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Yeshua: Book of Deliverance: End Game
Yeshua: Book of Deliverance: End Game
Yeshua: Book of Deliverance: End Game
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Yeshua: Book of Deliverance: End Game

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This book is the most complete and informed way to give you the "children's bread" and our instruments of spiritual warfare and inner healing. In this is listed as many ways of combating devils as is possible and how to deal with these from a personal level to a long distance level in every operation and every way they try to muster. This book is designed to let you pinpoint the area of where you need help, whether it's in self-deliverance or delivering others by God through you in many areas most applicable. This is for all believers from beginners to seasoned veterans of spiritual warfare; for all apostles, bishops, deacons, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, and the congregations of the saints; and to all whom are called to be soldiers of Yeshua. If you're not a believer and you have asked God for help as your last ditch effort, and in return, you had promised to follow Him and give yourself to He who is without "religion" being forced upon you, this book is for you too, as well as those who have demonic activity who don't know where to go or who to turn to, especially without feeling shunned, ashamed, or disfellowshipped.

Release dateJul 20, 2020
Yeshua: Book of Deliverance: End Game

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    Book preview

    Yeshua - Richard Lane



    Book of Deliverance


    Richard Lane

    ISBN 978-1-64670-966-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64670-967-0 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2020 Richard Lane

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All scriptures are from the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible; only exception is a general reference to Ephesians 6:12 for use in reproof and context correction which is not taken from any specific Bible versions.

    References to albums used by permission of artist William Strawther and artist Richard (T-RICH: Transformation—Realize It Can Happen) Hitchcock of The Brotherhood Vol 3 © 2018 Lae Low Records LLR.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books, Inc.

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    Table of Contents





    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Seek God First

    Part 4 The Practical/Spiritual Side

    Our Spiritual Armor


    Principality: Earth

    How to win against the devil.

    Principality Spirits

    How to Deal with Evil Principality Spirits

    Religious Principalities


    The Powers of Darkness (Luke 22:53; Col. 1:13; 1 Pet. 2:9)


    The Rulers of the Darkness of This World

    Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

    World Idolatry

    The Difference between Idols of Man and Religion and the Only True 

    and Living God

    What Should You Do Now?

    What We Soldiers Are Commanded to Do by the Lord?

    What God Will Do?

    Heavenly Places

    Spiritual Warfare

    The Earth is the Battlefield

    The Enemy

    Spiritual Warfare Devotions

    God Almighty

    Gifts of Perception

    Listen to Those Vexed with Devils

    Diversities of Gifts, but the Same Spirit

    Our Holy Spirit Guide

    Our Holy Spirit Guides

    The Fallacy of Astral Projection

    Spiritual Barrier

    Power of Words

    Music as a Weapon

    The Manifestation of the Spirit Is Given to Every Man to Profit Withal


    The Physical

    The Spiritual

    What to Fear and What to Hate

    What Should You Fear?

    What Should You Hate?

    Trumpets of War

    The Watchtower Times

    Devils in Places

    Generational Curses

    Where and When to Cast Out Devils

    The Structure of the Lord’s Armies



    About the Author

    I dedicate this book first and foremost to His Holiness, Yeshua Ha Massiach; Bar-El; Ben-David (Yeshua the Messiah, Son of God, Son of David man); the Everlasting Father; Bishop of our souls; Chief of apostles; the only High Priest and Head of the whole church of the Living God; the Rock on which the church stands by faith whose jurisdiction is the heavens, sea, earth, and all that therein is; the Supreme Governor of nations; He who has preeminence in all things; the Supreme Teacher and Pastor; the Infallible Word of God; our Minister and Servant of the servants of God, whom the world calls Je-sus, I call Yeshua, His original Hebrew name.

    I also dedicate this book to all believers in Yeshua Ha Massiach, the apostles, bishops, deacons, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, the congregations of the saints, proselytes, and to all believers in Messiah, as well as those who are terrorized by devils and want to be helped, the representatives and ambassadors of Christ, which is the body worldwide. And I dedicate this book to the Lord’s army. To all the soldiers of Yeshua Massiach, long live King Yeshua!


