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The Order Of Truth
The Order Of Truth
The Order Of Truth
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The Order Of Truth

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Language is one of the first things men learn how to speak on earth from infancy. Without it, there can be no understanding conveyed from one human being to another. The same is true in our relationship with God. God has a language that He gives to men so that understanding is conveyed from His Spirit to our spirit. This book takes you on a journey to help you learn what the language of God is and how to speak it.

Grace and truth are the foundations and orders for speaking the language of God. Grace is God's ability, and truth is the force that ignites God's ability. Grace and truth came from Jesus Christ (John 1:17 KJV). He is the language of truth because He is the word of truth.

Truth can either be spoken in our understanding or without our understanding in other tongues, as the Spirit of God gives them utterance. "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance" (NASB 1995). No other language is accepted or received in the kingdom of God except truth.

Psalm 33:4 says, "The Word of the Lord is right, and all God's works are done in truth."

Release dateFeb 6, 2023
The Order Of Truth

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    The Order Of Truth - Sherrell Carr


    The Order Of Truth

    Sherrell Carr

    ISBN 979-8-88616-131-1 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88616-132-8 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Sherrell Carr

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Truth: Unveils God's Intention

    God's Mystery

    A Living Soul

    Uncovering Humanity in the Living Soul

    Mere Breath—Hevel

    All Grace and Nothing but the Grace

    Come, Let Us Reason Together

    The Ultimate Lesson of Reason

    Losses Under the Living Soul

    Chapter 2

    Truth: Distinguishes the Works of Creation versus Formation

    Two Stories

    Two Kinds of Works

    Two Realms

    Manifesting Man's Realities

    The Journey

    Chapter 3

    Truth: The Origin and Order of God

    The Witness of Science

    Christ, the First Order of Man

    Joseph Reveals Nature—Jesus Christ Reveals Creation

    The Height of the Journey

    The Language of God

    Chapter 4

    Truth: The Operation of God

    The Authorization for Releasing God's Power

    The Great Exchange

    Transitioning from the Old to the New

    From Temporal to Eternal

    Maintaining the Absoluteness of Truth

    Introducing Trust

    Chapter 5

    Truth: The Order for Man's Spirit and Soul

    Separating What Is Spirit from What Is Soul

    Soul: The Expression of Two Realities

    Christ's Identity: The True Self-expression

    Chapter 6

    Truth: Equips Mankind to Rule on Earth

    God's Priority for Man

    The Story Told: Four Perspectives

    Born to Rule

    Pray Like a Ruler

    Prayer for Acknowledging and Carrying Out the Will of God

    Prayer for Endurance to Reign

    Prayer for Living the Finished Life in Christ


    Biblical References

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    Truth: Unveils God's Intention

    The greatest word ever spoken—is the word of truth.

    The greatest word ever heard—is the word of truth.

    The greatest word ever received—is the word of truth.

    Jesus Christ is the word of truth.

    If a person truly believes that the greatest word ever spoken, heard, and received is the word of truth, then it demands a behavior Jesus referenced when he said, Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Matthew 11:29–30 KJV). Pay close attention to the method and tone that Jesus used in referencing how to learn of Him—" take my yoke upon you "—this is expressed as an imperative that commands what to do as well as how to do it. This implies that we are to take his yoke, put it upon us, and wear it as a part of us.

    The image of a yoke may best be seen in an agricultural setting in linking two animals together for greater strength. The yoke usually occurs at the neck level because the yoke is connected around each animal's neck, which means the two heads are in sync. The bodies of the animals also move together because their heads are in sync.

    210 Oxen Yoke Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

    How does this apply to us? When we take the yoke of Jesus Christ upon us, our head is aligned and synchronized with the head of Christ; therefore, the body will follow. The idea conveys that we must aggressively learn to take the knowledge of the truth of Christ and be bound to it for life and strength to govern us. It means that the truth of our being and glory is Christ's identity. This also tells us that our receptivity to truth is our greatest and only hope for victory in every situation and circumstance.

