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Legend of the Mer: Legend of the Mer, #1
Legend of the Mer: Legend of the Mer, #1
Legend of the Mer: Legend of the Mer, #1
Ebook358 pages5 hours

Legend of the Mer: Legend of the Mer, #1

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About this ebook

Lana Prentis is 17 years old and has some unusual physical challenges: she has white hair, silver eyes, milky-white skin and webbed fingers and toes.
She lives on Safe Harbor Island off the Coast of North Carolina. Her father (Cole Prentis) is the lighthouse keeper and also the keeper of many secrets.
He told Lana her mother drowned when Lana was only three years old, and he never allows her in the water.
But when Lana's P.E. Teacher (Miss Rose Perry) secretly gives Lana swimming lessons, it sets off a chain of events that leads Lana to discover the truth about herself and her mother.
Lana learns her true life's purpose, that her heritage is as rich and deep as the sea - and her future lies beneath it.

Cover Art: Derek Murphy Creativindie Book Covers

Release dateFeb 25, 2011
Legend of the Mer: Legend of the Mer, #1

Sheri L. Swift

Sheri L. Swift lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia with her husband and beagle (Talei). She blogs, enjoys writing poetry, is a cancer survivor and is an avid Pinner.

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    Legend of the Mer - Sheri L. Swift



    Sheri L. Swift




    Sheri L. Swift on Smashwords

    Legend of the Mer

    Copyright © November 16, 2009 by Sheri L. Swift

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.


    Cover Art ~ Derek Murphy Creativindie Book Cover

    Assistant Editor ~ Selest A. Swift




    Chapter 1 – SAFE HARBOR

    Chapter 2 – MERMAID DAY

    Chapter 3 – THE MER

    Chapter 4 – THE GUARDIANS

    Chapter 5 – THE PROM

    Chapter 6 – THE MISTY BLUE

    Chapter 7 – GRADUATION

    Chapter 8 – FINDING LANA

    Chapter 9 – CITY OF THE MER

    Chapter 10 – FALLING IN LOVE

    Chapter 11 – DARIOUS

    Chapter 12 – THE UNION

    Chapter 13 – THE SOUTH PACIFIC

    Chapter 14 – ROSE OF THE SEA


    Chapter 16 – DAMON

    Chapter 17 – TALEI (PRECIOUS)

    Chapter 18 – SIRENE & TRISTAN

    Chapter 19 – BATTLE OF THE MER

    Chapter 20 – JOURNEY HOME

    Chapter 21 – THE REUNION

    Chapter 22 – THE LITTLE PRINCE

    Chapter 23 – THE BONNIE ROSE

    Chapter 24 – KALOKI CHRISTMAS







    In the mid 1700’s, Captain Jedediah Prentis sailed his ship (the Grey Wake) all along the East Indies trade route. Some say he was more of a pirate than a merchant, with his ruthless ways.

    It was while on one of his many voyages he came upon a Native American legend which told of an island that held the richest treasure and secret unknown to man.

    He later retired (at the age of 43) and bought an island in the Atlantic, off the coast of the Carolinas.

    Upon his death bed, he made his son and grandsons swear to guard the secret of the island and to always charge their male heirs to do the same. They agreed and have done so until this very day….


    To my Creator God, who hears and answers the prayers of His children.

    To Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Yonan and all other Creative Writing teachers who encourage dreamers to write their stories.

    And to my Mother, Daughters and Brother, who always believed in Mermaids.

    Chapter 1


    Lana didn’t mind living on Safe Harbor Island, for in fact, that’s what it really was for her. It was a harbor of safety from the peering eyes of the rest of the world.

    The island population was little more than 1,000. Only in the tourist season did they see an increase. In those days, Lana had the benefit of being the lighthouse keeper’s daughter and would find her sanctuary perched atop.

    She loved looking out onto the Atlantic Ocean. It had a calming effect and she could stare out for hours. Sometimes she would even catch a glimpse of a grey dolphin jumping out of the water.

    Lana would imagine that she was locked away in the white tower waiting for a rescuer to come. There she could pretend that she was anything other than what she was.

