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Man Magnet: How to Be the Best Woman You Can Be in Order to Get the Best Man
Man Magnet: How to Be the Best Woman You Can Be in Order to Get the Best Man
Man Magnet: How to Be the Best Woman You Can Be in Order to Get the Best Man
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Man Magnet: How to Be the Best Woman You Can Be in Order to Get the Best Man

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About this ebook

Most women, generally speaking, don't have much trouble attracting men. The problem is the men they're attracting. Some are bum magnets. And others are pest magnets. But there is a special breed of woman who attracts just about any guy she wants. She is a Man Magnet and she can get any guy she wants.

This book will show you that you can be one too. You can be that woman that guys go ga-ga for. All you have to is utilize what you've got. Man Magnet - How to Be the Best Woman You Can Be in Order to Get the Best Man can help you do just that.

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Release dateMar 27, 2005
Man Magnet: How to Be the Best Woman You Can Be in Order to Get the Best Man

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    Book preview

    Man Magnet - Romy Miller


    Introduction: What this book is about.

    Most women, generally speaking, don’t have much trouble attracting men. It’s true. You know it and I know it. However, this is not the problem. The problem is that we have trouble attracting the more desirable guys, the good ones. We’re all man magnets, even if we’re not attracting the right guys. I know plenty of women who are bum magnets and lots more who are pest magnets. But there is a special breed of woman who attracts just about any guy she wants. She is a man magnet.

    You want to be that woman, don’t you? You want to be able to attract the good guys and take your pick. The great thing is, you can be that woman. The better thing is, it doesn’t take that much to be her. Yes, it will take some work and it will take some time, but you can do it. You’ve been given everything you need to be able to attract the kind of guy you’ve always wanted. But first, there’s some work that needs to be done.

    That’s what this book is about. It’s about knowing that there is a good guy—or guys—out there for you. Now don’t think I am going to tell you it’s going to be easy, because it’s not. But that doesn’t mean you have to make it more difficult than it is. And that’s the problem with dating nowadays—everyone is making it difficult. Everyone is a game-player or everyone is looking for someone perfect for them. Everyone is making something so innately human into a game that only a fool would play.

    That’s what we’re going to concentrate on. This book is about how to stop playing games with others—and with yourself—and get out there and find a good man. A man who will be nice to you. A man who will love you for you, not for some image you’ve presented to him in hopes that he’ll like you more and want to keep you around. A man who, simply, loves you. This book can help you do that if you take the initiative to help yourself.

    So what makes this book so different from the million or so other dating books out there? This one is honest, that’s what. This one is going to be one hard truth after another. I am not going to hold any punches. I’m going to tell you how to be a man magnet, what to look out for and who to avoid. I’m going to dispel myths and, hopefully, some of your frustrations.

    On the other hand, if you’re perfectly content being single, then this isn’t the book for you. Then again, if you were perfectly content being single, you wouldn’t have picked it up. This is a no frills kind of book. And sometimes that’s the only way we can see things for the way they truly are. It might sting a little at first, but in the end, we’re better off knowing the truth.

    I’m going to go into detail about how you can turn yourself into a man magnet and attract the best possible guy for you. There are some universal truths and very common sense things that routinely seem to get overlooked. This is the kind of stuff I’m gong to focus on. I’m going to concentrate on teaching you to use what God gave you to land a good man. And about how you can attract men no matter what their social standing is, no matter how good looking they are.

    The most important thing this book will teach you is that there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re not a horrible, unlovable person just because you haven’t found someone yet or can’t seem to attract the guys you’d really rather be with. It’s not your fault. Perhaps you’ve just been misguided. What’s wrong, maybe, is the way you approach dating. If and when you can approach it from a realistic point of view and know what you’re up against, then you can truly turn yourself into a man magnet. And once you do that, there’ll be no stopping you.

    You’re a smart girl, aren’t you? You’re successful and mostly nice to everyone you meet. It’s just the guys are so… Well, they’re assholes, aren’t they? No matter how many men you meet, none of them live up to your expectations or, perhaps, you don’t live up to theirs. It’s all become a hassle, something that you don’t look forward to doing. But all that’s about to change. Soon, you’ll wonder why you thought it was a hassle in the first place.

    Keep in mind that this book isn’t offering you instant gratification. It’s offering you a wake-up call. I will sometimes be harsh but always realistic. I’m not going to tell you how to play games or give you advice that won’t work. I am going to tell you how it’s done. You deserve the best, right? In order to get it, you have to face reality. I’m going to tell you what works—there’s no tricks involved.

