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Built To Order
Built To Order
Built To Order
Ebook332 pages4 hours

Built To Order

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About this ebook

Amber and Brandy McMillan are thirty-year-old identical twins with opposite personalities. When their parents die in a house fire, Brandy blames their Uncle Russell. She thinks he wants to kill her too, so she - the undisciplined twin - disappears by using responsible Amber’s identity. Until one of the twins is found murdered in Amber’s under-construction home in quiet Blessington, Illinois. The contractor and his wife become prime suspects. They are also Max and Michelle’s good friends.

Amateur sleuths Max and Michelle risk their lives as they sift through scenarios in search of this clever killer. Before the mystery unravels, though, they are forced to manage quirky family and friends while also assessing the twins’ estranged Uncle Russell and their attractive realtor who recently arrived in town with his unusually seductive assistant.

PublisherL. A. Noble
Release dateJul 26, 2013
Built To Order

L. A. Noble

L. A. NOBLE is the author of the Max and Michelle mystery novels ABOUT TIME ALREADY and BUILT TO ORDER. Born in Iowa, Lou Ann Noble raised her two children in Central Illinois after graduating from Illinois State University with degrees in Mathematics and Psychology. Series crime-solving duo Max and Michelle are from fictional Blessington, Illinois. They use their common sense and computer analysis skills to solve crimes. Lou Ann understands them well. She spent nearly 35 years working for a Bloomington, Illinois insurance company in various computer departments. ABOUT TIME ALREADY character Jenny Masters is from New Attica, a fictional small town. Lou Ann grew up in Iowa where most towns are small towns. BUILT TO ORDER character Amber McMillan is from a fictional farming family. Lou Ann is proud to be a member of real Iowa farm families.

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    Built To Order - L. A. Noble


    I want to thank my wonderful family, friends, and readers. Without your acceptance and encouragement, I would have no reason to write.

    Chapter 1

    Saturday, May 10, 2003

    Amber, someone wants to kill me.

    Amber had been sleeping soundly in her cozy twin bed which was snugly wedged into a corner of her tiny college efficiency apartment in Blessington, Illinois near the state university’s campus. After hearing her twin’s voice, she automatically began burrowing deep underneath her covers. Before she hid her head under her pillow, she took a quick look at the clock. It was two-fifteen in the morning.

    Brandy climbed into bed beside her.

    When the poking started, Amber knew she was going to have to deal with her. From under her pillow she mumbled, Brandy, what do you want? It’s the middle of the night. My graduation ceremony is today.

    I have to hide, Amber. You have to help me.

    Brandy, you’ve been hiding since you ran away the night before our high school graduation. You woke me up on my college graduation day to remind me? I’ve been looking forward to this day for four long years. Why do I feel like you’re going to ruin it, just like my high school graduation day?

    Brandy and Amber had happily grown up together on their family’s farm north of Monmouth, Illinois with their parents and their Uncle Russell. They had been inseparable best friends through most of their grade school years. Things had changed by the time they started high school. Amber became the class valedictorian and spent her free time volunteering with her church group. Brandy barely passed most of her classes and preferred to spend her time partying with the local rock bands.

    Amber, are you listening to me? You need to hide me. Someone wants to kill me.

    Amber was wiggling as far away from her twin as she possibly could. Kill you? Really? Why didn’t I think of that? What have you done now?

    Amber, come on. I’m your twin. You’d never do anything to hurt me.

    Amber hoped she was having a nightmare and hoped it would end very soon.

    Brandy sighed. I’ve been thinking about this. I’ve figured it out. I need to hide, but not really. Just my name needs to disappear. I can share your identity.

    Whoa! Amber quickly rolled over and peeked from under her pillow so she could look her twin in the eye. What are you talking about?

    Just let me borrow your driver’s license and another picture ID. I think I can get myself established using your name. We’ll just have to be careful that we don’t publicly cross paths.

    Are you going to tell me what prompted this?

    You haven’t been answering your phone.