    A little of more of myself (without pride) and how this book came to be:

    I have been doing spiritual warfare since 2006, from the night of high school graduation. Six years later, I had decided to look up the legalities of doing spiritual warfare, as this world can be too legalistic in needing a piece of paper with ink or a plastic card saying you spent so much time and money learning how to do deliverance and exorcisms regardless if your catholic, protestant, or what have you. A piece of paper or plastic that says you have completed the course of the subject matter; therefore, to accommodate this legality, I decided to learn what I thought was the best way.

    I followed in the example of colleges and universities. By His order, I signed up for, joined, and completed three different institutions. Legally, I am an exorcist and deliverance minister by these certificates. I have believed in God all of my life. I have been baptized by full immersion at a young age, only to learn later in life that what should have accompanied my baptism was never done by man, but God accomplished it in me, the laying on of hands by an apostle directly after baptism. I’ve seen Yeshua and His walk. I’ve seen His death and resurrection, and I’ve seen things devils do and how they leave people demented. Due to this, I do see this world in a different perspective, not only spiritually, and physically I will not forget to mention. God opened my eyes. He told me in dreams and visions what I am to do in my life, to this purpose was I born, to fulfill that which is written in my book in heaven. I’m just fulfilling my destiny that which was predestinated in me.

    For those who read this book for the first time who don’t know me, this book may seem dark and sinister. I am a black sheep in wolf’s clothing. The only way I can minister, except when God tells me to dress in white to be a type of light, is whichever way I can gain a brother and sister in Christ. But this ain’t all about appearance (1 Sam. 16:7; John 7:24).

    Life is like chess, and to all devils, this is the endgame, which is why endgame is on the face of this book. Every now and then, you will see rhymes. I used to be in a band, but that was short-lived. I’m no professional, but I still get beat thoughts, so I do beatbox to myself. I still have fifty pages of lyrics. I still get lyrics in my mind, so if you wonder why, it’s just my state of mind.

    There are those who talk about Ephesians 6:12–18 and the strongman’s house, as well as oppression and possession. But there are too few and far in between who talk about these things. I’m not saying that there isn’t anyone who doesn’t. The problem is that most Christians are afraid of devils when the scriptures says not to be, and these things are majorly but not entirely not taught or preached about in what the religious world calls synagogues, mosques, and churches. All of these I call the people of God. I had asked God what He wanted me to call the title of this book. He told me to write Book of Deliverance specifically, so I tested the spirit to make sure this was of God. I asked for two or more signs. He gave me multitudes for Book of, some of which I have listed below:

    Book of the wars of the


    : Numbers 21:14; Exodus 17:14

    Book of Jashar: Josh 10:13; 2 Samuel 1:18

    Book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel: 1 Kings 14:19, 16:20

    Book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah: 1 Kings 14:29

    Book of Nathan the prophet: 2 Chronicles 9:29; 1 Chronicles 29:29

    Book of Shemiah the prophet: 2 Chronicles 12:15

    God told me to write Deliverance because He is our deliverer, and deliverance comes only from Him (Gen. 45:7; Judg. 15:18; 2 Kings 5:1, 13:17; 1 Chron. 11:14; Joel 2:32; Obad. 1:17; Luke 4:18; Ps. 18:2, 144:2; Isa. 43:3; Rom. 11:26). As my final sign, He showed me this book in His library in a vision, and this is how the title and this book came to be with as thorough as possible biblical research with the help and aid of God through the years I have written this book. All glory to God because if it wasn’t for God, this book wouldn’t have been possible for me.

    I am a Christian, but I am not perfect. I have my flaws, and I do make mistakes. Christ is my perfection, and I am perfected in Him. I only follow Him to the best of my abilities. I am me, and I’m nobody else, neither will I pretend to be someone I’m not, but I will imitate the Messiah the best way I can. As did Peter (who was also not perfect [Gal. 2:11–21; Acts 10:9–48]), Paul (who was also not perfect [2 Cor. 11:8]), and James as well. So if you ask who is holier than thou, God alone.

