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The Road to Calvary: Daily Mediations for Lent and Easter
The Road to Calvary: Daily Mediations for Lent and Easter
The Road to Calvary: Daily Mediations for Lent and Easter
Ebook177 pages4 hours

The Road to Calvary: Daily Mediations for Lent and Easter

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With St. Alphonsus Liguori as your spiritual guide, The Road to Calvary: Daily Meditations for Lent and Easter will take you on the long difficult path Our Lord took to His death and crucifixion.

Drawing on the insights of the saints who have gone before him, Liguori adds his own insights into the events of the passion, death, and resurrection of the Lord so that you may truly enter the details of Christ's suffering and ultimate victory over death. By diving into the details daily, The Road to Calvary will quench the spiritual hunger we long for during Lent.

He completes the Lenten journey with three magnificent meditations on paradise, for this is the goal of our earthly life. All of the saints have found rest and joy in the wounds Christ. Follow Christ to Calvary this Lent and find the rest and joy of the saints.

PublisherTAN Books
Release dateJan 16, 2024
The Road to Calvary: Daily Mediations for Lent and Easter

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    The Road to Calvary - Alphonsus Liguori












    The Road to Calvary: Daily Meditations for Lent and Easter © 2023 TAN Books

    All rights reserved. With the exception of short excerpts used in critical review, no part of this work may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in any form whatsoever, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Creation, exploitation, and distribution of any unauthorized editions of this work, in any format in existence now or in the future—including but not limited to text, audio, and video—is prohibited without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Originally published by Benziger Brothers, R. Washbourne, and M. H. Gill & Son as The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ by St. Alphonsus de Liguori. Retypeset, republished, updated with modern numerals, and edited by TAN Books in 2023 as The Road to Calvary: Daily Meditations for Lent and Easter.

    Cover design by Caroline Green

    ISBN: 978-1-5051-2678-5

    Kindle ISBN: 978-1-5051-2679-2

    ePUB ISBN: 978-1-5051-2680-8

    Published in the United States by

    TAN Books

    PO Box 269

    Gastonia, NC 28053

    Printed in India


    Publisher’s Note

    Lenten Meditations

    1.   The Value of Meditating on the Passion

    2.   The Love of Jesus Christ

    3.   Jesus Chose to Suffer (Part 1)

    4.   Jesus Chose to Suffer (Part 2)

    5.   The Principal End of the Passion

    6.   The Foolishness of God

    7.   Jesus Suffers from the Beginning of His Life

    8.   Jesus’s Sufferings Compared to Ours

    9.   Jesus’s Desire to Suffer for Us

    10. Suffering with Patience

    11. Choosing Mortification

    12. Jesus’s Desire to Die for Us

    13. The Sacrament of Love

    14. Jesus Annihilates Himself in the Holy Eucharist

    15. Why Does God Love Us?

    16. Jesus’s Fear of Death

    17. Jesus’s Sorrow

    18. The Malice of Sin

    19. The Ignominies of Christ Crucified

    20. Jesus Is Spat Upon

    21. The Reproach of Men

    22. The Cruelty of the Scourging

    23. The Pulpit of the Cross

    24. The Thirst of Jesus

    25. The Insults Offered to Jesus Christ on the Cross

    26. The Council of the Jews and the Treachery of Judas

    27. The Sufferings of Jesus Were Extreme

    28. Jesus’s Interior Sufferings

    29. The Desolate Life of Jesus Christ

    30. Jesus Treated as the Last of Men

    31. The Passion of Jesus Christ Is Our Consolation

    32. Jesus Makes His Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem

    33. Jesus Prays in the Garden

    34. Jesus Is Apprehended and Led before Caiaphas

    35. Jesus Is Led before Pilate and Herod

    36. Jesus Is Scourged at the Pillar

    37. Jesus Is Crowned with Thorns

    38. Pilate Exhibits Jesus to the People

    39. Jesus Is Condemned by Pilate

    40. Jesus Carries the Cross to Calvary

    41. Jesus Is Placed upon the Cross

    42. Jesus upon the Cross

    43. The Words Spoken by Jesus upon the Cross

    44. Jesus Dies upon the Cross

    45. Jesus Hanging Dead upon the Cross

    46. Mary Present on Calvary

    Easter Meditations

    1. The Joys of Heaven

    2. The Soul That Leaves This Life in the State of Grace

    3. The Happiness of Heaven

    4. The Hope of Salvation

    5. The Graces from the Passion

    6. The Eternal Father’s Love

    7. The Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

    8. Jesus Crucified Is Our Only Hope


    Prayer to Jesus Crucified

    Prayer to Jesus

    The Clock of the Passion


    Saint Alphonsus de Liguori (1696–1787) was an Italian Catholic bishop, spiritual writer, composer, musician, artist, poet, lawyer, scholastic philosopher, and theologian. He also founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, known as the Redemptorists, in 1732. He was one of the most prolific writers in the history of the Catholic Church and was later declared a doctor of the Church and the patron of moral theologians. TAN Books is pleased to present this book, The Road to Calvary: Daily Meditations for Lent and Easter from the original book entitled The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ.

