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Family: The Unworthy Cosmos Anthology
Family: The Unworthy Cosmos Anthology
Family: The Unworthy Cosmos Anthology
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Family: The Unworthy Cosmos Anthology

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Family can be complicated. Some are blood relatives and others are so close they are a stronger relation than blood. In Family, An Unworthy Anthology, each chapter delves deeper into these various relations while some reveal the impact the previous books written by P. Marcelo W. Balboa have had on the regular people of the world.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 23, 2024
Family: The Unworthy Cosmos Anthology

P. Marcelo W. Balboa

The Unworthy Cosmos is vast. Life exists in countless forms. Each existence has a story to tell. Driven by the need to define family from his point of view, P. Marcelo W. Balboa has accumulated characters and stories that cover the complex relationships that family creates.

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    Family - P. Marcelo W. Balboa

    Copyright © 2024 P. Marcelo W. Balboa.

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5219-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5218-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024909506

    Balboa Press rev. date:   07/16/2024


    A word from the Author

    Double Ninjas

    Lost Opportunity

    Concept Art

    Klark And Kimberly

    My Mother’s Our Father

    Shadow War

    Slug Shot

    The Horrid Play That Is

    The Magical Munchgalumptagans

    My Studio

    Rise Of The Queen Of Shadow

    The Forgotten Path

    Scin’d And The Forbidden Forest

    The Plain Of Hollow Dreams

    Kit Bash Projects

    Red Snow

    Itty Bitty World

    Wisdom of the Golden Guardian

    Cosmic Journey, Family Edition

    Thank you…

    Vincent’s Life

    World Peace

    Hall Of Legends

    Thank You All,

    About the Book

    About the Author

    A word from the Author

    As an author I am excited to create worlds and characters that readers around the world can get to know and follow on their journey. But along the way I have made characters with backstories that have not been told. I was more than happy to publish many of their stories in the Epic Tales of King Hudson but there were more that developed after this book as well. So I found myself reaching for new ideas. How can I incorporate these characters into new adventures? I analyzed each of them and it occurred to me that they had captivating stories with a correlating topic. Family.

    In the past, I have written my books based on ideas inspired by things that happened in my life. But I haven’t leaned into the complexity of family. Yes there are a couple I can say I am good not knowing but there are so many I am grateful I have had in my life. In their honor, I created this anthology in my collection of work. I looked for the common thread and found that these stories allowed me to break down my definition of family. The name stuck as I wrote each draft. As I completed the initial drafts I found that there were more stories I had to tell that were inspired by the stories I wrote in this book already. So I added them. Some are a part of the table of contents. Others are hidden gems that I inserted as a token of my affection for the topic. My family is so complicated and yet so much like many other families in this world. Although my early work was inspired by pain, it is the love of many of my family members that has filled every chapter in this book. I dedicate this book to them.

    Double Ninjas

    Petey was a naïve child. His parents were distant communicators but great as teachers of how to live life right by example. And they were close to family across the street who had a daughter a year younger than Petey named Noila. She was a beautiful little girl with golden brown hair and hazel eyes. Whenever the parents would get together, they would let the two go play. Their best spot was the park downtown. They loved to pretend they would go on cosmic journeys together.

    Sometimes they would be Martians, while other times they would simulate talking trees. Most of the time, they were ninjas who could move swift and stealthily climb anything. Unbeknownst to their wild imaginations, they were completely visible to the naked eye as their parents could immediately identify them on their adventures through the playground. Still, to them it was real, and they built a bond that was strengthened with every memorable experience they created in their minds.

    Noila visited the playground alone one day. She sat in the sand in silence as she looked at the children playing. Little by little, she could see her and Petey play. They had a song, You gotta eat your spinach, baby, cause that’s the only thing to do, or choose. She smiled at the thought of their enthusiasm about the song. Not a care in the world. Her heart warmed to the laughter she remembered they shared. She remembered a time that called to her. She rose up and ran to him. There were monsters attacking a village that only the double ninjas could defeat. They were off.

    Petey was in love with Noila. Not for her looks or her family’s success. His mind was pure, and his love was too. Noila was in love with him to. They were convinced they were going to marry someday. They were too young to understand this was not possible. They were too naïve to understand what platonic love was. They were simply two souls who knew they loved each other’s soul without judgement or physical attraction. And it was this innate bond that complimented their like-minded imaginations.