    The dating/mating game.

    Someone once said hope is the mother of all fools. Hope might turn us into fools but that doesn’t keep us from doing it, does it? It doesn’t keep us from dreaming about a fantasy guy who’s going to swoop in and take away all of our problems. Hope is good. It keeps us from not giving up on love, marriage and babies. Hope might be the mother of all fools, but it also enables us to continue on when things look a little bleak. It gives us the desire to fulfill our genetic destiny. And, of course, our genetic destiny is procreation. Without hope, most of us would have given up on getting a good man a long time ago and without a man, procreation can be a tricky business.

    It’s hard, though, isn’t it? It’s so hard to keep trying, to hope against hope that someone will materialize and be The One. It’s hard to go to the clubs and survey the room and get that queasy feeling in the pit of our stomachs. It’s hard to keep putting ourselves out there with no real tangible results.

    But we do, don’t we? And we do it because the dating/mating game is one we’re genetically engineered to play. Actually we have no choice but to play it and we will play it until we are old and gray. And even when we’re old and gray, we will play it if given the choice. Besides that, it’s so fun. There’s nothing like new love, is there? There’s nothing like that nervous little feeling a girl gets when a handsome man zones in on her. There’s nothing like receiving that first kiss or having sex with a guy for the first time. Nothing, nothing, nothing. And there’s nothing like it because we’ve been programmed to want and desire it even when it becomes difficult. We can never give up on love because it’s not in us to give up. Think of our ancestors. If they’d given up, we wouldn’t be here now, would we? In essence, if we give up on love, we give up on our very selves.

    While all this is well and good, that doesn’t take away the fact that men can be very elusive—and that’s putting it nicely. At least the ones we want. Sure, we all have a pest or two hanging around who want us like we want rock stars. This makes us want to give up on it all. Where are all the good men? And why do we care so much? Why do we even try?

    The reason we try, as I’ve said, is because it’s our genetic destiny. Besides that, it’s all biological. If we didn’t have it in us to meet and mate, our species would die out. If all of us gave up on love, there wouldn’t be any future generations to play the game of love.

    Sure, that’s a little heavy but it’s the truth. We continue this mating game because we really have no choice. It’s ingrained in us to get out there and find someone to mate with. It’s a drive we’ve been given without being given the rules for it.

    But this is not entirely true. While we haven’t been given the rules, we have been given the instinct to know what to do. We just don’t listen to it. The key is to listen to our instinct and make it into the rules. If you look at it like this, the rules, in and of themselves are actually pretty darn simple. You grow up, you meet someone, you get married and you have a few babies. That is, if you want to have a few babies. It’s all instinctual.

    However, the problems arise because now we have choices. We can prolong marriage and babies indefinitely. We can focus on our careers in lieu of focusing on getting a man. Men aren’t our common goal anymore. They’re more the icing on the proverbial cake. While this is good in theory, it makes it harder on us when we decide we do want what we’ve been genetically programmed to want. We don’t know how to get it because, due to our choices, the basic rules aren’t so basic anymore.

    So the problem lies in the fact that the rules of dating/mating have been re-worked, and not to our advantage. In fact, the rules have been so skewed over these past few generations that all of us are chasing our tails, wondering why it’s so hard and what we’re doing wrong. Newsflash: We’re not doing anything wrong! We’ve just been told that these simple rules are wrong and that if we tweak them a little here and there, we can do it better. We’ve been told this and we’ve been told that to the point of emotional paralysis. Sometimes, it’s just easier to sit home on a Saturday night eating a pint of ice cream instead of getting out there and trying to play the dating game. It gets tiring. It gets old. Why bother with it at all?

    But you know why you bother with it and so do I. You bother with it because you can’t help but bother with it. And it’s not anything that you’re doing wrong. It’s probably something to do with what you’ve been taught. Everyone wants to give everyone else dating advice, don’t they? But too much of anything, especially dating advice, is a bad thing.

    Dating advice, really, isn’t going to do you much good. And that’s because what works for one person will never, ever work for another—there is always exceptions to every rule. Also, the people giving the advice don’t know much more than you do. In fact, many of them seem to have gone through one dysfunctional relationship after another just to write a book on dating or give advice on it. They’re telling you what worked, or rather what hasn’t worked, for them or their friends. They’re not telling you what’s going to work for you. They’re also telling you have to date just for the point of dating, not how to actually date with the purpose of starting a relationship. And, worse, they always want you to try to be someone you’re not. That is the main problem with these books and with dating.

    We all want to be someone special, someone all men will look at

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