.

    She worked hard to find her voice again. What... She paused. So many questions, where to start? What happened?

    Ghost-girl wore a wary frown. You don’t know? Please, it is important you tell me the truth. If you are a caster of unauthorized magic, know I’m not an enemy. She made a complex hand gesture. When no response came, her frown turned from wary to scared. She gasped and spoke as though to herself. Unless... no, you couldn’t be one of Thayl’s wizard hunters?

    Whose what hunters? The lost girl’s words slurred, her head still spinning. Was there an accident? Shouldn’t we get help? She sat up and brushed dirt from her face, wincing when she touched a tender area under her eye.

    You are hurt, but I don’t know how, I don’t... Ghost-girl’s voice worked up into the high pitch of panic. She visibly swallowed it down. I need to find out where I am.

    She turned away, reached down and dug her fingers into the earth, then spoke too quietly to hear. The ground trembled into a shiver, growing outwards, expanding quickly, up tree trunks, along branches, tickling the leaves at the treetops.

    A thousand voices whispered.

    Brilliant. I’m hallucinating. The lost girl put a hand to her forehead, dizzied by the disembodied voices. How hurt am I? Concussion? Brain damage?

    The blonde was talking nonsense again, words flying. ...too close to home. The Veil door didn’t take me far enough away. They’ve found me, already? The hunters, they’re coming this way. We have to go! Please, I don’t know how you came to be here, but listen. There are people chasing me. If they find you here, they’ll think you’re one of us. We have to run. She stood in a cascade of crumpled dress, face turned up toward the canopy of woven branches screening the dimming sky. They’re almost here, and their beast... their dragon...

    Everything was on fast forward. With her face half hidden behind her black hair, the lost girl thought maybe she could let herself cry. This was too much, too many words, too much chaos, to still feel so empty inside.

    Slow down. I don’t understand. Do I know you?

    I do not know you, but I can’t have you caught here when they are hunting me. She felt the touch of Ghost-girl’s hand, plump and gentle on her own. Not a ghost after all. Come with me. My name is Eloryn. She smiled, but the urgency in her features soured the expression.

    The lost girl tried to respond. I’m... My name is...

    Nothing. Nothing at all.

    Her emptiness. It came into perfect, terrifying clarity. She knew nothing of who she was.

    No name.

    No home.

    No memories.

    Only a void where her life should have been.

    The canopy above them shuddered as violently as her heart.

    Leaves rained down. Through them, an impossible creature appeared. It crushed through the trees, talons reaching for Eloryn.

    The hungry dragon from her dream.

    Of course, I’m still dreaming. Ghosts, wizards, dragons, none of those are real. But the claws were so sharp, so vivid.

    Squeezing Eloryn’s hand tighter, the lost girl pulled her out of the way before the razor tips could strike. Go! she screamed, to herself, to Eloryn, or the dragon above them she didn’t know, but they all began to move.

    The dragon writhed, reaching for them from between the massive oaks above. Branches groaned and splintered against the beast’s strength, creating a hailstorm of sharp twigs. Strong trunks held back the black mass and it hissed in frustration, talons swiping just above the girls’ heads.

    This way! Eloryn pulled her by the hand. The girls crashed through briars and stumbled over fallen logs slick with moss.

    Through the grim grey trees, men in leather military jackets ran toward them. Orders were yelled, metal flashed, boots crushed ferns, thumping the ground with heavy feet. Wings beat in the sky above, blowing about dirt and dry leaves. Talons raked at the tree line.

    The girls ran faster, hand in hand. The dragon roared.

    Eloryn lead the way through the woods, her petticoats catching and pulling, slowing her down. In tight jeans, the lost girl had more freedom to move but her legs felt weak, wobbly. She barely kept up with Eloryn.

    The hunters were so close.

    To her left, a bear-sized man came within reach. She cried out, pushing her body to move faster. Her vision blurred from sweat running into her eyes. She cringed, expecting to feel rough hands locking around her arm, pulling her down.

    Nothing came. She turned to see why. The man was gone.

    She tried to look for her pursuer and still watch the treacherous ground under her feet. Trees flashed past. Shadows flashed between them, toward her.

