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Jimmy Swaggart: the Anointed Cherub That Covereth: A Catholic Diatribe
Jimmy Swaggart: the Anointed Cherub That Covereth: A Catholic Diatribe
Jimmy Swaggart: the Anointed Cherub That Covereth: A Catholic Diatribe
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Jimmy Swaggart: the Anointed Cherub That Covereth: A Catholic Diatribe

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Within these pages is the reality of the attack mounted by Satan against ministries, nations and people. The subtleties are exposed and the reasons for the successful resulting destruction are identified. It is a book about a war few recognize we are in, even as it relates to only one particular battle. The tactics of the enemy take on new approaches but at the core they remain unchanged.
Release dateMar 16, 2010
Jimmy Swaggart: the Anointed Cherub That Covereth: A Catholic Diatribe

Patricia Ann Sunday

Patricia Ann Sunday was ordained into the Christian Ministry in 1995. In 1996 she incorporated Sunday Ministries in Baton Rouge, Louisiana as an outreach for healing and deliverance. Reverend Sunday is a native of Florida and is the author of several books. She is a Messianic Jewish (Hebraic Christian) believer in Yeshua/Jesus. The Prophet Nostradamus was a Messianic Jewish believer as well...and forced to become a Catholic by the Inquisition of his day or be beheaded. Although Nostradamus was of Jewish heritage, today’s Messianic Jewish believer does not have to be born a Jew but is one that believes that we should go ‘back to the fathers’ regarding Jesus/Yeshua’s teachings on the Lord’s Feast Days and when we believe Yeshua the Messiah already came once and is coming again we are grafted into Israel. We not only study Torah in order to better understand the foundation of our faith but also because the Lord commanded us to ‘keep His Feasts’ which are found in the Torah (the first five books of Moses). That command has been usurped by the Catholic Church and replaced by “Mary and Saints” Feast days just as they replaced the SABBATH day of SATURDAY with Sunday worship. In this book the author breaks down and unravels the revelation given by the Prophet Nostradamus through his pictures into an easily understood prophetic picture of the immediate future.

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    Jimmy Swaggart - Patricia Ann Sunday

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    Patricia Ann Sunday

    And every cherub had two faces

    Ezekiel 41:18

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    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    © 2011 Patricia Ann Sunday. All rights reserved.

    Ministry and Authorship d/b/a maiden name Sunday

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    This book is a true life testimony by the author.

    Original Copyright: January 2000

    Published by AuthorHouse 5/11/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4490-2099-6 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-4490-2098-9 (sc)

    Address correspondence or requests to:

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana

    Unless otherwise specified, all Bible references are taken from the Authorized King James Version. Author reserves the right to freely use capitalization for emphasis.

    This book is dedicated to bringing about the unity of the brethren by showing that we ALL need to examine ourselves before examining our brothers and sisters in Christ.

    Secondly, this book is dedicated to all my children and step-children whose lives have been changed and shaped by mine…and into the Lord’s hands must I commend them. He can shape them better than I.

    * * * * *




    And every cherub had two faces Ezekiel 41:13

    "One cherub on the one end and the other cherub

    on the other end." Exodus 25:19

    Rev. Sunday is available for speaking engagements upon request.

    Table of Contents














    "I see your works and I know them…know the heart from which they come…and you are not on fire for Me. You’re not cold, but neither are you hot. I’d rather you were hot or cold. Hot and I’m with you…in your heart. Cold and I can reach out to you…reveal Myself to you. But, you’re lukewarm. You are full of yourself and you’re convinced you are spiritually abundant. Your true state, however, is that you are blind and poor and naked and wretched and miserable. I can’t reach you where you are. I’m standing here knocking at the door of your heart, but you are so caught up in who you think you are that you don’t realize I am not with you any longer…self rule has shut Me out.

    If only you would buy of Me gold tried in the fire, white raiment to cover your nakedness that your lack of true spirituality which is your shame would not appear. Anoint your eyes with eye salve…clean them you can see, for in your blindness the great deception has come upon you. You say you are zealous for Me, but I see your heart and you do not know Me, neither will you sup with Me. Yea, though My name is on your lips, the door of your heart is closed to Me.

    When I would have had mercy, you demanded a price. Yea, even in the hour of the repentance which I called for from the fallen ones…yea, the hour in which they did cry out to Me for mercy…in that hour ye’ did declare the truth of your heart before Me in that ye’ had no mercy. Neither was there found in you any righteous judgment. For I have sent before you those who have been tried in the fire and their words have been My words and they wear the white raiment of My righteousness that of Me you might purchase fine gold after their example. But in your lukewarmness, you did reject them out of hand for they did expose your nakedness and your wretchedness and your lack.

    Now, therefore, because you have refused to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches and turned away the eye salve which I have offered to you to cleanse your sight…therefore shall it be that I shall vomit you out of My mouth…and even so has it been done for those who had no mercy where I declared mercy…neither have they repented of their doings.

    Yea, in your lukewarmness you have embraced the delusions which were promised to you that you might not find your way, for in your blindness you did follow, not discerning the voice of the Amen, the faithful and true witness. Neither have you wisdom from Me that you should try the spirits that you would know the way in which you should walk.

