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The Belly Burn Plan: Six Weeks to a Lean, Fit & Healthy Body
The Belly Burn Plan: Six Weeks to a Lean, Fit & Healthy Body
The Belly Burn Plan: Six Weeks to a Lean, Fit & Healthy Body
Ebook461 pages3 hours

The Belly Burn Plan: Six Weeks to a Lean, Fit & Healthy Body

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About this ebook

Say goodbye to belly fat and  hello to a lean, healthy body—in just six weeks!

Muffin tops, love handles, and pot bellies have finally met their match with The Belly Burn Plan, an easy-to-follow diet and exercise program that will help you shed belly fat fast and for good in just three steps:

3-Day Cleanse: Give your body the kick start it needs by reducing inflammation and clearing out toxins that are clogging up pathways in your liver, arteries, and other parts of your body.

Eat Right for Your Body Type: Are you an Apple, Pear, Inverted Pyramid, or Hourglass? The answer may surprise you. Discover the best foods for your metabolism and learn how to lose weight naturally with weekly meal plans and 65 quick and easy recipes.

Get Moving: Transform your body with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts you can do anywhere at any time, whether you’re at a beginner, intermediate, or advanced fitness level.

Linked to heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, belly fat isn’t just unsightly, it can be dangerous to your health. You have the power to change not only the way you look, but also the way you feel. The Belly Burn Plan is filled with all the guidance, tools, and inspiration you need to make the lifestyle changes that will have a lasting impression on your body and overall health.

Release dateDec 29, 2015
The Belly Burn Plan: Six Weeks to a Lean, Fit & Healthy Body

Traci D. Mitchell

Traci D. Mitchell is a nationally recognized fitness, nutrition, and weight loss expert who has been featured on numerous news programs, publications, and radio shows, including the LA Times and The Steve Harvey Show. A certified personal trainer and metabolic typing adviser, Traci has been changing the lives of others for fifteen years. She lives in Chicago. 

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    Book preview

    The Belly Burn Plan - Traci D. Mitchell


    Welcome to The Belly Burn Plan!

    No one gets out of bed in the morning and says, Today I’m going to eat a bunch of junk that will make me feel horrible, throw off my hormones and add a little extra fat around my belly area. Then after I’m done demolishing my diet, I’m going to sit around all day and do nothing helpful to get my body moving. We just don’t think like this. In fact, I’d argue the opposite is true! We’re highly motivated to eat right and we want to move more, but millions of us do exactly the opposite, oftentimes without even knowing it.

    Misinformation runs rampant about what we should and shouldn’t eat. Sometimes the worst food offenders are disguised with labels touted as healthy or good for you. Indeed, most food in your local grocery store isn’t actually food at all. It’s a combination of different ingredients, frequently made in a lab, mixed together to look, smell and taste a certain way. Food products are designed to entice you in hopes you’ll buy, eat and come back for more with no pause for your body’s well-being in mind.

    I’m happy to tell you that you can take control and get your body back on track. The Belly Burn Plan will help you lose weight in a controlled and sustained way that will not only have you looking better but feeling better, too! I’d like you to start with a clean slate, ignoring all the mixed messages you’ve heard about diets. I’d also like you to put your trust in me when it comes to exercise, another valuable component of The Belly Burn Plan. Stop all of your slow cardio workouts and push your body with the interval-style workouts in the pages that follow. In a few short weeks, your body will reap incredible benefits.

    Very soon, you’ll meet Jenny. She’s a mom with a couple of school-age children. She loves her family very much, but most days she’s ready to pull her hair out trying to find balance between her daily responsibilities and her own personal needs. She’s gained quite a bit of weight in recent years, is often sick and can’t seem to find the energy that she once had. Throughout most of the book, you’ll follow along with Jenny and the changes she makes in her life to regain her health and lose weight.

