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The Divine Romance: 365 Days Meditating on the Song of Songs
The Divine Romance: 365 Days Meditating on the Song of Songs
The Divine Romance: 365 Days Meditating on the Song of Songs
Ebook589 pages5 hours

The Divine Romance: 365 Days Meditating on the Song of Songs

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Encounter God's Delight in You!

The Holy Spirit wants to wash you in the refreshing grace that streams every day from God's presence. Listen to God's life-giving words—words that heal and draw you into greater intimacy with Jesus. Be moved by his voice, stirred by his Spirit, and thrilled by these messages of love. Open your soul to the whispers of God so that you hear him whisper his message of love to you!
Release dateNov 1, 2017
The Divine Romance: 365 Days Meditating on the Song of Songs

Brian Simmons

DR. BRIAN SIMMONS is a passionate lover of God. After a dramatic conversion to Christ, Brian knew that God was calling him to go to the unreached people of the world and present the gospel of God’s grace to all who would listen. With his wife, Candice, and their three children, he spent eight years in the tropical rain forest of the Darien Province of Panama as a church planter, translator, and consultant. Having been trained in linguistics and Bible translation principles, Brian assisted in the Paya-Kuna New Testament translation project. After his ministry overseas, Brian was instrumental in planting a thriving church in New England (U.S.) and currently travels full time as a speaker and Bible teacher. He is the lead translator of The Passion Translation®.

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    The Divine Romance - Brian Simmons


    The Lord is beckoning every believer into a lifestyle of unhindered devotion. Through the Song of Songs, Jesus extends the invitation for a relationship with Him that defies natural understanding. It is mysterious yet tangible, satisfying, and wonderful. Dive into The Divine Romance and watch as His love lays a foundation of confidence and identity.

    Journey with us as we walk step-by-step through the Song of Songs. Each day, you will find a short encouragement and a prayer, but most of all, you will discover Jesus’ unrelenting love for you. Take time to soak in the devotion of the day. Give yourself an extra moment to let the glory that flows through these words penetrate your heart. Allow the Lord to breathe upon you and awaken places of your soul that have been weary, dry, and asleep.

    You are God’s masterpiece—beautiful, unique, and priceless. It is our prayer that you will emerge from these devotions understanding just how loved and powerful you are.


    January 1

    The Greatest Song

    The most amazing song of all, by King Solomon.

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:1

    Open your heart as you embark upon the journey of a lifetime. This is Jesus’ song, which He sings over you, His beautiful bride. Today, allow the greatest song ever composed, the Song of all Songs, to lead you into the flaming heart of Jesus Christ. Embrace these truths and they will pierce the deepest places of your being and radically change your relationship with God.

    Today the Lord is beckoning you to step into the mysteries of His love. A love that cannot be compared to any love you have ever known on this earth. Just one kiss from Jesus has power to transform your entire life. You have a divine destiny and were created to encounter His tangible presence. Along the way, you will be blessed and broken, cherished and challenged. Yet in the end, you will be consumed with Him and discover your true identity.

    Father, I gratefully accept your invitation to divine romance. Let the presence of your Holy Spirit saturate every fiber of my being and teach me things I’ve never known before. I open my heart to you today without reservation. Transform my relationship with you as I discover the reality of your love in new ways. Speak to me and lead me on this journey. I want to hear your sweet voice as you sing over my soul.

    January 2

    Let Him

    Let him smother me with kisses—his Spirit-kiss divine.

    So kind are your caresses,

    I drink them in like the sweetest wine!

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:2

    W hat a wonderful way to begin your journey into God’s heart! There is no striving or heavy burden, only a simple cry from your heart for Him to come kiss your life. Yield your heart and simply let Him be your everything.

    Let Him be your strength today!

    Let Him be the One to hold you fast today!

    Let Him carry every burden and care that is unbearable for you!

    It’s so easy to daily let Him be your all. To go further into Christ’s love doesn’t mean you struggle or painfully push yourself forward. You simply bring Him a yielded heart and let Him do the rest. Soon, He will become everything to you.

    Lord, so many times I thought the burden was on me to advance and grow in love. But in fact, your love is what opens my heart for more! I rest in your love today and calmly yield to you. Smother me with your kisses until I am drawn deeper into your love. I give you every burden of my heart and each passion of my soul.

    January 3


    Let him smother me with kisses—his Spirit-kiss divine.