    Something struck another man, just to her right. A dark form dropped from the branches above, bringing him to the ground.

    A cry of pain and the hunter was gone.

    What fresh horror was that?

    She had no time or desire to find out. The trees above cracked as the dragon plunged again. Lichen shook from the bark and fell like green snow.

    Wake up. Wake up. This has to be a nightmare. Breathing burned her chest and rattled in her throat, but a deep inner dread kept her running hard. These men, that beast, chasing her, hungry for the hunt, boiled her emotions down to pure, distilled panic.

    Eloryn still dragged her onwards by a hand and mumbled between her labored breaths.

    Then the running became easier. Fewer branches blocked their path. Fewer brambles tore at them. The trees moved, bending away from her and Eloryn, then closing back in to hinder their pursuers. The lost girl blinked but the sureal images remained.

    Reaching a sudden steep incline, Eloryn let go of her hand and ran toward a rocky outcrop. In here! she called and disappeared into a dark crack in the mountain side.

    Moving to follow Eloryn, the girl slowed, faint from exhaustion. Her vision dimmed and starred.

    Staring at that thin sliver of black, ringed by unwelcoming rocks, she shivered.

    What, you’re more scared of the dark than what’s chasing you? Get in there. She drew haggard breaths, and made her way over loose stones.

    Just a step away, a creature landed in front of her, blocking the cave entrance.

    The shock stole her breath and her balance.

    Scrambling backwards, she fell hard onto the forest floor.

    No, not a creature, she realized, looking up from the ground.

    The figure looked back at her with concerned human eyes. A young man, dirty and tattered and animal in nature, but a man. Soil darkened his skin and earth brown hair hung down bare shoulders in knotted locks.

    His knuckles were reddened with blood.

    She lay there, a deer in headlights, unable to move.

    Then there were more men, pushing through the trees, yelling furiously as they battled against the forest itself.

    Eloryn had left her, long gone into the slim crack in the mountainside. There was nowhere to go. Surrounded with the hunters behind and the beast-man blocking the way forward, she lay dumbfounded.

    She wished her brain would work. Wished she’d just wake up.

    The beast-man reached down for her.

    No, don’t touch me! She cowered but could see only worry in his features. Grabbing her arm, he lifted and threw her into the cave. She tumbled, barely missing Eloryn who crouched inside with her head against the stone, talking to herself.

    Shaking with adrenaline, the lost girl looked out through the cave entrance.

    The beast-man stared back in. His eyes shone piercing blue even in the fading light. His shoulders shifted as though he was about to follow, but with the deep growl of a hunting cat he turned away.

    The hunters ran for the girls.

    The ground shook. Stones scraped against each other, tumbling and falling in a dangerous tide, and the cave entrance sealed.

    For the second time in the brief, harsh moments of her memory, all she knew was darkness.

    Chapter Two

    She looked at me like I was some kind of animal.

    Worse. A monster.

    The terror in her eyes, her plea not to touch her, crushed him. It felt as though the rockslide that closed the cave entrance had also fallen on his chest.

    Didn’t she recognize me?

    He had been waiting for her for so long. Then he heard the noise, that same gusting howl he remembered from his first night in this world, coming from the very same spot.

    The night he would never forget.

    Just how long had it been? The years felt longer for being unable to count them, but shorter for his time spent with the fae. So long, lost in that forest, doubting he’d ever see her again, wondering if his memories of her were even real.

    But here she was, looking just the same. Same age, same hair, same clothes, even the same bruises as the day he had lost her. How?

    The dust from the rockslide cleared, and the hunting men who had chased the girls still surrounded him. Them and the dragon. It circled above, waiting for something. To give the men their next order? He shifted his eyes upwards uneasily. He’d never seen a dragon before. They were legendary, even to the fae he knew, and scarce.

    The men coughed and swore, wiping their eyes. They looked at him, probably wondering how he fitted into their chase.

    He’d been mistaken as an animal by hunters before. He didn’t like hunters. A growl rumbled from his throat.

    They were hunting her. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. Not again. Not now that he was stronger. Getting out of this corner himself mightn’t be so easy, but he had the advantage. This was his forest.