    Belly fat has the potential to affect anyone—men and women, young and old. Unlike fat stored elsewhere throughout the body, belly fat is by far the most detrimental to our health. Fortunately, there is a lot we can do to manage out-of-control belly fat. Following a healthy diet and exercise plan, while eliminating processed foods, can make a profound impact almost immediately.

    The Belly Burn Plan is a Lifestyle

    Before you embark on The Belly Burn Plan, it’s important you understand a couple of things: this program is not a diet and it’s not a lose weight quick program. You won’t starve yourself and you won’t work out seven days a week, either. Rather, it’s a lifestyle that will get you to eat the right foods for your body and exercise in a way that will help you lose weight at a controlled rate.

    When you stick with the full six-week program, you can expect to lose what other Belly Burners have already lost, usually anywhere from 10 to 18 pounds. If you don’t think that sounds like a lot, I like to tell people to go to the store and pick up a gallon or two of water, then carry them around all day. Two gallons of water weigh about 16 pounds. I don’t know about you, but I think hauling around that much extra weight is hard work!

    The great thing about The Belly Burn Plan is that you’ll lose fat, not muscle. Your metabolism will be more efficient and you’ll have more energy than you had before starting the program!

    The Key to Lasting Weight Loss

    A big part of losing weight and keeping it off is understanding how your body gained weight in the first place. Processed foods, crazy diets, excessive stress and not getting enough activity are all to blame. Since no two people eat exactly the same, experience the same type of stress, or exercise the same, The Belly Burn Plan includes plans based on your individual body type. There are four individual mini-programs developed based on where your body tends to accumulate fat. Coming up you’ll read more about the four types: the Apple, the Pear, the Inverted Pyramid and the Hourglass. While each of these body types will follow the same general principles of eating clean, nutritious meals, the macronutrients, or the amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat, will differ slightly.

    Clean, Healthy, Simple Recipes

    Spending time in the kitchen preparing the recipes from The Belly Burn Plan will be one of the most rewarding things you’ll do through this program. If you’re concerned about time or not having enough kitchen savvy, don’t worry! Each of the recipes was developed to be simple, clean and healthy. In fact, many of the ingredients are probably sitting in your pantry right now, and those that aren’t are easy enough to find. Prepare to blow your taste buds away as you shrink your waistline.

    Integrating Exercise

    Over the six weeks of The Belly Burn Plan you’ll tackle twenty-two body-changing workouts. That’s three to four a week—and most importantly, the workouts are short and extremely effective. What would normally take you hours to achieve in the gym can be done anywhere in much less time.

    Getting Smart About Stress

    Eating right and exercising are great, but if your life is full of stress, you’re not as healthy as you could be. Stress levels, sleep and time management all play a role in your body’s ability to lose unwanted inches. The lifestyle section of The Belly Burn Plan gives you the tools you can use to create balance and reduce stress.

    The Belly Burn Plan is your roadmap to a healthy, happy body. It’s up to you to turn the ignition on and get moving. Let’s go!

    Part I: The Belly Burn Plan Principles

    I am so thrilled with the inches off my waist. I went from 45 inches to 38 inches.

    —LINDA N., AGE 58

    "The Belly Burn Plan is amazing! The weight fell off, and I didn’t feel deprived. I also felt that the plan was sustainable and habit-forming, so I am able to continue it. I wasn’t bloated; I didn’t need to nap; I slept well—all added beneficial surprises."

    —KELLY C., AGE 32


    The Making of the Muffin Top:

    Belly Fat, Food and Your Hormones

    "I was amazed at the results I saw in such a short time with The Belly Burn Plan! In six weeks, I lost 17 pounds, and a significant amount of belly fat. My whole life I have been uncomfortable with my tummy, and for the first time I was given food and exercise instruction that specifically targeted this problem area."


    Fresh from her morning run, Jenny kicked off her running shoes and hopped on the scale, hoping to see a smaller number bounce back at her. Then it appeared: 160 pounds. Her five-foot-four-inch frame still weighed the same as it had a day earlier. Jenny’s frustration over her weight nearly brought her to tears. She was thirty-seven years old and more than 20 pounds overweight.