    So kind are your caresses,

    I drink them in like the sweetest wine!

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:2

    Jesus longs to smother every aspect of your life with His love. If you will invite Him to come, His glory will flood the deepest, driest, and most wounded areas of your being. His love is filled with mercy, grace, healing, and wisdom. Nothing remains the same once it’s saturated with Him. God wants you to have a good life, and the invitation of divine love is where it all begins.

    Expect His love to extinguish every fear. The kisses of His Spirit will smother anxiety, doubt, and unbelief. His hope can heal disappointment. His joy will overwhelm every sorrow. He is the light in the darkest seasons of your soul. The more deeply you receive His love, the more it will overflow into every part of your life. Ask Him to saturate your spirit, soul, and body today. It is time for you to experience a fresh kiss from heaven!

    God, meet with me today. Let the kiss of your Spirit smother my life and launch me into a deeper relationship with you. Jesus, I long to experience your love and glory in ways I never have before. Leave no part of my life untouched by your beauty. Lavish me with your love.

    January 4

    Kiss Me

    Let him smother me with kisses—his Spirit-kiss divine.

    So kind are your caresses,

    I drink them in like the sweetest wine!

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:2

    E ven the simplest revelations can impact your life forever. This is the revelation of His love for you, personally. It is not about others, it is about Jesus and you. Sermons and rules will never satisfy the longings of your heart, because you were created for so much more. Let this cry come from the depth of your being: "Jesus, come kiss me!" When you call for Him to make this relationship personal, He will come running.

    You were created with a holy kiss—the very breath of God. Everything about you was created by and for His love. Any walls that you have erected to protect your heart are about to come crashing down! And you will never feel safer. This heavenly kiss will awaken your spirit to His affections and destroy every hindrance to a deeper relationship with Him. Jesus loves you, just the way you are.

    Father, I’m asking that your Son, the Son of your splendor, would kiss me with the kisses of His Word. I cry out for the kisses of His affection, the kisses of His mercy, and the kisses of His forgiveness. Thank you for loving me, believing that I am special, and choosing me to walk with you on this journey. Awaken my heart with your kiss.

    January 5


    Let him smother me with kisses—his Spirit-kiss divine.

    So kind are your caresses,

    I drink them in like the sweetest wine!

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:2

    Nothing is more pleasurable to the human heart than the love of Jesus. Nothing is more delightful. Nothing can compare to the caresses of His love—it awakens our hearts in the most unexpected ways. It makes us feel alive and fills us with joy. It wipes away the past and reaches out its hands to guide us forward. It stirs up desires we never knew existed and gives us the means to satisfy them.

    His kindness is overwhelming. His love is better than wine. Relentlessly He pursues us, knowing that what we desire most in this life is found in Him. Once we taste of this love, we know that nothing else could ever fulfill us. Drink deeply from the passions that flow from His heart. Let the mystery of His presence wash over you as you embrace the reality of His nearness.

    Jesus, I want to know you in ways I never have before. Let me feel your touch. Pour your love into my soul and revive me with your sweet caress. I will embrace the mystery of who you are, and I know you will reveal yourself to me anew. Thank you for seeking me out and igniting my heart with a fresh passion to know you more. Your kindness amazes me. I can never get enough of you.

    January 6

    Fragrant Love

    Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing

    over and over poured out.

    For your lovely name is Flowing Oil.

    No wonder the brides-to-be adore you.

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:3

    G et close enough to Him to smell the fragrance of His presence. It’s so pleasing, so winsome and inviting. It speaks of who He is, what He thinks, and what He feels. This is the fragrance of His beautiful personality—His internal qualities of love and gentleness.

    Let the Lord capture you and sweep you off your feet. Look into His eyes and you will see how much He enjoys you. The way He gazes at you will ignite hope and calm all of your worries. His smile is more radiant than a brilliant sunrise—it warms your heart and illuminates your soul.

    Allow yourself to get lost in the fragrance of Jesus—carried away by the delight of His love. Take a deep breath and faith will invigorate you. The cologne of His compassion will leave you undone—unable to resist Him. Release every thought about Him that is not true and embrace His generous love.

    Father, I love you. I want to experience the fragrance of your presence and the reality of your Son. Surround me with your love. Wrap yourself around me and draw me closer to you than ever before. Breathe upon my life. Exhale the splendor of your majesty upon me. I worship you. You are my delight forever.

