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A Playdate with Destiny
A Playdate with Destiny
A Playdate with Destiny
Ebook176 pages2 hours

A Playdate with Destiny

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This book is for anyone who has a passion and deep desire to make this world a better place. There is something for everyone in this book. Whether you are an advanced spiritual warrior attempting to grow your business and increase your influence, or you are a novice to metaphysical self help, this book will be your guiding light. For those of you well versed in the world of spirituality, you will find this book different from all the others. It offers advanced strategies and sophisticated maneuvers often overlooked in the conscious wellness arena. And, the teachings are designed so that they can be integrated on all levels, which include the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For those who are not seasoned spiritual seekers, this book will hopefully ignite curiosity and open your mind to greater awareness. Because there are unlimited paths to deeper understanding, this book incorporates vast amounts of sacred knowledge and a wide variety of tools and techniques. Hopefully, you will feel inspired to uncover more of the hidden mysteries that make life miraculous. Discover the hidden benefits of bumbling, mumbling and stumbling learn how and why to play Hide and Seek and Peek a Boo, I See You identify ways to overcome resistance from everyday “Drag Queens” explore what it means to truly blossom.

PublisherAmy Tang
Release dateMay 25, 2011
A Playdate with Destiny

Amy Tang

Amy Tang is rapidly emerging as a renowned and well-respected leader within the conscious wellness arena. She ignites passion and elevates consciousness in revolutionary ways with her unconventional wisdom and playful style.For the past decade, Amy has helped transform numerous lives through inspirational coaching, playshops and speaking engagements nationwide.As a social entrepreneur, Amy is the co-founder of Lights On® – an online educational portal for finding purpose and awakening destiny. Through webisodes, downloadable homeplays and discussion forums, journeyers engage the heart and mind in SELF discovery. Lights On® has reached over 55 countries worldwide. Globally, people are finding more peace, balance and success in all areas of their life due to Lights On®.

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    Book preview

    A Playdate with Destiny - Amy Tang

    A Playdate

    with Destiny

    Turning Daring Risks,

    Subtle Setbacks and

    Painful Disappointments

    into a Fun-filled Adventure


    By Amy Tang

    A Playdate with Destiny

    Copyright © 2011, Amy Tang

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher and author.

    ISBN 978-14507-7310-2 EBook

    Library of Congress Control Number:  2011928328

    Inspiring Hearts




    To my family ~ Lester, Nathan and Jasper

    I am eternally grateful for your love.


    My Spiritual Playmate

    Without Eileen Faye Oliva, my own date with destiny would not have come to fruition. Our two destinies are intricately wrapped together to create one uniquely divine package. Those who know Eileen, recognize her special sparkle as both an outer and inner beauty. Her words are gentle but her spirit is bold. Her thoughts are quirky but her wisdom is profound. And, her presence is innocent but her awareness is advanced.

    Every day is play day when I am with Eileen. She is more than a friend and business partner; she is my spiritual playmate. Together we explore every quark of the Universe. We revel in each other’s triumphs and offer solace in times of sadness. I am so deeply grateful for the gift of our shared journey. Opening hearts is twice as much fun because we are doing it together!

    My Soul Sister

    My oldest sister and I are not only blood-related, but soul-connected. Jeanne is the person I turn to for support, love and insight. Some of the revelations in this book were gleaned from our conversations. I love my sister wholeheartedly. Sometimes she is my teacher and at other times I am hers; but together we are always students of life.

    My Soul Mate

    My husband is my best friend, my partner, my conscience, my soul mate. He is also an amazing father. I am blessed to receive so much love and support from him on a daily basis. He is my true companion.

    My Friend

    Besides spending countless hours of her own time editing both my books, Linda Thiedke has been a steady confidant, loyal friend and faithful supporter. She is knowledgeable, experienced and talented. The simple words thank you fall short of the gratitude I feel for all she’s done.



    Chapter 1 - Let’s Play!

    Chapter 2 - Initiating Change

    Chapter 3 - A State of Bliss

    Chapter 4 – Bumbling, Mumbling and Stumbling

    Chapter 5 – Keeping Secrets

    Chapter 6 - Pop Goes the Weasel

    Chapter 7 - It’s a Drag!

    Chapter 8 - The Breaking Point

    Chapter 9 - Spring Forward

    Chapter 10 - Giving Up

    Chapter 11 - A Tryst of Fate

    Chapter 12 - The Fun has Just Begun


    This book is for anyone who has a passion and deep desire to make this world a better place. There is something for everyone in this book. Whether you are an advanced spiritual warrior attempting to grow your business and increase your influence, or you are a novice to metaphysical self help, this book will be your guiding light. For those of you well versed in the world of spirituality, you will find this book different from all the others. It offers advanced strategies and sophisticated maneuvers often overlooked in the conscious wellness arena. And, the teachings are designed so that they can be integrated on all levels, which include the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For those who are not seasoned spiritual seekers, this book will hopefully ignite curiosity and open your mind to greater awareness. Because there are unlimited paths to deeper understanding, this book incorporates vast amounts of sacred knowledge and a wide variety of tools and techniques. Hopefully, you will feel inspired to uncover more of the hidden mysteries that make life miraculous.

    Why did I choose to write this book? I am a spiritual teacher. I help people heal. To support this declaration, I have degrees, certification and training. And, I have significant years of experience as a coach and healer. I have delivered numerous lectures and facilitated countless workshops. However, to me, none of that matters, because a teacher and healer is who I am, not what I am. From the depth of my soul and within every cell of my body I integrate this truth.

