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Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living
Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living
Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living
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Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living

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About this ebook

Finding uninterrupted quiet time with God is the key to soaking in His Word—the first fruits to receiving a bounty of blessings.

In a collection of God-inspired devotionals years in the making, Carol Killgore, whose heart is deeply rooted in faith, family, and service, leans on her obedience to God’s calling to inspire spiritual growth, renewal, and transformative self-reflection while guiding believers to:

• Shift thoughts and routines from the familiar to His higher perspective;
• Love one another as He loves us;
• Step out of a “me-centered” life into the lives of others;
• Realize the benefit of being in community and not in isolation; and
• Slow down, making time to take time.

Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living shares divinely-inspired messages that serve as a beacon of hope to guide believers to embrace a life of faith, service and love.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateApr 19, 2024
Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living

Carol A. Killgore

Meet Carol Killgore, a first-time author hailing from Austin, Texas who has embarked on a profound journey into the world of Christian devotional writing with her debut work, Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living. With a heart deeply rooted in faith, family, and service, Carol brings a unique perspective shaped by her obedience to God’s calling. Her story began in March 2015 when two friends shared with her separately, a divine message they received from God, igniting her passion for writing over 100 devotions since that day. Through her obedience to His calling, Carol aspires to uplift readers by recognizing God’s glorious unfolding of His promises through the peaks and valleys in life’s ordinary moments. Whether it’s the warmth of sharing with loved ones, the act of serving others, or maneuvering through the hurdles presented by everyday living, these devotionals aim to inspire and enlighten. Carol and her husband, Steven, celebrate over 27 years of marriage. Throughout this time, Steven has been a faithful source of support and devoted provider, enriching the lives of both Carol and their daughter, Kacie. Beyond her writing endeavors, Carol works full-time at a fintech and marketing services company, in a role she believes God has placed her in for this season of life. Since 2007, Carol’s family has considered Austin Christian Fellowship (ACF) their church home—where they worship, serve others locally and abroad, and are involved in various levels of ministry. Being part of ACF has helped them grow in their faith and develop spiritually since attending. Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living represents a labor of love that has been years in the making. Carol has embraced this divine calling emboldened by the encouragement of family and friends, she now stands confident that the time has come to share these God-inspired devotionals, touching hearts and nurturing faith. Carol’s journey into the world of Christian devotionals is a testament to her faith and commitment to her calling to serve others through the written word. In Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living, readers can expect to find a source of inspiration and spiritual growth that resonates deeply with their everyday lives. Philippians 2:13 (NIV) for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose.

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    Lessons from the Heart - Carol A. Killgore

    Copyright © 2024 Carol A. Killgore.

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 4/18/2024

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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    God has orchestrated specific divine appointments in my life to reveal His will for me to begin my journey writing His devotionals, each woven into the pages of this book. In March 2015, I received calls from two dear friends within the span of a week. Karen B. urged me to say yes to God’s call and start penning devotionals for publication, while Laura N. echoed the same encouragement. In late 2023, a forwarded email from my close friend Claire B. proved to be the final confirmation, as she coincidentally came across an email in her inbox from WestBow Press.

    Initially, doubts clouded my mind—I questioned my abilities on writing, yet, it soon became clear that this was not a task I could accomplish of my own abilities. In moments of quiet reflection, words poured forth, inspired by the Holy Spirit. I am humbled and deeply honored that God would choose me as His vessel to craft these messages of encouragement.

    Years ago, my daughter was given an impression that after writing 100 devotionals, it was time to share them in a published book for all to see. Now, with the encouragement of those loved ones around me, I am answering God’s call by sharing these inspired devotionals in print (previously posted on social media for years), trusting they will touch your heart and deepen your faith.

    May every page of this book inspire, bless and draw you closer to His loving embrace.

    Philippians 2:13 (NIV)

    for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose.

    Be Purposeful!

    Carol A. Killgore


    Lord, first and foremost, thank You for blessing us with the vision of being others-centered. Your presence woven into each of our stories, carrying us to and through every chapter.

    Steven and Kacie, your generous understanding and support, allowing me time and space to pursue my writing have been instrumental in bringing this book to fruition.

    To my Garden Girls and Remember When girls, your encouragement and availability to let me bounce ideas off you, and being supportive through each season of life, I am so very grateful.

    Aunt Charlene, your kind words, and gentle nudges toward writing this book have been a source of inspiration.

    Shelby, your creative talents are such a gift. Thank you.

    I am immensely grateful for the support and encouragement of family and friends throughout this journey. Whether our connections stem from family bonds, work, church, community, or long-standing friendships, I am deeply grateful for being witness to your unfolding stories.

    With love and gratitude.


    Standing Out from the Crowd

    What’s Your Impression?

    Got a Full Plate?

    Thank Heaven for Little Girls and Boys

    Do You See It in the Clouds?

    Get a Move On

    Keeping It under Wraps

    Are We Living Abbreviated Lives?

    How Deep Are Our Roots?

    How Revealing

    Reflecting on the Heart

    Who Knew?

    Stirred Not Shaken

    Being a Human Resource

    We Are Not Deserted in the Desert

    Got Milk?

