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Curing Arthritis without Drugs: A Natural Way to Manage Joint Pains
Curing Arthritis without Drugs: A Natural Way to Manage Joint Pains
Curing Arthritis without Drugs: A Natural Way to Manage Joint Pains
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Curing Arthritis without Drugs: A Natural Way to Manage Joint Pains

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It gives me great pleasure to present this treatise to men and women of all ages to acquaint them with basic facts of arthritis which attacks them suddenly without a warning. I believe that whosoever reads this book which is based on sound scientific knowledge and findings of experts shall greatly benefit from it in controlling his suffering. I have presented here various options which are available for the treatment and curing of joint inflammation which causes joint pains. During the last decade great advances have been made in the treatment of these afflictions. We also anticipate further big advances in their treatment particularly after the establishment of conclusive proofs that intakes of drugs whether orally or through injections or by way of surgery cause certain side effects which increase with the intake of more drugs. Here we warn that intake of large quantities of medicines and their interchange produces side effects which manifest in the form of joint pains.
Release dateSep 25, 2013
Curing Arthritis without Drugs: A Natural Way to Manage Joint Pains

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    Curing Arthritis without Drugs - Waleed


    Chapter 1: Facts about Arthritis

    Arthritis [from Greek arthro=joint+itis=inflammation] is a general term that refers to more than 100 kinds of diseases that involve complex inflammatory responses that affect the musculoskeletal system of the human body. It refers to the inflammation of any one or more joints of the body which causes joint pain, stiffness or loss of motion. Three of the most prevalent kinds of arthritis are: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and gouty arthritis. The first involves the infection of the bones which leads to their deformity and degeneration. Rheumatic arthritis is the most prevalent and most risky. Its exact cause has still not been discovered even though infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria and fungi have long been associated with it. It is also called reactive rheumatism because of the reaction of the immune system of the human body to certain infections from the environment when this misdirected immune system attacks the body’s own tissues thus causing the inflammation of the joints and sometimes affecting other organs like the lungs and the eyes as well.

    The dominant belief that only old persons particularly those in their sixties suffer from this disease is wrong. This disease may strike nine out of every ten persons. It can affect persons of any age the children, the young and even a foetus in its mother’s womb, if mother is suffering from arthritis. In this case the new born inherits the disease. In a majority of people its usual symptoms are pains of the joints, stiffness of the joints, fatigue, lack of appetite, swelling of muscles, low-grade fever, general debility, lack of mobility and pains may become chronic and intense or their intensity may vary from day to day. And likewise it affects one’s ability to work or engage in one’s interests and hobbies. We, therefore, advise that whenever a person feels pain from the inflammation of any one of his joints or feels that this or that joint is not functioning well he must engage in some light exercises which will help the affected joint to recover its natural functioning. It is most important that you should be aware of the limitations of your body and its capacity and not to burden it with what is unbearable to it. So avoid putting too much pressure on any joint or subjecting it to too much activity. Permanent pain relief can only be obtained if one takes recourse to alternative natural remedies like cold fomentation of a hot or inflamed or swollen joint which is helpful in many cases as we will see later.

    1. My Personal Experience

    There goes a proverb that if you have any problems consult the experienced. Therefore, I shall begin this discourse with a recollection of my personal experiences which began years ago when I felt pain in my left ankle which made it difficult for me to walk even short distances. That happened during my stay in London in 1990. I visited my private physician who conducted an X-Ray of both my left and right feet for a comparison and identification of the cause of my pain. Then he advised me some analgesics and pain-relieving creams. But that treatment had no effect for months so he gave me injections of cortisone which cured me of my pain for some years but then I began feeling pain in my other joints during 2000.

