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The Phoenix and the Sword: Crane Moon Cycle, #1
The Phoenix and the Sword: Crane Moon Cycle, #1
The Phoenix and the Sword: Crane Moon Cycle, #1
Ebook432 pages6 hours

The Phoenix and the Sword: Crane Moon Cycle, #1

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Training as a combat nurse is Aili Fallon's escape from an abusive family and her grey existence. She seizes it with both hands, despite her guilt over leaving her mother behind. And within her class of trainees, she's ironically found a level of peace, as she prepares for war.

But when she rescues a mysterious young woman in an alleyway behind a bar, something in her shifts - nothing as simple as desire. Almost like a homecoming, to a home she's never known. Tairei knows Aili, even if Aili can't recognize herself in Tairei's eyes. And in Tairei's presence, the world routinely upends itself, and the impossible becomes almost ordinary.

When Tairei disappears in a fiery tempest, she saves Aili but also grants her a terrible immortality, and new and undiscovered powers Aili can't control. She will risk all the safety she has won to find Tairei again: crossing into a spiritual realm, wielding a sword she can't remember, and discovering a love doomed a thousand years ago.

And it just might bring her home again.

The Phoenix and the Sword is the first book in the Crane Moon Cycle duology, a queer epic fantasy set in a xianxia-inspired world of spiritual powers, past lives, and beings of myth and legend. Perfect for those looking for stories blending adventure, love, and unexpected conclusions. The story is completed in The Shoreless River.

The Crane Moon Cycle is set in a world that includes war and violence, and themes that may be difficult for some readers. Please see the author's website,, for details.

PublisherJ.C. Snow
Release dateJul 15, 2022
The Phoenix and the Sword: Crane Moon Cycle, #1

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    The Phoenix and the Sword - J.C. Snow

    Copyright © 2023 J.C. Snow

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    To request permissions, contact the publisher at

    Paperback: 9798986319919

    Ebook: 9798986319902

    Chapter 1


    Because the bar was small, smoky, crowded, and hot, with far too many people talking too loudly, and because she was tired from the day’s training, Aili sat in a dark corner next to the counter and quietly watched other people have a good time. This was not a new experience for her. The bartender had long gotten used to ignoring her; she never spent much money, and he was much more interested in the men.

    A woman with dark hair cut just to her chin, slicked back for the evening to look shorter, leaned in next to her. You’re not doing me proud here, Aili, Nora said, breathing deeply. She nodded toward a woman in a gauzy blue skirt entwined with a taller woman wearing pants. How far did you even get? Did you kiss?

    I did talk to her, Aili said defensively. She hated to disappoint Nora after she’d gone through such efforts to set Aili up with someone. We didn’t…Well, we weren’t really interested in each other.

    You mean you stared at her and let her talk, right? Nora rolled her eyes. Did you even offer her a cigarette?

    You know I don’t smoke.

    Not the point, Aili. She does. It’s your job to show your interest, right? Nora patted her head. Aili was much taller, so Nora always took advantage while she was sitting down. I’m tempted to give up, but never let it be said that I let my best friend go out to a war zone without ever having any action in her life. Just get a kiss in before we leave, at least. Maybe there will even be someone who will write you letters when we’re somewhere rescuing naval aviators in the Western Sea. Time’s running out before we go. Is there anyone you do like? How about that one? She tipped her chin toward a woman sitting in a corner booth, talking animatedly with two others, all giggling and hiding their mouths. I know for a fact she came alone tonight. This is her first time; her friends brought her.

    And how do you know that?

    Because I know her friends. Nora smiled at the girl, who smiled back. Nora smoothed her hair back, and the girl smiled more widely. If you’re not interested, mind if I give it a shot?

    Aili nodded. We have to get back to base, though, ok? No more than another half hour here. You’re going to need to fix your hair before we go back. And put the regulation skirt on, and change out of what would almost certainly be a lipstick-stained shirt, she thought but didn’t say as Nora swaggered toward the corner booth. Aili sipped a little more beer.

    The bar was mostly full of sailors ready to head out on the next carriers for the island war in the Great Western Sea taking their last opportunities to mingle with men they could secretly enjoy before months trapped on a ship. The women were much fewer, mostly locals. She and Nora had agreed not to tell anyone new they met that they were in training, but truthfully, since they both lived in Easterly anyway, Nora had already met just about every girl in the bar and Aili, who had been tagging along behind her for three years, wasn’t very hopeful that there would be any surprises showing up in the next few weeks. Although, it would have been nice to have kissed someone, to have that memory before shipping out.

