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The Process of Animal Domestication
The Process of Animal Domestication
The Process of Animal Domestication
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The Process of Animal Domestication

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The first modern scholarly synthesis of animal domestication

Across the globe and at different times in the past millennia, the evolutionary history of domesticated animals has been greatly affected by the myriad, complex, and diverse interactions humans have had with the animals closest to them. The Process of Animal Domestication presents a broad synthesis of this subject, from the rich biology behind the initial stages of domestication to how the creation of breeds reflects cultural and societal transformations that have impacted the biosphere.

Marcelo Sánchez-Villagra draws from a wide range of fields, including evolutionary biology, zooarchaeology, ethnology, genetics, developmental biology, and evolutionary morphology to provide a fresh perspective to this classic topic. Relying on various conceptual and technical tools, he examines the natural history of phenotypes and their developmental origins. He presents case studies involving mammals, birds, fish, and insect species, and he highlights the importance of domestication for the comprehension of evolution, anatomy, ontogeny, and dozens of fundamental biological processes.

Bringing together the most current developments, The Process of Animal Domestication will interest a wide range of readers, from evolutionary biologists, developmental biologists, and geneticists to anthropologists and archaeologists.

Release dateJan 18, 2022
The Process of Animal Domestication

Marcelo Sánchez-Villagra

Dr. Marcelo Sanchez is an Assistant Professor for Paleontology at the Palaontologisches Institut und Museum der Universitat Zurich.

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    The Process of Animal Domestication - Marcelo Sánchez-Villagra

    The Process of Animal Domestication

    The Process of Animal Domestication



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    ISBN 9780691217666

    ISBN (pbk.) 9780691217673

    ISBN (e-book) 9780691217680

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    Editorial: Alison Kalett & Whitney Rauenhorst

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    CHAPTER 1 Pathways in time and space 1

    CHAPTER 2 Domesticated mammals and birds: Species accounts 36

    CHAPTER 3 The genetics of domestication 67

    CHAPTER 4 Evolutionary development 90

    CHAPTER 5 Ontogenetic change 122

    CHAPTER 6 Life history and growth 144

    CHAPTER 7 Morphological diversification 169

    CHAPTER 8 Feralization and experimental domestication 203

    CHAPTER 9 Fish domestication 220

    CHAPTER 10 Insect domestication 236

    Epilogue 247




    Image Credits321


    Domestic animals are ubiquitous. In contrast to the biodiversity crisis currently impacting many kinds of animals and plants, not a single domesticated species is endangered. Instead, like humans, domesticated species show wide geographic distributions, in some cases even becoming invasive species. The estimated biomass of livestock, led by cattle, is twice as much as that of all wild mammals combined.

    Domestication is important. And yet there is a kind of snobbery against domestic animals on the part of biologists. For example, domesticates are largely neglected or ignored by those building or maintaining zoological collections. While the modest radiation of Galapagos finches is celebrated as a paramount of evolution, domesticated pigeons are many orders of magnitude more diverse morphologically. Cichlid fishes from African lakes have received attention for their impressive and fast evolution, and as such are always included in textbooks on evolution. In contrast, the cranial diversity of goldfish, which may surpass that of cichlids in many parameters, is understudied.

    Maybe disdain for domestic animals is an example of the nature fallacy pervasive in many people, the notion that nature and wildness are good, or at least better than human-created things, which are bad. This may have led to the perception of domesticated animals as not natural. A biologist is interested in the natural world, and domestic animals are not quite part of that. In addition, boundaries of scholarly disciplines play a role. Domesticated animals are a subject tied to veterinary medicine. While this discipline has generated huge amounts of knowledge, traditionally it has lacked the evolutionary view.

    But things are changing. Some of the most innovative work on genetics of morphological diversification is conducted in domestic pigeons, rabbits, and a myriad of fishes as subjects of aquaculture. Canaries, zebra finches, and Bengalese finches provide insights into the study of language. Ideas on domestication have inspired work on the neural crest, a fundamental group of embryonic cells of vertebrates traditionally studied only in model organisms. The subject of domestication is becoming more prominent in controversial but meaningful comparisons between the origin of modern Homo sapiens and some aspects of the domestication process.