    When they approached the village from high ground, both were there in their imaginations. Both could describe something, trade thoughts and fill each other’s missing images. They looked out at the surrounding darkness and studied the terrain. We need to talk to the villagers to find out what is going on. Noila said. Right. But we can’t just rush in. The threat is near and could attack us at any time. We must be quick and remain invisible. Petey remarked. Right. Noila responded.

    The double ninjas moved fast. Nothing moved around them as they hopped to each checkpoint. Then a monster attacked them without warning. Look out Petey. Noila yelled out. Petey turned just in time to see a great beast of epic proportions pursuing him ferociously. His instincts were on point as he evaded the initial attack. These double ninjas needed no weapons. They had each other and their super-duper ninja skills. Wayakatapatapata Petey yelled out as he performed some of the most amazing unscripted, naturally performed techniques anyone at that playground had ever seen that day. Including him.

    Hang in there. Noila yelled as she jumped into the fight with her audaciously spectacular fighting motions. She was sure of every spontaneously choreographed technique she performed. Although her body remained in place. They imagined a large version of the mean dog that barks at them from next door at Noila’s house. They talked about how scary he was a few days ago when he spent the night at her house. It was such an angry bulldog. They were not sure why, but they agreed it made their spines tingle. Not today. Not on this mission. They were ninjas and the village people needed them. The monster was too big for their speedy footwork. Just as fast as the monster attacked, they were able to run to the entrance and seal the doors shut.

    Holy moly dude that was a close one. Noila said. The two breathed their hearts out in simulated terror. Are you alright? I hear those mutant dogs are cursed. Petey panted. Noila checked herself for any wounds. Nope. I’m too fast to get eaten. How about you? She asked. Petey checked himself as she spoke, almost instinctively knowing what she was going to say. He almost took off my leg, but my ninja skills were too quick. He said.

    I saw you. You were so fast. She responded. What do we do now? Petey asked with enthusiasm. Noila looked at him with joy as she could see he was so pure in his passion. He invited her to be free of any judgement. We need to talk to the leaders and find out where those monsters came from and how to defeat them. She said. Right. Let’s go. He responded.

    The double ninjas hopped to and from the monkey bars until Petey slipped. Noila ran to his aid and saw bruising up the backside of his torso. That wasn’t an injury that came from slipping. And Noila was smart enough to know this. He pulled his shirt down. They were too young to communicate what they were feeling at that moment and continued to play. Noila snapped out of the memory and tussled her feet in the sand. She remembered that moment in frustration. Why didn’t you say something to him Noila. She asked herself. She cried softly. I always knew something would happen. She said in her head.

    She dusted the sand off her butt and feet then walked to her car. It was a black jeep with tinted windows. Not far different from her father’s jeep. As she drove home, she remembered going on vacation with her cousin. She looked back in her rear-view mirror and got lost in the memory of Petey and her playing tag. They had just gone to the beach on the last day and her father let them lay down in the back like a bed. They were naïve to the dangers of their horseplay. Playing tag with your feet in the back of a jeep wasn’t going to fly with Noila’s father. As her father stopped the car and yelled at them to get out, they were caught off guard.

    So you want to kick each other huh? He asked with an aggressive tone. The two were confused. Turn around. He said as he turned them around by one arm each and began kicking them like they were kicking each other but harder. Noila remembers the sadness she felt but didn’t realize Petey was being abused at home by lawn service man Sharlene. His sadness would never yield as this incident changed his bond with Noila and her parents. He was colder. He didn’t talk to her the same. There was an uneasy quality about him. He was antagonistic and hostile yet hid it with a smile and subtle insults hidden in cryptic statements.

    Pretty soon she didn’t love him like she did and found him to be a bother. Little did she know he was fighting monsters in his life no child should endure. She didn’t realize her father became one of those monsters that one day. She didn’t realize her reaction to him only added to the alienated world he was creating in his head. Petey was never the same after that experience with her father. But that wasn’t the end of the double ninjas. When she returned home, her children were just returning from school. Noila prepared a tasty dinner. Kind of.

