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Prophecies, Dreams And Visions
Prophecies, Dreams And Visions
Prophecies, Dreams And Visions
Ebook186 pages2 hours

Prophecies, Dreams And Visions

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About this ebook

Pastor Alexander Magnus Grant currently resides in Richmond Heights, Ohio, and is presently the associate pastor of All Nations Deliverance Ministries. He currently works at one of the local hospitals as a care coordinator and a nursing instructor for advanced students. It is his heart's desire that from reading this book, you will find the strength to walk in your gift's. To come to the full understanding of never doubting who Jesus Christ is in your life.

He implores you, the reader--just as he received his mother's last words as she lay on her deathbed, "Neither silver nor gold I have to leave you, but love the Lord your God with all your heart. Love him with all your strength. Love the Lord with all your might"--to receive these words as a gift to yourself, and that at His hands, to trust the Most High with your whole being.

Release dateMar 26, 2018
Prophecies, Dreams And Visions

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    Prophecies, Dreams And Visions - Pastor Alexander Grant


    Prophecies, Dreams And Visions

    Pastor Alexander Grant

    ISBN 978-1-64140-315-3 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64140-316-0 (digital)

    Copyright © 2017 by Alexander Grant

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    The Book of Prophecies

    Part 1

    The Watchman

    The Army

    The Great White Tiger

    The Coming of Vega

    The Hand of God

    The Great House


    The Giants of God

    The Book of Dreams

    Part 2

    The Dreamer

    The Tree of Life

    The Lord Is My Shepherd

    The Shield of My Protection

    The Angel and the Dragon

    The Tower

    The Way to Heaven

    The Owl, the Fox, and the Rat

    The Road to Heaven or Hell

    The Rapture

    The Living Water

    The Book of Visions

    Part III

    The Visionary

    The Sounding of the Shofar

    The Side of the Riverbank

    Waking the Dead

    The Call to Ministry

    The Seal of the Living God

    Warfare and Worship

    The Way That Leads to Hell

    The Guardian

    Death Is Looking for You

    The Great Beast

    The Book of Poetry

    This book is dedicated to my friends and family of All Nations Deliverance Ministries.

    The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

    —Numbers 6:24–26

    To my wife and friend of over twenty years,

    I am forever grateful for your love and encouragement. Your prayers have shielded me throughout the years. I thank God for your health and strength daily. Be encouraged and know that the Lord has used you mightily to help shape our destiny.

    Love always,



    My young ears sought the entertaining conversations of the adults. Lying in my bed, sleep called me, but the fight I put up triumphed over its victory. I lay on my belly looking into the living room where all the fun was taking place. Suddenly, there was a moment that made me freeze. My joy was fading away quickly. It was happening again. Many days my gift forced me to seek the refuge of daybreak, and at this moment, it was no different. There was a shadow that belonged to no one, and it crept along the floor, unaware that it had been detected.

    Ma! I screamed, but in my attempt to get her attention, the shadow spirit became aware of the possibility that I saw it. Not really sure, he moved slowly back and forth to see if I would follow him with my eyes. To his surprise, I followed his movements, and then he revealed his blazing red eyes in astonishment. This sent a shiver through me I can still feel today. Do you see? I yelled again. Shhh! she responded, not wanting me to state what I had seen. My mom feared that attacks from other demons would eventually come. I pointed to him as he ran out of the house, and my mother followed him to see where he went.

    I saw demons and shadows as often as we see the sun and the moon. As the sun went down, so did the courage I felt in the protection of the day. Dread gripped my heart like a vice. Terror was my company, and peace would not come until long-awaited sleep mercifully took me away.

    If I were born in the days of Christ, they would have called me a seer and a prophet. Yet I was born in 1969, in Spanish Town, Jamaica. My gifts were shared by many in the family, but we all knew the attacks I endured was to completely destroy my life. Forever to quiet the gift, and lay to rest the man that I was to become.

    At the age of nine, I couldn't understand the threat I posed to the kingdom of darkness. I remember spending three years fighting for my life, battling witchcraft. Yes, witchcraft is real. The witches sent demons to our doorstep as often as they could. Some were sent to spy, and the others were sent to destroy. It wasn't until after coming to America, that I was able to escape the spiritual madness. So I thought.

    Even though I was no longer in Jamaica, my dreams were haunted by the demons of my past. Sporadic visions of their disturbing presence would force me to awaken in fear. My whole life shifted the day I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I ran home from church that day so excited about what had taken place. Later that night while lying on the floor and drifting off to sleep, I awoke to find a skeleton-looking spirit hovering over me. When I saw him, the usual panic that was associated with the sight of them was no longer there. I looked at him, and those penetrating eyes that would usually terrorize my soul caused a slight smile to come upon my face. I said, You're too late. He looked at me in dismay and realized that he was rendered powerless. No longer were they able to frighten me. He stomped away in anger, knowing he had been defeated. It wasn't until, the age of eighteen, that I was able to sleep through the night.


    I was born on the island of Jamaica. As a boy, I was able to see things others couldn't. The Lord has blessed me with the gifts of prophecies, the word of wisdom and knowledge. He speaks to me through His Word and in dreams and visions.