    God's Mystery

    The Holy Spirit used the apostle Paul to declare in Colossians 2:2–4, "God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this in order that no one may delude you with plausible arguments." Jesus Christ is God's mystery, and God's mystery can only be understood by the created man and not by the formed man. I will expound on these two types of men shortly.

    The Word says, For in him [Christ] dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily (Colossians 2:9 NKJV). Christ is the first order of man—in him dwelleth all the fullness of both God and man in a bodily form. This is critical for our learning because, like Jesus Christ, we live in a body and God created us in his image and likeness.

    Men can walk in one of two orders—in creation or in formation. Jesus Christ is the first order of man in creation. Adam was the first order of man in formation. These are two completely different orders of men, and only one order of man is authorized, sanctified, and appointed to rule on earth.

    Genesis 1:26–27 shows God speaking to the Godhead about the man that they will create. It is this man that gets authorization from God to rule and have dominion on earth. Let's begin a detailed journey to better understand the two orders of men.

    A Living Soul

    God named the formed man Adam. The original Hebrew word for man is Adam, and Adamah is the word for ground or earth. The Hebrew, unlike English translations, shows us, through the words, the direct connection between Adam and the ground. Based upon these definitions, we could call Adam the man of the ground. Let us look at Genesis 2:7 (KJV): "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

    The initial life of the living soul is translated in Hebrew as nephesh (nefesh). This word means living creature. It is never translated as the immortal soul; therefore, the life in a living soul is only temporary. God is eternal, and His desires are eternal. God's desire is not for us to be limited to being a living creature but to be a new creature in Christ, having the eternal nature of Christ. Christ is how a man gets his entrance into creation for eternity.

    When God blew His breath into Adam, it was His creative power that entered this formed man called Adam. The more important question was, what did God's breath create inside this man? Our observations through scripture, men's experiences, and even personal experience help us to understand that He was creating a spiritual yearning inside of man—the word nephesh in Hebrew also bears out the definition of spiritual yearning. This yearning created a desire, inwardly, in all men for God. But man must discover that this desire is for God. Fulfilling the desire to connect with God's Spirit will lead to the birth and release of man's spirit so that man will be equipped to do the work of God.

    Unless man's desire unites with God's desire through the first order of man, Jesus Christ, a restless seeking results, and it leads to man's own personal quest for fulfillment, which contains emptiness. God's desire is for man to know Him. Knowing God and Jesus Christ, whom He sent, is what God calls eternal life (John 17:3 KJV). Man's desire must connect with God's so he can experience true rest. Now let's continue our exploration.

    God called the formed male and the formed female Adam. Let us look at Genesis 5:2 (KJV). "Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created."

    Now let's contrast two scriptures: In Genesis 1:26, we see a picture of a man that the Godhead spiritually created. This man is perfect, and God is pleased with His creation, for He calls it very good. However, when we closely read Genesis 5:2, we observe a transition—Scripture is revealing that God has transitioned from the creation of a spiritual man to the creation of a physical man. God is creating two models of man. This is the concept of duality where God creates in dual stages. More on this later.

    Notice that God did not name man when the Godhead spiritually created them. He identified them as male and female. But He gave man the name Adam after He physically formed him. God said this man (i.e., humankind) became a living soul. Adam was a man of the ground on earth. A man of the ground is depicted by humanity. This man's understanding of things comes through the realm of his soul and imparts intellect to his mind to relate to his earthly environment. Whatever a man demonstrates through his humanity is a visual illustration of how he has assimilated with the world around him.

    One of the initial lessons that God allowed man to observe about his humanity is that it seeks recognition and identity through its own life. Thus it is called a living soul. God selected Adam and Eve to be the parents of humanity. What does that mean? It means that He would use them as the humanity model to visually demonstrate the responses of humanity found in the life of a living soul.

    Now get ready for the knocking over of sacred cows, meaning what I am about to say next may crush your theology. But before I knock over the sacred cow, it is important for me to say that we

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