    Amber reached for her cell phone. It’s on silent mode. There were three missed calls. I see you tried to call. Who else called me? I don’t know these numbers.

    I decided to go home.


    Yes. I thought I’d attend your graduation with our parents and Uncle Russell.

    You thought you’d stroll in after four years and pick up where you left off. Just like that? You’ve got to be kidding.

    When I got home…

    Really? You went home? Amber was incredulous but curious enough to toss her pillow aside.

    Uncle Russell saw me.


    I’m afraid so.

    What were you doing? Amber knew her twin well. Her tone told her that Uncle Russell must have caught her doing something he didn’t like.

    Remember Dad and Uncle Russell laughing and saying that Grandpa taught them to bury their cash? No banks for them.

    Amber was nodding. She remembered.

    Uncle Russell saw me at the barn.

    The barn?

    Brandy nodded.

    Oh, the barn. We all knew you’d been sneaking into the barn and helping yourself to some of Dad’s cash.

    Brandy shrugged.

    What did Uncle Russell say to you?

    He called me later.

    Later? Amber was feeling the usual frustration. Getting information from her sister had always been infuriatingly difficult.

    He got to make one call.

    One call?

    He said you didn’t answer.

    He was at the police station?

    You should have been answering your phone.

    Tell me why you’re here or leave so I can get some sleep.

    Brandy took a deep breath, slowly let it out, and blurted, Mom and Dad are dead. The house has burned. The police are holding Uncle Russell. They think he killed them and torched the house.

    Amber hoped this was one of Brandy’s crazy exaggerated stories. Did you see them?

    "I saw Uncle Russell. I think he wants to kill me."

    You think he wants to kill you? Why?

    He knows I saw him. I think he killed them.

    Why would he kill them?

    Mom was getting ready to leave.


    Brandy pulled copies of emails from her bag. Here, read these. Mom had been emailing me. She was planning to leave. Alone.


    She was going to tell you after your graduation ceremony.

    But, why?

    For the past four years since we left, Mom has been there alone dealing with Dad and Uncle Russell. She said they never stop fighting.


    Over her, over the farm, over the cash, over everything. She couldn’t take it anymore. As soon as you graduated, she was planning to move to Las Vegas with me. She was leaving both of them.

    I can’t believe Uncle Russell would kill anyone.

    He might want to kill you too.


    I’m sure he thought he’d finally get Dad’s cash, but I beat him to it. I have half of it in my car. Brandy pointed to a large bag she had left by Amber’s door. I brought the other half to you.

    Amber was sitting straight up in bed now. She was beginning to believe that something was very wrong at home. Trying, but failing to stay calm, Amber fumbled with her phone until she was able to access her messages. There was only one voice mail, and it was not from her parents. I’m going to call them now.

    Brandy was sadly shaking her head. Amber, you won’t reach them. She gave her twin a quick hug and a sympathetic pat on the back.

    While Amber was desperately trying her parents’ home phone and cell phones, Brandy was quietly grabbing some of Amber’s identification and slipping out of her apartment.

    When Amber hadn’t been able to reach her parents, the sad truth finally started to sink in. The voice mail had been from the police department. She returned that call and got more bad news. Her parents had been in their house when it burned. They hadn’t survived. However, it was not the fire that killed them. They had both been shot, and the gun had not been found. When asked, Amber had to admit that her mother always kept a gun in her nightstand. And yes, Russell knew where to find it and how to use it. She had watched him shoot rats with that gun.

    Chapter 2

    Thursday, September 1, 2011

    Like every other morning for the past few months, Amber had gotten up early and driven to the east side of town to check the progress of her new home. It was a combination of an adorable east coast Cape Cod bungalow and a sturdy square two-story farm house. Overall, it reminded her of happier times. And, for the first time in twelve years, Amber had invited Brandy back into her life. She’d asked for her twin’s help, and together they designed a home that would have been perfect for a family of four.

    Sadly, Amber didn’t expect she would ever be filling her home with a husband and children. She envied women who could fall in love, marry, and raise a family, but she didn’t expect it was going to happen for her. Brandy had very different expectations. While she had absolutely no desire to marry or settle down, Brandy wanted to have a baby, and she was ready now.