    The most influential work on evolution, Darwin’s (1859) On the Origin of Species, starts with a chapter about domestication. The conceptual and methodological developments in studies of domestication since Darwin have been enormous. The study of the origins of, or rather transitions to domestication, and of the multidimensional consequences of domestication, require contributions from different disciplines, including zooarchaeology, ethnology, molecular biology and evolutionary morphology. I summarize salient aspects that come from these perspectives. My view, biased and incomplete as any other, is that of an organismal zoologist. The emphasis of this book is on the natural history of the phenotype and its developmental origin. The patterns of wonderful variation concern different levels of organization.

    It pains me to know there are many great examples of subjects I treat that I do not mention, and relevant papers I have not included. I have tried to use my exposure to German Academia and my multicultural background to strengthen the scholarship of this book, but I have surely failed in many ways. The subjects that domestication touches upon are so many and disparate, and the information so vast, that it is impossible to embrace them all.

    I have provided drafts of this book to several colleagues, and without exception their critical reading resulted in useful feedback and sometimes strong comments about attempts to define domestication. Defining domestication is a thankless task, and it is just impossible to please everybody. I did my best to provide several views and convey the difficulties in finding a universal concept for so many species and differences in interactions. One thing we all agree on is that domestication is an ongoing process rather than an invention or an event. Another point of general agreement is the importance of the animal perspective in understanding the transition to domestication. And that is where the commonality of domestication across species ends. The main message of this book is that there are few if any universals in the patterns that result from the domestication process.

    Domestication encompasses many processes and mechanisms and many degrees of interaction between humans and the domesticated organisms.

    Domestication is just evolution, with human influence to some degree or another. As such, it includes many mechanisms—for example, hybridization—and if we discuss all animals as I do, then the historical contingencies are diverse. Thus, the main message of the book I will emphasize is that domestication produces, as it happens in evolution, wonderful variation and a lack of universals. There are common principles, and these are explained in the book, but the resulting patterns are diverse depending on local conditions. This explains, for example, why universal features in a domestication syndrome are not to be expected.

    The diversity of patterns and kinds of domestication make the subject extremely rich and challenging. This is not some hopeless and almost naive biology is complicated and it is not physics perspective of some biologists of a few generations ago. Physics itself has changed in the last decades, with ideas of emergence and local laws. Biology like physics is complicated, surely, but tractable and even predictable. However, we need to look at local conditions and not necessarily expect universal patterns, even if these are our null hypothesis.

    The famous maxim that more is different of condensed matter physics by Philip W. Anderson in 1972 applies well to our current understanding of evolution. The emergent patterns that result during domestication, an example of developmental evolution, mean that it is not just the finding of individual genes and their interactions that will reveal how diversity originates.

    The same biological principles that apply to mammals and birds apply to fishes and insects, but their different evolutionary histories mean that comparisons of some organ systems are too broad to be practical. An example is brain size. More importantly, the literature available on fishes and insects has different histories and contexts, and the number of classical or old domesticated species are few. The chapters on fishes and insects follow the same topic sequence as the rest of the book, so the reader finds the same story line.

    Throughout the book I present short discussions on fundamental aspects of the environmental crisis, animal welfare issues, and food consumption. These are complex subjects that require a more extensive discussion, but I did not want to leave these matters unmentioned. There is no doubt that selective breeding has brought great benefits to humans, in some cases without compromising the welfare of animals in significant ways. But there is a tipping point. Those that claim that genetic manipulation is just an example of what humans have been doing for millennia with selective breeding are right, but they overlook the fact that there is a nonlinear relationship between the extent or kind of manipulation and the biological consequences or the welfare of the animals in question.

    The Process of Animal Domestication


    Pathways in time and space

    Animal domestication encompasses many kinds of interactions between humans and other species. It is a continuum of stages of a gradually intensifying relationship. This relationship ranges from anthropophily to commensalism, from control in the wild to control of captive animals, from extensive to intensive breeding, and in some cases it extends to owning of pets (e.g., Vigne 2011, Zeder 2012a, b; Larson and Fuller 2014). A fundamental and primary aspect of domesticated animals is their tameness, meaning that they tolerate and are unafraid of human presence and handling. The genetics and the physiological and morphological correlates of tameness have thus been a central focus of studies of domestication. However, tameness alone does not imply domestication, as exemplified by tamed elephants living in close association with humans. Keeping an animal as a pet does not make it domestic. Examples from the Amazon region abound. Changes in reproduction can be seen at the core of domestication (Vigne 2011).