    There was one interesting person, small and delicately-made, with dark eyes and shoulder-length, straight black hair. Not Anglish like almost everyone else in the room — most likely Daxian, or perhaps Kunorese. She thought Daxian was more likely. The bar wasn’t far from Little Daxian, and surely any Kunorese people would not be out in public now for their own safety after the attack on the Western Islands. Some of the sailors had nonetheless decided that this person was a Kuno in their bar, and a group of the drunker ones was starting to make unfriendly noises while looking in his direction.

    The young man himself, however, seemed unaware of all this. He looked through the bar carefully — eagerly examining faces, pushing through the crowd so he wouldn’t miss any of the furthest corners — as though there was someone he expected to meet, and he was late for their appointment. He came close enough to the bar to sweep his eyes over hers along with all the others sitting there.

    Even though Aili had never been interested in men, she felt that there was something very intriguing about this man’s expressions and the intensity of his gaze. He looked delighted at seeing someone, and then suddenly startled and confused. The man pushed his way out toward the door, unfortunately bumping right into some of the more drunk sailors, who, of course, followed him.

    Aili sighed and got up. On her way out, she tapped Nora on the shoulder. Come on, she said, let’s head back.

    In a minute, Nora said, in a minute.

    Aili went outside to wait for her. A few men and women were scattered outside, talking and smoking, but not many, not loud. No one wanted to draw attention to this place.

    Since no one was speaking loudly, no matter how drunk they were, it was easy to hear the sound of several threatening voices and one lighter one from around the corner, as Aili had half-expected, and she walked quickly toward the alley between the bar and the tottering wooden boarding house next door. There were four of the sailors with the Kunorese guy in the middle; they hadn’t progressed from threats to fists yet, but it was only a matter of time. Aili was tall enough and experienced enough and just drunk enough that she thought she could handle at least two of the men, but four was a little too much, so she’d talk first.

    She walked down the alley and sidled between them; Hey fellas, you know this isn’t–

    To her shock, one of the sailors suddenly slashed down with a knife, and even more shockingly, the Kunorese guy pushed her aside to take it in his forearm.

    Except it wasn’t a guy. It was very clearly a girl, and her arm was sliced down to the bone.

    Aili yelled and pushed the bleeding girl behind her while kicking at the least protected parts of the sailor, who groaned and fell backward. Get the hell away! she shouted, but the other three started pressing in closer.

    The voices around her sounded eerie in the darkness when she couldn’t see their faces; the men circled around, their blood up. She had done enough fighting to know when things were getting dangerous, and this felt very much like one of those times. Aili tried to keep the girl behind her for her own safety, backing them both into the wooden wall of the alley. Very unhelpfully, the girl seemed to want to keep touching her, which was distracting, and kept trying to duck in front as though she thought that she could defend Aili even though she was much smaller.

    Suddenly there was the familiar, oh-so-welcome sound of a gun cocking from the bright entrance of the alleyway. Nora said, Aili, we’re late. Boys, I know what ship you’re from and who your officer is, get the hell out of here before someone makes a report.

    The sailors shuffled out of the alley, their shore leave uniforms wrinkled and sweaty, giving Nora looks of deepest contempt. She smiled happily at them, the barrel of the gun never wavering.

    I love you, Nora, said Aili weakly, leaning back against the wall to get her breath.

    The girl stood beside her, silently. Aili couldn’t see her face, only the silhouette of her body against the light of the street. Definitely a girl.

    Where did you get the gun?

    Nora shrugged and carefully holstered it. Although she had drunk much more than Aili, she was far less affected. It was something Aili had always envied about her; she could keep a clear head through anything.

    It’s mine. Obviously I don’t bring the Navy one out with me. I stopped at our place in Easterly earlier to pick up some things. I usually have it with me when we’re out late for just such occasions as this. How did you end up in an alley with four drunk sailors? She craned her neck to see better. Is there someone there with you?