    She splashed flour on her cheeks and ordered pizza, but the kids were never wise to the secret ingredients. Kind of. They saw the pizza boxes in the trash outside as they went out to play every pizza day, so they played along. It was pizza day and mom had her make up on. Everyone was on board. Pizza day was always on Friday. And Friday was always the best day of the school day. Mark and Mica were the best of friends and siblings all in one. They were just a year apart and had fun outside every day. Noila had told them about her adventures playing ninja with Petey and they took it to the next level with their own outfits.

    They cut up half gallon and full gallon plastic milk containers and turned them into armor. To an outsider this may seem silly, but they knew this armor was enchanted. Nothing could penetrate the unbreakable creation of theirs. But all good times come to an end. This Friday was different from any other. It was a sunny day with beautiful clouds. This day was not over but it was coming to an end too quickly. Clouds darkened and deepened with an unpleasant look to them. The lightning that came from them flashed blood red. The rain was dry and hot. Each drop smoked upon contact.

    The siblings didn’t run. They looked at each other and stood strong. The time has finally come Mica. Mark said as he looked up in ninja stance. This isn’t good Mark. We need to tell mommy and daddy. Mica responded. Let’s go. Mark responded. Just as the siblings ran to their house, a bolt of lightning struck the house. Their ears rang as they tried to see through the smoke and fire. Mica? Mica? Mark yelled. I’m here. Are you hurt Mark? She asked. No, but my tummy hurts. Mark said. Are you bleeding? She asked. No. But I can’t see anything. I think my eyeballs are cooking. He said. It’s the smoke. Don’t worry. Your eyeballs aren’t hurt. Can you come closer to me. I can’t see you through the smoke? She yelled.

    Noila screamed out a terrifying sound. Mommy The siblings yelled out to her. Noila wept and screamed. Then there was no sound but the thunder, lightning and carnage occurring all around them as far as the eye could see, if they could see. Mommy The siblings yelled out again, as they ran to the last place they heard the scream. Parts of their home crashed down in flames as the front of the house lay in rubble. The siblings found their mother and each other but there was nothing to be happy about. Their father was crushed under the rubble with only his arm visible. Their mother, Noila, was staring at the sky with tears in her eyes. They thought she was gone but she turned to them. My double ninjas. I love you. She said with her final breath.

    Mommy Mica screamed out as she ran to her. Mark dove at her, pulling her just before a large piece of lumber crashed down. Mica didn’t flinch as she reached out for their mother. Mommy She cried out. More of the house crumbled onto their mother’s remains. Both cried out in sorrow. The neighbor heard them and ran to their aid. Come with me children. Ms. Wilkins told the two as she grabbed their arms and pulled them out of danger.

    The double ninjas were too distraught to fight back. They entered Ms. Wilkins vehicle along with her 6 cats, 4 dogs and a parrot. I’m sorry for your loss little ones. I saw parts of your home crumble as your father entered the house. I heard your mother scream. I am so sorry. I lost my parents to at a young age too. It was hard. But you can’t give up. You hear me? Ms. Wilkins said as she drove to a shelter.

    While Ms. Wilkins was trying to avoid the meteor fragments still falling along with swerving through the chaos the exploding debris was causing, the children were finding solace in the kisses the cats and dogs were giving them. They giggled in tears as the parrot reminded them, Can’t give up. Wok. Can’t give up. That’s right Dragon. They can’t give up. Ms. Wilkins agreed. You named him Dragon? Mica asked. He named himself dragon. Ms. Wilkins said. I’m a Dragon. Wauuuhk. I’m a Dragon. Dragon said. The children giggled. Ms. Wilkins noticed a barricade surrounding a medical relief center. There we go. We can pull around and stay here. My babies need to get to a safe place. Ms. Wilkins said. Just as Ms. Wilkins turned right to enter the lot, she was blind-sided by a truck that was out of control and on fire. Mica and Mark were wearing their seat belts, as Ms. Wilkins made sure not to forget. However, in the chaos of calming her pets she forgot hers.

    Mica and Mark awoke as paramedics tried to free them from their belts. The flames were growing and there was little time to lose. Just as they were cut free and separated from the vehicle, it exploded. Ms. Wilkins. Mark screamed as he watched the parts of her vehicle land in random places. Where’s my sister? He asked the paramedics. She is unconscious with a few scrapes and bruises, but she will be fine. The paramedic answered. Mark didn’t know what unconscious meant but he was hopeful the word fine was a good thing. Can I see my sister? He asked politely. Oh sweetie, that’s wonderful you love her that much. But let me get your leg fixed first then you can spend all the time you want with her. Ok? The paramedic said as she wrapped Mark’s broken leg.