    She had always been small for her age. She was also born an albino and had the milky-white skin. Her hair had been a lighter shade of blonde, but now at the age of seventeen it had turned completely white.

    Her eyes were not red as some are, hers were silver and grey. Aside from not being in the sun for too long, she could have lived with all of that.

    The things she hated most about herself were her webbed fingers and toes. She hid them by never going barefoot in public and by wearing her goth-style clothing she made herself, including her (black leather) fingerless gloves.

    The only trade-off she felt she had gained in the gene pool was her heightened sense of hearing. However, that only allowed her to hear the non-ending jokes of her classmates. They had dubbed her the Island Vampire.

    It was hard enough being a senior at the only school located on the island. There were only forty-seven in her senior class. Looking so different from everyone else made her an easy target.

    Lana couldn’t wait for graduation, not that she had any plans for a future; she just wanted to not have to be around people so much. In six months, she would be free of school.

    Lana, make sure you take your slicker, it’s gonna be a wet one out later today, called her father Cole Prentis.

    Okay Dad, thanks. Lana grabbed her rain jacket and went out the back door.


    As Lana headed towards her locker, she heard the whispers of the other students up and down the hall; they thought she couldn’t hear them.

    Someone said that she’s never had a boyfriend or even been on a date.

    "I heard she howls at the moon." They all giggled.

    I heard that late at night, on a full moon, her dad sits on his dock and talks to ghosts.

    When Lana reached her locker, she found an amateurish drawing of a vampire taped to it.

    Really! Can’t you guys get a life and grow up! She tore it off, wadded it up and threw it inside the locker slamming the door shut, and then went to class.

    The only class Lana enjoyed at school was physical education. It was kind of ironic because in most of the activities she had always been excused.

    The really funny thing was Lana had lived most of her life on the island and didn’t know how to swim. Her mother had drowned when Lana was three and it so freaked her father out he never allowed her in the water.

    What Lana enjoyed most about this class was the Director Rose Perry. She was a kind woman in her mid thirties with long dark hair and blue eyes. Lana always liked her.

    She was so different from any other teacher she ever had. She treated Lana as if she were more of a friend and never brought up her physical challenges.

    Lana felt she was the only person she could talk to about anything. Her father wasn’t much for talking, especially about Lana’s mother, or Lana’s challenges.


    Lana, before you go for the day I was hoping to talk with you, called Miss Perry as the class was leaving.

    Sure, what’s up?

    I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to know if you thought any about what you might do after graduation.

    Lana shrugged her shoulders, Don’t know.

    Have you ever thought about going to college? You know, you are a pretty bright kid. Miss Perry smiled.

    I don’t think I could ever do that. It’s been hard enough just getting through school here, said Lana timidly.

    Well, think about it. Sometimes we just need to take a risk in life. Which reminds me, how would you like to do something brave to end your senior year? How would you like to learn how to swim?

    Wow, I don’t know about that one. My dad gets pretty freaked out about me and water.

    Well, I was thinking I could give you private lessons after school in the pool here, said Miss Perry, ignoring what Lana said about her father.

    You know, I really would like to do something brave. I don’t think my dad would mind if it was in a pool; although I wouldn’t want to tell him. I’d just like to surprise him one day. Lana was somewhat excited by the idea.

    Miss Perry patted Lana on the back and said, Good, how about we start tomorrow?

    Yeah, sounds great. I can let my dad know I’ll be late.


    It was hard for Lana to lie to her father, but she knew she couldn’t tell him she was taking swimming lessons.

    Instead, she told him she started a new study group which was going to meet each day after school.

    He was so glad she was finally making friends that he encouraged her.

    The next morning, Lana packed the only swimsuit she owned. It was a faded black and white one piece she had for the past three years.

    She hadn’t really worn it that much and was glad it still fit; although she wasn’t sure she liked being the smallest girl in her senior class.

    Lana got dressed and put on her thick eyeliner, dark lipstick and then her dark sunglasses and started to head out the door.