    Aili pushed herself upright away from the wall, and, remembering Nora’s advice to always be chivalrous, tried to determine how to hold the girl’s arm and walk her out to the street. Which arm had been injured? When Aili put her hand on the girl’s arm, though, she shivered and made a little gasping noise, so Aili immediately let go. Sorry, she said awkwardly.

    When they reached the street, Aili saw that the girl’s face was shining — as though the most exciting thing in the world had just happened to her instead of nearly being killed by drunk Federation sailors.

    Hello there, said Nora, looking uncomfortable.

    Aili realized belatedly that Nora, who was definitely the more patriotic of the two of them, probably thought the girl was Kunorese, and certainly, she would have been shocked to find Aili with pretty much anyone, given her total failure in that line to date. And it was as though the girl didn’t see Nora at all. Even though it was really Nora who had rescued her, and all Aili had done was get her slashed by a knife, she stared only at Aili’s face, with a huge, delighted smile.

    The girl suddenly stepped closer, far closer than felt comfortable for Aili, and looked up into her eyes. She was very small, her head coming up barely to Aili’s collarbones, and when she tilted her face upwards, her eyes dark but brilliant and her hair falling back from her forehead in a shining black wave, Aili felt as though she might faint, that there was something making her dizzy. She couldn’t look away from her eyes.

    The girl said something in another language. Aili looked helplessly at Nora, who clearly was not feeling helpful anymore and was staring pointedly at her watch.

    I don’t speak Kunorese, Aili said.

    The girl looked surprised for one flash of an eyebrow, but then smiled, and said, It was Daxian, but of course we should speak Anglish, sorry. I forgot.

    Aili tried to think about why the girl would think they would know Daxian either, and gave it up as a problem that would require her to not have drunk several beers recently. At least the Daxian Republic was an ally, so Nora shouldn’t be upset.

    You got hurt, said Aili, trying to be professional. This was going to be her job, after all — fixing up people who got slashed and shot on battlefields. She reached out for the girl’s bloodstained sleeve, carefully pushing it back from the wound to see how bad it was. Aili always kept a few necessities on hand just in case; she had the small kit with her in her jacket pocket.

    But there was no wound.

    The girl smiled, and took her arm back, smoothing down the bloody sleeve. Healing and not dying, that’s pretty much all I’ve got, she said, as though it were an accepted thing between them, something she had said many times before. Her voice was low and clear and vibrant. She was still too close, and suddenly she laughed out loud and said, You’re so tall! And your hair!

    Reaching up, she actually touched Aili’s hair, golden-brown and bound up in a braid and pins. She left her hand on the nape of Aili’s neck for just one moment too long. I like it, she said, nodding decisively.

    If Nora’s eyes could have fallen out of her face, they would have. Aili could feel her own skin starting to heat up, but the girl seemed completely unbothered. She stroked Aili’s ear gently with two fingers, smiling.

    I don’t…know you? Aili finally managed to stammer, though she didn’t have enough self-control to grab the girl’s wrist, or to do any of the things that Nora would have recommended had this been another girl who was not so strange and forward.

    What’s your name? the girl asked.

    Aili Fallon, she said. And yours? Chivalrous, chivalrous; Nora should approve.

    Tairei, she said, laughing, you should call me Tairei. Aili, she added. That’s a nice name.

    Nora cleared her throat. Aili, we have to get back. Really.

    Tairei looked distinctly unpleased by this news, but nodded politely. I’ll see you again, she said, and smiled one last time at Aili before walking off down the street, her white blouse catching the streetlights.

    Nora looked disapprovingly after her. Femmes shouldn’t wear men’s pants, was all she said. At least she’s not Kunorese. Come on, we need to get back on base. We’re going to miss the ferry now if we don’t run.

    The Sand Island naval base was a collection of recently-built wooden dormitories and giant airplane hangars, with a seaplane lagoon and a set of docks for the carriers and transports that came and went for the war against Kunoru and the Twin Empires in the Western Sea. Aili always woke up early because the window in her room faced southeast, and the morning sun hit her face as soon as it peeked over the horizon. Even without that, though, she would probably wake up early after spending the first sixteen years of her life on the farm, rising before dawn to do chores and help her mother.