    January 7

    Over and Over

    Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing—

    over and over poured out.

    For your lovely name is Flowing Oil.

    No wonder the brides-to-be adore you.

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:3

    Over and over again, Jesus will faithfully come woo your heart until you are totally His. Your passion may not be fully awakened to His love, but if it’s your desire, He will not disappoint. Jesus knows exactly what you need and precisely how to stir your love. All you have to do is ask.

    His love is irresistible when it crashes upon our hearts like unrelenting waves. With one taste of His divine passion, we are addicted. Lovesick ones become even more lovesick, and hardened hearts melt like wax when He comes on the scene. Just to think of Him opens us to the sweetness of true love. Ever so graciously, God pours a continuous stream of love into the deepest caverns of our soul. Though we cannot fathom the depths of His love with our minds, we can experience them in life-changing measure.

    Jesus come. Now and always, I want to encounter your love. I want to know you as well as you know me. Quench my thirsty soul with the power of your passion and draw me into the depths of your presence that I’ve yet to discover. No matter how long it takes, make me fully yours, with no barriers to restrict our love.

    January 8

    The Most Beautiful Name

    Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing—

    over and over poured out.

    For your lovely name is Flowing Oil.

    No wonder the brides-to-be adore you.

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:3

    Jesus is our true Savior, Friend, and King. His name is like fragrant oil, pouring over us and lingering upon our soul. His name is the power of victory. It heals the sick, unlocks the chains of bondage, and raises the dead. His name is like no other—setting our hearts on fire while extinguishing the fiery darts of hell. It is sweeter to the soul than honey.

    When we feel alone and detached from Him, all we have to do is say His name, Jesus, and He will flood our longing hearts. Soon, weakness is replaced with strength, fear is conquered by love, and wisdom annihilates confusion. He is enough to satisfy every desire of our soul.

    Jesus is all of the lovely and powerful things combined. Dive into the secrets of this name that is above every other name and you will unlock treasures that will cause your heart to soar!

    Jesus, your name flows from my lips like soothing oil. It warms my heart and ignites an insatiable desire to know you more. Simply saying your name begins to calm the storms that rage within. Hold me close and whisper secrets that only your beloved may hear. I want to experience the power of your name in my life.

    January 9


    Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing—

    over and over poured out.

    For your lovely name is Flowing Oil.

    No wonder the brides-to-be adore you.

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:3

    There is nothing as soothing as the presence of Jesus. Turn your focus away from temporary distractions and fill your mind with the beauty of your King. Imagine His eyes gazing into yours. Listen for His words to strengthen your faith. Expect His love to flood every fiber of your being. Surrender everything—every hope and dream, each fear and worry. Lay it all at His feet and worship Him. Nothing is too big for Him to handle.

    No one deserves your love more than the Lord. No one is as trustworthy. He’s already proven His love for you. Invite Him to come meet with you today, then simply believe He is there. Rest in His love as He wraps you in His arms. He who is faithful will take care of everything.

    Jesus, you inspire me. You see everyone through the eyes of love. Perfect wisdom dwells within you. You are life, hope, and joy. You are the peace that surpasses all understanding. Everything good and beautiful is found in you. I want to live my life constantly aware of your nearness, love, and power. Let me experience the reality of your love in ways I never knew possible.

    January 10

    Draw Me

    Draw me into your heart and lead me out.

    We will run away together into the king’s cloud-filled chamber.

    The Chorus of Friends

    We will remember your love, rejoicing and delighting in you,

    celebrating your every kiss as better than wine.

    No wonder righteousness adores you!

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:4

    God Himself wants to tell you everything that He loves about you. He wants to whisper secrets to your heart and uncover mysteries that have yet to be revealed. You have resurrection power flowing through your veins. The greatest treasure in all of heaven and earth lives inside of you. Embrace the truth of who you are and your entire life will be transformed.

    Perhaps you don’t fully understand how to get closer to God, or maybe you feel stuck in your relationship with Him. Well, I’ve got great news for you—He knows what you need and how to give it to you. It’s His desire to bless you with a life of divine encounters. You never have to beg for them, but you do need to ask. Open your heart and He will lead you straight into His. Get ready! This will be the adventure of a lifetime.