    Amber thought Brandy would be able to stay out of trouble for six months in quiet Central Illinois while the house was being built. She was wrong. It hadn’t taken long for Brandy to become totally obsessed with her builder, Jack Montgomery. He was big, strong, attractive, smart, responsible, and friendly too. Brandy was not interested in love or commitment. She simply wanted to seduce Jack and have his baby. Brandy was a seduction expert. She had never failed. Amber could hardly believe the things she had been doing.

    When Jack was working alone inside, Brandy would wander in to see him wearing a short dress and heels. When she was not brushing against him or hanging over his shoulder, she was very suggestively bending over or posing on a ladder. Jack couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She had begun talking to him about sex and describing her favorite positions. He hung on her every word. Brandy knew it was going to happen very soon.

    Amber hoped Brandy would quickly get pregnant and disappear. Jack’s wife, Jill Montgomery, often looked jealous and sometimes seemed angry. Being around Jack or Jill made Amber very uncomfortable. She was glad neither was at her house this morning.

    Chapter 3

    Michelle, it’s Jill.

    Michelle Bradbury hadn’t heard from her old friend Jill Montgomery for a few months. Jill, it’s early. Is something wrong?

    Do you have time to meet me for coffee?

    Sure. I think so. When? Where?

    Meet me? Danny’s Doughnuts? In an hour?

    That works. I’ll be there.

    Michelle decided she had time to make a quick stop at work, at the Home Town Garden Shop, the family business she and her brother, Paul, own and run. As she walked through her backyard towards the garden shop, she was surprised to see Max Lawson in the parking lot taking a box from his back seat. She and Max had recently taken a break from their thirty year sometimes intense other times casual but never boring relationship.

    What’s in the box? Michelle intentionally brushed against Max as she peeked into the box. She felt the usual sizzle, and she was sure he felt it too. Their chemistry was alive and well.

    Max hesitated briefly before he handed her the box and stepped away. Paul asked me to drop off a new wireless router. He said you might need help setting it up.

    Paul knew I was going to pick one up at the store.

    And, I suspect you know exactly how to set it up.

    I’m pretty sure I can handle it. And, I’m pretty sure you know that Paul knows that I can handle it.

    Max had started to chuckle.

    Michelle loved that sound.

    Max said, That’s good, actually. I need to be on my way. Jack Montgomery called me last night. He’s got a new computer with new versions of software, and now he’s having some problems with his construction spreadsheets. He sounded pretty worried, so I told him I’d come over.

    Actually, I’m on my way to meet Jack’s wife for coffee. She sounded upset. This is interesting. Jack and Jill Montgomery, two of our oldest friends, both worried and upset at the same time.

    Chapter 4

    Amber and Brandy had both become multi-millionaires after the deaths of their parents. They had their dad’s cash, they sold the family farm, and they were the beneficiaries of some hefty life insurance policies.

    Being a lot like her father and grandfather before her, Amber didn’t want to trust her money to investors. Reluctantly some had been invested, but she had also been keeping large amounts of cash in bank safe deposit boxes all over Central Illinois. Her house plan included a large secure hidden vault in the basement, and she couldn’t wait to move in so she could bring her money home.

    Amber’s house would be ready in a couple months. The exterior had been finished so the house could be closed up, locked up, and heated during the fall while the inside work was being completed. She had made the front look very much like her childhood home. The siding was white, and there was a large covered porch with wide welcoming steps. To match the shutters and shingles, she’d had the front door painted green. Amber was surprised to find that door unlocked when she arrived.

    After she stepped inside, also carefully stepping over power tools, lumber, and boxes of nails, Amber walked through the entry and into the kitchen to study the blueprint that had been nailed to the back wall. The framers were scheduled to arrive in the afternoon to begin constructing the interior walls, but first Amber wanted to verify their placements. She was bent over measuring the main floor master bathroom chalk lines when she thought she heard a car door outside.

