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Cancer - I Can Beat This! (Causes, cures, and options)
Cancer - I Can Beat This! (Causes, cures, and options)
Cancer - I Can Beat This! (Causes, cures, and options)
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Cancer - I Can Beat This! (Causes, cures, and options)

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About this ebook

Under the guidance of Anthony De Angelis, MS RD, LN/D many people have discovered how to beat this disease. I based this book on his knowledge & the knowledge of other experts in the field.

As a science educator & avid researcher, I have found that there are a vast array of cures & preventatives out there. For 30 years I have researched, collated & bring to you this vital lifesaving information in layman's terms.

There are alternatives to poisoning your body & preventing these tragedies from attacking you & your loved ones. You owe it not only to yourself, but to your family as well, to take every opportunity to live healthy, eat healthy, & become consumer educated, as to what is out there to prevent & cure cancer.

This is a book that contains a huge amount of knowledge and information gathered from the most extraordinary minds on the subject of preventing and curing cancer.

I have learned that medical treatment in exclusivity, may be a mistake since, for all but a few cancers, the survival rates and the degree of severe side effects are not favorable.

While oncologists would like their treatments to be exclusive ones, there is more than ample evidence that the use of anti-oxidants and certain amino acids improve the quality of life during those treatments.

Readily available to all of us are treatments that can be used as primary and complementary modalities. For example:

Beta Glucans, which are derived from mushrooms, not only improve the immune system, but do so without side effects. Beta Glucans have been used successfully for centuries.

Vit. E causes a natural programmed cell death of unhealthy cells.

Maiake Fractions have specific antitumor actions, slowing the growth of tumors in the breast, colon, lungs, stomach, liver, prostate, brain and many other organs.

Vit. D3 reduces the spread of cancer cells by causing them to self destruct. Interestingly enough, when tested, cancer patients have very low Vit. D levels

Simply speaking cancer cells love sugar. Why then do we see cancer patients who are taking Chemo therapy treatments being offered Sodas and cookies?

The amount of research in this book is all that you will need to get started on your way back to a healthy life style.

In spite of a strong family history of cancer, I am cancer free and have learned how to stay that way! You too can be cancer free!

PublisherCarol Purcell
Release dateMar 26, 2011
Cancer - I Can Beat This! (Causes, cures, and options)

Carol Purcell

After teaching Science for 36 years I decided to put what I've learned into this book. We cause cancer by allowing our government to put a multitude of pesticides and toxins into our food and products we use. Over the past three decades I have had access to studying hundreds of cases of various cancers. Unfortunately prior to my quest to find answers to this disease, my family was plagued by various forms of cancer. My father died of prostate cancer, my grandmother, mother, and only sister died of ovarian cancer. And over the years many friends, students, and parents of my students also lost their lives to cancer. What I have learned over this lifetime of loss is how to avoid and cure cancer. It's a disease just like any other. Give the body what it needs, not more poisons. Prescription drugs, chemo. and the like destroy our own ability to fight off disease. I am cancer free in spite of my family history. I beat the odds and so can you.

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    Book preview

    Cancer - I Can Beat This! (Causes, cures, and options) - Carol Purcell

    Cancer—I Can Beat This!

    (Causes, cures, and options)

    Written By Carol S. Purcell

    Inspired by Anthony DeAngelis MS,RD,LN

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011 by Carol Purcell

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is dedicated in loving memory to my father, Wadell Shehan, my mother, Margaret Thomas Shehan, and my only sister, Sharon Shehan Wehler.




    Step 1—Organic Foods

    Step 2—What to Eat/The pH Factor

    Step 3—Juicing Vegetables

    Step 4—Hydrogenated Oils

    Step 5—Cancer Feeds on Sugar

    Step 6—Artificial Sweeteners

    Step 7—Essential Fatty Acids

    Step 8—Purify Drinking Water

    Step 9—Apple Cider Vinegar

    Step 10—Good Bacteria

    Step 11—Antiperspirants & Bath products

    Step 12—Dangerous Chemicals in Cosmetics

    Step 13—Supplements

    Step 14—Anti-Cancer Supplements

    Step 15—High Fructose Corn Syrup

    Step 16—Non-Stick cookware

    Step 17—Dryer Sheets and Fabric Softeners

    Step 18—Sea Salt

    Step 19—Reading Food labels

    Step 20—Visualization

    Step 21—Proper Breathing

    Step 22—Pets

    Step 23—Laughter

    Step 24—Sunshine

    Step 25—Alternative & Conventional Treatments



    About the Author


    For over 30 years I’ve studied and observed hundreds of cases of cancer. Unfortunately I’ve also had first hand knowledge in my own family members’ cancer battles as to what works and what doesn’t work. I am a scientist not a doctor. In Science we are trained to look at all the facts, to look at the big picture in all situations, find commonalities, distinguish differences, analyze variables, and draw conclusions. Over the years certain information kept surfacing. The degree to which a person is exposed to cancer causing toxins in their lifetime affects their immune system’s ability to ward off disease. The average person has no idea how we are being bombarded with deadly toxins all around us. Because you want to have the best chance of beating cancer or any disease, then recognizing where these toxins are and how to avoid them is crucial to rebuilding your health.

