A man sentenced to prison for sending an amorous text. >A transgender woman who needs anonymous health care. >An archbishop who wonders: Dildos for AIDS widows? >A gay priest who struggles with his own homophobia. >Gay rights groups under attack from police and mobs. >The exuberance of Uganda's first Pride Parade. Many chapters of this book appeared first in the "Erasing 76 Crimes" blog, which exposes the human toll of anti-LGBT laws. Proceeds from the sale of the book will be used to support the blog as well as the work of activists seeking a better life for sexual minorities worldwide.">
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From Wrongs to Gay Rights: Cruelty and Change for LGBT People in an Uncertain World
From Wrongs to Gay Rights: Cruelty and Change for LGBT People in an Uncertain World
From Wrongs to Gay Rights: Cruelty and Change for LGBT People in an Uncertain World
Ebook177 pages1 hour

From Wrongs to Gay Rights: Cruelty and Change for LGBT People in an Uncertain World

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About this ebook

In a world where 76+ countries still have laws against homosexuality, a same-sex kiss can lead to a prison sentence or even death. In those countries, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people face arrest for loving the wrong people. Here, in their own words, activists tell what's going on.

LGBT activists in Cameroon, Uganda, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Zimbabwe tell what's going on in countries where homosexuality is illegal:
>A man sentenced to prison for sending an amorous text.
>A transgender woman who needs anonymous health care.
>An archbishop who wonders: Dildos for AIDS widows?
>A gay priest who struggles with his own homophobia.
>Gay rights groups under attack from police and mobs.
>The exuberance of Uganda's first Pride Parade.

Many chapters of this book appeared first in the "Erasing 76 Crimes" blog, which exposes the human toll of anti-LGBT laws. Proceeds from the sale of the book will be used to support the blog as well as the work of activists seeking a better life for sexual minorities worldwide.

PublisherColin Stewart
Release dateMar 11, 2013
From Wrongs to Gay Rights: Cruelty and Change for LGBT People in an Uncertain World

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    From Wrongs to Gay Rights - Colin Stewart


    Miss Gay pageant winner Thapelo Makutle, was killed in South Africa in 2012, apparently because of sexual orientation.

    Victories, setbacks, close calls:

    2012 in review


    The idea that people should be thrown in jail for loving the wrong people fell out of favor last year in a few countries, even as the battle for basic human rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people raged from Singapore to Moscow and from sub-Saharan Africa to the Caribbean.

    During the year, advocates of LGBT rights achieved some victories, suffered some setbacks, and narrowly avoided a few potentially heart-wrenching defeats.

    Among people of faith who joined the fray, the loudest voices spoke of condemnation for LGBT people, not love, often bolstered by a stubborn insistence that people can choose whom they will be attracted to sexually. In contrast, religious leaders who emphasize the commandment to love your neighbor were often distracted by other issues, or their calls for reconciliation were drowned out.

    For many people in the Americas and Western Europe, disputes over distant countries’ anti-homosexuality laws were overshadowed by joy or worries about the growing acceptance of same-sex marriage, which is now legal in 11 countries, in parts of Mexico and Brazil, and in nine states in the United States.

    Also in the background were repeated instances of unpunished murders of LGBT people and the ongoing spread of HIV infection among gay men who are typically denied health services in the 76-plus countries with laws against homosexual activity.


    During 2012, India and Malawi — two of those 76-plus countries — took steps to repeal or suspend enforcement of their discriminatory laws. Another four countries moved in that direction.

    In India, the supreme court let stand a lower-court ruling that overturned a British colonial-era law providing life sentences for homosexual activity.

    A similar court proceeding was under way in Singapore.

    In Africa, Malawi suspended enforcement of a British-originated law providing 14-year prison sentences for homosexual acts.

    In early 2013 in South America, Guyana was in the midst of a formal governmental evaluation of whether to repeal the law calling for life sentences for male-male sex acts.

    In the Caribbean, the government in Trinidad and Tobago was pushing to outlaw discrimination against LGBT people, including repeal of the anti-LGBT law that allowed for prison sentences of up to 25 years for sexual activity.

    In Europe, a court case was under way that sought to overturn a law calling for five-year prison sentences for male-male sexual activity in Northern Cyprus, which is overseen by Turkey. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is the only part of Europe with a law against homosexual behavior, including continental border-straddling Turkey itself.


    The prime minister of Jamaica called for parliamentary action to repeal a law providing for 10-year prison sentences for men who have sex with men, but she backed off when it became clear that a majority of the current parliament would vote against any such a change.

    In Russia, where a law against same-sex activity was dropped in 1993, anti-homosexuality forces launched two new offensives.

    Ten regional governments in Russia, including St. Petersburg, enacted laws banning homosexual propaganda where children might be present. A proposal to extend that ban nationwide was put forward in 2012 and approved overwhelmingly in January 2013 in a first reading by the lower house of the Russian parliament, or Duma. It was sent for further study by a parliamentary committee.

    In practice, such laws could prohibit any public discussion of homosexuality or advocacy of gay rights, depending on how local courts rule. Gay-friendly entertainers Madonna and Lady Gaga both ran afoul of those laws when they advocated equal rights during concerts in St. Petersburg.