    Mark was in such shock he didn’t notice the bone sticking out of his lower leg. Owww! He screamed. The pain kicked in. It’s going to be alright child. You are in the best place to get all fixed up. Don’t think of the leg. Fight the bad moment with thoughts of really good moments. Ok? The paramedic said as hospital staff rushed him to the Emergency Room. Ok. He said as he squeezed his eyes shut in pain. Look at you. You are a strong one. I can tell. The doctor said. Really? Mark responded. Oh yeah. I’ve seen big bear size men cry over little cuts compared to your injury. I can tell you are very strong. She said. Now, I’m going to have to take some of this stuff off to get to the broken leg. This may hurt a little. One of the nurses said. Mark’s spine straightened a bit as he clinched his fists in pain. I am a ninja. That’s why I have my armor on. He said.

    The nurse patted Mark on the shoulder. That armor kept the bone from tearing out of you further. You are a lucky one. She said. I don’t like talking to strangers. I’m Mark. Mark said. You’re a smart one. Well, I’m Nurse Bennet. Glad to meet you. She said as she took Mark’s armor off. Another nurse walked up with a needle. Mark wasn’t a fan, but he knew it was good for him. Before the nurse could say a word he said, Just do it. as he squinted and looked away. The nurses looked at each other, impressed by the little guy’s maturity. Alright. It will be really quick. What’s your name? Nurse Ratko asked. Mark He responded. Great job Mark. All done. She said. Mark opened his eyes. All done? He asked. Yep. The doctor will be in soon. For now I’m going to put this mask on you. You will fall asleep and wake up much better. Nurse Bennet said. I am strong. That’s why I can take shots. He told Nurse Bennet. You sure are. She giggled.

    The doctor walked it. Mark was slowly succumbing to the sleeping gas. He could see the name tag of the doctor. Well what do we have here? I knew there was a kid under that stuff. That leg looks easy to fix. Nurse Ratko, can you get me… Mark heard Dr. Wolfe say before he fell asleep. Well that’s not too bad. I hear you’re a strong one. I’ll have you out and about in no time. Mark heard as he opened his eyes. Really? Can I see my sister too? Mark asked half asleep. I’ll make sure you are placed in the same room. What was her name? Dr. Wolfe asked. Mica. Mark responded. Mica. Got it. The doctor said as he walked out.

    Shortly after Mark was rolled to another room for a second surgery. He was scared but hid it as he looked around. People were lined up in the hallway crying, bleeding, or wrapped on beds. Where’s Mica? Mark asked the medical staff rolling him. They looked at him then talked to each other. Their masks hid their faces but Mark knew these were different nurses. These were unfriendly nurses in a rush as they were rolling him to surgery. Stay calm sir. We will take care of your injury as soon as possible. One of the nurses said. The stern tone of the nurse intimidated Mark. He didn’t say a word. As he was rolled into a scary medical room with sharp tools and a particular scent in the air, Mark grew a deep need for his parents. But he was strong and didn’t cry. He reminded himself, You are strong. You will be all right. They are hospital people. Hospital people help people.

    As he told this to himself, the medical staff put a mask on him that sprayed an air that made him feel better. He started feeling happy. A big smile came over his face as he began to fall asleep. When you wake up you will be all fixed up, you hear Mark? Dr. Wolfe said as Mark dosed off. Mark was relieved to hear the kind voice as the sleeping gas took effect. Screams and crackling debris opened Mica’s eyes. She was in the dark but the fire from the hallway was light enough for her to see the hospital was falling apart. She jumped out of bed and ran to the hallway. Mark was in the same room but still knocked out. Mark? Is that you? She asked, still affected by the strong painkillers she was provided.