    Amber was relieved when nobody came through the door. Sam Clark, her realtor, had often scared women into listing their homes by telling them that rapists had been known to corner and then assault unsuspecting women when they showed their homes alone. Jack Montgomery had lectured her repeatedly about keeping the doors and windows locked. He said that strangers often wandered into new construction. Some were prospective customers, others were simply curious, but some were there to steal or vandalize.

    Today Amber really wanted to verify some of the upstairs measurements. After carefully approaching the gaping hole where the staircase would be built, she spent a few minutes wistfully looking up at the second floor landing before taking a deep breath, stepping onto the framing crew’s rickety-looking wooden ladder, and slowly inching her way upwards.

    As she was mentally preparing herself to step from the ladder to the second floor landing, Amber thought she heard the back door open and close. She froze, listening, still tightly clinging to the ladder. After a long minute of deafening silence, Amber pried herself away from the ladder and onto the second floor subflooring.

    Almost immediately Amber heard a few quiet footsteps. This time she called out, Is someone there?

    When there was no answer, Amber cautiously made her way to one of the windows where she could see that hers was still the only car parked along the street. She couldn’t see her backyard—the temporary dirt parking lot used by most of the delivery drivers and construction workers.

    Amber’s senses continued to tell her she was not alone. She tried again. Hello? Who’s down there?

    Again nobody answered, but this time Amber felt a sudden urge to flee, to run for her life. However, since she seldom made the treacherous climb to the second floor, she calmed herself and began checking measurements.

    Soon Amber heard the ladder creaking behind her, and there was absolutely no doubt in her mind that someone was quickly, quietly climbing up the ladder. She tried one last time. Jack? Jill, is that you?

    When once again there was no answer, Amber frantically looked for—but could not find—a place to hide.

    Chapter 5

    When Michelle arrived at Danny’s Doughnuts, she could see Jill Montgomery sitting in a booth in the far corner. While Michelle waited at the counter to place her order, she watched a very attractive woman rush over to Jill, slide in next to her, and give her a big hug. Michelle guessed it had been a couple months since she had seen Jill. During that time, Jill had apparently found a new girlfriend.

    Michelle had never known anyone quite like Jill. They met during their freshman year in college. Jill—a cute, popular, petite blonde—loved to throw parties and kept her friends amused as she searched for boys named Jack. Michelle and Jill quickly became friends and roommates. Soon Jill began eating, dressing, and wearing her hair just like Michelle. At first it seemed like simple flattery. Then Jill had asked to sleep in Michelle’s bed with her. She admitted to Michelle that she sometimes felt very attracted to women even though she was definitely heterosexual. Michelle made it very clear that she was not attracted to females. They remained friends, but not roommates.

    Jill eventually found Jack Montgomery. They were married shortly after Jill’s college graduation. Jack learned the construction trade and started a building business. By the mid ‘80s there was a huge demand for new homes in Blessington. Jill quit her job as a nurse at the hospital to stay home, start a family, and help Jack run their business.

    After Michelle paid and got her coffee, she worked her way over to Jill and slid into the booth across from her. Hey, Jill…

    Jill looked startled. Oh, Michelle… Michelle, this is Eva. She’s new in town. She works with Sam Clark. He’s a new realtor in town.

    Michelle said, Right. I’ve seen you and Sam pictured together in newspaper and billboard advertisements.

    Eva appeared to be between thirty-five and forty years old, nearly six feet tall, and she was gorgeous. Her pictures were impressive, but they had not done her justice. She was much better in person. Every strand of Eva’s medium length blonde hair—though not her natural color—was perfect and clearly professionally styled. Her makeup looked more like a model’s than a realtor’s. Eva wore expensive clothing that couldn’t possibly have come from Blessington.

    Michelle could see that Jill had upgraded her hair, makeup, and clothing to younger more expensive styles. She had essentially transformed herself into a smaller, older version of Eva.

    While Michelle watched and listened, Jill and Eva immersed themselves in their own private conversation. Michelle noticed that most of their sentences began with She was… or She said… Before Michelle had a chance to determine who she might be, they all noticed Sam Clark, and he was heading their way in a hurry.

