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Our Spiritual Inheritance
Our Spiritual Inheritance
Our Spiritual Inheritance
Ebook145 pages4 hours

Our Spiritual Inheritance

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About this ebook

What if you inherited something amazing and wonderful, but were clueless as to what it was or what a difference it could make in your life? Sadly, many Christians live their lives without understanding the glorious inheritance God has provided. The New Testament speaks about this inheritance repeatedly and helps God's children discover the spiritual heritage we share in common. This study of Our Spiritual Inheritance will open the eyes of your heart to the treasure God has placed before you.
You will discover:
• That we are joint heirs with Christ Himself
• That God has connected us to Himself in every conceivable way and relates to each of us uniquely
• That through Christ we have the power to be overcomers
• That the church has been granted the authority of Jesus' name
• That we can appropriate our inheritance by faith
• That we are to defend our inheritance and pass it on to others

PublisherEd Skidmore
Release dateJan 15, 2013
Our Spiritual Inheritance

Ed Skidmore

Ed Skidmore is senior minister of Castle Hills Christian Church in San Antonio, TX. He has been in church related ministry for over 40 years. Ed also teaches classes for Vision International University, and he has also been broadcasting his sermons on KSLR Radio station (630 a.m.)in San Antonio, TX for over eleven years.

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    Book preview

    Our Spiritual Inheritance - Ed Skidmore


    Our Spiritual Inheritance

    By Ed Skidmore

    Copyright 2012 by Ed Skidmore

    ISBN 978-61529-074-1

    Smashwords Edition

    Vision Publishing

    1672 Main Street E 109

    Ramona, CA 92065


    All rights reserved worldwide

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Unless otherwise indicated, All Scripture taken from the Holy Bible New International Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.


    To my favorite professor and lifetime friend, Wallace Wartick, who read through my manuscript and gave me tremendous advice to help me teach these principles with greater clarity and a better understanding of my likely audience, I appreciate the participation so willingly provided, and the attention to detail which proved that he gave this matter his full attention.

    To Mike Daniel of S.A. Stone Ministry, my pastoral coach for the past two years, who has been working on his own book while reading through mine and providing encouragement, and advice to enable this book to survive the rigors of writing, editing, and revising to make it all the way to the publisher’s desk, I give my appreciation and admiration.

    To my wife, Susan, the unscrupulous modifier of all things literary, I give a boat-load of gratitude for being the other set of eyes on the project that came her way when many other things were on her plate. Thanks for helping me give birth to this book.


    To my patient, and loving wife of 40 years,

    and my two wonderful daughters

    who have provided us with admirable sons-in-law

    and absolutely amazing grandchildren,

    I dedicate my second book,

    with hope that it will be a source of encouragement

    for growing Christians in many places.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction: Our Spiritual Inheritance

    Chapter 1: What does the New Testament say about our Inheritance?

    Chapter 2: Wrapped up in God

    Chapter 3: The Covenant Origin of our Inheritance

    Chapter 4: The Indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit

    Chapter 5: The Power to Overcome

    Chapter 6: God’s Unique Relationship to Each of Us

    Chapter 7: Joint Heirs with Christ

    Chapter 8: The Authority in the Name of Christ

    Chapter 9: The Glory of Christ: Past Present and Future

    Chapter 10: Appropriating our Inheritance by Faith

    Chapter 11: Life in the Kingdom

    Chapter 12: Defend your Inheritance!

    Chapter 13: A Case Study in Dual Inheritance

    Chapter 14: Our Future Inheritance

    Chapter 15: Passing on Our Inheritance

    Appendix A: Inheritance Passages in the New Testament

    About the Author



    Our Spiritual Inheritance

    Many years back when our family moved to San Antonio we lived, for about six months, in a rented Condominium. We picked our temporary lodging primarily because it was economical and close to the church I serve as pastor. We moved in knowing about the covered parking for my two cars, and about the three outside storage closets which we filled with our belongings. But because we hadn’t actually talked to the owner of the condo, there were other amenities we were not aware of, and didn’t take advantage of for the first couple of months living there.

    As the weather warmed up, we looked for places where the kids could swim, and paid to use public pools. About two months into our time at the condo, the little girl next door invited our girls to go swimming with her at the condo pool. Condo Pool? We had never heard anything about a pool at our condo, but about two blocks away, there it was, and it was ours to use freely.

    Meanwhile, every week my wife would head out with the family laundry to a coin operated Laundromat. Two hours and several stacks of coins later, she would come home lamenting the loss of the use of her own washer and dryer which were parked in the aforementioned storage areas. Months had gone by when I walked through the kitchen one day and noticed something in the wall that looked familiar. I don’t know why I hadn’t noticed before, but it certainly looked like a normal washer hook up, near the downstairs half bath. On closer examination, there was a hot and cold water shut off and a place to put a washer drain line.