    They brought Mark to her in her sleep. She had no idea he was there. With smoke filling the air, it was hard to see if it was really him. MARK? She yelled in overwhelming joy as she ran to him. She jumped onto him and hugged him. Whoa, whoa, whoa Mica. My leg was just fixed. Careful. He said. She pulled back thoughtfully. I’m so sorry. I’m just so happy to see you. She said. I missed you. I don’t think I like this place. He said. Me too. Mark, you need to get up. We’re in trouble. The hospital looks like our house did before it fell apart. She said. We shouldn’t stay here. He said half awake. I know. We need to get out of here. She said as she helped him sit up. She ran to get a wheelchair. Here, get on. We’ll get out faster with you on this. She said. Yesssss! Finally I get pushed on the wagon. He said. Mica smiled as she remembered always making him push her or pull her on her wagon their father bought her for her birthday a year earlier.

    It’s our ninja wagon. She said. They laughed as she raced through the chaos as arms tried to grab out for aid. The sight was heart breaking. Still, the urgency was clear as the building itself could be heard giving in. Mark didn’t say it out loud, but it was a fun ride. He had a difficult time enjoying it with all the bleeding, crying, or open-eyed sleeping people on the way to the exit. There’s the exit. Mica yelled. As they neared, a middle-aged man ran up to them and asked, Can I have that wheelchair for my daughter. She’s lost her leg. Mica was about to keep running but Mark stopped her. He stood up, Take it. He said. But... Mica started. It’s alright Mica. I’m strong. We can make it. The man ran to his daughter but as the two exited, he yelled out, Hey." They turned around.

    He handed them a crutch. Thank you. Mica said. Mark took it. Be strong sir. Mark said. Be strong. The man responded as he went his way with his daughter. I love you Marky. Mica said. Love you too sis. He answered. Now let’s get as far from this place as we can. It’s going to fall apart. Mark said as they ran to safety. The siblings ran through smoke and fire, wreckage, and debris as they tried to find refuge. I miss mommy and daddy Mark. Mica said. Don’t Mica. Remember when mom told us about her adventures as a double ninja. We can do it for real. Mark said. Mica smiled. And their silly song. She said. You got to eat your spinach, bayyyybehhh. She began. Cause that’s the only thing to do or choose. Mark chimed in. The double ninjas laughed.

    Why did they sing that? It’s spinach, gross. Mark said. It was never about the spinach yah goof. They were happy and singing and loving being with each other. The words didn’t matter. They just loved being happy together. Mica explained. Oh. Mark instantly understood. Well I’m happy even with all this because I have you. We are the new double ninjas right? Mark asked. Yes we are. Look, there are a bunch of people up there. Maybe we can find some help. Mica said. From afar they could hear the collapse of the medical building they were in along with countless other buildings near and around their current position. The ground shook as smoke clouded the air from all directions.

    Car alarms, people screaming dreadful screams, ambulances, fire trucks, and police vehicle sirens rang through the air as darkness covered the landscape for quite some time. I’m scared. Mica said. No you’re not. We’re ninjas. We’re strong. Don’t be scared. Mark said. Right. Right. Ninjas. We’re ninjas. But this isn’t pretend. We need to get somewhere safe and fast. Mica responded. If we make it real then it’s real. You are what you believe. Ninjas are quiet. If we are quiet and listen maybe we can find the right way to go. He said. She paused in the darkness. The horrible sounds still surrounded them as they waited for an idea or something to happen that could give them a fighting chance.

    We’re double ninjas and we have to find a way. Come with me. She said. Ninjas vanish in smoke right? Let’s follow the sounds of people. Then we might find a safe place to get out of this weather. He said. They ran through the darkness helping each person they came across. The group of people they helped grew little by little. When one seemed to give in the other pulled their counterpart along. The group became excited as they heard numerous voices ahead. They would emerge from the smoke to find tents with people helping people. They ran up to participate and were welcomed with open arms. They received food and drink, making sure Mark and Mica were attended to first. There was medical aid and bunks to get well-deserved rest. We did it Mark. Mica said. The Double Ninjas always come out on top. Mark said. They gave each other a high five.

    After some time telling their story and hearing the stories of the new friends they helped along the way, the double ninjas fell asleep in peace. The peace didn’t last long as their dreams became riddled with nightmares. Mark was floating over his parents bodies. Monsters were throwing flaming balls from a ship in outer space. He punched the flame balls away, but a vampire slug came from behind him and tried to turn him into a vampire. He woke up from the dream to find Mica was gone. He limped around until he heard her voice. No, stop. She screamed. But her voice seemed muffled. He limped as fast as he could only to find an old man trying to do something that didn’t look right. Hey, stop it. Mark yelled. The old man looked at the boy and laughed as he tried to continue. Mark limped to the man and swung his crutch. The man grabbed the crutch and swung it at Mark’s head.