    Sam looked like the perfect match for Eva. Together they looked like a Hollywood couple. He was a few inches over six feet tall, about forty-five years old, and looked very big-city with his neatly trimmed blonde hair, professionally manicured nails, silk tie, and perfectly tailored navy cashmere suit.

    Eva quickly slid out of the booth, possessively latched onto Sam’s arm, and introduced him to Michelle.

    Michelle asked them how they liked living in Blessington.

    Sam replied, I’m from Chicago. I’ve also lived in Los Angeles and New York. I guess living in Blessington is a lot like living in a suburb. Except there’s no city. He seemed to be waiting for Michelle to laugh at his joke.

    Michelle was not amused. She had never lived in a big city or a suburb. And, she was thinking that he needed a better first line if he wanted to impress potential Central Illinois home buyers.

    Eva said, When I need to shop, I take the train. I can be in Chicago in just over two hours. I adore the shops on Michigan Avenue. Don’t you?

    Sam was clearly ready to go. In his most professional voice he said, Michelle, nice to meet you. Jill, as always it was good to see you.

    Both Jill and Michelle watched and listened as Sam jerked his arm away from Eva and tensely scolded her. Where have you been for the past hour?

    Eva shrugged.

    Sam sounded strangely menacing when he quietly said, You need to go to the office. Now. I left a few things you need to attend to. I need to find Amber.

    After Sam headed for the door, Eva whispered to Jill, "If he’s going to find her, I’m going too."

    Jill watched Eva hurry after Sam before she said, Michelle, I adore Eva. Can you tell? She has taken me under her wing. She’s been taking me shopping in Chicago, and she has taken me to her hair dresser and her makeup professional.

    Really? I hadn’t noticed. Michelle correctly assumed Jill would ignore her sarcasm.

    Sam, on the other hand, seems very cold and calculating. He’s from Chicago and he sounds like a mobster. I’ve been trying to convince Jack to give his business to the other realtors in town.

    We can talk about Sam and Eva another time. I’m worried about you. Why did you call me this morning?

    Jill stared at Michelle and froze, almost as if she were in a trance.

    Jill, what’s going on? I don’t think I’ve ever said this, and I hate to say it now, but you look awful. But, not totally awful. Your hair, your makeup—are you wearing false eyelashes?—and your clothes are wonderful.

    After a long drawn out sigh, Jill was almost whispering when she said, Michelle, I don’t know how to even begin to say this… She paused and then the tears started.

    Michelle knew this had to be serious. Jill only cried at funerals, but actually, maybe only once.

    Jill sniffed and choked out, I’m glad Sam brought Eva to Blessington, but I wish he would leave and take Amber with him.

    Jill, you’ve lost me. Is this about Eva? Who’s Amber? Let’s start at the beginning.

    Jill wiped her nose before she said, That’s just it. I just told you the beginning. Sam brought Amber to Jack, and I wish she would go away. But, she’s not going anywhere. Jack is building her new house.

    You and Eva were talking about Amber? Have I met her?

    No, and I wish Jack had never met her.

    You’re worried about Jack and Amber? Really? Jack is one of the most solidly committed family men I know.

    Jill looked very sad as she quietly explained, Since Jack started working with Amber—three very long months ago—he and I can’t seem to finish a conversation without Amber calling or stopping by. I wonder if she’s at the house with Jack right now. If she isn’t, she’s probably calling him or on her way…

    Michelle gently cut her off. Jill, you said Amber is new in town. She’s probably lonely, and Jack is the only person she has a reason to talk to right now. The house must be almost finished?

    Jill nodded.

    You’ll see. When the house is finished, and when Jack is finished with the project, you won’t see her or hear from her again.

    Usually I would agree with you, but not this time. Amber is different. She is young like Eva, actually probably only thirty, but she is nothing like Eva. Eva is so elegant, so full of attitude and energy.

    Michelle tried not to roll her eyes. "I can see that you think Eva is

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