    In the Ukraine parliament, a similar proposal won preliminary approval in October. Similar bans were adopted in several cities in Moldava and were proposed by not enacted in Latvia, Lithuania and Hungary.

    A further offensive by anti-homosexuality activists was a Russian-backed resolution at the U.N. Human Rights Council in support of traditional values, which can be used to deny human rights to women and to LGBT people.

    The council adopted the resolution by a vote of 25-15, in part because its wording was appealing — it called for a study of how to apply traditional values while promoting and protecting human rights and upholding human dignity.

    In practice, the promotion of traditional values often endangers human rights. Russian authorities said they were defending traditional values when they prohibited gay pride marches in Moscow for 100 years and put the band Pussy Riot on trial for protesting in a Moscow cathedral.


    Early in 2013, three countries with anti-gay laws were poised to enact even more repressive measures.

    Politicians advocating an anti-homosexuality agenda in Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Uganda were preparing to complete action on measures that they pushed in 2012.

    In Zimbabwe, gay sex was already punishable by a prison sentence of up to one year, but anti-LGBT politicians didn’t think that was enough, so they added anti-gay language to the country’s proposed new constitution. The new document included provisions from the ruling Zanu PF party that condemned both homosexual behavior and same-sex marriage. A nationwide referendum on the proposed new constitution was planned for the spring.

    In Nigeria, anti-gay politicians were also pushing for tougher laws. They were not satisfied with the 14-year prison sentences for homosexual activity that were already on the books outside the northern region where sharia law allows for execution of homosexuals.

    A bill approved in preliminary forms by both houses of the Nigerian legislature would make same-sex marriage punishable by 14 years in prison for the couple and 10 years in prison for anyone who helped with the ceremony. The bill would also ban gay-rights organizations and provide a 10-year prison sentence for any public display of same-sex affection. Unless opponents of the law could mount an effective campaign against it, supporters predicted that a final version of the bill would pass early in 2013, after which President Goodluck Jonathan would either sign it or veto it.

    In Uganda, 2012 saw the return of the world’s most notorious anti-gay legislation, the Kill the Gays bill, which earned that label in 2009 because it would have imposed the death sentence on gays who repeatedly failed to remain celibate. The bill would outlaw LGBT support groups and would require parents, teachers, doctors and priests to report to police any suspected homosexual child-ren, students, patients and parishioners.

    Anti-LGBT politicians and conservative religious leaders pushed hard for passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, even though Uganda already had a harsh law, largely unenforced, that provided life sentences for homosexual activity.

    More than a million people responded to the revival of the Uganda bill by signing online petitions against it. Former Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa was among those calling for its defeat, but some other influential religious leaders who opposed the bill in the past mostly kept their opinions to themselves. In contrast to 2009, when the Vatican announced its opposition to the bill, the Pope focused on opposing same-sex marriage. In contrast to 2009, when best-selling author/preacher Rick Warren made a video calling for the bill’s defeat, Warren only expressed his opposition in a 102-character message on Twitter.

    The 2012 session of the Ugandan parliament ended with no action on the bill, but support for it remained strong. Most observers predicted that it would pass in 2013.


    Separate from these legislative battles about gay rights, LGBT people in many nations face ongoing repression.

    In Saudi Arabia, religious police continue their crackdown on homosexuals. A total of people 260 people were arrested and punished for homosexuality in a one-year period, according to one Saudi newspaper. Because media freedom is so limited there, the accuracy of that account cannot be verified.

    In Iraq, since the departure of American troops, conservative militias have targeted sexual minorities. At least dozens, and perhaps hundreds, of LGBT people have been reported killed by militia in recent years without interference from police, and sometimes with police assistance.

    In the central African nation of Cameroon, officials did not respond to a plea a dozen international human rights groups, including the United Nations human rights office, that they stop arresting and imprisoning people for being, or even just seeming, lesbian or gay. At the end of 2012, about eight people were incarcerated because of Cameroon’s anti-homosexuality law and many more were awaiting trials that could lead to imprisonment.

    In Iran, same-sex relationships are punishable by death, but sex-change surgeries are relatively easy to obtain and are covered by health insurance. As a result, people in Iran undergo more such surgeries than in any other country except Thailand. Estimates of the number of transgender Iranians range from 15,000 to 150,000.

    Will 2013 be any better than 2012?Will there be fewer violations of LGBT people’s human rights, fewer laws prohibiting specific types of love, fewer arrests, fewer imprisonments, fewer murders?

    Conceivably. But for any of that to happen, many people would need a change of heart. Many politicians would need to protect minorities rather than oppress them. And many religious people would need to love their neighbors more and judge their neighbors less.


    Countries where homosexuality is illegal

    78+ countries with anti-homosexuality laws

    Laws against homosexual activity are on the books in at least 78 countries.

    The total is 82 if you include political entities such as Gaza/Palestine, the Turkish-controlled northern portion of Cyprus, and Indonesia, where two large provinces outlaw homosexual acts.

    For the St. Paul's Foundation for International Reconciliation, which seeks the repeal of those laws, the number is 76, because its Spirit of 76 Worldwide program supports LGBT activists in many of those countries.

    The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, or ILGA, lists the following 78 (plus 4) countries with criminal laws against sexual activity by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex people:


    Northern Cyprus



















    Malawi (enforcement suspended)







    Sao Tome

    Asia and the Middle East



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