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Multi-unit Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Multi-unit Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Multi-unit Probabilistic Safety Assessment
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Multi-unit Probabilistic Safety Assessment


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The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant underlined the need to assess the nuclear safety of multi-unit sites considering the accident sequences involving more than one reactor units on site. The objective of this Safety Report is to provide a methodology for the development of a Multi-unit Probabilistic Safety Assessment (MUPSA). It provides practical examples and an overview of the actual state of practice in this area. The publication provides a detailed description of Level 1 MUPSA methodology, the principles of development of Level 2 MUPSA models and the path forward for multi-unit consequence analysis (Level 3 MUPSA). In addition, it summarizes the experience available in Member States in the area of MUPSA. The scope of this Safety Report includes consideration of various hazards and plant operational states normally considered in PSA development in the multi-unit context.
Release dateOct 19, 2023
Multi-unit Probabilistic Safety Assessment

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    Multi-unit Probabilistic Safety Assessment - IAEA






    VIENNA, 2023


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    IAEA Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

    Names: International Atomic Energy Agency.

    Title: Multi-unit probabilistic safety assessment / International Atomic Energy Agency.

    Description: Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2023. | Series: IAEA safety reports series, ISSN 1020–6450 ; no. 110 | Includes bibliographical references.

    Identifiers: IAEAL 22-01585 | ISBN 978–92–0–119222–6 (paperback : alk. paper) | ISBN 978–92–0–119322–3 (pdf) | ISBN 978–92–0–119422–0 (epub)

    Subjects: LCSH: Nuclear power plants — Safety measures. | Nuclear power plants — Risk assessment. | Industrial safety.

    Classification: UDC 621.039.58 | STI/PUB/1974


    The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan caused by the seismically induced tsunami of 11 March 2011 involved core damage and radioactive release from three units and challenged the capability to maintain safety functions on additional units at the nuclear power plant and at other sites. The consequences and impact of the emergency for people and the environment underlined the need to assess the nuclear safety of multiunit sites against potential internal and external hazards and combinations thereof. The safety assessment of a single-unit site against internal and external hazards has been the focus of many methodology publications and standards. Prior to this accident, there were several known accident precursors that had highlighted the potential for multiple reactor accidents. The assessment of a multiunit site against multiple concurrent and correlated hazards has generally not received much attention in previous publications employing probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) methodology and has not been the subject of extensive studies by the nuclear industry or regulatory bodies.

    IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-3, Development and Application of Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants, published in 2010, provides general guidance for a Level 1 PSA and its application. However, it does not explicitly cover aspects of multiunit risk assessment. Currently, SSG-3 is being revised to address PSA considerations for multiunit sites. IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 96, Technical Approach to Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Multiple Reactor Units, published in 2019, summarizes the historical background of multiunit PSA (MUPSA) and offers insights from the review of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and previous accident precursors, as well as providing a high level technical approach for identifying and assessing both internal and external event MUPSAs.

    This publication provides technical details for analysing site specific internal and external hazards and the overall site risk. It presents a detailed methodology for developing a MUPSA model that has been tested via case study. The approach assumes that the licensee has performed a PSA for each unique reactor unit on the site to develop a MUPSA.

    This safety report complements the IAEA safety standards, providing a technical basis for analysing the potential internal events and internal and external hazards, including combinations thereof, to be considered in a MUPSA.

    The IAEA would like to thank the many PSA experts who participated in the consultancy and technical meetings for their valuable contributions to this publication, in particular D. Henneke (United States of America), P. Amico (United States of America), K. Fleming (United States of America), P. Hlaváč (Slovakia), A. Maioli (United States of America), P. Boneham (United Kingdom), D. Kim (Republic of Korea), H. Jeon (Republic of Korea), W. S. Jung (Republic of Korea) and M. Jae (Republic of Korea).

    The IAEA officers responsible for this publication were O. Coman and S. Poghosyan of the Division of Nuclear Installation Safety.


    Although great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of information contained in this publication, neither the IAEA nor its Member States assume any responsibility for consequences which may arise from its use.

    This publication does not address questions of responsibility, legal or otherwise, for acts or omissions on the part of any person.