    Domestic animals emerged from small groups of individuals of their respective wild form that became increasingly reproductively isolated from the stem forms as a result of the influence of humans. They adapted to the peculiar ecological conditions imposed by an anthropogenic environment and in some cases developed considerable population sizes. Domesticated animals are subject to environmental conditions and selective pressures different from those faced by their wild counterparts. Furthermore, the conditions to which populations of domestic animals are exposed vary greatly (e.g, culling patterns, availability of food, protection from predators). Altered natural selection and continual targeted and non-targeted selection by humans led to divergence from the wild norm in morphology, physiology, and behavior. Domestic animals are increasingly used for economic and leisure purposes in diverse ways. The variety of perspectives by which to characterize domestication (e.g., symbiotic interactions: Budiansky 1992; resulting domesticated phenotype: Price 1984; Kohane and Parsons 1988) make a unique and universal definition a challenging and unrealistic goal (Ladizinky 1998; Balasse et al. 2018).

    Traditionally, domestication has been defined and conceptualized from the human perspective, with our species as the domesticator. This view is no longer universally accepted, and in fact different perspectives have contributed to this change. A new look at naturalistic observations demonstrates the active role played by animals in approaching humans and in looking for benefits resulting from human proximity and interaction. It is thus relevant to examine the reciprocal impact of animals in shaping the trajectory of human biological and cultural evolution (Zeder 2017). Animal-human interactions have been discussed in terms of niche construction, a subject often treated in discussions of an expanded evolutionary synthesis (Smith 2011a; Zeder 2018). Niche construction refers to the evolutionary impact of ecosystem engineering activities that create new or modify existing selection pressures acting on present and future generations (Odling-Smee et al. 2003). Humans have been characterized as the ultimate niche constructors, and cultural niche construction has been discussed in the context of the initial phase of domestication (Smith 2011b). Domestic animals are also niche constructors. Independent of the discussion around the repetitive nature of the subject of niche construction in the literature (Gupta et al. 2017), its relevance to conceptualizing and describing ecological interactions is uncontested.

    Another perspective that questions the traditional and human-centered conceptualization of domestication (e.g., Zeuner 1963) is a philosophical/sociological one. People tend to create narratives (Diogo 2017), and we have done so with domestication, in which we present ourselves as central and the makers of destinies of organisms. This notion ignores the active role of the domesticated and is a traditional Western European view of our place in nature that is not universal among humans (Ingold 2000; Descola 2013; Figure 1.1). The argument has been made for abandoning the notion of domestication in favor of a continuum of human-nonhuman animal relationships (Russell 2002). Although there is merit in this idea, it does not solve the issue of defining the complex phenomenon we call domestication. It is more productive to discuss the pathways to domestication and the different kinds of interactions entailed by domestication. These reflections should not obviate the recorded cases in which humans have played and directed a one-sided role in domestication, as in the case of canaries native to the Canary Islands brought to Europe and domesticated simply because of their singing (Birkhead 2003).

    When the focus is on intense, selective breeding and animal management, the conceptualization of domestication leads to a view in which humans are the sole agents (Fig. 1.1, Ego). This view also sees domestication as an intentional and goal-oriented interaction. An alternative view arises if one concentrates on the first steps of the domestication continuum. At this point, people did not have long-term domestication plans, and interactions between humans and other animals were voluntary on both sides; therefore, from this perspective, the agent is not as obvious. The argument has been made that, based on some parameters, some domesticated animals and plants have benefited more from the interaction than humans themselves (Budiansky 1992). The increased distribution and multiplication of species that became domesticated contrast with the many challenges and disadvantages faced by humans following the Neolithic transition. The idea of human demise following the Neolithic transition has an element of retro-romantic thinking. What is needed is a multivariate evaluation and quantification of human prosperity across time, so that a nuanced evaluation of how human life has changed can be attained. Surely the result will show nonlinear changes, geographic variation, and a lack of universals.

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    Fig 1.1. Ego, Eco, and Evo views of the human-animal interactions. Only domesticated animals are shown.

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    Fig 1.2. Comparison of domestication sensu stricto versus artificial selection and other kinds of selection regimes. The geometric shapes represent the relative magnitude of variables shown along the top of the figure. Ne is the effective population size. The historical population size influences the amount of variation present in the population.