    Lana, I’m glad you like to make your own clothes and all, but do you think you could ever wear another color besides black? her dad called out from behind his morning paper.

    Bye Dad, love you too. Lana smiled and swung her book bag over her shoulder and went out the back door.


    It was hard to get through the full days schedule. She could hardly believe that she was so jazzed about learning to swim. You’d think it would terrify her (most things did), but it didn’t.

    She wondered; will I be able to swim in the ocean one day? Lana had always wanted to. She decided that she better just take one day at a time.

    Miss Perry saw Lana come out in her suit and asked, Are you nervous?

    Yeah, a little. Lana gave a slight smile.

    Well, before we begin, I’m not going to let you get in my pool like that, said Miss Perry with raised brows and she handed Lana a box of wipes.

    What do you mean? Lana asked confused.

    Miss Lana Prentis, I won’t have you wearing all that make-up in my pool. You’ll turn the water black. Miss Perry grinned with raised brows, And don’t forget to remove your brow ring, jewelry is not allowed in the pool.

    Oh, sorry. Lana took the wipes with her to the changing room. Wow, this is gonna be rougher than I thought.

    She quickly removed her make-up and brow ring, then returned to the pool.

    "Now that’s better. I always knew there was a pretty girl under all that goop." Miss Perry smiled.

    Lana felt like bolting and forgetting the whole thing, but what Miss Perry had said about her doing one brave thing before she graduated kept her nerve.

    It felt so good to be in the pool. She couldn’t believe how comfortable she was with Miss Perry. Lana didn’t even catch her looking once at her fingers or her toes.

    Miss Perry kept focused on Lana’s face and giving her instructions.

    It was easier than Lana thought it would be. In no time, she was dog paddling and then really swimming. It was like she had always done it.

    Wow Lana, you’re my best student. Who knew you could swim so well? Miss Perry said amazed at how quickly she was getting it.

    I know I didn’t, laughed Lana. She got so brave she began to swim even faster and went from one end of the pool to the other without Miss Perry.

    I do believe you could be an Olympic swimmer, if you put in the practice.

    Now I think you’re going too far. Lana gave a half grin.

    Lana, I’m not kidding, I think your unique hands and feet give you an advantage that we others don’t have, said Miss Perry sincerely.

    Cool, you mean I might actually be good for something? Lana laughed once more, but inside she felt a sense of pride for the first time.

    How I’ve wasted these years, I could’ve enjoyed it sooner. Maybe not, I wasn’t brave enough to try before. Maybe this is the perfect time after all.

    Lana knew she’d continue with the lessons and would swim in the ocean one day, no matter what her father said about it.


    The months passed quickly by. The holidays came and went and it was like Lana was enjoying every day as if it were the first.

    She didn’t even mind staying home during the holidays and not having swimming practice. It gave her time with her father.

    He seemed to try harder to give her attention during these days.

    She always longed for his attention. He was a good dad. Most kids wouldn’t mind their dad not being around that much. Being a lighthouse keeper and helping out at the Marina kept him busy all year round; he seemed to like it, but Lana was left alone a lot.

    There was so much she wanted to ask him about her mother. He always got so serious and left the room whenever she tried to talk about her.

    Sometimes he would even go down to the Billows Bar and not come home for hours. Then when he did, he was usually drunk and Lana hated it when that happened, she would stay in her room and avoid him.


    Lana was in the kitchen one morning making her dad coffee when he came in.

    He stood staring at her, Lana, her dad said her name so strangely.

    What? Why are you looking at me like that?

    It’s just I haven’t seen you without all that make-up in a long time. He still stared at her.

    "Dad, it’s okay, it’s me. I just thought I’d do something different." She was a little uncomfortable with the look on his face.

    Sorry kid, it’s just you look so much like your mother. I wasn’t expecting it, that’s all, he said while grabbing a coffee cup from the cabinet.

    Really Dad you’ve never told me what she looked like before. Did she have white hair and silver eyes?

    Yeah, she had your hair, skin, eyes. You could be her at that age. Now her father was getting misty-eyed and solemn.

