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The General Contractor: How To Be a Great Success or Failure
The General Contractor: How To Be a Great Success or Failure
The General Contractor: How To Be a Great Success or Failure
Ebook228 pages3 hours

The General Contractor: How To Be a Great Success or Failure

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About this ebook

Joe Egan rose from apprentice to senior management and ownership positions at several large construction companies. Learn from his decades of experience in witnessing the building and destruction of that fragile bond of trust between the general contractor, employees and customers.

* Uncover the traits of successful contractors since 1900.
* Reasons customers issue contracts other than the low bid price.
* Effective presentations: Learn how to get the contract on your
next presentation.
* Understand the principles and importance of true leadership.
* Recognize how to treat (or mistreat) your
* Build and maintain loyal customers.
* Distinguish what is really important in life.

PublisherJoe Egan
Release dateMay 1, 2012
The General Contractor: How To Be a Great Success or Failure

Joe Egan

A general contractor's success hinges around their most important asset: the customer relationship. With forty-five years in the construction industry, Joe Egan rose from apprentice to senior management and ownership positions at several large construction companies. Learn from his decades of experience in witnessing the building and destruction of that fragile bond of trust between the general contractor, employees and customers. After experiencing great successes and failures, making and losing millions of dollars, he's put together the lessons learned in this book for contractors and those at the schools of construction management. Where to find the eBook: Smashwords - Amazon -

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    Book preview

    The General Contractor - Joe Egan

    The General Contractor

    How to Be a Great Success or Failure

    By Joe Egan

    Bridge Publications, LLC

    The General Contractor

    How to Be a Great Success or Failure

    Copyright © 2012 by Joe Egan

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or for any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Published by Bridge Publications, LLC

    First edition, April 2012

    ISBN - 978-0-9851544-1-7

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    To my brother, Jim, for courage and perseverance.



    Beth Wallace, Joseph Gentry, and Adam Swenson

    Critique and Support

    Dean Korthof

    Webpage Design

    Wendie Pett


    Tim Pearson

    Book Cover

    Robin Krauss


    Jennifer Allen


    My Wife

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One: The Industry

    Dogged Persistence

    Respect and Realization

    High Expectations of Oneself and Others

    Honed Negotiating Skills

    Unconventional Assessment Thinking (UAT)

    Humanitarian Efforts

    Chapter Two: The Customer

    Logical and Emotional Buyers

    Creating Relationships


    Customer Relations

    The One Hundred-Point Scale

    Terminate Existing Customers

    Chapter Three: The Leaders

    Establish Strong Values

    Write Simple, Clear Mission Statements

    Choose Your Leadership Style: Hands On or Hands Off?

    Create Internal Alignment

    Watch Out for the Division Within

    Plan for Growth

    Use Your Influence

    Prepare for Failure

    Ease Pressure and Stress

    Chapter Four: The Subcontractor

    Principles of Success in Dealing with Subcontractors

    Why and How to Terminate a Subcontractor

    Chapter Five: Relationship Success

    Build Relationships

    Let the Customer Bring Up Business First

    Use the Customer’s Name

    Be Trustworthy

    Listen to Customers


    Build Rapport

    Maintain Relationships

    Chapter Six: Relationship Failure


    Blowing Up Bridges

    Betrayal Reactions

    False Accusations

    Failure Tips

    Lack of Tact

    Chapter Seven: Presentations

    Why Do Contractors Lose the Award?

    Why Do Contractors Get the Award?

    Effective Persuasion

    Body Language

    Before the Presentation

    During the Presentation

    Present According to Your Roles

    Use and Observe Body Language

    Maximize Your Speaking Skills

    What Not to Do

    Use the Emotional Buying Motivators

    After the Presentation

    If You Are Not Selected

    Chapter Eight: Boiling It Down

    Adjust Your Attitude

    Take Time to Make Time

    Leave the Job at Work

    Perseverance and Purpose

    Do Good

    Share Your Gifts With People

    About the Author

    Chapter One

    The Industry

    As you know, the construction industry is one of the oldest activities created by human beings. It started at the beginning of mankind thousands of years ago when we developed the ability to reason: the cognitive ability to draw a conclusion based on the experience or use of tools or other available material. With such new brainpower, the conscious early man reasoned that rocks could be transformed and used as a tool and thus built the first condominiums, then called caves.

    Ever since, construction has been a reflection of a society’s technology and values. We know that much has changed and much has not. Tools, equipment and the amount of knowledge are in a constant state of change. There have been major leaps in technology. Slide rules have been replaced by calculators. Blueprints have been replaced by computer-aided design (CAD) and building information modeling (BIM). The plumb bob and tape measure have been replaced by laser beams.