    It is fundamental to differentiate the intense artificial selection typical of the creation and preservation of breeds (intensive breeding) from the domestication pathways described below, associated with the initial phase of interaction, in which a dependence of the domesticated form on humans has not yet been established. Mutagenesis screens, experimental evolution, artificial selection, domestication, and selection within species differ in important parameters in space and time (Stern 2011; Figure 1.2). A mutagenesis or genetic screen is an experimental approach used in research to generate a mutated population to identify and select for individuals with a specific target phenotype, providing information on gene function. The difference between domestication sensu stricto versus selection for improvement traits or artificial selection, as well as with other kinds of evolutionary and human-induced phenomena, becomes evident when comparing degree of selection and population sizes.

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    Fig 1.3. Pathways to domestication. Changes in intensity of the human-animal relationship are indicated.

    There are different pathways to domestication. Likewise, the kinds of interactions at the other end of the domestication continuum (Figure 1.3) are not all the same. Selective breeding, aimed at preserving specific breeds or features, is different from management, which involves manipulation of growth conditions, or the environment that sustains it. The aim of management is to increase the relative abundance and predictability of a population and to reduce the time and energy required to harvest it (Zeder 2015).

    Pathways to domestication

    Traditionally, domestication has been seen as resulting from goal-driven human action, with narratives about selection for traits that differentiated wild and domestic forms. In reality, domestication of different species has involved different kinds of interactions. Zeder (2012a, b) formally recognized and described three separate pathways followed by animals into a domesticated relationship with humans: a commensal pathway, a prey pathway, and a direct pathway (Figure 1.3).

    There is usually no intentionality in the commensal pathway, which involves a coevolutionary process in which a population uses a novel niche that includes another species. That niche could involve human food waste or refuge, which is then taken advantage of by a subset of individuals of another animal species (e.g., wolves) that were less aggressive (i.e., tamer) than the rest. In the absence of human instigation, an interaction could arise, and only later would the human-directed selection that we associate with modern domestic populations have been possible.

    The prey pathway involved a human intention to increase the efficiency of resource management. Medium to large herbivores were targeted as prey, including perhaps the case of horses. Although not originally planned as such, domestication resulted from humans altering their hunting strategies toward herd management, eventually leading to control over the animals’ diet and reproduction (Zeder 2012a, b). The prey pathway probably took place in human communities that cultivated plants and did not lead a hunter-gatherer life. The directed pathway involved the deliberate use of a species and its incorporation into human life for uses such as transport, although the species in question were sometimes hunted as prey. A classic example of a directed pathway involving consumption is aquaculture (chapter 9).

    The domestication pathway followed by different species is in some cases clear and in some cases debatable (Larson and Fuller 2014). There can be mixed cases, as in pigs perhaps having been domesticated via both a commensal and a prey pathway. The zooarchaeological and molecular evidence used to establish domestication pathways is mostly inconclusive, but mortality profiles may provide clues (Payne 1973) if performed with proper sampling and approach (Bartosiewicz 2015; Bartosiewicz and Bonsall 2018). Although recourse to comparative, ethnological data from hunter-gatherers is important, such ethnological data only provide hints on the plausibility of an explanation by analogy, and never a direct test of what happened.

    Domestication in other species?

    Different kinds of interactions occur among animal species, and some of these have been compared with domestication (Zeuner 1963). Prominent among these interactions is symbiosis, in which both partners benefit. Certainly common aspects are shared by some interactions and domestication, but by definition and considering the cognitive and social aspects associated with humans, it seems reasonable to see those commonalities as superficial.

    The sharing of resources and of defense against predators recorded for baboons interacting with feral dogs and cats in Saudi Arabia are a remarkable case recorded in numerous videos and popular accounts. Indeed, mixed-species associations are known to occur and benefit those involved by increasing foraging success, and by aiding in the detection and deterrence of predators (Venkataraman et al. 2015).

    In the case of agriculture, some authors have called the case of humans and crops and the agriculture practiced by leaf cutter and other ants a convergence (Conway Morris 2003), but there are profound evolutionary differences between the two (Sterelny 2005; Jablonsky 2017). Agriculture has reportedly evolved in three groups of insects: once in ants, once in termites, and seven times in ambrosia beetles. All three groups produce clonal monocultures within their nests and for generations, with monitoring of gardens and additionally managing of microbes that provide disease suppression (Mueller et al. 2005). Other reports include those of fungus farming by a snail in the marine environment (Silliman and Newell 2003), bacterial husbandry in social amoebas (Brock et al. 2011), and a damselfish (Stegastes nigricans) and algae (Polysiphonia sp.) in a coral reef ecosystem. But the agriculture of these animals is neither associated with cultural changes in the domesticator, nor has it led to major geographic expansions and use of natural resources. Furthermore, the associated cognitive, physiological, and developmental aspects of the organisms involved are different from those of humans.