    There is one truth you must know; the devil is like a roaring lion who desires to destroy us as believers. One of the elders of All Nations Deliverance Ministries, who's also a dear friend, shared with me the enemy's plan as revealed to her by God. Wylma McKnight wrote The Meeting while she was in prayer.

    * * * * *

    The Meeting

    Early one morning as I was talking to the Lord, Wylma started, God had allowed me to attend a meeting held by the powers of darkness. She continued, They had no idea I was there as they all gathered together to share their accomplishments. How excited they were as they talked! For they knew that their master would be well pleased with them.

    A great hush came over the room as the Prince of Darkness entered. He sat down on what appeared to be an old concrete throne. The demons all bowed and said, All praise to Satan!

    As he raised his hand for the demons to stand, he said, I hear that everything is on schedule.

    The general of his army came forth and said, Yes, my lord, everything is on schedule. I sent out a force that took the earth by storm. We caught everyone by surprise—even the Church.

    How did you do that? Satan inquired.

    The general smugly proclaimed, We kept them confused, deceived, and distracted. In order to be victorious, first, we had to attack their strength, then overpower them and, finally, cause complete havoc in their midst. In the aftermath, we were able to subdue the world.

    This is getting better and better, said Satan as he smiled and rubbed his hands together. It seems as if they did not know what hit them.

    Oh, they didn't, said the general. Once the forerunners opened the door for us, everything else was a breeze.

    Who were the forerunners this time? questioned Satan.

    The general smiled and said, Jealousy, Division, and Pride.

    Well done, said the Prince of Darkness. But I have another question. What happened to the Prophets and the Intercessors? How did you get past them?

    Well, my lord, it was not easy. I must confess, some of them were so strong we had to work overtime on them, he reluctantly admitted. The general continued, The ones who would not be deceived, those who were sensitive to their God and would call on that name, we had to come against them in another way. We used those in position who were full of jealousy and bitterness and who had the ear of the leader to come against them. We used their own to get them out of the way! How blind they were. They didn't understand that these were the backbone of the Body of Christ. Once we get them out of the way, the body will start to crumble. They don't understand the first thing about unity. If they did, they would know that it is where they derive their strength.

    Don't say it too loud, said Division. They may overhear us, and then we will have a mess on our hands. The room was filled with laughter.

    * * * * *

    As I'm hearing this, my heart is grieved knowing that I have not operated in the power and the authority that God had invested in me. Not only am I grieved, but I am also mad. I know in my heart that I will no longer let the enemy continue to mock the Body of Christ. Oh, how we as the people of God would rise up and wage war against Satan and the powers of darkness! God has given us everything we need. Isaiah 26:12 declares, Lord, thou wilt ordain peace for us: for thou also hast wrought all our works in us. We are complete in Him. All we have to do is step out in faith and do the works. As I recall, the Word of God states that Faith without works is dead.

    * * * * *

    Meanwhile, the meeting continued. Abortion took the floor to give his report. He walked up to the throne, shaking and afraid. Satan asked, How are the abortions going?

    Lord! said Abortion. We are not doing too well in that department. Abortion is at an all-time low.

    What! bellowed Satan. What happened? And it better be good or you will suffer!

    It was the saints, my lord. They were praying like never before, and there was nothing that I could do. You know how God is when His people pray. He will move heaven and hell!

    That is no excuse! You should have called in additional reinforcements! That should have never happened! Now every demon was shaking because when one failed, all will suffer! Satan vehemently spewed out.

    It was at that time that Death came forth and said, Master, we went another route. When we saw that the prayers of the saints got the victory in that area, Deception, Fear, and Panic worked on the minds of mothers and fathers. Therefore, by the time we finished with them, we had convinced many of them to hide their pregnancies so that at the time of delivery, I was there to make sure that the little ones died at the hands of their own parents.

    Death could see that he had the ear of Satan, so he continued. And that's not all, master, children are dying every day because the saints were stuck on abortion and did not realize that we had taken another route. We haven't stopped. Abortion may be down, but I promise you, my lord, the deaths of children and teens are at an all-time high.

    This report calmed the Prince of Darkness as he sank back into his throne. He sat quietly for a moment and then said, Do not be too hasty in destroying them all. Remember that we must continue to use them too. By the way, speaking of the teens, how is it going with them? Are they still being corrupted?

    At that moment, Corruption, Perversion, Rebellion, and the spirit of Dis (the Roman god of the underworld) came forth to have their report given. Corruption spoke on behalf of them all saying, Master, I am proud to say that my team and I have done an excellent job. We have planted many seeds of corruption. We have the minds of the youth, and we have nothing to worry about. It's a done deal. He continued to elaborate, I pulled out the secret weapon, and that opened the door for Perversion, Rebellion, and Discontentment to minister effectively—

    What, may I ask, was this secret weapon? interrupted the annoyed Prince of Darkness.

    The general called in the Master of Music. Now he had Satan's undivided attention. What we did, master, was play on the disappointment, anger, bitterness, discouragement, and hurt of the youth, stated the general. "Many of them have been raised without fathers, and you know how

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