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Grave Desire
Grave Desire
Grave Desire
Ebook299 pages4 hours

Grave Desire

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About this ebook

Jenna Grave travels to Tacoma, Washington after the brutal murder of her parents. Little does she know that she is about to come face to face with the murderer. He wants her, and is willing to do anything to have her.

Jenna is discovering she has power over humans, spirits, and vampires; and she'll have to use all of these powers to save the people that she loves and to avenge her parents.

PublisherLynn Trall
Release dateJan 27, 2011
Grave Desire

Lynn Trall

I am married, and the mother of two wonderful kids. Actually, my family inspires alot of my writing. Everyone around me is funny and sometimes profound. I spent 10 years in the USAF, and I have worked for the State of Michigan for 14 years. But I've always enjoyed writing. Whether it was poems or short stories - or making up bedtime stories for my kids. So, wa-la, I wrote my first novel - Grave Desire. More books to come!

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    Book preview

    Grave Desire - Lynn Trall

    Chapter 1

    Feeling like I was being followed was normal for me. I never actually saw someone following me, but I had a sixth sense about that sort of thing. Today it felt different. Today I felt threatened. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up, and goose bumps exploded across my skin.

    I was only a few blocks from the library. I shifted my messenger bag so the strap went across my body, and the bag hung against my butt. I just knew I wanted my hands free. I tried not to panic. But as I passed the next alley, it felt like the shadows were moving closer to me. Reaching for me.

    There was no controlling the panic that flowed through me.

    Luckily, I was wearing comfortable running shoes and blue jeans, because a split second later, I hit my stride. Not to boast, but I’m quick. Cross country runner my whole life; I even held the school record back in Illinois.

    But that doom and gloom feeling wasn’t fading away. The faster I ran, the worse it got. The strange thing was that I didn’t hear any footsteps following me. I risked a glance behind me.

    Nobody was there, but the shadows still seemed to be closing in on me. I could’ve blamed it on the setting sun, but I sensed evil.

    I’m a psychic. Mostly, I hear ghosts. But sometimes, I can sense extreme emotion. Actually, I don’t really know what all of my psychic gifts are, because my grandma died before she could teach me about them. And unfortunately, the gift skipped a generation and my mom was no help at all.

    I ran all the way to the stairs of the library, which is very well lit. No shadows. Yay!

    I stopped and turned to face whatever was behind me.

    There was absolutely nothing there. The shadows along the deserted street were just shadows again.

    As I turned to walk into the library, a cold wind rushed past me. It felt like someone had just touched my hair and whispered my name, Jenna. But there still wasn’t anyone near me.

    I took several deep breaths to calm down as I entered the library.

    Chapter 2

    I’d slowed my pulse down enough that I couldn’t hear my heart pounding in my ears, but then I saw him. The librarian. Devin. The only expression I could think of was dreamy. He was definitely dreamy. My pulse sped up again, and I could feel my cheeks getting hot as he smiled at me.

    Do you have any idea what that does to my ego?

    As if the smile wasn’t bad enough, his voice was like silk sliding over my skin. Deep and masculine.

    What’d I do now? I laughed lightly. I’d learned to keep tight control over my emotions during the last year. But every time I was around Devin, my control slipped.

    We’d been flirting with each other for a few months; ever since he’d hired on as the part-time librarian. Well, he flirted and I blushed. He was the first beautiful man I’d ever laid eyes on.

    Black, silky hair that hung to his shoulders. Blazing green eyes that seemed to see right through me. And his long, black eyelashes framed those eyes perfectly. Sometimes it felt like he could read my mind just by staring into my eyes. And that smile. His teeth were perfect, one side of his mouth curled up just a little higher than the other side, and he had dimples. I loved dimples.

    You blushed as soon as you saw me. That’d be an ego boost for any guy. He smiled as he took my books.

    Maybe my cheeks were rosy from having to run half way here. I said in a quiet gruff voice. I wasn’t sure why I was mad at him for making me blush, but I immediately regretted making the comment.