    Absolutely deflated, Jenny headed downstairs, tugging at her snug-fitting T-shirt. Her two kids were already dressed and asking for breakfast, and her husband was rushing out to work. She opened the refrigerator for a gallon of skim milk, filled a couple of cereal bowls for the kids and poured herself a cup of coffee—adding a carefully measured ounce of milk. Both kids needed to be at school in thirty minutes, so Jenny just grabbed a container of organic strawberry yogurt for herself. She had a busy day ahead.

    After dropping off the kids, Jenny returned home and poured herself a second cup of coffee. She set to work doing the laundry and checking email, noshing on the open box of cereal along the way. A part-time accountant, she focused on finishing a few job-related tasks, and carefully made a turkey sandwich for lunch, with mustard and a little lettuce—no butter or cheese. She popped a cereal bar into her purse before heading to transfer the kids from school to soccer practice, and headed to the grocery store. Always calorie conscious, Jenny filled her cart with lots of fruit, some vegetables, low-fat yogurts, sandwich bread, deli meats, snacks for the kids’ lunches, prepackaged egg whites, a package of low-fat cookies, some granola bars and a few staples for dinner.

    Back on the sidelines of the field just in time for the game, Jenny felt her stomach rumble and reached into her purse for the cereal bar—a quick fix. She and a friend talked about their frustration with slow, but steady, weight gain. Both in their midthirties, they chalked it up to an inevitable slowing metabolism.

    It was after 6:00 p.m. when Jenny and the kids walked into the house again, famished. She filled a big bowl with pretzels to tide them over until dinner. Around that time, her husband walked through the door from work and offered to go to the corner restaurant to grab a pizza and salad for the family. Even though she had just gone to the store, Jenny had no plan for what to make. Pizza and salad sounded like a quick and easy solution, so she jumped at the suggestion.

    At the dinner table, Jenny filled her plate with salad first, drizzling fat-free dressing over the top. After she finished her salad, she cautiously ate two slices of pizza, carefully blotting off any excess grease on top. When dinner was over, Jenny cleaned the kitchen and folded laundry while her husband helped the kids with their homework. By the time the kids went to bed at 9:00 p.m., she was exhausted. With a little bit of downtime, Jenny had a glass of wine and a couple of low-fat cookies she had been craving since dinner ended. She watched some TV with her husband, and got ready for bed at 10:30 p.m. Setting her alarm for 5:00 a.m., Jenny put her head to the pillow by 11:00 p.m., ready to do it all over again the next day.

    If any part of Jenny’s day sounds like yours, you are not alone. Not that long ago my life was filled with harried days of disorganization, eating the wrong foods and not exercising right. And I’m a personal trainer and nutrition educator! I pushed my body to a breaking point until one day I became very sick with an autoimmune infection called necrotizing fasciitis. I thought I was eating right—my kitchen was loaded with low-fat this and diet that—but I wasn’t getting nearly the amount of nutrients my body needed to keep me strong and healthy. I spent countless hours in the gym each and every day, busying myself by monitoring my fat burning zone, yet never really seeing a big shift in body fat.

    It took multiple surgeries and weeks in the hospital for me to realize that maybe I was doing something wrong. I began looking at life through a completely different lens after my illness. Without much hesitation, I tossed out everything that didn’t nourish my body and replaced it with foods that helped heal me from the inside out. My workouts changed, too! I was no longer exercising for weight loss; I was exercising to be fit and strong. The result was a healthy, energized body that worked like a fine-tuned machine.

    It was my personal experience and the results I saw in clients after sharing the diet and exercise tools I had created that inspired me to create The Belly Burn Plan. The pages you’re about to read are filled with information that will help your body get rid of toxins, mobilize stagnant fat and live a life that’s filled with energy.

