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California Landscape: Origin and Evolution
California Landscape: Origin and Evolution
California Landscape: Origin and Evolution
Ebook326 pages3 hours

California Landscape: Origin and Evolution

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Release dateDec 22, 2023
California Landscape: Origin and Evolution

Mary Hill

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    California Landscape - Mary Hill

    California Landscape

    Winter in the California mountains gives an indication of the climate of thousands of years ago when glaciers extended down from the heights of the high Sierra Nevada. During the Great Ice Age, the last major episode in geologic time, the ice and the flooding of lands below the mountains changed the face of California extensively. Since then, agents of wind and water have worked to modify the landscape, carving it into spectacular beauty.

    California Natural History Guide: 48

    California Landscape


    Mary Hill

    Photos by Susan Moyer

    Maps by Adrienne Morgan


    Berkeley Los Angeles London

    California Natural History Guides

    Arthur C. Smith, General Editor

    Advisory Editorial Committee:

    Mary Lee Jefferds

    A. Starker Leopold

    Robert Ornduff

    Robert C. Stebbins

    University of California Press

    Berkeley and Los Angeles, California

    University of California Press, Ltd.

    London, England

    Copyright © 1984 by The Regents of the

    University of California

    Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

    Hill, Mary, 1923-

    California landscape.

    (California natural history guide; 48)

    Bibliography: p.

    Includes index.

    1. Geomorphology—California.

    1. Title. II. Series.

    GB428.C3H54 1984

    551.4'09794 82-20256

    ISBN 0-520-04831-8

    ISBN 0-520-04849-0 (pbk.)

    Printed in the United States of America


    Contents 1

    Contents 1

    Sources and Acknowledgments

    The shape of things to come …












    Suggestions for Further Reading


    Sources and Acknowledgments

    Figure 1 was redrawn from the pamphlet Geologic Time, published by the U.S. Geological Survey. Figures 2, 4, and 18 are reprinted from Geology of the Sierra Nevada, by Mary Hill, University of California Press, 1975. Figure 3 is by courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. Figure 6 is from U.S. Geological Survey, folio 5, 1895. Figure 7 was taken from Mt. Shasta, a Cascade Volcano, published in the Journal of Geology, vol. 40, 1932. Figures 8, 9, 10 and 12 were drawn by Elinor H. Rhodes, and are published by courtesy of the California Division of Mines and Geology. Figure 11 was also drawn by Mrs. Rhodes, after a photograph by B. F. Loomis. Figures 14, 15, and 16 were originally drawn by W. C. Putnam, first published in The Geographical Review, 1938. Figure 19 is a drawing by Patricia Edwards; figure 20 is another by Elinor H. Rhodes, from Diving and Digging for Gold, by Mary Hill, Naturegraph Publishers, 1974.

    Figure 27 is reprinted from U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 941-A, 1975. Figure 31 is by W. M. Davis, first published in the Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1906. Figures 30 and 33 are by Alex Eng, from Geology of the Sierra Nevada. Figure 32 is from Geologic History of the Sierra Nevada, by François Matthes, published as U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 100, 1930. Figure 34 is from Mt. Shasta, a Typical Volcano, by J. S. Diller, in The Physiography of the United States, National Geographic Society Monographs, vol. 1, 1896.

    Figure 35 is from U.S. Geological Survey Annual Report for 1978; figure 39 was drawn by Ed Foster, courtesy of California Division of Mines and Geology. Figure 36 is by courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. Figure 42 was re drawn from an article by R. E. Wallace in Proceedings of a Conference on Geologic Problems of the San Andreas Fault System, Stanford University Publications in the Geological Sciences, vol. 11, 1968. Figure 41 is from U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 941-A. Figure 45 was redrawn from photographs in American Practical Navigator, originally by Nathaniel Bowditch, issued as U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office Publication No. 9. Figures 53 and 55 are by Tau Rho Alpha, courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. Both of these are orthographic projections. Figure 68 is from Geomorphology in Deserts by Ronald U. Cooke and Andrew Warren, University of California Press, 1973. Figure 70 was redrawn and the quotation in its caption taken from The Earth and Human Affairs, by the Committee on Geological Sciences, Division of Earth Science, National Research Council-National Academy of Sciences, published by Canfield Press, 1972. Figure 71 was redrawn from The Warm Desert Environment, by Andrew Goudie and John Wilkinson, Cambridge University Press, 1977. All other figures were drawn by Hidekatsu Takada.