    Why did you have to run? What happened? He looked deep into my eyes. He looked so serious and worried.

    Oh, just another feeling of being followed. But it seemed more intense this time. I shook my head and walked around his desk towards the books. I’m off to lose myself in someone else’s fantasy now. Talk to ya later…

    I’d told him how I often felt like I was being followed, and thankfully he didn’t look at me like I was crazy. Point for him.

    I really hadn’t decided on what books I wanted to check out, so I roamed through the aisles. I didn’t really pay much attention to the titles, I was alternately thinking of Devin and how I was going to get back home without sprinting there.

    Hey… I jumped about three feet backwards as Devin spoke to me.

    Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.

    My hand was still covering my mouth, and I was thankful I didn’t scream. It’s okay. I was just in my own little world. What’s up?

    I was just wondering if you would go to dinner with me tomorrow night. He kind of blurted it out.

    I think my jaw hit the floor. Devin asked me out. Yeah, we’d been doing the flirty dance, but Devin’s HOT.

    I know I’m cute, but not hot. My hair’s creamsicle orange, wavy, and down to my mid-back. My eyes are my best asset; they have more gold than brown. I like them because they’re unusual, almost cat-like. I’ve got an athletic body thanks to years of running. I’m slender with some serious curves.

    I’ve definitely got some junk in my trunk.

    Jenna? I realized I’d escaped to my little world again, and Devin was left standing there waiting for an answer.

    Sorry. I just wasn’t expecting you to ask me out.

    I thought that we’d been dancing around the subject long enough. But if you don’t want to… A disappointed look washed over his face.

    I’d love to! Should I dress up or keep it casual? He beamed his flawless smile at me and I realized that I’d just agreed to a date.

    Someone rang the bell on his desk, Shoot, I’ll be right back!

    I watched his departure with more than a little interest. I couldn’t decide if I like watching him coming or going better. He had a tight little tush, and he always wore pants that accentuated it.

    Back to the whole date thing. I haven’t dated in nearly a year. Not because I don’t like to date, but because I’ve been avoiding situations where I could get hurt.

    Last year I’d had a double-dose of pain when I found my parents murdered in our home. I’d come home after my freshman year of college, and a week later – my world was turned upside down.

    So, I’d been avoiding the whole dating scene. But seriously, what’s the chance that something that bad would happen to someone more than once in their lifetime?

    Alrighty. A date. I could do this. The worst part is explaining to guys that I’m still a virgin. Yep, twenty-year-old virgin right here. Most guys didn’t believe it – probably because they’d never met a real one before.

    I found that guys show their true self when they don’t get the lovin’ they want. Some lasted longer than others, but they all ended up pressuring me in the end. And most of them turned into real butt munches by the time we broke up.

    Unfortunately, the older guys get, the less they want to wait. Damn men…

    Sorry about the interruption, why don’t we go for semi-dressy. Do you like Italian? Devin asked, still smiling like I just told him he could have a puppy.

    Love it. What time? I was so trying not to freak out. What was I going to wear?

    I’ll pick you up at seven, if that’s okay.

    Sounds fantabulous! We both laughed as we headed toward the front desk.

    Aren’t you going to check any books out tonight?

    I couldn’t find anything that caught my eye tonight. Guess I’ll just have to come back next time you work. I bumped his arm with mine and smiled.

    My smile faded as I looked out the door. I’d stayed too long and it was almost dark. Just great.

    Stay here a second… Devin disappeared into the back of the library, and then returned with John, the other part-time librarian.

    John’s going to hold down the fort while I walk you home. Can’t have anything happen to you before I get to take you out. He smiled, and it went all the way to his eyes.

    He bent his arm and offered it to me. I hesitated only a moment before sliding my arm through his.

    At least now I’ll know where to pick you up at tomorrow. He said as he laid his other hand on top of mine. We both jumped as a spark shot between our hands.

