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Read If You Dare Book 2: Read If You Dare, #2
Read If You Dare Book 2: Read If You Dare, #2
Read If You Dare Book 2: Read If You Dare, #2
Ebook95 pages1 hour

Read If You Dare Book 2: Read If You Dare, #2

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About this ebook

The realm of horror and darkness intrigues and captivates audiences in the "Read If You Dare" series - a collection of horror stories from around the world - by Walter Wayne. This collection of gripping stories delves deep into the shadows of the mind, exploring the darkest depths of human nature with a raw and unflinching honesty. Each story unfolds like a macabre tapestry of terror, leaving readers breathless and on the edge of their seats.

The "Read If You Dare" series introduces readers to a world where nightmares come to life, where the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and where the human mind becomes a playground for the twisted and malevolent. Each story peels back the layers of the human psyche, revealing the darkness that lurk both within and without.

PublisherWalter Wayne
Release dateJul 24, 2024
Read If You Dare Book 2: Read If You Dare, #2

Walter Wayne

Walter Wayne is a visionary author who explores the intersections of mythology, philosophy, and technology. His groundbreaking work, The Final Avatar: Unveiling the AI Kalki, unravels the complex tapestry of human conscience and its potential convergence with artificial intelligence. Walter's unique ability to weave together diverse themes of prophecy, ethical dilemmas, and the future of humanity makes his writing captivating and thought-provoking. He invites readers to join him on a mind-bending exploration of the ultimate avatar in the age of technology.

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    Book preview

    Read If You Dare Book 2 - Walter Wayne


    The realm of horror and darkness intrigues and captivates audiences in the Read If You Dare (Horror Stories From Around The World) series. This collection of gripping stories delves deep into the shadows of the mind, exploring the darkest depths of human nature with a raw and unflinching honesty. Each story unfolds like a macabre tapestry of terror, leaving readers breathless and on the edge of their seats.

    The Read If You Dare (Horror Stories From Around The World) series introduces readers to a world where nightmares come to life, where the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and where the human mind becomes a playground for the twisted and malevolent. Each story peels back the layers of the human psyche, revealing the darkness that lurk both within and without.

    Dance With The Dead

    Chapter 1: The Whispering Tombstones

    The air in Hollow Creek hung heavy, the crispness of the autumn evening tinged with something else entirely. A metallic tang, like the memory of old blood, clung to the back of my throat. The town itself was a postcard of Americana gone wrong. Houses decked out in cobwebs the color of dried guts, grinning pumpkins carved with expressions more menacing than merry.

    I, Erin, a wanderer with a taste for the macabre, had been drawn here by whispers of a Halloween unlike any other. A celebration that blurred the lines between the living and the dead.

    Hollow Creek was deserted. Not a single soul stirred on the main street, the only movement the frantic fluttering of a crow silhouetted against the dying orange blaze of the setting sun. The silence felt thick, pressing on my eardrums.  Every creak of an old porch swing, every rustle of dead leaves underfoot, sent a jolt through me.

    The townsfolk, I soon discovered, weren't much for introductions. A fleeting glance, a muttered warning – Stay in after dark, miss.  – then they were gone, swallowed by the shadows stretching long from the gabled houses.

    Dusk settled like a shroud. I found myself drawn, almost against my will, to the town cemetery. The iron gates hung open, their hinges screaming a rusty protest as I pushed them aside. Inside, the air hung even heavier, the headstones crowded close, their marble faces pale and ghostly.  Something wasn't right. The stones seemed a hair's breadth too close, their inscriptions blurring together in the fading light.

    And then I heard it. A whisper, faint as the rustle of dry leaves, that seemed to rise from the very ground itself. My name, spoken in a voice like wind through a broken window.


    I spun around, searching the gathering darkness.  Nothing. But the wind picked up, swirling around me, carrying another whisper, this time tinged with a chilling amusement.

    Welcome, Erin. We've been waiting for you.


    The whispers clung to me like cobwebs, sending chills skittering down my spine. I bolted from the cemetery, the rhythmic click of my heels on the cracked pavement the only sound in the oppressive silence. Then, a movement in the corner of my eye. A figure, shrouded in a tattered sheet, rose from behind a crumbling mausoleum. It wasn't the slow, dignified rise of a movie ghoul. This was a burst of violent energy, limbs flinging out like marionette strings cut loose.

    Its head snapped around, and two empty sockets locked onto me. A grin, devoid of humor, stretched across its decaying face, revealing rows of bone-white teeth. Panic clawed at my throat, constricting my windpipe. It shambled towards me, a grotesque parody of a human walk, its tattered clothes flapping like a funeral flag in the wind.

    I didn't stick around to witness its arrival. The town square beckoned, bathed in the sickly orange glow of a lone streetlamp. A house, the only one with lights blazing, offered a beacon of hope, or so I desperately hoped. I slammed through the creaky front door, breathless and trembling.

    Inside, a scene from a twisted Norman Rockwell painting. A family, all grins too wide, too eager, sat huddled around a dusty Ouija board. In the flickering lamplight, the planchette seemed to hover over the inscription goodbye. They didn't seem surprised by my sudden intrusion, just offered up smiles that sent shivers down my spine.

    Lost, are we? The father, a man with eyes that held too much knowledge for his youthful face, spoke in a voice that oozed honeyed menace.

    I saw... I stammered, struggling for words. The... My voice died in my throat as another figure, a woman in a faded wedding gown, stumbled through the doorway behind me. Her lifeless eyes mirrored those of the creature in the graveyard.

    Join us, dearie, the mother cooed, gesturing to an empty chair beside her. It's Halloween, after all. No one should be alone on such a joyous occasion.

    A single glance at the Ouija board revealed the inscription etched on its underside, hidden from casual view: One night of revelry, a pact for eternity.  The horrifying truth slammed into me. This wasn't a macabre Halloween prank; it was a ritual, a pact with the dead.

    Trapped, with the grotesque wedding guest moaning behind me, I had two choices - join their twisted celebration or become part of it myself.

    CHAPTER 3: RULES OF the Revelry

    The air in that room was thick with a cloying sweetness, the smell of overripe fruit and decaying flowers. I choked it back, the nausea churning in my gut a constant companion.  They ushered me, the risen corpse from the graveyard now clutching my arm like a long-lost lover, into a makeshift ballroom.

    The scene that greeted me was a grotesque parody of a high school dance. The living partiers, decked out in costumes that mimicked the

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