    Most of the people living on or visiting the base were men, and presumably men eager to have access to women, so the flight nurses in training slept in a dormitory somewhat apart from the others under the supervision of their chaperone who checked them in every night. She had marked both Aili and Nora down for demerits for their lateness and sloppy dress when they’d returned the night before. Nora grumbled; they had gotten in before the curfew after all, and had changed back into regulation dresses instead of the pants, button-downs, and vests they had worn at the bar. As they worked through that morning’s physical exercises and then sat in class, listening to the teaching nurse’s lecture on the importance of proper sanitation in field wound dressing, Aili found herself drifting off to the events of the night before. Nothing like that had ever happened to her — no woman had come close to her like that. Her pulse raced whenever she thought of it.

    She liked to think of it.

    Nora hissed, Aili, pay attention!

    The training nurse said, Trainee Fallon, please tell me the steps you would take to field dress a bayonet stab before moving the patient.

    Aili took a deep breath and recited: triage, cleaning, sulfa, packing the wound. The trainer nodded, and Aili breathed out slowly, and immediately started thinking about that girl’s face again. Tairei.

    At the lunch break in the canteen, Aili brought her tray to sit with Nora, who looked quite proper and feminine in a tailored blouse and skirt, her hair curled nicely around her face, just as regulations would have it.

    Nora looked over at Aili and rolled her eyes. Hello, lovebird, she said dryly. I’m guessing that wound care wasn’t really on your mind this morning.

    Aili smiled and shrugged. How do you think I could find that girl again? she heard herself say.

    You want to? Nora asked, surprised. After all this time that I’ve tried to get you together with someone, suddenly it’s this weird Kunorese person you meet in an alley with a bunch of sailors?

    Aili shrugged, blushing. She’s Daxian, she said weakly.

    Not the point, Nora said, looking at her closely. Are you actually blushing?

    I want to see her again, Aili said, stubbornly.

    Nora shook her head and began to eat. I don’t know why. She was really odd, the way she smiled at you that whole time. But if you did, you should hurry, because we’re shipping out in a month. Assuming that someone has actually done her homework and will pass the final exam.

    Aili’s fork stopped partway to her mouth. A month? It’s posted?

    There’s still the exam, but yeah, all of us have been assigned in our cohort. They announced it today while you were in dreamland. We’ll ship out in four weeks. So, if you meet your little friend again, remember not to tell her. Loose lips sink ships and all that.

    A woman put her tray down on the other side of the table, facing them and smiling in a friendly way. To her surprise, Aili saw that this woman was also Daxian, though she didn’t have much in common with Tairei otherwise; her hair was styled in curls instead of straight and loose, she was almost as tall as Aili, and she was wearing what looked like a pilot’s uniform.

    Aili inwardly burned with envy. She had wanted to enlist for pilot training, but they required a high school education. For various reasons that she didn’t care to explain to the enlistment officer, she didn’t have one. They had only accepted her for the nurse’s training because she had been able to demonstrate practical skills. Again for various reasons, she had had a good amount of experience in setting broken bones and cleaning up flesh wounds.

    Nora said, Aili, this is Edna Lee, she’s one of the Lady Aviators. I don’t think you were here last time she was on base.

    Edna smiled and reached over to shake hands. Pleasure, Aili, she said. Aili noted her wedding ring and decided that she would not be able to tell her about Tairei, but Nora beat her to it.

    Edna, we met a Daxian girl at the bar in Easterly last night, Nora said bluntly, and Aili mentally put her face in her hands.

    Don’t worry, Aili, Nora added. Edna and I went to school together. She’s from Easterly, she knows everybody and everything, no secrets, hey? So, we met this really strange Daxian girl, Edna — looked about our age, but I’d never seen her at the bar before. I was wondering, do you know her?

    Aili physically put her face in her hands.

    Edna laughed. It’s all right, Aili, Nora’s right, I’m safe to talk to about this. Anyway, I’ve got to fly back tomorrow. I’m ferrying bombers…logistics are a nightmare. She sipped her tea and nodded toward Nora. But Nora, some discretion, please. You’re on base, you could get in trouble if you’re not careful.

    Nora said, Sorry, Edna, it’s just so good to see you. I forgot it’s not like we’re back at school again. Are you and David moving back here?

    Mmm, she said, my parents are here, and now I’m flying in here a lot. We decided we might as well head back here. He’s in Easterly next week looking for a place for us, and an office for him. She turned back to Aili. So, I don’t know everyone, but I do know most of the Daxian girls near our age from Little Daxian, anyway. What was her name?