    Sorry, I have a rather electric personality. I laughed as I slipped my gloves on. I’ve been zapping people my whole life, and it can still scare the crap out of me when it happens.

    This time he grabbed my hand in his, and we walked for a couple of minutes in comfortable silence. I was enjoying not feeling like I was being followed for the first time in a long time.

    Why were you so shocked that I asked you out? He asked out of the blue.

    Because you’re so hot, and I’m so not. I never believed in lying or sugar-coating. When I was asked a question, the truth would be heard. But I was glad it was almost dark so he couldn’t see me blushing again.

    You really believe that, don’t you?

    Well, yeah.

    And here I thought you were the hot one, and I was average. He started laughing so hard he stopped walking. It was infectious, because I started to giggle and it grew until we were both laughing so hard that the few people who were on the street were staring at us.

    You’re awesome. He said as we started walking again, still hand in hand.


    You’re awesome. If you wouldn’t have told me the truth, we never would’ve known that we were thinking the same thing. And I haven’t laughed that hard in years.

    That’s what you get from me, whether you want it or not. The whole truth and nuttin’ but the truth.

    We reached the stairs to my building. He walked up the stairs with me but stopped on the top step. I gazed into his eyes. His pale face was framed with his jet-black hair. He laid his hand on the side of my neck and leaned in close, so that his mouth was next to my ear.

    You truly are beautiful. Be careful and I’ll see you tomorrow night. He brushed silken lips across my cheek before he left. He didn’t even complain about the brief electric shock he got from it.

    I stood there for a minute, not wanting to forget how his lips felt on my cheek. The sound of his voice lingered, and it seemed as if I could still feel his hot breath on my ear.

    I was suddenly very disappointed. Disappointed that I had to wait a whole day before I got to see him again.

    Chapter 3

    I ran up all four flights of stairs to my apartment. Well, it was actually more of a penthouse. My flat was the entire top floor of the apartment building; but what I neglected to tell people was that I owned the whole building.

    When my parents were murdered, I’d inherited a small fortune. I didn’t flaunt it – actually, none of my friends or the tenants knew that I owned the building. My dad always told me that real estate was a good investment. He also told me that if you want real friends, you don’t brag about what you have.

    The only walls in my flat were around the two bathrooms. There were several square, white columns dividing the flat in half for structural support. I had black and white photos on each side of them, hanging at eye level.

    I walked toward my bedroom, which was separated from the rest of the flat with two, oriental room dividers. My bed was a simple, queen-size with a lighted headboard. At the end of my bed was an old, ornate trunk that’d been passed down to me, the only heirloom I had. I filled it with pictures and keepsakes of my family. It was all I had left of them.

    My furniture throughout the flat was done in deep brown leather and cherry wood accents. Normally it would make a place too dark, but one whole side of my flat was windows. I could let in as much light as I wanted.

    The art that hung on my walls were all pictures I took while traveling across the United States.

    I grew up in Springfield, Illinois. When my parents were killed over Memorial Day weekend last year, I decided I couldn’t stay there. After getting everything in order after their death, I began my trip across the States. I didn’t know where I was headed, but it took me from July 4th until Labor Day to finally end up here. Tacoma, Washington.

    I loved Washington, even though it was often cloudy. I was a photography buff, so there were tons of scenic places for me to snap away. And since I tried to blend in, Tacoma was perfect. Over two hundred thousand people to blend in with.

    I slipped out of my jeans, and donned my sweats. Then I headed for my exercise area. One whole corner of my flat was dedicated to exercise. I wasn’t comfortable exercising in a gym. I had free weights, exercise videos, treadmill, stair stepper, and weight lifting machines. Who needs a stinkin’ gym? Not me.

    Next to the ‘gym’ was my mini-library. Several dark cherry bookshelves held hundreds of books that I’d picked up along my trip. I’d read most of them more than once. There were more than a few about psychic abilities, but they really didn’t help me out a whole lot.

    As I worked out, I started to get the feeling of being watched again. I tried to ignore it, but my inattention seemed to make it worse.