    He sized up each of the men, picking the weakest of the herd. That bald one, who stood there puffing, winded from the chase.

    He sprang at the man without warning. Landing on his rounded shoulders with both feet, he pushed off, using the man’s height to launch higher. He burst through a spray of leaves and wrapped a hand onto a thick branch, swinging himself up onto another.

    Behind him the men milled about, too busy yelling at each other over their lost prey.

    Their voices grew dim behind him. He ran across branches as though they were solid ground.

    His mind raced even faster. Why didn’t she recognize me? Have I changed that much?

    He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen a mirror. That sort of thing had lost its meaning out here in the woods. Until today. Seeing her again made him think of things he hadn’t thought of for half a lifetime. Things like mirrors, showers, soap.

    The hunters were far behind by the time he slowed and dropped back to the forest floor. He brought his hands up in front of his face. Black earth and muck painted his pale skin. I’m filthy.

    He picked up his pace again, heading to the nearest stream. Then stopped abruptly. He wasn’t thinking straight. He’d finally found her then lost her again within the same moment. Washing could wait. He had to go after her, and he would need help.

    Mina? He didn’t call loudly. She always heard him anyway. It was up to her if she came or not. He knelt down on a patch of moss between the vast trees and verdigris boulders, preparing himself to wait for her arrival.

    My sweet pet. You’re here too? Mina giggled behind him, her voice more familiar to him than his own.

    He stood and turned to see her, and found her accompanied by a large host of other fairies.

    What are they all doing here?

    No matter how often he saw them, he never got over the sight of the fae. It made his heart ache and beat faster just to be in their presence. He’d learned names for some of the forms of fae he had seen in his life here. Names he knew from the myths of his childhood. Mina would have been a sprite. Her true form was tiny, glowing, a dazzling flicker of sparkling light. But she could take other forms, as could most of the seelie fae. Despite their names, their categories, they were each unique, changeable and perfect.

    Before him now, Mina stood as tall as he did, able to look him straight in the eye, her clothes woven from strands of cobweb silk, blossoms and dew drops that drew delicate patterns across milky skin and hung in flowing waves. Her vibrant fiery hair lifted around her with a life of its own. She flashed a heart stopping grin at him. A dozen more sprites shimmered in the branches nearby. Watching from behind tree trunks, a few also took larger forms, some with skin tinted green or gold, some with wings, some without.

    He recognized Yvainne amongst them, walking — gliding — toward him. Something new has come to the forest. Something that will affect us all. Her voice tingled in his ears.

    He knelt. It’s her. The one I waited for.

    Mina scowled.

    Met with silence, he continued. Hunters were there too, and a dragon. They chased her and another girl into the caves. His heart lurched. Danger lurked in those caves. He’d planned to follow, keep her safe, but then the cave entrance crumbled, separating him from her again.

    Yvainne’s eyes fluttered, irritated maybe, or bored.

    I want to find her. Can I... Could you help me? He bowed further, holding his breath.

    You should know she is changed. Within her there is something unnatural, something dangerous. She is not the way you remember her.


    Yvainne turned her back on him and glided away.

    He jumped to his feet, taking a step after her. Please!

    We will be following her. Irritation clear in her voice, she didn’t turn back to look at him. She needs to be watched. Mina is coming with us, so I assume you will too.

    She faded out of sight while her last words still rang through the air. Other sprites around her twinkled and vanished like stars disappearing at dawn.

    Mina remained standing next to him. "Her."

    He turned around with an apology on his lips, but Mina already grinned at him, her eyes sparkling. He was used to it now, how her moods shifted so fiercely. He smiled back at her. He couldn’t help it.

    They know where she is. We’ll follow later, Mina said, all chimes.

    He itched to leave now. After so long, he didn’t want to wait another moment. He started to wonder what he would do when he found her again. So long... and he’d never thought of that, only thought of finding her, making sure she was safe.

    Could they go home? She didn’t even recognize him... But those men chased her as though they knew her. And that dragon. Why?

    Mina leant against him, toying with his arm, tracing the muscles and scars with a long finger.

    Do those men follow the dragon? Is that why they chase her? he asked.