    This book is not for my benefit; it is God’s book for you, the reader’s benefit, the benefit for the soldiers of Yeshua. While the world recognizes veterans of the worldly military, God does recognize the veterans of the Lord’s army. To all of you who are true soldiers of Yeshua, thank you for your service to our King and for our country. And to those who think they have a calling in their life and are unsure of the answer, if you are meant for this, you will have a burning passion for this, and this book will give you the practicality of how to conduct it.

    This book contains verses from the AKJV and also my own personal experiences backed up by scriptures along with devotions to warfare for practical use. I do not care for fame, but to bring Yeshua fame—that I will do. I don’t care for self-glory (John 7:18, 8:50; Prov. 25:27; 1 Cor. 5:6–13). I glorify God among the nations (1 Chron. 16:23–29; Ps. 96:3; Isa. 42:12, 43:7). I magnify the name of Yeshua (Acts 19:17), nor do I care for book awards or any special recognition. I desire fruit that may abound to your account (Phil. 4:17; Rom. 15:28). I am famous in my Father. He is the only light I need shinning upon me and the lens of His eye focused on me. All fame to Yeshua and all Glory to God. He alone is my reward (Isa. 52:12) and my great prize (Phil. 3:14). I only care that this book gets into the hands of all God’s soldiers and to those who need it. The success of this book doesn’t depend on how many copies it sells, but how many people this helps. If I am called to speak, let it be the Spirit of truth who speaks (Matt. 10:20). His Word is a fire (Jer. 23:29) in my mouth (Jer. 5:14) that when He speaks through me, your heart burns (Luke 24:32), and if those being spoken to are wicked and/or have devils, they will feel as if they were set on fire (Jer. 5:14). And if this vessel is seen doing anything, it is the Spirit who does the works. I therefore say: let God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven and in me as it is in Him, amen.

    If His will is my will, then my will is His will, then our will is One will.


    I give thanks first and foremost to the Holy Everlasting Father for putting in my heart in 2012 to write this book, moved with compassion to do His will with a burning passion, and for choosing someone as unworthy as myself to do so. To Yehuwah be the glory and majesty and honor and praise and worship and thanksgiving and greatness and dominion forever!

    I would also like to thank and give credit to my brothers in Christ, Richard Hitchcock and William Strawther, for permitting me to use their names and to promote them and their music of which I will discuss later in this book.


    Hello, people of the Living God. I am very grateful that you have picked up this book to read. It is my great hope that you gain as much knowledge from this book for all, if not most, of your needs in this calling and vocation. All scriptures that I will teach you in this book is 100 percent from the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible. It’s the only version I can freely take in an unlimited way. It is the only source I trust the most, and the only Bible on earth that is the closest to the original Tanakh, Dead Sea Scrolls, and the most original Greek writings of the New Testament, which I prefer to call the entire Bible the Testament of Yeshua. There is no other testament of Yeshua other than the holy scriptures, and if at any time I am contrary to or contradictory to a scripture, the scripture is right and I am wrong. I will also give you the legality side since unfortunately, we do live in such a legalistic world.

    This is not a substitute or replacement for a clinical, psychological, or medical physician or doctor, which should be consulted first and foremost and prior to seeking deliverance from devils, if possible. If you have contact with a soldier in the Lord’s army, you may have them accompany you to your physician, doctor, or counselor. And to the soldiers, always have the client consult with their doctor/physician/counselor prior to and after any and all deliverances if they are under such, and always ask the clients for their expressed permission for you to do deliverance upon them and/or their private residence. If the clientele are under eighteen, always ask for expressed permission from their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or foster/step/adoptive parent(s) if and when possible. The exception is when it’s the aforementioned whom come to you and ask you. If this is not possible and one is not available, have the adult if not one of the above be present as a witness. And if you’re delivering an adult of the opposite sex, having an assistant of the client’s sex may be both appropriate and beneficial.

    Make no promises that you will get rid of the problem, but you will do what you can by God, as well as making them aware that at any time destruction and/or physical harm may be possible. This does not mean something negative will happen, but no one can rule out the possibility. Some conditions are the result of demonic activity. Sometimes demonic activity is the result of the conditions; likewise, medicine is also supposed to help you. Be sure to ask your physician or doctor everything you need to know, including before accepting and taking it and before getting off of it. Whatever the it

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