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Bible Topics For Preachers, Teachers and Students
Bible Topics For Preachers, Teachers and Students
Bible Topics For Preachers, Teachers and Students
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Bible Topics For Preachers, Teachers and Students

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About this ebook

This book offers several topical subjects from the Bible. Each subject or topic can be expanded to offer a lay out for a sermon or teaching. The book work is arranged in such a method that it is easy to scan through, covering various books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. The Biblical student may benefit substantial by developing further the subject. The Gospel has to be preached.

Release dateJul 27, 2012
Bible Topics For Preachers, Teachers and Students

Will Anthony, Jr

Will Anthony Jr. is currently the Chairman of the Uasin Gishu County Land Control Board which caters for over one million people. Before this stint, he worked in other capacities with the National government. He has also been lecturer in three religious institutions, a service to the youth to gather knowledge from the aging population. In his life time, Will Anthony Jr. says he has met a lot of people and can unflinchingly say that he loved most of them. Why most of them? Well, it is a tall order to love everyone you meet! Will Anthony Jr. has written several e-books touching on diverse subjects that relate to society. The books extensively cover human social and economic practices and this is so because expertise in one field in Africa can become a drudgery according to his practical view. His perception is that if you were born in Africa and the continent is your aboriginal home, you are likely to have English as your second language (ESL). Sometimes it could even be a third language. For him, he had to learn his mother tongue then learn both English and Swahili simultaneously. He went to his pre-primary bare foot, later he joined the local primary school 5 Km away and had to trek barefoot again not because his parents could not buy him shoes but because cobblers were a rare find. That journey was a daily toil of 10 Km, 5 days in a week or ~270 days yearly for 7 years. With a smirk he says that when you achieve a PhD in Africa, then You have done Plenty of hard Digging (PhD) or you have a Permanent head Damage (PhD) and you might end up in a ditch because your IQ cannot contain the booze like the local fellas! "Why did the English colonize Africa?" To keep the African languages in Czech (check), and he says that one must forgive this pun. But besides the pun, English has broken both social and economic barriers of the once "dark continent" whose forefathers slaved the white farms and firms to lace the pockets of their Lords. A PhD holder in Africa will still practice other 'trades' though they maybe 'very' learned because poverty is shameless, one has to draw bounds through plenty of smart work or else, it will be a shame to steal so as to maintain class. He published a book in 1992, but the publisher coned him , he took her to court and the case aged in judicial corridors for 12 years. He then made a decision to abandon the matter and to forget about writing books. However, Self publishing made him to change that decision. More than anything, He salutes Smashwords Inc. for the platform. In retrospect, He recalls a Dr. Alfred Sam, a friend of his from North America who was also a dean of studies in a local university, exposing his white ass in the university's auditorium to catch attention. The noise ceased as students and lecturers turned to look at the grown-up man on the podium doing the abominable. Well, the good Dr. in anthropology then simply pulled up his trousers buckled the belt and said, "Thank You, now I have your attention..." For the sake of simplicity, without much display of academia, Will Anthony Jr. is a writer in the global village market . For this, he Salutes all his readers and all lovers of written work. In a word of caution, he says that men and women alike must bear. In reference, there is an Ibo saying that every market place has it's mad people who will attempt to mar the business of the seemingly sane people. On the other hand, the English say everyone is mad, it's only the degree madness that is at variance. Salutes most profoundly!

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    Bible Topics For Preachers, Teachers and Students - Will Anthony, Jr




    Will Anthony Jr.

    Copyright 2013 Will Anthony Jr.

    Smashwords Edition


    This eBook is licensed for your personal use only, especially for furthering the Gospel message. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share the book with someone else, kindly make an additional purchase for each recipient. If you are using this book and did not purchase it, please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's efforts and work. All rights reserved

    ISBN: 9781476096971

    Title: Bible Topics For Preachers, Teachers and Students

    PUBLISHER: Smashwords, Inc








    1st AND 2nd KINGS; 1st AND 2nd SAMUEL












    This material is intended to help the Christian/preacher/evangelist and the student. It is for preaching and learning in all seasons and every where. You are advised to build on the provided topics to suit your audience. The work has been arranged and grouped according to Biblical books. The topics provide a panorama that helps you travel at least through the Bible. It will help you especially when you are called upon and your mind just runs blank. This book can also help the Bible student to have a glimpse and the understanding on Biblical topics. We are all called to be ready every time. It is my hope that this book will see you prepare a wonderful sermon for the hungry soul. Remember you will do better in developing the word to the glory of God's work. You can only achieve a better understanding prayerfully. God bless you in and out of your courts.