    "Her! Can you think of nothing but her? Anger flared in Mina’s eyes, and her orange hair lifted in matching flames. She let his arm drop and stalked away from him. And those men. They try to leash the dragon. They give him orders. How could they? Fool men! Better to leash fire or thunder! Using that desecrated flute, that abomination. They will burn for it one day." Mina growled, and a shower of glitter dust shook from her.

    The men control the dragon? He knew the sort of power the fae had and even to them dragons were of unimaginable might. Tell me how, I don’t understand.

    Something shifted in Mina’s eyes. Maybe later. She smiled again, bringing her hands up in front of her. Luscious berries of rainbow tones spilled from them. Come and eat with me.

    His flesh shivered over his bones, his whole body pulled with desire. He had no words to describe the flavors of fairy foods, the magic they made him feel. Mina stood in front of him like a picture straight from his memory. The very first time he’d met her, she stood just the same way, holding wondrous food when he had been so, so hungry.

    With an almost painful effort he closed the hunger away. He tried to sound neutral when he replied. I can catch my own food now. I’m not hungry.

    Mina hissed, and threw the food on the ground. It grayed and rotted in an instant. In a flash and a blink, she was small enough to stand on the tip of a finger, and shot away into the forest like a shooting star.

    Mina, I’m sorry. No sign or sound of her returned. Mina?

    A clammy sweat crept over his skin. He had to stay on her good side, or she could — she would — leave him behind. She’d left him on his own countless times before, for days, weeks, months, as punishments for the slightest affront. He didn’t mind being on his own, but now he needed her help.

    He looked around wildly for a sign of the fairy’s trail, running after her, faster than he’d ever run in his life.

    Chapter Three


    Why has it become so hard to keep my mind on a simple book? Focus, Eloryn ordered herself.

    Her eyes skimmed over words without absorbing any meaning. She pinched her forehead and flicked back a page, trying to find the last information she’d actually retained from The Principles and History of Infantry Warfare. Alward no doubt had his reasons for making this dull book part of her syllabus but she couldn’t see how it would ever be much use to her, either for her teaching or in practice.

    If she was learning things she couldn’t share with her own students, she’d prefer to be studying magic.

    Learning used to be easy. As a child, Eloryn already knew everything Alward taught the farmers’ children. She went to classes with them anyway, enjoying being with the other students. They stopped coming at age ten, schooled enough for their lives tending fields. She became a teacher herself after that while her own education continued. Now at sixteen, teaching felt repetitive, and she rarely saw anyone her own age.

    Apart from her small clutch of young students she rarely saw anyone at all. They lived alone, just herself and Alward, here in the fortified old monastery high in the wooded hills, set apart even from the tiny rural hamlet.

    It was a place where no one might recognize Alward, or herself, for who they really were. A place they could be safe.

    Eloryn brushed against the pink flowers that spilt over the garden wall where she sat. They released a syrupy fragrance and she breathed it deeply, hoping to quell the unnamed ache in her chest.


    Grateful for a distraction, Eloryn smiled to the speckled frog that hopped up onto her knee. Kiss you? Why do you want me to kiss you?


    Eloryn giggled. Oh, a handsome prince under a curse, and just one kiss from a beautiful princess will set you free? I’ve known you since you were a tadpole, little fool. Eloryn poked him and imagined he smirked bashfully in return. But really, he always looked like that. I shouldn’t have read you that story. Eloryn sighed. Night approached, stealing away the friendly light. The high stone courtyard walls loomed over her. I shouldn’t have read me that story.


    I don’t know. There might be romance like that out there, and adventure and charming princes, but not here. Those things happen in places far, far away.


    Shush! Really. Eloryn dropped her voice to a scandalized whisper. Owain only comes by to deliver produce for us. I’m sure he’s taken little notice of me.

    But she couldn’t say she hadn’t noticed him, with his feathery brown hair and strong wide shoulders. Eloryn closed her eyes and turned her face into the sun, enjoying the last few warm rays. Rather than focusing on infantry warfare, Eloryn found herself developing tactics to be the one to greet Owain on his next visit. She wondered what it would be

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