    Guidance provided here, describing good practices, represents expert opinion but does not constitute recommendations made on the basis of a consensus of Member States.

    The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries.

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    The IAEA has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third party Internet web sites referred to in this book and does not guarantee that any content on such web sites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

    The authoritative versions of the publications are the hard copies issued and available as PDFs on create the versions for e-readers, certain changes have been made, including the movement of some figures and tables.



    1.1. Background

    1.2. Objective

    1.3. Scope

    1.4. Structure


    2.1. Limitations and challenges

    2.2. Overview of available experience

    2.3. Risk metrics

    2.4. Iaea/nsni project on mupsa



    4.1. Level 1 mupsa scope and risk metrics selection

    4.2. Review and refinement of level 1 supsa model

    4.3. Ie analysis for multi-unit context

    4.4. Level 1 mupsa logic model development

    4.5. Level 1 mupsa model integration and quantification

    4.6. Analysis and interpretation of the level 1 mupsa results

    4.7. Documentation of the results


    5.1. Level 2 mupsa scope and risk metrics selection

    5.2. Review and refinement of level 2 supsa model

    5.3. Ie analysis for mu impacts

    5.4. Level 2 mupsa logic model development

    5.5. Level 2 mupsa model integration and quantification

    5.6. Documentation of level 2 mupsa results

    5.7. Level 3 mupsa


    6.1. Complexity and size of mupsa model

    6.2. Small modular and advanced reactors

    6.3. CCF analysis

    6.4. MU HRA issues

    6.5. Level 2 MUPSA factors

    6.6. Multiple pos















    The use of probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) in supporting safety related decision making for nuclear power plants (NPPs) is most often based on the analysis of a single reactor unit; however, most operating NPPs have more than one reactor unit. According to the IAEA’s Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) database, 139 out of 191 NPP sites are multi-unit (MU)¹ sites. Safety analyses and PSA are usually confined to a single unit (SU) with the assumption that other co-located units are safe, although some aspects of the dependency of the structures, systems and components (SSCs) of the analysed unit on co-located units are normally considered; therefore, the potential for accident sequences involving two or more reactor units, such as what occurred during the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP, is not considered.

    The PSA and safety analysis community have been aware of the potential for MU accidents for more than three decades, and this evidence is summarized in IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 96, Technical Approach to Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Multiple Reactor Units [1]. However, the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP in 2011 reinforced the possibility of MU accidents, especially as a result of external hazards or a combination thereof. Section 2 of Ref. [1] provides a detailed discussion of the history of multi-unit probabilistic safety assessment (MUPSA), and of the lessons learned from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP and from the accident precursors that preceded it, with a focus on the MU risk and MUPSA. This background is not repeated here, other than to provide a reminder that the importance of MUPSA development has been known for many years but was brought to the forefront only as a result of this accident.

    Determining the risk insights for MU sites using PSA requires explicitly addressing the interactions and dependencies among the units (both with positive and negative safety impacts) in a systematic and complete manner, including a delineation of SU and MU accident sequences. The MUPSA considers whether accident progression in one unit could induce or exacerbate events in other units in terms of preventing or mitigating multiple core damage events.

    Determining the risk for an MU site is highly dependent on the scope, resolution and level of detail used for the supporting single-unit probabilistic safety assessment (SUPSA). This report focuses on the specific aspects of a MUPSA and on an explicit modelling approach. Alternative approaches that cover a large spectrum of SUPSA conditions are discussed in the annexes.

    1.1. Background

    Since 2012, the IAEA has initiated a number of activities intended to develop a framework and methods for the safety assessment of MU sites under the impact of multiple hazards. The following publications were developed as a result of those efforts:

    — IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 96 , Technical Approach to Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Multiple Reactor Units [ 1 ], covering the technical approach for Level 1 to Level 3 MUPSA;

    — IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 92 , Consideration of External Hazards in Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Single Unit and Multi-unit Nuclear Power Plants [ 2 ];

    — IAEA-TECDOC- 1804 , Attributes of Full Scope Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for Applications in Nuclear Power Plants [ 3 ].