    Tairei? Aili said, uncertainly.

    Edna choked on her tea. She said that’s her name? She shook her head. You were right, Nora, this sounds weird.

    Nora nodded. I told you. This girl was strange. I’m worried about my farmgirl here, she’s so innocent.

    Aili looked back and forth between them, confused. What’s wrong with Tairei?

    She knows you don’t speak Daxian, right? The thing is, tairei isn’t a name at all, it’s…well, it’s hard to explain in Anglish. We don’t have Anglish words for these kinds of things, but it’s more of a title of respect, it shows your relationship.

    Which is…?

    Younger sister.

    It was now Aili’s turn to choke on her tea. Nora snickered.

    Don’t worry, Edna said quickly, it’s not like a biological sister. More like you’re in training together, it’s a special relationship that’s like a family, right?

    Nora and Aili looked at her blankly.

    Edna rolled her eyes. Nora, come on, I’ve explained this kind of thing to you before. The ones who are training you are an older generation, and there’s special words for them too, but the ones who are training with you are in your generation, and you’d use tairei for anyone who’s training with you in your generation but also who came in after you did. It’s really weird to introduce yourself to someone that way when you’ve never met. She didn’t explain why you were sisters, right? It’s like she’s claiming a relationship that doesn’t exist.

    Would you come tonight and see if we can find her again? Nora asked. Because it’s just… Nora nodded toward Aili, who was staring at her plate in a stupor.

    Why not? Edna smiled. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to visit Little Daxian.

    Nora said, We can get some food too? Take us to a good restaurant. I haven’t been to a Daxian restaurant since you moved away. Have you ever had Daxian food, Aili?

    Aili started from her daze at being addressed directly. Oh, no, yes, no, that would be good, she blurted out, and looked back down at her plate.

    Less than ten minutes after Edna, Aili, and Nora settled into a round table at a tiny, packed restaurant in Little Daxian, full of smoke and loud voices, Aili looked up to meet Tairei’s fierce, dark eyes. Tairei’s eyes flicked over Nora, frowned briefly at Edna, and returned to meet Aili’s. They hadn’t even gotten a chance to discuss how they would find Tairei if she didn’t appear at the bar again — in fact, they hadn’t even ordered food — but here she stood, now wearing neatly-tailored pants and a blouse that Nora would consider femme-appropriate attire, Aili thought. Aili’s throat closed up when she looked at her.

    Tairei put a hand on her shoulder, and said, Aili, it’s good to see you, may I join you? Who are your friends? as though they were the closest of companions already, instead of strangers.

    Aili jumped up and pulled out a chair for her, again belatedly remembering Nora’s frequent instructions for proper attentive date behavior. The effect was somewhat spoiled by her bumping into the man seated behind her — the place was just so small, and she was just so big and awkward — who broke out into a torrent of Daxian that sounded vaguely abusive. Both Tairei and Edna started talking back to him in the same moment and looked at each other, startled.

    Tairei recovered first, smiled, and said something to Edna in Daxian, who responded and apparently started asking rapid-fire questions. Tairei smiled and answered all of them, but Aili noticed a little bead of sweat starting to run down from under her hair. This was, in itself, so fascinating that Aili just stared at Tairei’s face and listened, entranced, to the language she didn’t understand, completely ignoring Nora’s expressions. At last, Tairei nodded her head politely toward Edna, who looked somewhat dissatisfied, and turned to Aili.

    Aili, Tairei said, I think there’s something here you’ll really like. I’ll order for you, and proceeded to yell something in Daxian at the waiter.

    Edna looked surprised again, and Nora looked scandalized. In fact, every man and woman in the place stopped to look at her for a moment.

    Tairei blushed a little bit. Sorry, she said, I forget sometimes that I’m not supposed to raise my voice in this…restaurant.

    When their food came, it was placed in large dishes in the center of the table, with small bowls of rice for each of them, and Edna and Tairei took turns pointing Aili and Nora toward the things to put in their bowls. Tairei was especially insistent that Aili try something she called tofu. Aili gamely put it in her mouth and chewed and swallowed, but the texture was so very odd that she politely refused any more.

