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Bliss with All My Body: The Bravura Piece of My Life
Bliss with All My Body: The Bravura Piece of My Life
Bliss with All My Body: The Bravura Piece of My Life
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Bliss with All My Body: The Bravura Piece of My Life

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About this ebook

We all long to live as the light we really are. We long to be seen. We crave deep connections. In short, we want to sustain a state of bliss that carries us through the challenging times and allows us to change the world into a better place. But first, we must complete the inner work that transforms us into butterflies from the inside out.

Life coach Alaya Matter is a former attorney who shifted her own life into a blissful existence. In an inspiring and heartfelt guide, she intertwines her personal story with a simple roadmap that guides others to realize their true self and attract happiness. By incorporating her simple techniques that encourage a shift in focus, others will learn how to release the blocks to the unconscious mind that often get in the way of achieving dreams. Throughout her guidebook, Matter gently reminds all of us to remember who we are, how great we are, how worthy we are, and most importantly, to always be ourselves.

Bliss with All My Body shares personal stories and trusted guidance from a former attorney turned life coach on how to realize a life full of happiness.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 10, 2018
Bliss with All My Body: The Bravura Piece of My Life

Alaya Matter

Alaya Matter is a former attorney who successfully shifted to realizing a blissful life. Today, she is a life coach who works with clients to live their dreams. Matter lives with her two daughters and their cats in the Swiss Alps.

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    Bliss with All My Body - Alaya Matter

    Bliss with All My Body

    The Bravura Piece of My Life



    Copyright © 2019 Alaya Matter.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-1743-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-1745-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-1744-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018914112

    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/07/2018


    All life is a vortex.

    I’m grateful for all the humans, animals, plants, and beings I’m meeting in this life.



    Chapter 1     The Breakthrough

    Chapter 2     Why Are You Here?

    Chapter 3     Female Presence

    Chapter 4     Wise Woman

    Chapter 5     From Pity To Compassion

    Chapter 6     Becoming A Perpetrator

    Chapter 7     The Big Bang

    Chapter 8     Weaving

    Chapter 9     Life Energy

    Chapter 10   Liberation

    Chapter 11   Learning Self-Love

    Chapter 12   Open Up

    Chapter 13   Decisions And Creative Power

    Chapter 14   Join Strength And Love

    Chapter 15   Unconscious

    Chapter 16   Lean In

    Chapter 17   Of Service

    Chapter 18   Hologram

    Chapter 19   Convergence

    Chapter 20   Time

    Chapter 21   On The Road

    Chapter 22   Awakening

    Chapter 23   Identity

    Chapter 24   Big Picture

    Chapter 25   Arouse The Dragon

    Chapter 26   Codependency

    Chapter 27   Transformation

    Chapter 28   Beliefs

    Chapter 29   Liveliness

    Chapter 30   Relationships

    Chapter 31   Menu Of Life

    Chapter 32   Free Will

    Chapter 33   All

    Chapter 34   Embodiment

    Chapter 35   Soul

    Chapter 36   Light Or Nothing?


    May spirit work through me to the highest good for all.

    This book has enabled me to become even more matter. My soul has incarnated more on earth. Writing brought me more into the flow. I focused on my life inside my body, on my thoughts and feelings. I got into playing mode. I wrote helically as the new circles of the spiral were developing inside of me. Life is spiraling—a continual birth process.

    This book will take you spiraling through your own birth channel. Your receptivity will be enhanced. You are turning on your receiver for unconditional love just by reading these lines. Let the universe deliver it to you.

    I play the game on this planet by showing myself with these letters. I love myself. May you love yourself.



    Fifty-one years ago, in Switzerland, I first saw the light of day. From that moment on, I have widened my consciousness. Love and intuition began in the cradle. Wisdom would join them along the way.

    According to the I Ching, I was born with the sun in gate 43, the breakthrough. The knowing that is breaking through myself is I don’t sacrifice myself anymore in order to be loved by others. I love myself.

    The longer I’m here, the more courageously I am able to show up in my full strength. As I show up in my full strength, people around me begin to show up as well. I consider this a gigantic gift.




    Together we sing a new song.

    Do you feel a burning desire inside of you? Do you feel invisible limits in your life? Even if you long to enrich the world, do you feel trapped, or do you sabotage yourself over and over again?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is nothing wrong with you. You’re not alone. It’s not a failure if you haven’t resolved these issues already. Millions of humans feel like this. This planet is in the vibrations of a gigantic wave of waking up. The intensive stress on earth is a symptom of an awakening into a new level of evolution.

    We long to live as the light we really are. We long to be seen. We crave deeper connections than our ancestors had. We are called.

    We have to pupate, do the inner work, and transform ourselves into butterflies from the inside out. As we do this, we transform the world and make a difference. We all are born to have wings. Let’s use them.


    This was my starting point. In my life, I was short of money over and over again, although I had a job that paid well. I was hardly aware of any feelings in my life. I was frozen inside and suffered terribly from the icy experience. Over the decades, I ended three frustrating long relationships feeling more dead than alive. I felt abandoned by life.

    I am now aware of why: I gave all my energy to others. I was addicted to rescuing others—my mother, father, brothers, partners, friends. This was not love. I was letting myself be used in order to have value.

    I was addicted to being needed. My body released endorphins and dopamine anytime I felt hope for someone. I did this subconsciously so as to not feel my own pain in this emptiness. My self-esteem was extremely low.

    As a small child, I was a sentient being. Being told I was overly sensitive—not to feel what I was feeling—hurt me to the core. By the age of thirty-eight, I had two little daughters, and I was totally exhausted. I remember thinking, I feel like I’m ninety-six and waiting for death.

    Leaving my daughters’ father was a crucial step forward. I did it because I didn’t want my daughters to have two helpless role models in their lives. I was too drained to want anything for myself, and I had been trained that good women don’t want anything for themselves anyway.

    I was constantly looking for wisdom. I sought it in my training as a lawyer; my tireless diligence, effort, and perfectionism; sessions on management skills and personal development; my practice of traditional Chinese medicine; energetic work; coaching; and daily meditation. But every morning, I woke up to live unconsciously again and again.

    I truly was ready to invest myself entirely into my own growth, but still there was a gap. I felt invisible and not appreciated by my partners or my job. I felt alone with or without a partner, and no partner I had was engaging in building a common life.

    And I wanted to be a part of something greater. I felt superior and ashamed by turns. I was a well-educated intelligent woman who couldn’t put her life together. Looking back today, I understand that I decided at the age of thirty-eight to dig deeper inside myself in order to find the cause.

    At this turning point, I went deep inside myself. Little by little, I realized which unconscious beliefs of my ancestors and which energy fields of the people I was with in the office, the city, and the neighborhood were in my energy system. As they came to light, I found

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