    Some, who know me well, say I was born to teach. My own spiritual quest began at a very young age. In my youth, I was fascinated with energy and wished I could be psychic. I sensed the existence of much unspoken knowledge. My thirst for greater awareness led me to the occult to discover mysticism. I did not want to become an expert in just one area; I yearned to understand as much about as many different topics as possible. Any area within the metaphysical field was intriguing. I studied astrology, numerology, sacred geometry, psychic experiences, energy, alternative healing therapies, and much more. Ancient cultures fascinated me. And, I was drawn to tools of divination. I bought my first Tarot deck in my early twenties and still continue to build my collection. I have explored several more tools including the Runes, I Ching, Pendulum, and Psychometry.

    I have always had a heartfelt desire to help others. However, I appreciate that I can’t help others until I help myself. I have come to understand the age-old adage, Teachers learn what they are meant to teach. During the last three years, I have been blessed with amazing insights and painful challenges, solidifying my expertise. I had already laid a solid foundation in life, having healed many old wounds and accomplishing fulfilling work as a coach and healer. However, my own path towards destiny rapidly accelerated when I was called to serve on a much grander scale. As I moved into uncharted territory, I was ill-prepared for the obstacles that arose. I was unaware of the necessary steps and delicate navigation required. No expert sufficiently guided me through this rough terrain. No resources were available to address my specific questions and concerns. Nobody had the knowledge I was seeking. Therefore, I was forced to dig deep and find all the answers within.

    Pursuing destiny is exciting, exhilarating and challenging all at the same time. I now know what it takes to move into greater action and higher service. Therefore, I offer these unique experiences, teachings and exercises to you in hopes that my gained wisdom will ease your way.

    This book identifies actions to take and pitfalls to avoid on your journey to success. You will learn how to anticipate the inevitable resistance that accompanies your decision to move beyond the normal constraints and conditioning of society. You will receive rare insights into the subtle stages of new beginnings and learn valuable techniques for reaching lofty goals. Powerful practices are designed to help you clarify your intentions, uplift your energy and properly prepare you for the achievement of your dreams. And most importantly, you will feel inspired to incorporate more fun, joy and humor into your adventure.

    The timing of these messages is extremely important. I am not the only person being called into higher service; many of us are. As we dangle on the precipice of The Age of Enlightenment, the status quo is changing. Because of the powerful emerging energies impacting our world, we are being urged to break through limitations and blaze new trails. Whether you are a social entrepreneur, creative innovator, revolutionary thought leader, or everyday visionary, use this book as your official guide for putting dreams into action. It is my greatest wish to help you stay brave, optimistic and insightful as you properly prepare to accomplish your own magnificent destiny.



    As my husband and I prepared to move from Boston, MA to Scottsdale, AZ, an unusual occurrence left a lasting impression. While dreaming one night, my spiritual guides handed me a thick glass jar decorated with sunflowers. Slowly turning the jar in my hands, I read the message on the label. After much rest and sunshine, the flower will blossom. Ever since, I’ve wondered about the implied message. Could my dreams of inspiring people one day come true?

    Now, five years later, I was reminded once again of flowers blossoming. This time, my ancestors visited during dreamtime. My grandfather appeared first to deliver a loving message. Surrounded by a blindingly white light, he reached out his arms and said, We are so proud of you. Because he died when I was fairly young, I never heard him speak those words. Next, my grandmother came into view. With warmth, she light-heartedly mused, You are about to blossom! And finally, my other grandmother lavished me with even more unconditional love before they all disappeared.

    Their timing was impeccable. It was a week after my 39th birthday and I was ready for change. The day before, I had vowed never to do another holistic fair. I’m done, I thought, as I packed my CDs, brochures and business cards and lifted the fabric off the table. Going from show to show, peddling my material, used to be fun. I always offered an intuitive message for anyone who visited my booth and I met many interesting healers. But now, fairs were becoming a chore and marketing was becoming a bore. I ached for something different, but had no idea what.

    A few days later, I met with a former client for coffee. Throughout the years our relationship had transformed from coach and client, to peers. Eileen was soaring spiritually. Always inspired to learn, she was quickly accumulating sacred knowledge. Together we shared new insights and celebrated shocking revelations. We only met every couple of months but we always had much to share.

    Eileen was a stunning soul. Her blondish white hair shined and her blue eyes sparkled. Her beauty shined inwardly and outwardly. On this day, she wore a cobalt blue glass heart pendant with gold filaments that shimmered in the light. As the sparkles caught my eye, I complimented the necklace. Moments later, she handed me a present. Christmas was two weeks away, but I hadn’t anticipated exchanging gifts. Opening the white velvety pouch, I gasped with joy. She was giving me the same necklace. Oh Eileen, I love it! Thank you so much. She knew how much hearts meant to me. The name of my business was Inspiring Hearts and it was my greatest passion to help people open their hearts.

    Then she told me a captivating story. While driving to a Chamber of Commerce networking lunch, she was in her little convertible with the rooftop open. Out of nowhere, three white semi-trucks surrounded her, one in front, one in back, and one on the right. She felt small. Reflecting upon all she had accomplished in life, it didn’t seem like enough. She had been playing small in so many ways including, fitting into other’s preconceived notions of who she was, avoiding being direct and speaking her truth, and unconsciously buying into the belief that she was damaged goods due to her illness, Scleroderma.

    In that moment, she decided No More! She knew that although the journey is different for each individual, everyone has similar obstacles to overcome. While at the luncheon, she suddenly announced she was forming a group to help people find more purpose and meaning in life. It was her hope that together they would outgrow limitations.

    To her surprise, after the meeting, several people approached her and expressed interest in participating. Although nervous and excited, Eileen now felt she had to commit to following through on this idea.

    While I was listening to her engaging story, she added that the sign on the back of the truck read, Lights on for Safety. I enthusiastically suggested Lights On as the name of the group. And, I offered to help create content for the group.

    It would be easy to

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