    The diversity of domesticated mammals and birds: patterns in time and space

    Roughly 70,000 species of vertebrates have been recognized in the world, of which about 5,500 are mammals and 10,900 are birds. Of these, only a few dozen species have been domesticated. The number of species with populations being managed or kept in captivity is much larger, and many of these have been described as semi-domesticated (Mason 1984). Distinguishing wild from domestic forms—to use the simple and not always proper dichotomy—in both the zooarchaeological record and even when considering extant population samples, is not an easy task. One aspect to consider is that lifestyle under domestication is quite variable. A wild population may be more similar in its life conditions to a domesticated one than to another wild population, for example.

    When Darwin (1868) published his major work on domestication, hypotheses about which ancestral species led to domesticated ones were being first postulated. Darwin wrote that the diversity of dogs was such that origin from a single species would be highly unlikely. He was wrong—although not quite, if we consider the fact that introgression (gene flow resulting from hybridization) has occurred between wolves and coyotes (Lehman et al. 1991), and probably between some groups of dogs and other canids (Norton 2019). On the other hand, Darwin suggested that pigeons have a single ancestor, a surprising (and correct) hypothesis given how remarkably diverse pigeons are (Hansell 1998; Price 2002b). But things are complicated, as some traits of pigeons have been introgressed from other species (Vickrey et al. 2018). A similar case is known for the many breeds of chickens, originating mainly from the red junglefowl but with some degree of introgression from two other species of Gallus, at least in some regions, explaining some of the traits of chickens (Eriksson et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2020). Molecular and archaeological studies have hypothesized with great certainty which wild species were the ancestors for domesticated ones, as well as helped to test hypotheses on when and where major domestication phases occurred (Shapiro and Hofreiter 2014).

    Mammalian domesticates

    Among mammals, more than 25 species of placentals have been domesticated (Table 1.1). I follow Gentry et al.’s (2004) nomenclature, the one more universally used, in spite of the idiosyncratic nature of this decision given the known history of the animals involved, including hybridization (Zeller and Göttert 2019). Most domestic species are herbivores and, of those, most belong to the artiodactyls, which tend to live in herds and are nonterritorial. These features surely contributed to lend themselves to herding and managing by humans. The pig, although usually characterized as an omnivore, also eats mostly plant material, calculated in one study as around 90% of its diet (Ballari and Barrios-García 2014). Some domesticated artiodactyls such as the yak have remained confined to their original areas of domestication, but others, including cattle, sheep, goats and camels, dispersed widely through their association with humans. Pastoralism spread throughout semidesert lands, steppes, and savannas of Eurasia and Africa.

    Note: Scientific names largely follow Gentry et al. (2004), given the widespread use of that nomenclature (but see Zeller and Göttert 2019). The taxa included follow the review of Larson and Fuller (2014) for the most part, with some modifications, such as adding the gerbil (Stuermer et al. 2003).

    The domesticated carnivorans are the dog, the ferret, and the cat, and, more recently, the domesticated mink. Almost half the species of mammals are rodents, but few of them became domesticated. The laboratory rat can be considered domesticated, and together with the mouse and the domestic cavy or guinea pig, they are important in biomedical research.

    Some species not listed in Table 1.1 are considered domesticated in a most general way, including many species that are simply kept in captivity or managed for diverse economic purposes but were never tamed over generations resulting in the genetic or morphological changes characteristic of domestication, nor were their reproductive patterns significantly changed (Vigne 2011). In a compendium of domesticated animals, Mason (1984) listed among others the following species: muskox (Ovibos moschatus), American (Bison bison) and European (Bison bonasus) bison, silver fox (Vulpes vulpes), raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), Egyptian mongoose, Indian grey mongoose, and the small Asian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon, H. edwardsi, and H. javanicus, respectively), some civets (Viverra spp. and Viverricula indica), coypu or nutria (Myocastor coypus), capybara (Hydrochoeris hydrochaeris), muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), giant pouched rat and greater cane rat (Cricetomys spp. and Thryonomys swinderianus), and Arctic or white fox (Vulpes lagopus).