    I walked over to the couch and grabbed the remote. One touch of a button, and all the shades closed in my flat. I was submerged into darkness. I clapped my hands, and all my floor lamps came on. I loved technology.

    I didn’t feel like working out anymore, so I headed towards the master bath. Big is an understatement. I almost felt guilty having such a wonderful bathroom. Almost.

    I had an old-style claw-foot bathtub and a walk-in shower. My vanity mirror was eight-feet wide, with dozens of drawers for make-up and feminine stuff. I hadn’t used much of the space since I hadn’t been trying to look pretty for anyone in particular. Maybe that was about to change.

    Crap. What was I going to do about my date? I only owned comfortable clothes. Nothing dressy, or semi-dressy. I was going to have to call my two best friends to help me out.

    As I headed toward the enormous kitchen to grab a pre-made salad from the fridge, the phone rang.

    Chapter 4

    Callie Jacoby was one of my best friends. She was the first person I met when I arrived in Tacoma. We met outside our favorite coffee shop. She had run into me and spilled her coffee down the front of me. Luckily, she was having an iced latte that day – so no second degree burns.

    We’d stared at each other for a couple of seconds in shock, before we both doubled over in laughter. We had lunch together that day and have been best buds ever since.

    Callie is my age exactly. We were both born on May 8, 1991.It’s like we were meant to meet each other.

    She was orphaned when she was nine, and grew up moving from foster home to foster home. Luckily, she was an athlete. Volleyball, softball, basketball… you name it, she played it. I believe that athletics kept her from getting into trouble or hanging with the wrong crowd as she grew up.

    Every Monday and Thursday we would meet to run, and sometimes we would go to the community center to play some racquetball. Even though we were the same height, nearly six feet tall, I liked that everyone noticed her and not me.

    Callie has long, curly blonde hair. She added some dark brown streaks to it, which I admit make her look like a movie star. It also helped that she went to the tanners as often as she could, so she was perpetually tan. Which was very unnatural in Washington.

    Our bodies were built completely different. Where I had a very muscular body, she had a very thin, tight body. No curves and very little chest. She always said she didn’t care about boobs; they only get in the way when you play sports. She had a point.

    How did you know I was thinking about calling you? I asked as I answered the phone.

    Psychic. We both laughed. She knew about my psychic sense and we could joke about it.

    Guess what? I have a date!

    OMG! What man got through your defenses? I’ve been trying to get you to go out on dates for months…

    It was true. She had tried to set me up on dates, or take me out to clubs and push me to meet guys – but to no avail. I lived vicariously through Callie’s love life. She seemed to date someone different every weekend. She always had funny stories about her dating adventures.

    The librarian. Devin. And he is sooooo HOT! I giggled like a high school girl, which was not a sound I ever wanted to hear come out of my mouth again.

    Does he work tomorrow? I’d like to see what he looks like.

    Suddenly I felt very protective. I didn’t want her to meet him. Guys always wanted to go out with Callie. What if he liked her better?

    No, not tomorrow. You’ll have to wait to meet him until I decide if it will be more than one date. He may not be worthy enough to meet you. She laughed. Disaster averted.

    But I have to admit, I have no idea what to wear. I sighed.

    I have class tomorrow afternoon, so I can’t help. Bummer. I guess it’ll be up to George to make you beautiful. Lord knows he’s had enough practice. He could probably do it blind-folded.

    George was my other best friend. He was black, bald, gorgeous, and totally gay. Every weekend he would come over and give me an extreme make over. It was a fun way to spend a Sunday. But I’d never gone out after he’d beautified me.

    He might pee himself when I call and tell him. I laughed.

    Oh, I know he will! It’ll be a dream come true for him. I’ll let you call George, but you better take some pictures with your cell of this librarian of yours.

    I could tell by her voice that she was disappointed that she couldn’t help me get ready. Yes, I’ll take pictures. I promise. I’m going to eat real quick, then I’ll call George. I’m absolutely famished!