    Then pain appeared in the joint of my right leg. I took it lightly and thought that it was a passing phenomenon. I kept my patience thinking that pain will disappear with passage of time. But one year passed taking analgesics for pain relief. But pain wore me down, made my life bitter, sometime preventing me from transacting my routine business and sometimes even curbing my movements. Throughout the year I kept on taking many drugs on the advice of my physician, including some for lowering the blood pressure, some for reducing cholesterol in blood and others for the treatment of stomach acidity and its extension to the oesophagus. The latter caused intermittent coughing during night depriving me of full and sound sleep which left me exhausted in the morning. While I was taking all these medicines I felt that the pain in my right knee was exacerbating. Suddenly one day I collapsed completely and I feared that my heart will stop and my life will end. My colour changed to that of a dying man. But by the grace of God my son was present at home at that time. He called for an ambulance which came instantly and took me to a hospital not far away from my home. There the necessary first-aid was given to me and medical tests were conducted. That took around several hours during which my blood was examined twice and my cardiogram was taken twice to make sure of the results. Reports could neither explain nor give any reason for my sudden collapse. They advised me to come back to the hospital immediately whenever I felt a sudden collapse or felt extreme discomfort. They referred me to my personal physician whom they had informed of what happened to me. When I was a pharmacologist and a professor and head of the department of pharmacology and pharmaceuticals at the College of Pharmacy of Cairo University and in England where my specialization was in the compounding of drugs by virtue of my profession I used to read and browse through a lot of medical publications to find out the descriptions and specific instructions regarding all those medicines which I had been taking to cure my disease. From these publications I gathered that the medicines I had been using produced symmetric side effects. This meant that the more medicines I took the more side effects they produced. I also found that all of them without exception pointed to the persistence of pains of joints, bones and the muscles besides other side effects. When I feel no relief from first-aid and minute medical examinations I requested my personal physician to visit me at my home the next day and to take me to the hospital. The date was in September, 2001. After holding scientific consultations with my physician about the side effects produced by different medicines which I was taking and which were causing joint pains, particularly the hypertension lowering drug Bendrofluazide [since renamed as Bendrofluonethiazide] which had caused sudden collapse in my case as with many others. Ultimately, with the concurrence of my physician I stopped taking all the drugs prescribed to me. If they could be cause of my joint pain may be discontinuation of their intake improves my condition.

    2. Don’t Expect any Miracles

    I stopped taking all the drugs which I suspected caused high blood pressure or raised the level of cholesterol in my blood in the hope that I would perhaps be delivered of the nightmare of joint pains. But more than two months passed and my pains did not subside; instead, I began feeling that pains were shifting from one joint to another sometime with a prickle in my fingers and numbness in my left leg.

    Radiological examination showed inflammation of the joints and blood tests proved the existence of a large level of toxic substances which cause inflammation and pain. But my consultant attributed the pains resulting from inflammation to advanced age and that the joints were bound to suffer from wear and tear with passage of time and aging. He was of the opinion that these drugs and their side effects have nothing to do with the occurrence of pains and that these pains could not be treated except by pain killers, as no permanent cure was possible. I did not despair of mercy of God whose mercy overshadows everything.

    Thus the physician held that advanced age was the cause of joint pain and that there was no cure for it. What is possible is that I should keep on taking pain killers and learn to live with my pains and affliction.

    Because I was not convinced of the opinion of my physician I turned to a scientific library to pick up the literature on joint pains written by experts and men of knowledge about the treatment of this disease and thus I came out with the following findings:

    My attention was drawn to the ideas and experiences of the many sufferers from joint pains, some of them being in the medical profession. They were guided to their treatment and curing by natural substances and they not only finally cured them but one of them opened a special clinic for such patients who cannot be cured absolutely by administration of conventional analgesics and pain killers like aspirin or cortisone which can reduce pains but cannot cure the disease finally.

    3. Arthritis is not related to Old Age

    This disease appears to begin in an infant since his birth as he inherits it from his afflicted mother’s womb during his formation. It has also become clear that nine out of ten persons suffering from joint disease at the age of sixty and above are those who have been suffering from these conditions from different points of their lives even their youth but the symptoms do not appear except at an advanced age. Therefore, one is led to believe that the principal cause of this affliction is his advanced age. This belief is not true, as there are many societies where old people do not suffer at all from joint pains or rheumatism.

    Most people suffering from arthritis feign ignorance about their suffering in the first place till pain becomes chronic and unbearable. Then he visits his physician who most often would prescribe him some pain killer. This means only the treatment of symptoms not of the root cause of the disease. Thus the patient lives in perpetual pain and suffering. However, there is an alternative to this mirage and that is through discovering the causes of this disease. We can prevent inflammation that causes pain and hence cure the disease or keep it within limits. In order to know the factors that cause this disease we must know some basic facts about the joints to understand what happens inside the joints which causes pain.

    The skeleton is the axis of the human body which facilitates all body movements in conjunction with muscles, tissues and ligaments attached to the bones. A joint is the meeting point between two opposite bones which facilitates their movements. The human body has more than 100 minor and major joints. A joint is then the meeting point of two bones. Each bone is covered on its head by a cartilage. The cartilage has a thin membrane known as sinovium which secretes a whitish fluid which acts like a lubricant to facilitate the movement of the joint without direct friction of the two joining bones. This fluid performs the same function

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