    For in this hour has the evil one sent forth those whom he has afflicted. Yea, into your midst has he sent them that before your eyes he will perform his signs and wonders, that he shall remove the affliction wherewith he afflicted them, for they are his. And in that hour shall ye’ declare that I have done it and welcome them into your midst to your own destruction because ye’ cannot see, neither can you hear. Even now has this been accomplished among those who have not heeded my cry these many days. For of the least of my people did I send unto them that they might humble themselves before Me, but they would not. Therefore, will I cause them to follow after him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power, and signs and lying wonders because they received not the love of the truth. Take heed, therefore, unto yourselves that ye’ should know Me by the power of My Spirit lest ye’ also should fall by the wayside before the hour of My return." Thus saith the Lord.

    (Given to Reverend LeRoy Miller for the last day churches in the year of Our Lord 2000)


    I watched the television screen while getting ready for what was sure to be one of our tiresome long drawn out nights at a school board meeting. The EVANGELIST, Jimmy Swaggart was pointing his finger at the screen preaching his heart out, unrelentingly naming names of other preachers and what they were doing wrong. In 1988 Jimmy Swaggart was acting as an accuser of the brethren. In heaven Satan was a master musician and he was called, the anointed cherub that covereth. The Lord has allowed me to see a striking similarity between this heavenly anointed cherub and this earthly anointed cherub (messenger) of God. Since Satan’s spirit fell in pride, he goes back and forth to heaven and is the accuser of the brethren…I yelled at the television. Preacher! You know you’re the ONLY one I see in the whole entire world really preaching the full gospel salvation message TO the entire world and telling the truth with power and anointing, but you are so full of PRIDE and ARROGANCE, God is going to bring you down.

    I was startled at my own anger and prophecy aimed at this man who was so righteous, yet so self-righteous. I wasn’t struck necessarily with what he was doing as much as the mannerism or method with which he did it. I marveled at the super anointing on this MAN, his MINISTRY, and his MUSIC and I was ANGRY at him for not seeing what I (and the rest of the world) could plainly see. Was he blind?

    I tucked this scene away in my mind, but it would revisit me countless times more. Almost ten years later to the very date (1998), I flipped on A Study in the Word, the daily radio teaching program from Jimmy Swaggart Headquarters. The JSM experts were teaching on the proper order of church government and everything they said was exactly right and pure Bible. It is not one of a ruling hierarchy, Jimmy warned. As usual, Jimmy was preaching to himself, but the mirror seemed to reflect only one way, that being outward. The face of the lion of Judah (God) was surely facing the other face of a natural man and indeed it was covering, not the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant containing the manna, but a multitudinous coven of hidden sins that had been boxed up and hidden under the tent. (Exodus 25:19 & 37:8).

    Cherubim are grown powerful angels. Angels in the Bible often refer to a human messenger, i.e. a preacher or prophet. Many of the Old Testament Prophets wrote in hidden analogy (dark sentences) or symbolism. Part of Genesis and all of Revelation are written in this manner. Cherubim are NOT babies as depicted in religious art however cute they are. Over the Ark of the Covenant guarding the Mercy Seat are two Cherubims. These are grown fiery guards such as those at the entrance of the Garden of Eden (the ones with the flaming swords that kept Adam and Eve from reentering.) One of these Cherubim has the face of a Lion and the other the face of a man. (Ezekiel 41:18). As Christians, I reflected, this is the case many times with ALL of us. We live with a Spiritual side (the lion) and we live with a human nature side (the face of a man). They face each other. God then has formed a communion above the Mercy Seat between Himself, the Lion of Judah and earthly man, and His name is Jesus. Without carefully examining our own sin nature daily and nailing it to the CROSS of Calvary where the Lion of Judah (Jesus Christ), was sacrificed so we could obtain the atonement without which we have no mercy and communion with God, we would not be living with the covering of the manna but the sin.

    On December 12, 1998, I finally slipped into bed at 3:30 in the morning after receiving and spending the previous day and evening extensively dissecting Barbara Nauer’s book, Jimmy Swaggart: Dead Man Rising. Barbara is a professing Catholic who obviously has a great love and respect for Brother Swaggart and feels he’s in for a comeback…and I agree with her on that point…but it will be a different kind of comeback than the world defines it. (It will be a comeback to the Spirit of God). She has thoroughly examined the inner workings of the ruling Swaggart family hierarchy in a way in which I could not have done.

    She has driven a stake through the very heart of the vampire and laid it out for the world to see. She has seen how something horribly diabolical, (which she could not identify), had taken place and how it had caused the behaviors of Jimmy, Frances, Donnie and others to have been altered. She was honestly bewildered as to this thing that caused this to all come about. She had missed something of greater significance…How Catholicism….those in the Catholic Church aligned against Swaggart’s teachings and perhaps even her very own involvement, may have helped fester one tentacle of the Leviathan serpent that had its suction cups firmly fastened on Jimmy Swaggart’s Ministry. Leviathan was a seven headed sea serpent that was OPPOSED TO GOD’S CREATED ORDER.