    Safety has advanced from being a low priority to a primary concern. The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act was not signed into law until 1970 and many contractors considered some rules just a burdensome cost increase. Prior to OSHA, construction companies and employees were pretty much on their own regarding the importance and practice of safety. Today, successful companies don’t treat their safety representative as a detective who exposes dangerous conditions and scolds workers. Instead the position is high on the organization chart because of the respect they have earned and the realization that safety is about affecting human behavior in the wise (safe) or unwise (dangerous) decisions that we make.

    Certainly many things remain unchanged. Road building started about 4,000 B.C. Six thousand years later, roads are still made out of available natural materials and are used for the parallel and perpendicular passage of vehicles powered by animals or motors. Cement dates back to at least 500 B.C. when it was used on a large scale by Roman engineers. Bricks are still laid on top of each other to form the sides of buildings, as they were in 7,500 B.C. Limestone, granite, and gypsum were used to build the Egyptian pyramids and are still being used today. Glass is still made of sand and remains the avenue for views from the inside and it also allows for light to penetrate from the outside.

    Quality continues to be a test in knowing its definition and meeting its expectation. Quality has its own separate definition in the world of construction. The Merriam-Webster Standard Dictionary defines quality as superiority in kind.

    That definition implies that doing or paying more equals superiority, and therefore greater quality. I believe the definition of quality in the world of construction is adherence to requirements. It is not simply that an implementation of better or best equals superiority.

    An example of construction quality would be in the comparison of one building having a specified requirement for a wall to be constructed with cheap plywood and another building having a specified requirement for the more expensive brick. If the cheaper plywood was installed with good workmanship at the required length and width, then it would be considered a quality installation because it adhered to the requirements. Likewise, if the more expensive brick wall was not installed with good workmanship and did not meet the specified length and width, it would not be considered quality because it did not adhere to the requirements. Quality also continues be a subjective interpretation of what’s in the mind of the beholder (the observing customer) and the beholden (the obligated contractor).

    Success in construction depends on common factors no matter where you live or what type of construction services you provide. The factors for success are consistent whether you are an architect, engineer, general contractor, subcontractor, or material supplier. They apply if your company is big or small, young or old.

    So what are these factors? Common traits for great success as a general contractor include these:

    * dogged persistence even when it is easier to just give up and take the easy way out

    * respect, realization, and great skill in handling people

    * high expectations of oneself and others

    * honed negotiating skills to assure a win-win rather than a lose-lose

    * unconventional thinking, an outsider mentality, and the guts to march to a different drummer

    * humanitarian efforts

    Perhaps most importantly, successful contractors are trusted and trusting. Yes, you can be financially successful by not being trustworthy, but that is not what defines success in this book. Instead, being untrustworthy is one of the main prerequisites for failure.

    (Despite all those positive attributes, the construction industry continues to be one of the least-favored careers. This conclusion is based on my interviews with high school counselors and also on Andrew Strieber’s piece, The 10 Worst Jobs of 2011 written for, where seven of the least-favored jobs were directly related to the construction industry. Some high school career counselors are hesitant to encourage students to pursue a career in construction because they know little about it. They may also fear the backlash from parents, who might be offended if they believe that the suggestion is a result of their children’s failure to qualify for a higher-status profession.

    Those who view the construction industry from the outside often see it as dangerous and dirty with restricted employment opportunities due to cronyism and nepotism. Even the gate signs at the job sites say Do Not Enter.)

    The failure of a construction company to survive is caused by three things: a sudden void of a key president or manager without a succession plan; a major financial loss on a large project; the chronic degradation of attitude and discipline from bad thoughts leading to bad temperaments which lead to bad actions.

    Construction is not for the faint of heart. It takes strong egos and thick skin. Contractors are faced with contracts that anticipate failure rather than success, with an alphabet full of negative legal language including:


    The construction industry is also difficult because there are few people who can thrive on the treadmill of urgency that dispenses constant deadline and revenue pressure while simultaneously demanding swift decision making in a competitive arena. As James Moynihan of Henry International points out in Engineering News Record’s book, Horizons, It requires a unique combination of math, personality, psychology, intelligence, common sense, architecture, engineering, and project management as well as hard mental and physical work. Despite all the gains in technology, the construction industry remains relationship-driven. People might think that construction is mostly about brick and mortar, but in fact it’s as much about relationship as any business. There are few people who are proficient at both the technical and the relational aspects of construction, yet being good at both is necessary to succeed at, and enjoy, the business.

    Although construction processes have changed over time, the humans at the center of the construction industry have not changed that much. In construction, relationships include trust and betrayal, pleasure and pain, satisfaction and disappointment. These all lead to the ultimate success or failure at the end of a construction project, and that is the point your reputation will be measured for success or failure.