    In response to requests from Member States, in December 2016 the IAEA launched a new MUPSA project implemented by IAEA’s Division of Nuclear Installation Safety (hereafter referred to as the MUPSA project). The project was supported by the technical basis developed in Refs [1, 3] and ongoing IAEA activities on risk aggregation [4] and supplemented by a state of the art review on MUPSA conducted by the IAEA [5].

    The motivation for the MUPSA project was to develop a technical basis for providing guidance to meet the following safety requirements:

    — Paragraph 5 . 15 B of IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSR- 2 / 1 (Rev.  1 ), Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Design [ 6 ], states: For multiple unit plant sites, the design shall take due account of the potential for specific hazards to give rise to impacts on several or even all units on the site simultaneously.

    — Paragraph 4 . 36 A of IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 4 (Rev.  1 ), Safety Assessment for Facilities and Activities [ 7 ], states: For sites with multiple facilities or multiple activities, account shall be taken in the safety assessment of the effects of external events on all facilities and activities, including the possibility of concurrent events affecting different facilities and activities, and of the potential hazards presented by each facility or activity to the others.

    — Paragraph 6 . 11 of IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 7 , Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency [ 8 ], states: For a site where multiple facilities in category I or II are collocated, an appropriate number of suitably qualified personnel shall be available to manage an emergency response at all facilities if each of the facilities is under emergency conditions simultaneously.

    IAEA resolution GC(62)/RES/6 [9], operative paragraph 58, states that the IAEA General Conference [e]ncourages Member States that have not already done so to perform safety assessments, including at multi-unit sites, to evaluate the robustness of nuclear power plants and other installations against multiple extreme events, and share their experience and the results of such assessments with other interested Member States. In addition, IAEA resolution GC(61)/‍RES/8 [10], operative paragraph 60, states that the IAEA General Conference [r]equests the Secretariat to continue efforts to develop guidance on the safety of multi-unit sites.

    The MUPSA project provides practical details on how to implement MUPSA. For pragmatic reasons, it is mainly focused on Level 1 MUPSA. The MUPSA project was implemented in three phases:

    — Phase I — develop a document providing a methodology for the implementation of MUPSA, with practical PSA modelling guidance that complements the high level technical approach to MUPSA detailed in IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 96 , Technical Approach to Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Multiple Reactor Units [ 1 ];

    — Phase II — develop a case study following the methodology developed in Phase I [ 11 ];

    — Phase III — improve the methodology based on the lessons learned from the case study developed in Phase II and integrate the improved methodology and the case study into a single document (this safety report).

    The Phase II case study was an essential part of the MUPSA project, intended to complete the efforts implemented in the project’s Phase I and to support the finalization of the project in Phase III.

    In addition, aspects related to risk aggregation in the MU context are covered in the IAEA project on Development of a Methodology for Aggregation of Various Risk Contributors for Nuclear Facilities [4], which is completed and was used to support the MUPSA project.

    The above mentioned references provide high level guidance for performing a MUPSA, practical guidance on modelling details and the results of a case study applying the MUPSA methodology. This safety report presents an improved detailed methodology on the basis of the feedback from the case study and is the outcome of the MUPSA project.

    1.2. Objective

    The main objective of this publication is to present approaches for conducting a MUPSA for a new or existing NPP. The publication provides updated information on different aspects relating to estimating the MU risk, evaluating initiating events (IEs) induced by internal and external event hazards and evaluating factors affecting MU risk.

    This publication is intended for use by operating organizations, designers, PSA practitioners, regulatory bodies and researchers. It provides a technical basis for MUPSA, in accordance with the IAEA safety standards. It can be used to develop guidelines for conducting MUPSA in relation to internal and external events.

    Guidance provided here, describing good practices, represents expert opinion but does not constitute recommendations made on the basis of a consensus of Member States.

    1.3. Scope

    The scope of this publication covers the major tasks of MUPSA development. It describes the general MUPSA approach as well as the details of the MUPSA case study implemented within the MUPSA project. The publication provides a detailed description of Level 1 MUPSA methodology and experiences available in Member States. In addition, it outlines the principles of development of the Level 2 MUPSA model and the path forward for MU consequence analysis (e.g. Level 3 MUPSA).