    Few saints have written with such love, depth, and simplicity on Christ, Our Lady, the mysteries of our Faith, and especially the sufferings of Christ as Saint Alphonsus de Liguori. Meditating on the passion and death of Jesus is the surest path to virtue and holiness. As Saint Alphonsus so beautifully wrote, "Who, then, can ever complain that he suffers wrongfully, when he considers Jesus, who was bruised for our sins? Who can refuse to obey, on account of some inconvenience, when Jesus became obedient unto death? Who can refuse ignominies, when he beholds Jesus treated as a fool, as a mock king, as a disorderly person; struck, spit upon His face, and suspended upon an infamous gibbet?"

    TAN Books is pleased to present this little work for the first time to join several other TAN works by Saint Alphonsus, such as The Glories of Mary, Preparation for Death, and Visits to the Blessed Sacrament.

    May you, dear reader, prepare your heart for the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus through these powerful daily Lenten and Easter meditations. The road to Calvary begins and ends with prayer.

    The Publisher






    He who desires, says Saint Bonaventure, to go on advancing from virtue to virtue, from grace to grace, should meditate continually on the Passion of Jesus. And he adds that there is no practice more profitable for the entire sanctification of the soul than the frequent meditation of the sufferings of Jesus Christ.

    Saint Augustine also said that a single tear shed at the remembrance of the passion of Jesus is worth more than a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, or a year of fasting on bread and water. Yes, because it was for this end that our Savior suffered so much: in order that we should think of His sufferings; because if we think on them, it is impossible not to be inflamed with divine love: The charity of Christ presses us,¹ says Saint Paul. Jesus is loved by few, because few consider the pains He has suffered for us, but he that frequently considers them cannot live without loving Jesus. The charity of Christ presses us. He will feel himself so constrained by His love that he will not find it possible to refrain from loving a God so full of love, who has suffered so much to make us love Him.

    Therefore the Apostle said that he desired to know nothing but Jesus, and Jesus crucified—that is, the love that He has shown us on the cross: I judged not myself to know anything among you but Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.² And, in truth, from what books can we better learn the science of the saints—that is, the science of loving God—than from Jesus crucified? That great servant of God, Brother Bernard of Corlione, the Capuchin, not being able to read, his brother religious wanted to teach him, upon which he went to consult his crucifix, but Jesus answered him from the cross, What is reading? What are books? Behold, I am the book wherein you may continually read the love I have borne you. O great subject to be considered during our whole life and during all eternity! A God dead for the love of us! A God dead for the love of us! O wonderful subject!

    Saint Thomas Aquinas was one day paying a visit to Saint Bonaventure and asked him from what book he had drawn all the beautiful lessons he had written. Saint Bonaventure showed him the image of the Crucified, which was completely blackened by all the kisses that he had given it, and said, This is my book whence I receive everything that I write; and it has taught me whatever little I know.

    In short, all the saints have learned the art of loving God from the study of the crucifix. Brother John of Alvernia, every time that he beheld Jesus wounded, could not restrain his tears. Brother James of Tuderto, when he heard the passion of our Redeemer read, not only wept bitterly, but broke out into loud sobs, overcome with the love with which he was inflamed toward his beloved Lord.


    ¹ 2 Cor. 5:14.

    ² 1 Cor. 2:2.




    We read in history of a proof of love so prodigious that it will be the admiration of all ages. There was once a king, lord of many kingdoms, who had one only son, so beautiful, so holy, so amiable that he was the delight of his father, who loved him as much as himself. This young prince had a great affection for one of his slaves, so much so that, the slave having committed a crime for which he had been condemned to death, the prince offered himself to die for the slave; the father, being jealous of justice, was satisfied to condemn his beloved son to death in order that the slave might remain free from the punishment that he deserved, and thus the son died a malefactor’s death, and the slave was freed from punishment.

    This fact, the like of which has never happened in this world, and never will happen, is related in the Gospels, where we read that the Son of God, the Lord of the universe, seeing that man was condemned to eternal death in punishment of his sins, chose to take upon Himself human flesh, and thus to pay by His death the penalty due to man: He was offered because it was His own will.³ And His Eternal Father caused Him to die upon the cross to save us miserable sinners: He spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all.⁴ What do you think, O devout soul, of this love of the Son and of the Father?

    You, then, O my beloved Redeemer, choose by Your death to sacrifice Yourself in order to obtain the pardon of my sins. And what return of gratitude shall I then make to You? You have done too much to oblige me to love You; I should indeed be most ungrateful to You if I did not love You with my whole heart. You have given for me Your divine life; I, miserable

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