    Sorry Dad, I didn’t mean to remind you. It’s just good for me to know. Thanks for telling me. She smiled, kissed his cheek and headed out the door for school.

    Cole Prentis sat at the kitchen table sobbing while he ran his hand through his black hair, You can’t help but remind me little one, every time I look at you. I can’t believe how quickly time has passed. I’ll have to keep watch even more now, he whispered as he stared out the window looking out at the ocean as the waves washed ashore.


    It was the beginning of April and Lana had become an adept swimmer. This afternoon, during her usual laps in the pool, the Island Chieftains swim team came in and saw Lana.

    Is that Lana Prentis swimming in the pool? Jody Harper asked surprised.

    Why yes, it is, answered Miss Perry proudly.

    I thought she couldn’t swim, said Elaine Johnson.

    She couldn’t, she’s been taking lessons. Miss Perry grinned.

    Lana caught a glimpse of the teens and stopped her laps and swam to the side of the pool nearest Miss Perry.

    Lana, I have a favor to ask of you. Would you mind racing Mr. Jody Harper? Only a few laps, Miss Perry challenged her.

    Lana was shocked she would ask such a thing, Miss Perry, how could you. You know I don’t want to do this.

    Miss Perry, I hardly believe Lana could beat Jody, he’s the best on our team, said Rick Taylor with a grin.

    Lana, will you take a risk? Miss Perry asked with a grin of her own.

    I guess so, if Jody doesn’t mind. Lana felt suddenly brave.

    Sure, it’s your loss. No boy, let alone girl, has ever beaten me, bragged Jody. Then he hopped into the pool to adjust to the temperature.

    Jody and the reluctant Lana took to the blocks and readied their position.

    Okay guys, when I blow the whistle on the count of three. One, two, three! The shrill of Miss Perry’s whistle blew.

    Jody and Lana leapt forward diving into the water.

    None of the rest of the swim team could believe it as they saw Lana racing ahead by half a lap at the first turn.

    Jody Harper could believe it even less.

    By the second turn, as Jody popped his head up, Lana was making the third turn.

    Lana realized what was happening and she slowed her pace and stopped as she reached the wall.

    I told you Lana, you are that exceptional, said Miss Perry with a smile.

    Wow Lana, you should be on our swim team! Elaine shouted.

    Jody swam to the wall breathless and said, I agree.

    Thanks, but I’m not sure I want to do that, said Lana with a forced smile and then she quickly grabbed a towel covering her hands and went into the changing room.

    She had the overwhelming feeling she would be even stranger in the eyes of her classmates than she was before. She really didn’t like all the attention.

    The kids on the swim team did stop asking Lana to join them, but they had a new-found respect for her and she did like that.

    They even spoke to her in the halls and in the lunch room. That had never happened before, unless it was to tease her.

    Lana was even invited to a swim down at the pier on Saturday. She decided somehow she would go and take her first swim in the ocean.


    Saturday couldn’t come fast enough for Lana. She did tell her father she was going to the pier with friends from her study group.

    He didn’t question it; she had been at the pier several times before. Only, she knew he would never guess she would be swimming.

    Hey Lana, glad you came! Elaine called from the pier as she saw Lana walking up.

    Yeah me too, but I’m still a little nervous. Lana smiled.

    There’s nothin’ to it, just like in the pool, said Jody.

    Last one in is a loser! Rick shouted as he jumped in with a cannonball which splashed everyone.

    Lana watched each one go in and then followed. The water felt cold, but so smooth. She guessed it must be the salt content that made it so. It was so refreshing, she felt as though she belonged here.

    She was surprised by the fact she was no longer afraid. She should have been with the far reaching deep water, but she wasn’t.

    In no time, all were seeing how far they could dive into the water.

    Lana followed their lead and couldn’t believe how beautiful it was down below. There were such vivid colors and small fish swimming everywhere. She was surprised how clearly she could see it all.

    This surpassed her best dream. Just to be here, under the water, gave her such a feeling of belonging. Why haven’t I felt this way before?