    The scope of this safety report addresses the consideration of various hazards and plant operational states (POSs) normally considered in PSA development in the MU context. It also covers the integration of SUPSA with MUPSA results to obtain the complete risk profile for the site (see discussion in Section 4.5.1).

    The hazards arising from malicious acts are not outside the scope of this safety report.

    1.4. Structure

    This safety report comprises of six sections, three appendices and six annexes. Section 2 focuses on the technical basis for the MUPSA methodology, including international experience in MUPSA. Section 3 documents the assumptions used in the methodology. The methodology is detailed in Section 4, providing a step-by-step process for performing MUPSA. Section 5 discusses the Level 2 and Level 3 modelling considerations, including Level 2 interface considerations with the Level 1 PSA. Finally, Section 6 provides a summary of the methodology and a path forward.

    The appendices provide supplemental information. Appendix I provides a summary of the level of changes necessary to perform the MUPSA using the SUPSA model. Appendix II summarizes the case study results and insights. Appendix III provides supplemental details on approaches used to model the MU accident sequence analysis.

    The approaches and experiences of Member States (Canada, France, Hungary, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA)) related to MUPSA are presented in the annexes.


    2.1. Limitations and challenges

    A broad overview of the technical challenges of MUPSA is well described in Safety Reports Series No. 96 [1], in the summary of the large international workshop held in Canada in 2014 [12] and in the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)/Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Working Group on Risk Assessment task report, Status of Site-Level (Including Multi-Unit) Probabilistic Safety Assessment Developments [13]. These and other challenges were also indicated during the MUPSA state of the art review performed by the IAEA and in particular its Division of Nuclear Installation Safety (NSNI) before initiating the development of MUPSA methodology [10].

    A summary of the limitations and challenges of MUPSA, including areas needing further development, is as follows:

    (1) There is limited industry experience and practical guidance on performing a MUPSA and on the use of SUPSA results for planning and developing a MUPSA.

    (2) Limited guidance is available on the identification and screening of IEs for MUPSA purposes.

    (3) Strategies are needed for managing the modelling complexity of different combinations of initial POSs from which to build a PSA model.

    (4) The impact of radiological contamination of the site from one unit on the equipment operability, operator actions and accident management measures of the other units on-site needs to be taken into consideration.

    (5) Definition of the risk metrics that need to be adapted from SUPSA to resolve the different end states of a MUPSA and applied consistently within the context of a MUPSA is required.

    (6) There are technical issues with aggregating risk contributions from accident sequences involving different hazards and end states.

    (7) Common cause failure (CCF) models and supporting data analysis need to address groups of components that can be in different reactor units.

    (8) Modelling of interunit dependencies such as shared systems and areas with shared hazards need to be addressed in the MUPSA.

    (9) Human reliability analysis (HRA) needs to consider aspects of the MUPSA (e.g. procedures, dependencies, decision making) that cannot be included in the SUPSA or can involve new performance shaping factors associated with a MU accident.

    (10) The MUPSA needs to consider how to construct a MU risk model from existing SUPSA models, combining accident sequences for multiple units (potentially a large number of units) and developing new models that focus on MU accidents, including the treatment of internal and external hazards and the modelled fragilities.

    (11) The MUPSA includes new end states involving MU accidents, including Level 2 release categories (RCs). There can be challenges in the interpretation of PSA results, particularly with respect to Level 2 and Level 3 PSA metrics.

    (12) Interunit correlation of SSC fragilities to external hazards, such as a seismic event, is a challenge to model in the MUPSA.

    (13) There is currently no method to provide correlation of many of the factors used in calculating Level 2 MU risk. Phenomenological factors and their correlations need to be addressed and understood in MU risk, as they can significantly affect the MUPSA results.

    (14) Risk aggregation for MU accident sequences introduces new factors such as MUPSA assumptions, scope and modelling simplifications, some of which depend on the MUPSA accident sequence modelling approach used. The MUPSA method needs to consider these factors, including simplifications used in the MUPSA model development.

    Regarding item 1, industry experience continues to grow and lessons learned are discussed in Section 2.2.

    Items 2–11 and 14 are addressed within Section 4 of this report based on the actual state of practice. Item 12 is discussed in Section 4.4.5, but technical advancements continue in this area; in particular, in terms of the practical application of methodologies for fragility correlation to MUPSA models. Finally, item 13 is discussed in Section 5.