    To my family who have been very supportive during the compiling of the messages. May God bless the ground they walk upon and whatever their hands touch in seeking the glory of God.


    For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2: 6

    Jesus on the cross! In the mêlée of the taunting and jeering mob, a lone voice was heard saying … Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom Luke 23: 42.


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    GENESIS 2: 18

    Perhaps before we even think of anything else, we should first establish whether besides child bearing and rearing, women are capable of other Biblical responsibilities. I believe their responsibilities go beyond nappies, the cradle, and cooking for family. Man cannot find a complement for himself besides a woman; that is why God found it prudent to create a woman for man (Gen 2: 18, 20, 21). For all people, it is the mother’s law that carries them through life, in failure and success! (Pr. 1: 8). For nine months, a woman natures a fetus into a being then continues with loving care to bring it up into an amazing human being! From the story of Eve in Genesis to Dorcas in the Epistles, I see compassion and love that grows men and women to love God. All this is courtesy of a woman. The very best of a woman is salvation to all mankind (Luke. 1: 28-33). The very worst of a woman is damnation for mankind (I Kings 5: 5-16). The Bible has demonstrated the power and sway a woman has over the chain reaction of events in the world. David and Bath-Sheba (I kings 1: 15-38); Esther, Haman and Mordecai (Esther 7: 1-10); are examples. Thus I would conclude that the very best role of a woman in humanity is to bring sanity and salvation in the world today because they are in charge of the cot.


    GEN 3: 1-13

    When man’s fall in the Garden of Eden is considered from a secular point of view, it may look so trivial, the rest of the generations of man don’t have to suffer for it. Many men will shrug off the whole episode. Whoever, for the spiritual man, the whole episode reeks of the devil’s plan to have man walk with him to his God’s proclaimed disaster caused by his desire to be like God (Vs. 5). Man’s fall in the Garden of Eden was the devil’s plan to use man to achieve his own failed plan, the coup (Isa. 14: 12-17). From the Garden and from the time of Adam’s fall, the ruler-ship of the world shifted to the devil. All the undesirable occurrences in the world have been caused by this. Men may dread the serpent as an animal, but real fear should be in the power that the devil is wielding on God’s creation, the man. Man became enjoined to the devil in his treason plan. In this mess, God alone has the ability to save because He alone is the offended party (Ps.51: 4). Over the ages the question rings, …what is this that thou hast done?(Vs.13). We must read into the episode to be able to understand that this was not a matter of an eaten literal fruit only. God cannot share His glory with anyone; He is to be worshiped by His creation. The offence is to desire to be like God.


    GEN 6: 5-7.

    God saw that the imagination and the thoughts of man were continually evil (Vs. 5). To understand God’s perception of man, we have only to look into our hearts without bias. We don’t understand God and His attributes, for this we have entirely gone astray (Ps. 14: 23). Our main stay should be to continually seek after God, this is what our energies should be spent on while we are still here on earth (1 Sam 13: 14). Our desires and physical wants are all awry before God. We are continually seeking to be like God to others and to excel and be much better than the rest of human kind. Man seeks to achieve this excellence by hook or crook. The Bible records God’s regret (repentance) over His creation of man. This is an indicator that man has been and is still very evil. God gave man the power of will and the ability to choose. Man has broken every covenant ever made between him and God. After the judgment floods, man was at it again at Shinar (Gen 11), a clear demonstration of man’s continual evil. The devil found in man a cunning-swift creature to do his bids. With slight promise of power, man is ready to shift alliance. Lucifer still desires to be worshiped, and if he can dare Jesus to worship him then who is man? Man must trust and live in God to escape the coming damnation.


    GEN 11:7, 8

    The attributes of the Holy Spirit do not include imparting in us the power to speak in strange tongues. The only time God confused the language of man was in the plains of Shinar (Gen. 11:7-8). How can we convince God that a language we speak strangely is a prayer to Him when He has not asked us to pray to Him using such a language? An intelligent Christian must seek to know what is of God and what is of the devil (CM by Dr. John Rice pg 137). We must not let the issue of tongue speaking take the center stage in our quest to understand God’s will for the salvation of mankind. Our expedition should be to reach the point of salvation by allowing God to elect us for we cannot know the son until the Father reveals Him to us. The Christian must not be led astray, opting to go for the tongue speaking instead of seeking the free gift of salvation given by God in His grace. The heathen too speak and pray to their gods in tongues, the Christian has the onus

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