    Tairei seemed, for a moment, quite startled by this. She looked seriously at Aili’s face. Really? You don’t like it?

    It’s fine, Aili said diplomatically, drinking as much tea as she quickly could. I like some of these other things better, though.

    Like this, right? said Nora, waving a piece of roast duck on a fork. This is delicious. And these are the noodles, right, from before, Edna? I remember these! I wish you were still around. This food is so great.

    Edna said, You can come here without me, silly goose. Just remember, that’s chow mein. Just say that and you can get it on your own.

    Aili watched Tairei out of the corner of her eye, a little worried. Quietly, she ate the tofu, and had some vegetables and rice as well, but avoided the duck; her smile had dimmed, and she looked preoccupied. When they had finished as much of the food as they could put away, she asked tentatively, Tairei, do you want to go for a walk with me?

    Tairei’s smile came back with the force of the sun rising, and Aili stared at her, then wondered if her mouth had fallen open.

    Yes, Tairei said. Yes, let’s walk. I’ll– I’ll– Yes, let’s go. She grabbed Aili’s hand, and Aili felt herself tugged to her feet — the girl was much stronger than she looked — as she waved helplessly at Nora and Edna.

    It was fully dark now, Tairei’s hand warmly entangled with hers.

    Do you know your way around here? Tairei asked. I haven’t been here long. I just came from the Daxian Republic recently.

    I’ve lived in Easterly for a few years, but I don’t spend much time in Little Daxian. When did you arrive?

    Just last week.

    Aili wondered how she had come; surely civilian ships weren’t coming from the Daxian Republic now through the war blockade, but Tairei continued, Is this your hometown?

    Aili shook her head. I’m from a very small town. Nobody’s ever heard of it, just farms.

    What’s it called?

    Fallon, she said. Truthfully, it’s not a very nice place; I was glad to leave.

    It’s your surname, though, isn’t it? Tairei asked doubtfully. Is it your clan home?

    I guess so…My great-grandfather was one of the town’s founders. Aili found herself not wanting to say any more about Fallon or her family, neither of which were pleasant topics for a romantic walk. But what about you? Edna told me Tairei– It’s not your name, right? Would you tell me your name? She immediately thought that this was unforgivably awkward and wanted to slap her own face.

    Tairei was quiet for a minute. Why are you talking to Edna about me?

    I don’t really know Edna, Aili said quickly. She’s Nora’s friend.

    After a pause, Tairei said, My name is Liu Chenguang.

    Aili thought she sounded rather sad, and said, I can call you Tairei if you want, though. It’s already how I think of you.

    Tairei smiled, but withdrew her hand; Aili’s hand groped in the air for a moment before she found her pocket and tried to pretend that this was in no way complicated to manage. They were quiet for a while, walking from light to light pooling on the dark streets. There was a rich scent in the air, and then something medicinal and bitter.

    Tairei raised her head and pointed with her chin. That’s the apothecary. I’m going to start working there tomorrow. I’ve been trained as a physician, but I can’t really practice here. They’ll just have me put the prescriptions together.

    Aili said, Is it like a pharmacy? I’m training to be a nurse now, and then remembered she wasn’t supposed to tell anyone this. Well, Nora and her strictures were somewhere in a Daxian restaurant several blocks away, and Tairei was here now, pointing to a row of Daxian characters running up and down on a signboard.

    Come on, said Tairei, it’s still open. I can take you in and show you.

    Aili looked around with interest at the wall full of tiny drawers, the counter showing roots and pills and oils, the scales and charts. I wish I could read Daxian, she said, I can’t understand anything.

    I can tell you about things, Tairei said, and drew her finger along a chart showing a human body covered with mysterious figures. These are the meridians that carry energy, and these are the acupuncture points, each point in combination with others addresses various disorders and imbalances in the body’s energy… After a while, she ran out of words, and smiled. It’s a very complicated system; it takes a long time to learn.

    It’s fascinating, said Aili, mostly finding Tairei fascinating. She had soon gotten lost in the complicated lecture about elements and something called yin and yang, and wondered what kind of prodigy Tairei must be; she looked barely twenty. It’s very different from what I’ve been learning. It’s mostly field dressings — not for chronic illness, just for wounds.

    Tairei turned. For wounds? What wounds? Field dressings?

    Well, in the war.

    The war, Tairei said blankly. Oh, yes.