    2.2. Overview of available experience

    The following sections provide a summary of the references used in the development of the MUPSA methodology. Section 2.2.1 includes the previous IAEA experience prior to development of the IAEA methodology and the case study, discussed in Section 2.3. Section 2.2.2 provides a high level summary of other international experience. Section 2.2.3 discusses whether scoping approaches have been found to be suitable for MUPSA risk analysis.

    2.2.1. Previous IAEA experience

    As described above, the MUPSA project was built on the technical basis available in Member States using the relevant IAEA publications. A state of the art review performed by NSNI/IAEA and discussions during the consultancy meetings identified the MUPSA technical basis for this report, which includes the following IAEA publications:

    — IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 92 , Consideration of External Hazards in Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Single Unit and Multi-unit Nuclear Power Plants [ 2 ];

    — IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 96 , Technical Approach to Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Multiple Reactor Units [ 1 ];

    — IAEA-TECDOC- 1804 , Attributes of Full Scope Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for Applications in Nuclear Power Plants [ 3 ].

    Additional resources available to support this effort include the preliminary results of the completed IAEA project on Development of a Methodology for Aggregation of Various Risk Contributors for Nuclear Facilities [4]. In the context of multisource considerations, the risk aggregation assumes the combined representation of risks coming from different sources of radioactivity available at the site (e.g. reactor cores, spent fuel pools (SFPs), dry spent fuel storages and other facilities with radioactive sources).

    An IAEA Technical Meeting on MUPSA (held in October 2019) included presentations by various Member States on MUPSA activities and detailed technical discussions. The following provides a summary of insights from the technical meeting:

    (a) Most sites with multiple units showed that MU risk, such as multi-unit core damage frequency (MUCDF), can represent a high percentage of SU risk. However, the contribution of MU risk to the overall site risk varied depending on both the unit designs and the site:

    (i) For highly independent units of similar design, this risk was dominated by external hazards;

    (ii) For reactors with shared systems, their failure can represent a significant fraction of MU risk;

    (iii) For sites with relatively low risk from external hazards, MU risk can make a much lower contribution to overall site risk;

    (iv) Specific designs can result in higher MUPSA risk contribution from internal hazards, even for units without significantly shared systems (e.g. high interunit CCF probabilities could result in a higher MUCDF).

    (b) For some sites, MU CCF needs to be considered carefully to properly characterize its risk contribution. However, there is not much available data to support detailed evaluations of MU CCF. This is discussed further in Section 6.1, which focuses on the path forward.

    (c) MUPSA applications indicate that the existing HRA methods are applicable and functional for MUPSA. However, the MUPSA includes unique performance shaping factors and dependency models that need to be considered. This is discussed further in Section 4.4.4, although the development of updated guidance on HRA is not provided.

    (d) Human and organizational factors were also noted as impacting on MU HRA, as was noted in the lessons learned from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP. Consideration of human and organizational factors in existing HRA methods is also a challenge for SUPSA, which becomes more complex in the MU context. This topic is discussed in the forthcoming IAEA safety report on human reliability analysis for nuclear facilities, which provides information on the extent to which human and organizational factors are considered in current HRA methods [ 14 ].

    (e) Where site level safety goals were developed, they were focused on releases from several units and their consequences. Therefore, Level 2 and Level 3 MUPSA goals were more likely to be needed at the site level, such as site releases or dose levels. Most participants in the technical meeting who were considering safety goals noted that there was no need to develop site level core damage frequency (CDF) safety goals. It was commonly accepted that risk metrics on site level CDF (MUCDF or site core damage frequency (SCDF)) are to be applied for the ranking of various risk contributors, but not for comparison against safety goals.

    2.2.2. Previous international experience

    MUPSA concepts have been investigated for many years, starting with the Seabrook Level 3 assessment, which included MUPSA considerations and was completed in 1983 [15]. More recent studies include the following:

    — ASME / ANS: Non-mandatory Appendix Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Multi-Unit Plants and Sites ² [16] and MUPSA requirements extracted from the US Probabilistic

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