    Managing work, family and financial responsibilities, and keeping everything balanced, can seem daunting. Oftentimes, the most important responsibility—our health—is left in the dust. Like most people with extra weight to lose, Jenny is concerned and doing what she thinks is right to get healthier. She eats foods that are designated healthy options, tries to control her portions and exercises every day. In fact, this is what most people do when they notice the scale starts nudging upward and clothes start fitting a little too snug. The knee-jerk reaction is to cut back on fat or calories and start firing up the metabolism with added exercise.

    So why is it so hard to maintain our weight? Unfortunately, these habits are exactly what are holding us back from maintaining our ideal weight. In fact, the one-two combo of an overly processed diet and too much low-to-moderate exercise is a barrier to weight loss—particularly through the belly area.

    Everything you do, including how you sleep, manage stress and eat has a profound and lasting effect on your body via chemical messengers called hormones. Hormones control moods, cravings, body temperature, hair growth, muscle development and even where your body decides to store fat. Controlled by your body’s endocrine system, hormones are circulated through the blood, increasing and decreasing levels in response to the way we move, what we eat and how we manage stress.

    Today more than two-thirds of the United States’ population is overweight. We don’t move as much as we should, we eat far too many processed foods and our bodies are forced to cope with illnesses, such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, inflammation and cancer earlier in life than ever before. By making a few small lifestyle changes, we can take back control of our bodies.

    The foods we eat have the ability to make or break our bodies. It’s as simple as that. Food can either nourish our bodies, providing energy and protection, or deplete our bodies, denying us precious nutrients and blocking the absorption of minerals. Foods that deplete our bodies are processed and commonly loaded with sugar, refined flours and other ingredients that have no place in our systems. As a result, our bodies revolt, throwing up red flags and sending the troops into attack. Unfortunately, the battleground is our bodies. In the end, we pay the price by surrendering our health.

    A great many foods can keep our bodies healthy. These nourishing foods are unrefined, found in nature and don’t come from a box that can sit on a shelf for months without going bad. Healthy foods aren’t hard to find, we just have to get in the habit of eating them more often than their processed counterparts. These foods not only help fight disease, but also help to optimize weight, boost energy, improve mood and enhance sleep. The foods we eat have a direct effect on hormones in our bodies. Hormones constantly have their ears to the ground when it comes to what your body is saying. After you go to sleep, your hormones send signals to lower your body temperature and relax your body. When your stomach is empty, your hormones send signals that it’s time to eat. When you’re in danger, hormones make it possible for you to run to safety faster than you’ve ever moved before!

    Hormones are your friends and exist to help you. They’re constantly talking to you, letting you know when it’s time to eat, sleep, wake up, throw on a sweater and even smile when you think a happy thought.

    In all, there are over fifty hormones flowing through your body at any given time. Hormones increase and decrease throughout your life. In a perfectly healthy body, hormones do a pretty good job sitting in balance with one another.

    Hormones are also forgiving. They give you lots of second chances to make up for eating too much sugar, not getting enough sleep, getting too stressed at work and even not getting enough exercise. But when our bodies bear the burden of increased stress, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and age, sooner or later, hormones reach a point of exhaustion. All the bad habits start to pile up, making it increasingly difficult for hormones to deal with anything.

    After years of bad habits, sometimes less, your body’s hormones may start to show signs of imbalance. Wrinkles start appearing faster, wounds don’t heal as quickly, moods swing from day-to-day and weight starts accumulating through the midsection, all telltale signs of hormone dysfunction. Eventually, more serious conditions may arise, including diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

    All those bad habits you have been meaning to shake for years are not so innocuous after all. Burning the candle at both ends, not exercising right, eating too much unhealthy food and excessive alcohol can have a disastrous effect on your overall health.

    In the following chapters, you’ll learn how Jenny’s life is impacting not just her weight, but her health, too. If you also struggle with weight, a lack of energy and too little sleep, it’s not too late to have a good relationship with your hormones again. Happy hormones lead to a happy, healthy body.