    Mark hit the ground but tried his best to get up. He was dizzy but could hear his sister scream. Then he heard another man’s voice. What are you doing you sick son of a. The man said before a fight broke out. Mica ran to Mark and helped him up. She looked back and saw the heroic man beat up the old man. She looked away as she noticed the man didn’t stop hitting the old man. Serves him right. She said in tears. They returned to their bunks and a guard was set up to watch over the children from that day forward. Mark and Mica were able to find their friends and other family on their father’s side. Over several weeks, Mark was able to heal enough to walk and run without any issues.

    Then the military arrived, and everything changed. The lower ranked soldiers were rough spoken and had little answers for their actions. They seemed more concerned with finding weapons, ammunition, and recruits. They exchanged food, water, and information but before long they were gathering everyone up who was able bodied to help fight off what they feared was an alien invasion. Mica, I think we need to get out of here. Mark said. Mica looked over at the old man who had never stopped his gaze of her since that horrible night. Let’s go now. He said. They grabbed their backpacks, filled them with items that looked like they could help them with surviving a long journey, then departed while everyone was asleep.

    They ran down into a ditch then under a train track bridge then through a park until they were able to find a place to rest in a closed mall. It was abandoned and had plenty of hiding spots. The double ninjas picked a high spot in the toy department upstairs. Their nightmares followed them. Mica couldn’t get that evil man out of her head. He followed her like a snake. Sometimes he was a snake, like this nightmare. She ran through her house but never could get a step ahead of him as he found a way to pop up in front or beside her. She would run in the opposite direction only to be stunned as he popped up in front or beside her again, and again. She began to freak out the moment he finally caught her.

    I got you Mica. I got you. He said. She screamed. Stop screaming, he will hear us. He said. She thought her brother was coming to save her like the last time. Her only option seemed to be to scream louder. The snake man shook her and shook her until she woke up. Mica, we have to move. He found us. Mark whispered. Mica was half-asleep as her brother tugged at her. She resisted. Let me go. She said. Her instincts held onto the possibility it was not reality. Mica, that old man. He found us. He heard you scream. Come on, he’s getting closer. Mark said. They exited the toy store and not a moment too soon as the old man crept over to the area he heard Mica scream.

    Mica was immediately triggered at the sight of him and his despicable facial expression. A deep seeded festering desire to do irreparable damage to her body was seeping out of his bulging eyes and drooling mouth. His hunch back gave her chills as she remembered him leaning over her, grabbing at her private areas with his scaly stretchy skin hands. She cried silently. Mark held her while trying to take a protective position. We need to move faster. Remember, ninjas. Just like mommy was. He whispered. Just like mommy. She whispered. Come on. He said as he picked her up by the shoulders.

    The double ninjas moved as if they were in their back yard. Swift and quiet. Smooth and athletic. The old man didn’t have a chance. They were out of the mall and on their way as soon as the old man realized they weren’t in the toy store anymore. They were awe struck at the sparkling night sky. It wasn’t the same. Normally, the sister planet Rezandria decorated the night sky. It was moving while beautiful clouds of colors they never dreamed could be in the sky took its place. All that beauty did little to take away from the destruction that surrounded them. They continued on as they felt the old man’s eyes behind them. They ran until they were convinced they escaped him for good.

    I need to rest Mica. Mark said. Her memories of what happened and what could happen pushed her. Mark didn’t have that same drive. She looked at him and empathized enough to calm her perception of the potential threat. Over there. The firefighter house has fire people who came to school one day to tell us to stop, drop, and roll. They can help us. She said. A forth of the way they stopped in their tracks. They were struck by terror as a great being visible from outer space reached out for their planet. It’s grip was wide and so threatening the two chose to stand in ninja pose. They didn’t have any chance of defeating this foe, but they were the Double Ninjas. They were strong and ready to fight till the end. Inside they were frightened and missed their parents.

    Even with all their fright, they stood firm as enormous pillars grew from the ground and stretched out to the hand

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