    The Power of a Name

    Would We Be Recognized by Our Fruit?

    Check Your Baggage at the Door

    Calling Our Lifelines

    The Attraction of Distraction

    Reflecting God’s Beauty

    Airing Our Dirty Laundry

    Service with a Smile

    The Panic Button

    Bursting Our Bubbles

    A Divine Appointment

    Digging up Roots Is Easier in Soft Soil

    Good Grief

    Get a Good Grip

    Work in Progress

    There’s No Time Like the Present

    Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?

    Home Improvement

    Riding out the Waves

    The Notion of Self-Promotion


    Standing Our Ground

    Gifted to Give

    Life in the Fast(ing) Lane

    Our Comforter

    Silence Is Golden

    A House Prepared

    Going the Distance

    Keep the Fire Burning

    Be a Storyteller

    Be Prepared

    Weakness Yields Strength

    The Way We Were

    Taking a Time Out

    At a Crossroads?

    Trimming the Fat

    It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts

    Let the Chips Fall Where They May

    Being a Yes Man

    Changing up Our Routines

    The Right Tool for the Right Job

    What If People from Third-World and Developing Countries Came On Missions to Our First-World Lives?

    In the Meantime

    In Whom Do We Trust?

    Ready, Set, Go

    Stay Tuned

    The Ripple Effect

    Worth The Wait

    When in Rome

    Do the Right Thing Because It’s the Right Thing to Do

    Waiting Our Turn

    Answering God’s Call

    When All Hell Breaks Loose

    Stepping Aside

    Rest Assured

    The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth

    Lost and Found

    Be the One

    Love Does

    Are We Fair-Weather Friends?

    Taking the High Road

    The Gift of Time

    Always Open

    Hide and Go Seek

    Be Me

    All Things New

    All’s Well That Ends Well

    Ready, Willing, and Able

    Come Down from There

    Being a Body Builder

    The End. In the Beginning

    The Price We Pay

    The Church Does the Body Good

    Running on Empty

    Getting out of Control

    Set in Stone

    Remember When? Remember Them

    From the Inside Out

    Turning over a New Leaf

    What in the World Is God Doing?

    Master Planned Community

    Passing the Baton

    Zooming In

    Just Add Water


    Do you look different from those around you? Do you rise to the occasion even if it goes against what others are doing? Do you dance to the beat of your own drum?

    We are called to be set apart.

    And to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. (Ephesians 4:24 NIV)

    Are we flying under the radar or rising above all the noise? Are we making a difference in the lives around us or just checking off the boxes? Are we being lights in our neighborhoods, speaking out, and stepping up, or just showing up and blending in?

    Smoke rises, but a fire is started by a spark. That spark must be fanned to ignite into a flame. That spark is the Holy Spirit within us, and our obedience turns it into a flame—a flame that encourages, that looks different, and that says yes to what is hard, inconvenient, and uncomfortable.

    We can stand out from the crowd in the areas God has entrusted to us: where we live, serve, and love. We can rise above the noise to point others to Jesus and encourage them in their walks.

    Lord, because You have given us spirits of power, love, and self-discipline, we are not ashamed of You. You set us apart to look different and call us to live lives that honor You. Thank You for the Holy Spirit, that spark within us that moves us forward always. We pray this in Jesus’s name.


    What impression do we leave when we are around other people? The word is usually preceded by an adjective: general impression, good impression, bad impression, lasting impression. Are we inclusive of others? Do we look them in the eyes when speaking with them? Are our conversations God-honoring? These certainly are contributing factors.

    As we travel farther down that narrow path, our lives should look more like Jesus. When we look more like Jesus, we begin to make lasting impressions on others as God’s love flows from us.

    They couldn’t take their eyes off them—Peter and John standing there so confident, so sure of themselves! Their fascination deepened when they realized these two were laymen with no training in Scripture or formal education. They recognized them as companions of Jesus. (Acts 4:13 MSG)

    In this verse, the crowd saw Peter and John (just two normal guys) as disciples of Jesus by the way they handled themselves. They made a great first impression, so much so that people could not take their eyes off them.

    Imagine if people could not take their eyes off us, wondered what we have that looks different, and were fascinated to the point of having a lasting impression. Wow! We could say they saw Jesus in us, and that would be life well-lived.

    Holy Spirit, help us to walk the walk and talk the talk that only honors You. We pray our words to be wholesome (not gossip) and our actions to be edifying (not critical). We pray for the knowledge we cannot do this alone. Thank You for Your grace when we fail. You are our constant, our true north. We pray this in Jesus’s name.


    Monday to Friday scenarios could include attending early morning meetings; going to veterinarian appointments; volunteering in the school, church, or neighborhood; having lunch with friends; going to a dental appointment; picking kids up from school; running home to change for activities (e.g., dance, soccer, basketball, piano); doing homework; taking showers; deciding what’s for dinner; putting kids to bed; tidying the house; preparing backpacks for the next day; emptying the dishwasher; or checking in with our spouses.

    Weekend scenarios could include soccer, basketball, football games, yard work, or kids’ birthday parties.

    Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), making the very most

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