    Ok girlie, talk to ya later. She hung up before I could say goodbye. I knew I had to eat quick, because she wasn’t going to be able to keep this to herself. She was probably already calling George to tell him the good news. I might have three minutes to scarf some food down.

    I smiled, knowing that they were truly happy for me. I’d never had such good friends. In high school, it’s not easy to really make true friends. Everyone is too afraid of what other people think. And I was always kind of freaky to everyone, thanks to my abilities.

    I’d take two bites of my salad when the phone rang again. I didn’t answer the first time, and I guessed that Callie told him I was eating. George waited a whole two minutes before calling back.

    I answered that time.

    Chapter 5

    George knocked on my door at ten o’clock. He lived downstairs on the 2nd floor. That made our weekend makeovers very convenient.

    I opened the door.

    Good, you haven’t showered yet. I don’t want your hair frizzing up. You’ll shower at 5:30, and that will give me time to work my magic. His hands moved frantically as he talked. Very girlish, but George didn’t try to hide the fact that he was gay.

    Why are you here so early?

    Oh, girlfriend. I have seen your closet. We have to go shopping today! So throw on some clothes, tie back your hair, and let’s get going! He sat down on one of my kitchen chairs, crossed his legs, and folded his hands over his knee. That was his ‘I’m waiting on you’ pose.

    I’ll be right back…

    As I dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, I thought about my friendship with George. George Miller, age thirty. Even though he was ten years older than me, we had a lot in common. When I’d shared with him my parents’ murder, he’d told me that he lost his soul mate three years ago. Daniel had been his partner for nearly ten years, but he was killed. It was a hate crime. Some heterosexual men, who felt their manhood was threatened by anyone who was homosexual, had beaten Daniel to death in an alley.

    Then I realized that Callie’s loss of parents at a young age also gave us common ground. We all had felt the pain of losing people who were close to us.

    I walked out from behind my room dividers, and George was sitting exactly how I left him. The man was a picture of patience.

    Walking or driving? He asked.

    Let’s take Sally out. I smiled as I spoke fondly of my car.

    Sally’s a 1967 Ford Mustang Convertible. Black exterior. Maroon interior. I loved my car. I’m sure part of it was because I’d helped my dad restore it and he’d given it to me for my sixteenth birthday. It reminded me of him.

    So, George and I shopped until two. He’d managed to find me five complete outfits. He said once I went on one date, I’d probably go on more. I wasn’t sure I agreed with his logic, but I did like the outfits a lot.

    The first outfit was a short-sleeve, red dress with rhinestones around the v-neck. It plunged a little low for me, but it did give me great looking cleavage. The dress came down to just above my knees, so at least it wasn’t too short. There was a black sash that tied around my waist, and George picked out some three inch black heels to go with the dress. The shoes were surprisingly comfortable.

    I decided that was the outfit to wear on the date. The other four outfits ranged from designer jeans to mini-skirts (but not too mini), and blouses to sweaters. Besides the black heels, I also bought a pair of brown, heeled boots and a pair of silver, ballet shoes.

    George made me buy new nylons, underwear, and bras too. I never would’ve thought of that, but he did. Even though I was a virgin, George said that was no guarantee that someone wouldn’t see my underwear.

    I just rolled my eyes, and gave him a ‘What-ever’.

    We ate a late lunch and headed back to my place to prepare for the big date.

    By the time Devin knocked on my door, I was ready.

    George had curled my hair so it lay in orange ringlets around my shoulders. The red dress brought out the highlights in my hair. I wore a simple silver necklace with a silver locket that nuzzled itself right into the top of my cleavage. Silver hoop earrings, and silver bangle bracelets.

    George made me wear the matching set of red underwear and bra – just in case.

    He put black eyeliner around my eyes, added silver eye shadow with some dark gray in the crease of my eyelid. He put mascara on, and since I rarely wore makeup, I found that mascara actually tickled my eyelashes.

    He finished with the reddest

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