    There are no domesticated marsupials, even though opossums, possums, and kangaroos and their relatives both in the Americas and in Australia have played a role in the culture and traditions of humans (e.g., Smith and Litchfield 2009). Furthermore, no domesticates are included among two of the four large clades of placentals, the xenarthrans (armadillos, sloths, and anteaters) and the afrotherians (elephants, tenrecs, golden moles, sirenians, hyraxes). However, in these groups many species have been important as pets or are being or have been managed in different cultures (e.g., kangaroos), in some cases for centuries.

    The evolutionary relationships among the domesticated mammalian species are solidly supported by comprehensive analyses of placental mammals (Francis 2015; Figure 1.4). This phylogenetic framework is fundamental to understanding the commonalities and differences among species of domesticates regarding changes in morphology and life history that result from domestication, as the evolvability and modularity of traits are usually clade-specific. For example, the domestication syndrome is not a universal and uniform set of characters, as different clades exhibit different sets of modifications arising from selection for tameness (chapter 3). Likewise, an understanding of the evolutionary relationships and distances among species is important for predicting the likelihood of transmission of infectious diseases between them (Farrell and Davies 2019). It has been speculated that infections from parasites outside their normal phylogenetic host range are more likely to result in death. In fact, the odds of lethality were estimated to double for each additional 10 million years of evolutionary distance (Farrell and Davies 2019).

    Avian domesticates

    Poultry are birds kept by humans for their eggs, meat, or feathers. Most of these birds are members of the Galloanserae (fowl), especially the Galliformes, including chickens, guinea fowls, quails, and turkeys, which are a sister group to the Anseriformes, which include ducks, Muscovy ducks, and geese. All these constitute the sister group to the Neoaves, including the pigeons in the Columbiformes and the great radiation of Passeriformes, examples of which are the Bengalese or society finch and the canary among domesticates (Table 1.2, Figure 1.5).

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    Fig 1.4. Evolutionary relationships among species of domesticated mammals. In some works, the yak is hypothesized as a sister group to the cattle/indicine cattle. Branch lengths are proportional to the estimated distance in time among species.

    In addition to the species listed in Table 1.2, the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulates), the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), and the ostrich (Struthio camelus) are considered domesticates by many authors. Several bird species are usually kept in captivity or managed for diverse economic purposes. Mason (1984) listed the following species as semidomesticated, or routinely captive-bred: Barbary dove (Streptopelia risoria) domesticated as the African collared dove (Streptopelia roseogrisea), African lovebirds (Agapornis), cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus), mute swan (Cygnus olor), peafowl (Pavo cristatus), including Indian peafowl (Pavo muticus), green peafowl (P. m. spicifer), and Burmese form (P. m. muticus and P. m. imperator), pheasants (Phasianus colchicus, common pheasant, and P. versicolor, green pheasant), as well as partridges: grey (Perdix perdix), red-legged (Alectoris rufa), rock (A. graeca), and chukar (A. chukar).

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    Fig 1.5. Evolutionary relationships among main species of domesticated birds. Branch lengths are proportional to the estimated distance in time among species.

    One peculiar human-bird interaction involves the great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) and fishermen in rivers in many countries in Asia, a few countries in Europe, and perhaps Peru in the fifth century of the current era (Leight 1960). In a traditional method now disappearing, fishers tie a snare near the base of the bird’s throat, preventing the swallowing of large fish. When a cormorant has caught a fish in its throat, the fisher brings the bird back to the boat and has the bird spit up the fish. This peculiar and close interaction requires careful management, but to my knowledge it has not led to any generational changes in reproduction. There may have been rapid evolution of morphological features (Schilthuizen 2018), but longitudinal studies of skeletons or other organ systems are unlikely to be feasible.

    The beginnings and antiquity of domestication and transitions from wild to domesticated

    Concerning the antiquity of the (complex, continuous, ongoing) domestication process, it is important to avoid the term event, as domestication is complex and entails multiple and parallel events and population admixtures (Larson and Fuller 2014). It may be more appropriate to ask questions in terms of transitions, as in matters with a strong historical dimension such as those in evolutionary biology and developmental biology. Fixing a specific time and place for the origin of domestication of a species is not possible. What is possible is to provide a general framework of minimal ages, an approximation of reliable documentation of domestication in diverse species, as has been done for many mammals and birds (Figures 1.6, 1.7).