    Maps 2 and 5 were redrawn from maps published by the California Division of Mines and Geology; map 3 was derived from maps prepared by the California Department of Parks and Recreation; map 8 is from data supplied by William Raub, C. Suzanne Brown, and Austin Post; map 9 was redrawn from the World Seismicity Map published by the U.S. Geological Survey and compiled by Arthur C. Tarr, 1974. Map 10 is from data compiled by the California Division of Mines and Geology. Map 11 was derived from information from the California Division of Mines and Geology and the U.S. Geological Survey. Map 13 was modified from maps published by the National Science Foundation in Mosaic, vol. 8, no. 1, January-February, 1977, based on Peveril Meigs’s classification; map 14 was derived from information in the National Atlas, published by the U.S. Geological Survey; map 15 was modified from Pleistocene Lakes in the Great Basin, by C. T. Snyder, George Hard man, and E E Zdnek, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map 1-416; map 16 was modified from Pleistocene Lakes of Southeastern California, by Robert P. Blanc and George B. Cleveland, in Mineral Information Service, vol. 14, no. 5, May 1961, p. 5; maps 17 and 18 were compiled from U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps.

    Table 1 was modified from the table on page 13 of Earth, by Frank Press and Raymond Siever, W. H. Freeman Co., San Francisco, 1974. Table 3 was derived from table 1 in Resource appraisal of the Mt. Shasta Wilderness Study Area, Siskiyou County, California, by Robert L. Christiansen, Frank J. Kleinhampl, Richard J. Blakely, Ernest T. Tuchek, Fredrick L. Johnson, and Martin D. Conyac, published as Open-file report 77-250, U. S. Geological Survey, 1977. Table 4 was modified from Volcanism in California by Charles W. Chesterman, in California Geology, v. 24, no. 8, p. 141, August, 1971.

    All photographs are by Susan Moyer except the one black-and-white photograph of Mount Lassen in eruption, which was taken by R. I. Myers.

    The quotation on page 59 is by T. A. Jagger from Geological Society of America Memoir 21, 1947.

    The quotation on page 197-98 is from Roughing It by Mark Twain, New York: Grosset and Dunlap, originally published in 1871, p. 132.

    The quotation on pages 227-29 is from Ecology of a Discovered Land, by David W. Mayfield, printed in Pacific Discovery, September-October, 1980, pages 12-20. It is published here by permission of the California Academy of Sciences.

    I give particular thanks to Susan Moyer, Elisabeth Egenhoff, and the General Editor of this series, Arthur C. Smith, all of whom criticized the manuscript and encouraged me.

    "The shape of

    things to come …"

    California is large and varied. Within its borders are the highest peak and the lowest spot, the driest desert and the wettest mountain in the conterminous 48 states. Its long coastline has rugged cliffs and picturesque rocks, dangerous shoals and smooth, sandy beaches.

    Volcanoes and Earth forces—including earthquakes— have built California’s mountains. Volcanoes have added hot, molten rock from the Earth’s interior, making high places where none were before. The Earth forces that produce earthquakes have lifted mountains, using the rocky material of which the land was made. Rocks that may have been formed in the deep sea are, through the movement of Earth, now risen to the heights. Even now, the mountains are growing by earthquake and volcano.

    Other forces are changing the landscape, carving it into the spectacular shapes we cherish as the glorious scenery of California. Chief among these is water, in myriad forms. Rushing stream and plunging fall; roaring river and quiet slough; silent lake and pounding surf—all these as well as the raindrops themselves have sculpted California’s land. Most striking artist of all was water working as great ice tongues that covered the mountains a few thousand years ago.

    The chapters in this book are arranged so as to emphasize these processes of building and changing. The processes have acted through thousands and millions of years to create California as we know it, and are still changing it, even as we watch.

    Wait, … for Time shall teach thee all things.



    The aim of earth science is to discover all there is to know about Earth, past and present. To do this, earth scientists borrow the techniques of chemistry and physics in order to decipher Earth’s ingredients and their condition; they borrow from biology insight into its past inhabitants and some bits of their stories; they take from history the uses of chronology; and from engineering a measure of Earth’s strengths and weaknesses. But they have a tool of their own: time. Time is the hallmark of geology. All the enlightenment geologists have derived with the aid of other sciences is used within a framework of time to unlock Earth’s past and present, and, in some measure, to foretell its future.

    Geology lacks one essence of the scientific method: repeatability. Because geology is inextricably involved with time, and because we have not yet learned to repeat time, we cannot reproduce long geological events to verify our conclusions. Time is the subject of the geological inquiry; time is the key; and time marks the limits—all of which leads us into difficult philosophical waters.

    Time, gentlemen! is a curfew—a signal that one more day’s business is complete. To the poet, time is a thief; to a musician, time is an ingredient. I know I have to beat time when I learn music, said Alice. Ah, that accounts for it, said the mad Hatter, he won’t stand beating. Now, if you’d only kept on good terms with him, he’d do almost anything for you.

    In the Eastern view of the world, time is a hoop: the ever-circling years repeat themselves endlessly. In the Western world, we are accustomed to thinking of time as linear, progressing from one point to another. Nothing can repeat itself in this view, because even if all other parts were the same, time would have changed. Such a view makes it difficult for us to comprehend eternity, but it allows us to measure time as if it were units on a ruler.