    God, draw me into your heart—into a life of continuous encounters with your tangible love. Lift me out of complacency and set my heart ablaze for you. Take me from one glorious experience to the next and open your Word to me with fresh revelation. Let me see the world through the reality of perfect love.

    January 11


    Draw me into your heart and lead me out.

    We will run away together into the king’s cloud-filled chamber.

    The Chorus of Friends

    We will remember your love, rejoicing and delighting in you,

    celebrating your every kiss as better than wine.

    No wonder righteousness adores you!

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:4

    When Jesus draws you, the only proper response is to run with Him with all your heart. Jesus has chosen you to be His partner in ministry. He invites you to run alongside Him, knowing you can keep up. You were created for a purpose, sealed with a divine destiny. Nothing will stop you if you set your eyes on your Beloved. Hurdles of misunderstanding, persecution, and failure will only serve to strengthen you in this race. Together, you will ignite the flames of holy passion in others, breathe life into weary souls, and set the captives free.

    Journey with Him and He’ll bless you with creativity and wisdom in all you do. Talents and gifts, which have lain dormant within you, will spring to life. All that you need to run this race victoriously is yours through Jesus Christ.

    Jesus, with holy resolve, I will run with you. When I’m weak, take me by the hand, so I won’t trip and fall. I may not always understand where this journey is headed, but I trust you. Together, we will release your glory into the world!

    January 12

    Holy Chambers

    Draw me into your heart and lead me out.

    We will run away together into the king’s cloud-filled chamber.

    The Chorus of Friends

    We will remember your love, rejoicing and delighting in you,

    celebrating your every kiss as better than wine.

    No wonder righteousness adores you!

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:4

    You have been granted access into the holy of holies, the chamber of the King—the very presence of God Himself. When you choose to worship the Lord and turn all your attention to Him, you’re accepting His invitation for a deeper relationship. You’re stepping into His heart.

    Here, Jesus will reveal His glory. It is in this place, where deep calls unto deep, that the spiritual and the natural realms collide. You were created to experience heaven on earth. This cloud-filled chamber is not only a place you’ll see in heaven; it’s the place of His presence here and now, where He discloses Himself to the seeking heart. Unlike the courtyard, where you learn about the Lord, the chamber is where you get to know Him personally. This is His desire for every believer—to walk through the chamber doors where He awaits and enjoy Him forever.

    Jesus, lead me by the hand into the secret place of your presence. I want to see you, hear you, and experience the beauty of your redeeming grace. I’m not satisfied with glimpses of your glory. I want to dive into its very depths and never resurface. Flood my soul with the substance of your holy love. Thank you for lifting the veil, so I may enter in.

    January 13


    Draw me into your heart and lead me out.

    We will run away together into the king’s cloud-filled chamber.

    The Chorus of Friends

    We will remember your love, rejoicing and delighting in you,

    celebrating your every kiss as better than wine.

    No wonder righteousness adores you!

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:4

    All good relationships must be intentionally cultivated. The same is true of our connection with the Lord. Though we are joined with Christ, we must purposefully tend to this first love, so the flames of holy passion never grow dim. We don’t strive to show ourselves worthy; we simply fall—repeatedly—back into the arms of the One who gave His all for us.

    At the Lord’s table, we remember the price He paid for us. His love is greater than any other. Through the participation of the bread and wine, we draw near and enter the realm where symbols become substance. As we drink the cup of communion, we remember His intoxicating sweetness. It is better than wine and more alluring than the pleasures of this life.

    Father, I honor you for the perfect gift of love you’ve given me through your Son. Give me grace to pursue your heart with unrelenting devotion. Our relationship means more to me than any other. Your love satisfies every longing of my heart. Over and over, I will choose you and remember your perfect love that has set me free.

    January 14


    The Chorus of Friends

    We will remember your love, rejoicing and delighting in you,

    celebrating your every kiss as better than wine.

    No wonder righteousness adores you!

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:4

    Joy dwells deep within you because the Holy Spirit inside of you is a well of joy! You may not be happy about what’s happening in your life, but joy isn’t determined by circumstances—it’s the profound result of what you dwell on. Instead of rehearsing your problems, rejoice in the Lord. Remind yourself that with Him, nothing is impossible!

    When your faith is in Him, you can be totally at rest regardless of what comes against you. Miracles, breakthrough, blessing, physical and emotional healing, and abundant wisdom come from the Lord. When you focus on truth, instead of facts, faith and joy begin to bubble within. The joy of the Lord will transform your life, when you remember that God is on your side.