    As hard as it was, she forced herself upwards to the clear blue sky and the smiles of all her friends.

    Do you like it? Elaine asked still finding it hard to believe it was Lana’s first time in the ocean.

    Yeah, I love it! I wish I’d done it sooner. Lana smiled.

    Soon all were diving even deeper and challenging each other to swim out to the buoy.

    It was so thrilling, like nothing Lana had ever done before could compare to this moment.

    Beyond the buoy is an old sunken ship. It’s about twenty feet down and sometimes there’s tiger sharks. Anyone want to go with me? Jody dared everyone.

    I’ll do it, if I can, said Lana surprised she was willing.

    They both swam out passed the buoy to where Jody said the ship was.

    Jody took a deep breath and plunged down.

    Lana followed his lead.

    The sun was filtering through the water and shone streaks of light on the old wreckage. There were odd looking fish all around the wreck, but thankfully, Lana didn’t see any sharks.

    Jody touched the rail of the ship and then quickly spun around and kicked back up to the surface.

    Lana began to do the same, but just then, a hawksbill turtle caught her eye and she followed him into the large hole in the starboard side of the ship.

    It was amazing to see the ship’s interior and to imagine what the people must have been like that sailed her.

    The turtle seemed to enjoy her company and he brushed up against her side.

    How wonderful it was to be so near this living creature and have it not be afraid of her.

    Lana followed the turtle even further into the hull of the ship and she spotted, what she believed to be, a barracuda swimming out of an old cupboard (locker) along the wall. It was long and thin with sharp teeth.

    She knew to stay clear of it, but again, she wasn’t really afraid of it either.

    The turtle swam on and out another hole in the stern of the ship.

    Lana couldn’t help but follow. She couldn’t believe how beautiful the coral reef was with so many shades of pink. She guessed it was what had battered even more holes in the ship over time and currents.

    The water became more beautiful as she went deeper following the turtle. It was all so intoxicating and she forgot how long she had been beneath.

    Suddenly, Lana froze beneath the water as she realized she had been below for some time now. How could I have?

    She noticed pain in the sides of her neck, just below her jaw line. She quickly looked up towards the sun and kicked her way to the water’s surface.

    When she reached the top, she could barely make out where the buoy was. She couldn’t see any of her friends, but what she did see made her ill.

    It was her father rowing towards her in the dinghy.

    She swam cautiously to him.

    Well, I hope you’re happy. You’ve frightened all your friends and scared me half to death as well, he said sternly, then helped her into the boat.

    I’m sorry Dad; I didn’t realize I was under for so long. How can I do that? She asked confused.

    Because you’re just like her, that’s how, her father said as his dark brown eyes stared out ahead.

    Are you talking about my mother?

    Yeah, she was a rare swimmer as well. I’ll say no more about it this day, he said in a serious tone while still staring forward.

    Neither Lana nor her father spoke another word. He rowed to the wooden dock in front of the old red and white keeper’s house where they lived.

    Her father went straight to the lighthouse and Lana went home.

    When she went upstairs to her room and looked in the mirror, she saw a smear of blood on one side of her neck. All she could think of was she must have scraped herself on the old ship.


    That night, Lana lay in bed awake wondering about all which had occurred that day. How was I able to stay under water for so long?

    She wished her dad would just sit down and talk to her like a normal person. Why did he always get so weird?

    Lana drifted off to sleep with a dream of the deep blue water and the turtle. It was a happy dream.

    It was nearly 2:00am when Lana woke to what she thought was the sound of a fog horn.

    Then she heard her father arguing with someone on the dock out front.

    He has to be drunk again, Lana thought.

    She opened up her window and heard him yell, I don’t care about what we agreed! I don’t care about your mating rituals! Lana is mine, you hear, stay away from her!

    Lana couldn’t hear anyone else speaking and she didn’t see anyone else on the dock with her father.

    She heard him yell once more, I mean it! Stay away from her if you and the others want to stay alive!

    Then her father turned around and headed towards the house.

    Lana saw him carrying what looked to be a large shell of some kind.

    She quickly hid behind her curtain and heard him come

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