    The span of our lives is divided into units of time. We hear of, but can scarcely comprehend, very small units of time: chemical and physical reactions in which the lifetime of an element is less than the twinkling of an eye. With some difficulty, we can imagine being an insect, with a life expectancy of a few hours. It is easier for us to understand the precious seconds that television so carefully monitors; the hours of an office worker’s day, the fading and blooming of garden flowers, or the seasonal march of a farm. The years pass in our own lives too quickly, and we grow older without noticing. All of these measures we are accustomed to. It is harder for us to look beyond our own lives: to differentiate Genghis Khan from Hamlet, for example, as historical figures before our own time often seem more fictional than real.

    We are traveling in time as we study the stars from our vantage point here on Earth. Even though light travels at the unimaginable speed of 186,000 miles each second, space is so vast that starlight takes years to reach Earth. We see the star Alpha Centauri not as it is today, but as it was four years ago, and the Andromeda galaxy as it was during our own Ice Age two million years ago. Our days, said an astronomer, reside in the midst of a billion yesterdays.

    The life span of a star, measured in billions of years, is as difficult for us to envision as the millisecond existence of an atomic particle. Our Earth is a youthful inhabitant of the heavens, one whose days are as grass in comparison to the span of the universe.

    Even so, Earth’s life span of about 4.5 billion years counts many sunrises and sunsets, less than 1 percent of which the human race has been privileged to see. It is these 4.5 billion years—the lifetime of Earth—with which geology is concerned. The purpose of geology is to discover what happened during that time, how it happened, and why it happened. If from this we can predict what will happen, perhaps we can learn to live in harmony with nature, rather than destroying ourselves in an arrogant attempt to conquer her.

    Although people have been making geologic observations throughout recorded history, it has only been within the past two centuries that we have deciphered the order of events in the life of Earth. As long ago as the fifth century B.C., the Greek historian Herodotus correctly observed that the Mediterranean Sea had once been much farther inland. He had no way of knowing that what he had observed was part of a very long story that involves the total rearranging of the geography of the planet Earth.

    Thanks to thousands of workers these past 200 years, we now have at least a sketchy idea of Earth’s story. The tools for deciphering this tale have progressed from the purely intellectual to the technological. We have not abandoned our early intellectual tools—we’ve merely added to them.

    One of these tools is the idea that, by observing processes at work today we can deduce what has happened before. The present is the key to the past is how this proposition is generally stated. It may not be absolutely true; there may be something new under the sun, or there may have been forces or factors at work in the past that no longer operate. But unless we can show otherwise, it is a good starting point.

    A second principle involves the observation of rock layers. It states that unless other forces have disrupted the Earth where layers of rock are stacked one upon the other, the youngest is on top. If one were making a bed, the last blanket to be laid on the stack would be on top; it would be the youngest.

    With these two principles in mind, it became possible to build a time scale by using a third principle derived from them—the idea of correlation.

    How this works is well demonstrated in the Four Corners area of the United States, where Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona join in a point. This is canyonland country, where one can get lost vertically as well as horizontally. Deep in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, a world-famous sequence of rocks has been gashed open by the Colorado River, providing inspiration for poets and artists and instruction for geologists. Within that layer cake of rocks, the two beds on top (and therefore, by our second postulate, the youngest) are a tan limestone that one stands on at the canyon rim and red cliffs one can look up to.

    To the north in Zion National Park, Utah, it is possible to recognize the same rock layers again, although there is not the long sequence exposed beneath them here that there is in the Grand Canyon. Here are other layers above, including one bed of cross-bedded, light-colored rock (called the Navajo Sandstone); geologists who have studied it believe it to be ancient sand dunes turned to stone. This same crossbedded sandstone can, in turn, be traced eastward to Canyonlands National Park, where more of the layers below are exposed, as well as several others above.

    Within the layers above is one group of green and purple shale beds (the Morrison Formation), from which numerous dinosaur bones have been recovered elsewhere in the West. One of the many other places where the colorful Morrison beds are exposed is Mesa Verde National Park, in southern Colorado. There they provide a dash of brighter color in an otherwise tan landscape—a landscape dominated by sandstone beds on top of the Morrison. In niches in these overlying sandstone beds, the people who lived there as long ago as the thirteenth century built what we now call condominiums accessible only by narrow paths or chipped handholds in the nearly vertical cliffs.

    Lowermost of these cliff-making sandstone beds is the Dakota Sandstone (elsewhere important as a carrier of groundwater), which is traceable throughout much of the West. This bed is visible in the layers of rock at weirdly eroded Bryce Canyon National Park, where one can also trace beds downward to the cross-bedded Navajo sand dunes and upward to still younger beds.

    In this way, it is possible to see how rocks are related to one another (correlated), and how a sequence

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