    That, in turn, leads to whether or not your company will be invited to the next project. Reputation is worth more than money because, without a good reputation, your company may not be granted an opportunity to make money.

    It is this human interaction, nearly unchanged through the history of construction, that is the focus of this book.

    Contractors have a consistent need to adapt to both good and bad change, to deal with people and their opportunities and problems, to roll with punches, and make hay when the sun shines. It is a unique industry where you can be surprised about things but should not be shocked.

    Harry Morrison (1885-1971)

    Morrison worked so hard that his tireless energy actually bothered some people. He was called that damned kid but at the age of twenty-seven he formed Morrison Knudsen Company. He promised Knudsen he would offer plenty of guts if he would fund the $600.00 required to start the company. His company pioneered the joint venture approach for the construction of the Hoover Dam and during the 50s was the world’s largest heavy contractor.

    Dogged Persistence

    Construction requires toughness, persistence, and risk taking. It’s the will to succeed: not the unreasonable, overly-optimistic Pollyanna approach, just a strong drive.

    Competition is such that second place is reserved for the first loser. Survival requires the resiliency of a rubber band snapping back from being stretched. You can allow only a brief period of remorse after being bested from a project award before you must extend your efforts again to get the next project. It hurts to try hard and still experience failure, and the cycle can be relentless.

    On the other hand, the business gets you hooked on the rewards of hard work, pride in accomplishment, and valued relationships. It’s akin to the outcome of the quotation by Mark Knopfler: Sometimes you're the windshield; sometimes you're the bug. Thomas Edison, who was involved in construction, said: I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

    Mary Hurd (1925- )

    Hurd had the persistence and conviction to succeed even though her male peers patronized her when there were very few women engineers. She wrote a publication called Formwork for Concrete, which is still considered a resource on the subject. She also received a scholastic award for her thesis on welding continuous railroad rails.

    Clifford Holland (1883-1924)

    Using dogged conviction to make up for his youth, at the age of thirty-six he was the youngest chief tunnel engineer in the U.S. and perhaps in the world. After working for the Rapid Transit Commission in New York, he advanced to design the twin twenty-nine foot diameter, cast iron-lined tunnels going between New York and New Jersey.

    Respect and Realization

    Successful contractors realize that customer loyalty is not automatically granted: it is earned. They understand that project management is very important, but customer relationships are more important. They know that their best strategic plan includes respect and problem solving, and the worst strategic plan is finger-pointing and betrayal. They are also mature enough to realize that problems do not go away, but do provide a great opportunity to look good when they are solved. Meanwhile, competitors are always waiting in the wings. They watch you for you to make a misstep. They wait for the opportunity to fly in after you’ve crashed and take away your customers.

    The more you know, the more you realize how ignorant you are. Every day, new discoveries transform what was once exciting and nearly unbelievable into obsolescence. I recall when, after spending my first seven years in construction, I reached the level of knowing enough to be dangerous.

    I also learned early on that projects that start well usually end well and projects that start badly usually end badly. Getting off on the wrong foot makes it hard to get back on the right one. Good or bad outcomes are many times caused by the manifestation of the self-fulfilling prophecy. You will act in a manner and carry the attitude to justify your predicted outcome. If you believe the project team hasn’t earned your respect, you will treat them accordingly, and your thinking will be confirmed. If you believe the project team is your only avenue for success, then you will treat them accordingly and your thinking will be confirmed. One prophecy is doomed for failure and the other prophecy is destined for success. Respect, communication, and building relationships are keys to success in construction.

    George Goethals (1858- 1928)

    Thanks to his great skill in handling people, Goethals was trusted and successful as the lead engineer for the Panama Canal and was able to complete the project despite the futile efforts by many before him.

    Peter Kiewit (1900 – 1979)

    Peter Kiewit and Sons company is one of the largest contractors in the world with projects including the Interstate Highway System, Trans-Alaska Pipeline, the Eisenhower Tunnel, and the Flaming Gorge Dam. He said, Loyalty is a quality of the heart and cannot be bought.

    High Expectations of Oneself and Others

    Success in life is about the constant creation and achievement of expectations. Setting expectations leads to motivation. Achieving expectations fosters pride and confidence to start the cycle over again: create, achieve, create, achieve.

    How boring would it be if you no longer had any goals for yourself? High expectations allow you to separate from the pack and make them try to catch up to you. They are self-authored for the purpose of either directing yourself or influencing others. When you achieve your high expectations in relation to your customers, the result is an enhanced perception of the concept of customer. Your customer becomes not just some unknown person who pays you money, but rather a respected person you look forward to talking to. Many successful customer engagements evolve into close personal friendships. You may go on vacation together or attend family birthday parties.

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