    This book is being written with the hope that it will help you or someone you love break the deadly grip that cancer now holds over your life. It contains an abstract of two decades of research and information vital to anyone battling this horrifying disease. It’s filled with helpful facts and tips to aid in your triumph over cancer.

    Just by the very fact that you are reading this is an indication that you’re a fighter, you’re looking for answers, and you won’t be sold a bill of goods that says you’re dying! In your heart, deep within the recesses of your soul, you know there’s more to this cancer ambush than what we’re being told. You’re up against a mighty enemy, but you have a strong constitution, and you want to live! So trust that little voice inside that’s saying, Get the facts from All sides, keep an open mind, and above all believe you can be healthy again. There are so many success stories out there. People just like you who knew in their hearts that there was a way for them to thrash this enemy, to kick this monster to the curb, and go on living. It’s your choice. Become the hero of your own life!

    This book contains a plan, a guide to help you regain your health. Cancer cells come and go. It’s just a matter of keeping them under control. Once you’ve been told that cancer cells are out of control in your body and tumors have formed, then it’s crucial to take out the big guns and fire with all of your might. If you believe in yourself, you can do this.


    Cancer’s not a mystery. In the simplest of terms, it’s a breakdown of our body’s immune system due to many factors in our modern convenient way of living. Convenience often times comes with a hefty price and often times we’re exchanging an easier way of doing things for a poorer quality of life. We live with and fight off cancer everyday. With all our technology, with all the things that make our lives easier, there’s a price to be paid. Unfortunately, by making bad choices, we can cause cancer cells to grow in our bodies. We need to realize that we begin to poison our bodies right from birth, and for some, even from the time of conception. Choices of products and the foods that we choose, not reading labels, and trusting that everything we buy is safe and toxin free, begins the breakdown of our immune systems. These are the decisions that set the stage and make a way for disease to set in. Don’t be fooled by the statement, it’s genetic. In more cases than not IT ISN’T genetic. As in my own life, I do not carry the gene for ovarian cancer. Neither did my sister, nor did my mother, and yet they died from this disease. Again, my way of life and the life they led differ greatly. It leads to the question, can someone without a genetic predisposition towards cancer, avoid it by day to day careful selections about foods, products, etc? Even if you carry the gene, it doesn’t mean you’re going to get cancer. Stay healthy, and make good choices, and the gene may never express itself.

    I grew up in a family that didn’t much believe in vitamins, minerals, and supplements. I was of a different mind set. They, on the other hand, were pretty much old school believing that we got all the nutrients we needed from the foods we ate. And while that may have been true decades ago, the earth is not the same. We’ve depleted our soils, and polluted our air and water sources. Because of depleted soils, the majority of the food grown now is insufficient to sustain a healthy body and healthy immune system. And what about trusting that everything on the grocery store shelf is non toxic? That’s not a safe assumption.

    The body’s immune system is like our own personal army, it’s made up of different cells, whose primary purpose is to keep us healthy. We battle cancer cells everyday and win the battle as long as our immune system is strong and healthy. For the most part, if we avoid as many toxins as possible, and eat the proper foods, exercise, drink purified water, supplement with raw whole food vitamins, make an effort to reduce stress, get proper amounts of rest, and try to avoid exposure to toxins in the environment, our immune system takes care of us.

    Unfortunately, in our everyday lives we are surrounded by hundreds of hidden chemicals and toxins slowly poisoning our bodies, corrupting our immune systems, and shutting down our organs. When we, intentionally or unintentionally, expose ourselves to countless toxins day after day, we put our bodies in danger. Our army (our immune system) gets spread too thin, constantly trying to fight off large numbers of deadly foreign invaders. Disease strikes and it can no longer protect us. Eventually our body succumbs to the disease.

    When the doctor told my sister she had stage 4 Ovarian Cancer, she said it was like being punched in the stomach. She said she couldn’t breathe, or think, much less think out of the box. She just wanted to put all her faith and trust in the doctor, like she always had and just wanted the doctor to make it all go away. The problem is, for more than half a century, (50+ years) doctors in general have demonstrated a poor track record when it comes to curing cancer with conventional methods. Being well informed and making any and all necessary changes to ensure a successful recovery, now becomes the burden of the patient. It’s up to each person to spread the word that cancer can be beaten and that it takes a great deal more than what most

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