    Yep, it was a place to hook up our washer alright. We quickly retrieved our machine from storage and hooked it up. Voila! Then when we looked outside on our enclosed patio for a way to hook up a clothesline, surprise! There was a 220 hookup for a dryer. It seemed a little unconventional to place a dryer outside in the weather, but, when we hooked it up there, it worked. We simply covered it with a canvas tarp to keep it from rusting in the elements.

    Our reasonably priced condo had amenities we were not aware of, and therefore, did not enjoy, for part of the time we lived there. Our nice, reasonably priced condo, became a terrific palace after we learned about the features that came along with the condo itself. We were glad to learn about the extras, but we wished we had known about them from the day we moved in.

    This unexceptional little experience of ours points to the purpose for which I write this book. We as Christians are recipients of a glorious inheritance (Ephesians 1:18) because of our connection to God. Unfortunately, many believers are not aware of all that is included in that inheritance. Some actually become Christians simply to escape the fires of hell. There is so much more to our life with God, than just taking out fire insurance against infernal damages. Like our discoveries while living in our condo, believers who take the time to look beyond just the pearly gates can discover many other features of our spiritual inheritance. Our walk with God can go beyond nice to glorious.

    I have chosen to use the word inheritance to describe the wonderful blessings God has showered upon us because we belong to him. I found that word used dozens of times in the New Testament to explain what God has promised and provided to those who are His. This book will uncover, chapter by chapter, the rich and glorious inheritance God has in store for his people. My hope is that those who learn about what God has promised and is providing will grow in their love for God, will dedicate themselves more fully to his service, will abide in Christ more intimately, and will allow Jesus to live his life within them daily.

    Who can benefit from taking the time to read through the pages of this book?

    Anyone who wants to grow in their spiritual walk will find plenty of resources to assist them in the transformation from infancy to rooted and grounded growth. (Colossians 2:7)

    Anyone who feels alienated from God and is convinced that he will never measure up to God’s standards. (Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 9:15)

    Anyone who is not sure why there is anything to be gained from making a commitment to connect with God and to accept His offer of salvation. (John 3:16-18)

    Anyone debating about the goodness and compassion of God. (James 1:16-18)

    Anyone seeking to know the truth about God, but knowing next to nothing about the claims of Christianity.

    Anyone stuck in neutral in his spiritual walk who wants to be shifted into drive.

    Anyone who is not sure whether or not God even exists. (Hebrews 11:6)


    Chapter 1:

    What does the New Testament say about our Inheritance?

    Key Verses: Ephesians 1:18-19, I pray also that the eyes of your heart be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength.

    The general subject of inheritance can often bring out both good and bad emotions. I can remember, through the years, hearing about families torn apart when certain members felt that they were unfairly shorted in the doling out of inheritance. For example, I remember a former neighbor whose only valuable asset was a piece of property about 5 acres in size. He had 10 children and step children on whom he wished to bestow his property. In an effort to be fair to all, he simply portioned out the property in half acre strips of land measuring about 50 feet by 350 feet.

    I was told that the ungrateful children’s greatest complaint was over who had to share a boundary with whom. Certain children didn’t want land next to certain step children. It apparently did not occur to anyone that a 50 foot wide strip of land was uninhabitable. Perhaps the benefactor would have been wiser if he had sold the property and portioned out the money to each child. This example confirmed for me the lesson that inheritance can be a bitter or sweet experience depending on the attitude of the benefactor as well as the attitudes of the recipients.

    At this point in my life I have physically inherited one thing. It is a gold pocket watch handed down to me from my great grandfather, James Texter Fink. I do not remember having ever met the man, but it is meaningful to me that a remembrance from him was passed on to me. This token of relationship helps me connect back to former generations in my family. Furthermore, it is something I want to pass on to one of my grandsons when he becomes an adult. I am glad to receive an inheritance, and look forward to passing it along to the next generation. Likewise, our spiritual inheritance is a treasure to share with other believers.

    Everyone loves the idea of receiving an inheritance, whether large or small. However, many Christians fail to perceive the glorious spiritual inheritance that is ours through Christ Jesus. This spiritual inheritance is not merely for our future enjoyment, but is available to us here and now.

    Looking at the key verse for this chapter, we notice the Apostle Paul praying that the Christians in Ephesus would be enlightened to know the hope to which they have been called, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and the power for us who believe (Ephesians 1:18-19). To be enlightened implies that we do not discover these things merely by intellectual means. Enlightenment requires divine revelation. The Holy Spirit must reveal these things to us. My hope is that readers of this book will be enlightened and thus lay hold of this glorious spiritual inheritance.

    The New Testament mentions the subject of inheritance in association with the kingdom of God surprisingly often. Searching through the New Testament text, I found 45 references to this topic (see Appendix A). In the process of my study, I was also surprised to find

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