    Hormones You Need to Know

    Of the dozens of hormones in your body, there are seven that you should know and understand. Insulin, cortisol, leptin, grhelin, estrogen, progesterone and human growth hormone all help to maintain a healthy metabolism, greatly impacting energy and body fat. When you gain weight, lose weight, feel unusually cranky, can’t sleep or constantly feel hungry throughout the day, it’s highly likely that one or more of these hormones are not in balance. It’s not really the hormones’ fault, though. Actually, it’s yours. When hormones are out of balance, something has been done to throw them off-kilter. Perhaps it was a high sugar meal, a few too many cups of coffee, not enough healthy fat, too much or too little activity, or emotional stress.

    Let’s take a closer look at these important hormones, the work they do in your body, how they are interconnected, and what happens when they are out of balance.


    How it works

    Insulin’s job is to ensure that blood sugar makes its way into the cells of your body, giving you a steady and flowing amount of energy throughout the day. After you eat, your liver helps to break down food into glucose, or energy your body can use. Your pancreas produces and releases insulin to help keep that energy moving by sending glucose where it needs to go. For instance, a balanced, unrefined meal will break down into a manageable amount of sugar your body can use for energy. Insulin comes along, sponges up the sugar and moves it along, getting it to where it is needed.

    When it’s out of balance

    When insulin is out of whack, you’ll know very quickly that something isn’t right. Shortly after eating something with too much sugar, too much refined or starchy carbohydrates . . . or after eating too much food in general, your pancreas compensates by releasing more insulin than it would have if you ate something healthier or balanced. Under normal circumstances, insulin is released and sugar is removed from your blood. But when you eat a less-than-perfect meal or snack, such as a sugary soda, crackers or a donut, the additional insulin released can cause blood sugar levels to come down too rapidly, causing shakiness, fatigue or even hunger—even though you may have eaten only a short time earlier.

    This blood sugar roller coaster is incredibly common among people who start their day off with a low-fat or fat-free breakfast of sugary cereal and skim milk, fruit-flavored yogurt or low-calorie breakfast bars. Those food choices may appear to be a healthy option at face value, but filled with refined carbohydrates and lacking the protein or fat that would otherwise buffer the breakdown of sugar in your body, the only signal your body gets when you consume these choices is to respond by releasing more insulin.

    How your body reacts

    Short term: As long as you’re healthy, your body can handle a few of these insulin jolts that throw your appetite off its game. Consider yourself warned, though. Every time your body releases too much insulin, there is a good chance you’re storing fat. The hard truth is all those low-fat foods promising weight loss and a leaner waistline are actually helping fan the flames of weight gain by throwing insulin into a tailspin.

    Long term: When you stop listening to your body and continue eating too much food, sugar or carbohydrates, insulin sort of throws up its arms and says, Okay, have it your way, resulting in a condition called insulin resistance. As the extra sugar sits in your blood, more insulin than normal is released to do its job of collection and transportation to the muscle cells. This is when insulin runs into a problem. Insulin knocks on the door of the muscle cell receptors, like it always has. This time, the cell receptors say, No way! We can’t let all of you in. There are too many of you. As a result, insulin turns away with much of the sugar it collected and just sits there. While insulin still works to maintain fairly low levels of the sugar in your blood it can control, the cell receptors become resistant to the overall abundance of insulin and much of its passenger sugars.

    Insulin resistance doesn’t just happen overnight. Usually found in people who eat too many refined carbohydrates or foods with too much sugar, insulin resistance almost always goes hand-in-hand with weight gain. Even though it’s fat-free, excessive sugar is devastating on our health and our waistlines. It creates a double whammy on how our bodies operate on the inside and look on the outside. But the effects of too much sugar don’t stop there.

    Eventually, all the extra sugar sitting in your blood accumulates, resulting in prediabetes, a condition that is estimated to

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