    Father, fill me with your joy. I shake off worry and release my cares to you. I choose to think about your goodness and faithfulness. I choose to be thankful. Nothing is too hard for you! You can heal the pain of the past in a split second. You can download creative ideas for breakthrough and pour out wisdom without measure. Today marks a new day! From this moment forward, I will rejoice because I know my answer is on its way.

    January 15

    The Light Within

    The Shulamite: Jerusalem maidens, in this twilight darkness

    I know I am so unworthy—so in need.

    The Shepherd-King: Yet you are so lovely!

    The Shulamite: I feel as dark and dry as the desert tents

    of the wandering nomads.

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:5

    Loving Jesus will eventually lead to a revelation of our own condition. When purity and holiness are the cry of our hearts, God, in His great mercy and tender affection, will reveal the areas that need our attention. Nothing is hidden from His sight.

    Recognizing our weaknesses isn’t a call for guilt and condemnation. Instead, it’s an invitation for true repentance—where we come face-to-face with our great need for God. In exchange for the yoke of guilt, fear, and religious duty, Jesus offers us the yoke of holy union. He sets us free from every sin and bondage. No amount of obedience, or adherence to religious law, can make us righteous. To fully yield our lives to Jesus is to be emptied of self-confidence and selfish ambition. We are totally dependent upon Him. There is such freedom in knowing that even in our darkness, He is the light within.

    Father, I need you. Even when I try to do everything right, to live with pure motives, and to walk humbly before you, I still mess up. I’m so grateful that you see me through the eyes of mercy and compassion. Let the fire of your love burn away everything that doesn’t look like you.

    January 16


    The Shulamite: Jerusalem maidens, in this twilight darkness

    I know I am so unworthy—so in need.

    The Shepherd-King: Yet you are so lovely!

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:5

    Even when we’re confronted by our weaknesses, Jesus calls us lovely. He doesn’t point an accusatory finger or constantly bash us because we aren’t perfect. He opens His arms, pulls us close, and tells us how beautiful we are. He exchanges our imperfection for His perfection. His love for us will conquer our fear and unbelief, healing every wound that has crippled us and left us feeling ugly.

    The Lord speaks to our identity and opens our eyes, so we can embrace it ourselves. Receive these words into your heart today: You are beautiful. You are anointed. God Himself has a purpose for your life. Favor and wisdom are yours. The joy of the Lord is your portion. Righteousness and peace have kissed your soul.

    Jesus, thank you for seeing me through the light of your mercy and grace. The way that you encourage me always makes me feel special. Your gentle whispers become gusts of wind for me to soar upon. When I’m with you, I feel beautiful. When I look into your eyes, the dreams of my heart come alive, and I want to praise you forever. I feel as if I can conquer every obstacle when I’m with you!

    January 17

    His Masterpiece

    The Shepherd-King

    Yet you are so lovely—

    like the fine linen tapestry hanging in the Holy Place.

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:5

    Within the sanctuary of the holy of holies, Solomon hung the finest linen curtains. Only the priests who entered could see them from the inside. You are like this fine tapestry—a work of art placed on display in His private chambers, where He alone admires your beauty. You are God’s most magnificent masterpiece; more valued than anything else in this entire world, more precious than the curtains that hung in the holy of holies.

    Others may look at what you’ve done or define you based on your past, but God sees your inner beauty—the real you. Never let anyone make you feel insignificant. Never accept the lie that you have no value. You are worth everything to God. It’s the reason He sent His Son to suffer and die on the cross. You move His heart, and He loves you exactly the way you are.

    Father, come wrap me in your presence. Let your love wash away anything I’ve believed about myself that doesn’t agree with how you see me. I want to carry myself with humble confidence, remembering who I am and to whom I belong. I am amazing because I was made in your image. Hope is springing up where doubt and confusion had once taken root. I am defined by the price of perfect love. I am your masterpiece.

    January 18


    The Shulamite to her friends

    Please don’t stare in scorn

    because of my dark and sinful ways.

    —SONG OF SONGS 1:6

    Our identity in Jesus—who He says we are—isn’t always easy to accept. The good news is, He understands our doubt and enjoys reminding us who we are in Him. From the moment we said yes to His invitation to divine romance, He placed a crown on our heads and knew

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