    I had just finished working on a book of my own; THE MASTERPIECE: NOSTRADAMUS, BRANHAM and the LITTLE BOOK, which deals with the study of end-time events and the eschatology of the Second Coming of the Lord. I had also long ago thought of writing a book of an insider’s view, as I saw things were transpiring at JSM (Jimmy Swaggart Ministry) and my involvement in them even before I personally met Barbara Nauer (through mutual friends) at the ministry. But I wanted to write only from a spiritual point of view and knew it was not time for me to write it. I felt there was more that needed to be told…but I didn’t know what it was. So I concluded that this particular subject was not anything I really wanted to deal with and something I should not get involved in. I even told her so at the time. The Lord was taking me in the direction of the above-mentioned book. I did realize that ultimately the underlying and true story of the bizarre happenings, which she brings out, would surface. The Lord only now, has silently guided and revealed to me the identity of the demonic sources which have had their hold on Swaggart’s ministry. They could not be or at least were not fully identified to me until Nauer’s book came out and the SECRET she held was before my face.

    Admittedly, Ms. Nauer is still a devout Catholic and still swears allegiance to the Catholic Church. Ms. Nauer felt that she answered God’s call to stand by her man Jimmy Swaggart. What an anomaly at best…She was drawn to fulfill a role as mediatrix, a bridge between Jimmy and the Catholic Church…a call to fence mending what she felt was a mistaken message railed out (by Satan’s arch enemy), surrounding the Catholic Church. She was extremely winded over Swaggart’s perception of Catholic doctrine, especially the Eucharist, but most particularly his views on the Virgin Mary. Nauer calls Jimmy Swaggart a heretic, albeit, in love. Of all things one might think of Jimmy Swaggart, this is one that is just NOT TRUE. To be a heretic in Protestant Christendom would mean that what one preaches or teaches does not line up with the Bible. I believe his basic Christian doctrine is PURE BIBLE. Although, in areas of eschatology, he has been blinded by more than 60 years of erroneous brainwashing and teaching by the Protestant branch of God’s church and primarily by the Pentecostal denominational beliefs. However, to Ms. Nauer and Catholic Church doctrine…he IS a heretic because he adamantly disagrees with the political vote decisions and Pope’s decrees because they DO NOT agree with the Bible. That’s WHY we are called Protestants. You can’t be a Protestant (one who protests against Catholic Church doctrine) and be a Catholic too. One cannot serve two masters…you love the one and hate the other. The Bible says you cannot serve God and man too. Most, not all, Catholic doctrine is man-made or devil-made.

    Nauer’s book is voluminous, and is directed at faults within the Swaggart Pentecostal camp. I do not necessarily defend Brother Swaggart for his actions or rather non action, nor do I defend any denomination. To me, Pentecost is not a denomination. Men have only made it so. This book is not to tell the detailed faults of the Swaggart ministry or my personal story even though to sound this message some of this must be told. I have tried to hold these parts to a minimum. Nor, do I intend to inflict personal harm to Brother Swaggart…nor Ms. Nauer. Nor do I hold any grudges for the past…with ANYONE. I do this work with complete forgiveness of EVERYONE. It is in God’s hands to bring judgment on anyone, but He always balances that judgment with prior longsuffering mercy. I do intend to speak truth concerning what the Lord has allowed me to see that has spiritually transpired at the ministry and how this closely ties together with those subjects Evangelist Swaggart preached to/against the Catholic Church.

    Evangelist Swaggart wrote a book which upset the Catholic community greatly in 1986, simply called Catholicism and Christianity …and even now continues to release this same book. What did Jimmy preach, teach and write that was so explosive? Why was it so important for Barbara Nauer to move from Illinois to come to this particular ministry? Was Swaggart way off base in his preaching or was his preaching Biblically based? Who and what is the heresy here? How does all this tie together with Jimmy’s two falls and other related ministry problems? What does the Eucharist represent? What was so wrong with the Virgin Mary? Why did Jimmy even bring up the subject of the Shroud of Turin…and try to prove it false? Why his flack about the Apocrypha? Hold on for a spiritual ride…the Lord is thoroughly purging His threshing floor and even the cup of the Amorites is about full.


    How I Got Here, From There

    I was on a flight to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I was going to attend a Southern Governor’s Conference on Education…a trip I had been requested to cover as a county school board member. It was considered a Republican gathering and as I was the only Republican on the Board, I was sent. I actually also had the dubious honor of being the only Republican woman ever to be elected to the Board in our county. I was delighted as this was to me, a freebie, to be able to visit the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries (JSM). I was excited and curious and ready to check out this Pentecostal television Evangelist wonderman for myself. I am a Bapti-costal, (former Baptist, now Pentecostal). So being Pentecostal (by denomination and baptism of the Holy Spirit), I had been watching what I considered the Pentecostal denominational representative with a lot of wonder. I wondered why he would dare point out names of particular preachers and tell secrets they entrusted to him; why he didn’t try to restore within the body. I wondered why he couldn’t preach on sin without naming the sinner. But then, I thought I would never meet the man and I had my own life and my own possible sins to watch out for. Never once did I have any feelings pro or con for

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