    Didn’t you just come from the Daxian Republic? Edna was saying that the Kunorese are occupying–

    Yes, of course, Tairei said quickly. I noticed that, of course. It’s impossible not to notice.

    It would definitely be difficult not to notice your country being invaded and occupied — and from what Edna had described, occupied with extreme brutality — yet Tairei sounded as though she had forgotten all about it, as though it wasn’t anything particularly notable. Was she so traumatized that she was unable to think? Or perhaps she wasn’t really Daxian at all? But she clearly spoke Daxian…Edna had spoken to her…and she suddenly remembered how the wound in Tairei’s arm had simply disappeared. Why had she not even thought of that until now, as though a knife slash in an arm healing itself in a moment was a normal thing that didn’t even deserve notice? Confused, Aili stared silently into Tairei’s eyes.

    There’s enough pain everywhere, Tairei said eventually. After a while, it all blends together.

    I don’t understand. Aili cleared her throat. Was it because of the war, that you had to leave Daxian?

    No, not because of that. I just had to come here.


    For you, Tairei said, simply, as though this was the most obvious thing in the world, something that both of them already knew. For you, to find you, of course for you.

    What? Aili said. She took a step backward. Tairei’s eyes became anxious. What, why for me?

    Tairei opened her mouth, and then closed it again. Finally, she said, Don’t you know why? Her voice shook slightly. You don’t…know me?

    Aili stared, but nothing more was forthcoming. Tairei’s eyes were very beautiful — that was all she could think of — but something wasn’t right.

    Tairei said, You don’t remember?

    Aili shook her head, which was starting to ache. It must be the alcohol at that restaurant; she knew she didn’t have a good tolerance. She raised her hand to her forehead, and felt Tairei’s hand cover it. Tairei was standing very close, too close, Aili could feel the nearness of her body, the pressure of her fingertips. Aili focused her eyes on a wall painting, partly illuminated by the streetlamps. In the dim light, the mural seemed alive to her.

    Are you all right? Tairei asked. Aili?

    The painting, Aili said. That painting – what is that picture? Her head ached fiercely.

    Tairei turned to look at the wall mural, painted in vivid colors. It’s just for a restaurant, she said, her voice thin. It’s a picture of a phoenix and a dragon.

    She reached out for Aili’s hand and Aili stepped back again, trying to get her balance, trying to stop her head from spinning. Tairei’s fingers, warm and firm, were suddenly against the inside of Aili’s wrist, pressing gently. Aili, something’s wrong?

    I should get back to them, Aili said. Too much to drink. It’s late.

    I’ll walk you back, Tairei said quickly. You might get lost otherwise–

    No, that’s all right, I have a good sense of direction. This was not a lie; Aili had a very good head for knowing where she was and how she had gotten there, and the streets that had taken her and Tairei almost an hour of wandering and chatting through took less than ten minutes to bring her back to the restaurant. She almost ran back, away from this sense of unreality and dizziness and Tairei’s hand over hers.

    Reality was there, waiting for her, Edna and Nora outside the restaurant where she’d left them — Nora smoking a cigarette with her dark hair already losing its fashionable curl, and Edna looking worried. The pain in her head faded as though it had never been.

    I’m glad you’re back, Edna said when she saw Aili. There’s something very strange about that girl. She’s not telling the truth about who she is or where she came from. I think you should avoid her.

    Aili said, Yes, I agree.

    You do? asked Nora.

    Edna’s mouth hung open, ready to argue more.

    I do, said Aili. Let’s go home.

    Nora put her arm around Aili’s shoulder. Don’t worry, little sister, big sister will help you find a better one before we ship out.

    Edna and Aili said together, Don’t say that. It’s weird, and started laughing.

    As they got on the boat to cross the estuary to Sand Island, Aili looked back from the railings. Sure enough, a slight, dark-haired figure stood by the pier, watching the lighted ferry push through the dark waters. It only occurred to her, then, that she had left Tairei standing there in the street without even saying goodbye, and for some reason thinking this made her heart hurt. She put her head down against the wooden railing, took a deep breath, and looked up again. The figure had disappeared.

    Chapter 2


    There were less than four weeks left until embarkation, less than four weeks until the final tests. The days didn’t leave much energy to visit bars at night anymore,

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