    The search for and excessive focus on oldest occurrences as a leitmotif in archaeological research, tied to a progressivist rhetoric, endure in the mass media, but zooarchaeology and related fields dealing with domestication are better off having other foci (Gifford-Gonzalez and Hanotte 2011; Sykes 2014). The archaeological record is fundamental but of limited assistance in providing definitive earliest dates of domestication. This record will never be complete, as the first domesticated individual (actually, if there were such a thing, which is quite questionable, as discussed above) is unlikely to be recorded archaeologically (Perreault 2019). The oldest record of domesticated forms fails to represent the first domestication phase, but instead an approximation of that, and a minimum date. Paleontologists are faced with an analogous situation, what has been coined the Signor–Lipps effect. Given that the fossil record of organisms is incomplete, it is very unlikely that the first or the last organism of a given taxon will be recorded as a fossil (Signor and Lipps 1982).

    Our knowledge of the earliest phase of domesticated animals consisted, until recently, of educated guesses based on reasonable but in many cases untested assumptions about morphological changes and mortality profiles suggested by zooarchaeological studies and limited studies of a few genes. Advances have been made over the years, both methodological and conceptual (Vigne et al. 2005a, b). As quantification and more data have become available, it is now more evident how little we know for sure. Furthermore, recognition of varying degrees of intensity in the animal-human relationship—as opposed to an oversimplistic dichotomous categorization of wild versus domestic—has also been a major step forward (Balasse et al. 2016). These categorizations also vary depending on the geographic region and the species in question.

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    Fig 1.6. Estimated time line of domestication of selected mammalian species.

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    Fig 1.7. Estimated time line of domestication of selected bird species.

    Several years ago most genetic data sets were restricted to mitochondrial sequences, a non-recombining maternally inherited DNA, which by itself cannot be used to identify or quantify hybridization between wild and domestic populations or among geographically differentiated domestic populations. This lack of discriminatory power led to false claims of independent and multiple events of domestication for pigs (Larson et al. 2005), goats (Luikart et al. 2001), sheep (Pedrosa et al. 2005), horses (Vilà et al. 2001), and cattle (Hanotte et al. 2002), based on the presence of divergent mitochondrial haplotypes in domestic populations. With current genomic data, including population genetic studies of nuclear DNA sequences, it is possible to determine whether those haplotypes result from an independent domestication process involving genetically divergent wild populations or from introgression of a wild population into domestic stock (Larson and Burger 2013; Gerbault et al. 2014). Gene flow is common not only between domestic and wild populations, but also among geographically diverse domestic populations of the same species (Larson and Fuller 2014; Frantz et al. 2019). Genetic data as currently analyzed can also be used to date domestication phases, migrations, and mixing of populations, in spite of the caveats and challenges these estimates involve (Sykes et al. 2019; Frantz et al. 2020).

    Zooarchaeologists have documented changes in the management strategies of hunted sheep, goats, pigs, and cows in the Fertile Crescent by measuring the size, sex ratios, and mortality profiles of assemblages of animal remains (Zeder 2012b). By 10,000 ybp, some people were preferentially killing young males of a variety of species and allowing the females to live to produce more offspring.

    Traditionally, two alternative explanations have been offered for the beginning of domestication—here meaning management and some kind of selective breeding. One hypothesis suggests that domestication started independently of any population–resource imbalances (Smith 2011a, b; Zeder 2012c) and was driven by intentional management of wild resources and experimentation. The intentionality aspect of this hypothesis is often questioned. An alternative hypothesis is based on predictions from foraging theory models and behavioral ecology, and assumes that domestication arose at times of need, of Malthusian population–resource imbalance, which led people to try to acquire more food from the environment (Hawkes and O’Connell 1992). It is possible that different mechanisms operated in the many places where domestication occurred, without a universal driving force in all of them. Thus, empirical studies of specific areas and a broad and pluralistic framework seem justified, one firmly based on our knowledge of human behavior and evolutionary biology (Gremillion et al. 2014). The domestication of plants that occurred in Eastern North America approximately 5,000 ybp was associated with population–resource imbalances, as inferred based on changes in radiocarbon date density and site counts as proxies for human population data (Weitzel and Codding 2016). Larger populations, along with decreased resource abundance, may have led to domestication in this area of the world. For other regions, other conditions and dynamics were probably involved.

    A different kind of question concerns the earliest domestication phase, one of close human-animal interactions. A combination of ethnographic and anthropological data, and a refreshed view of the zooarchaeological record are needed to address this (Sykes 2014). It seems that nonutilitarian aspects drove those interactions, and this is reflected in the archaeological record of many species that had a close contact with humans, some of which were never domesticated later. This could be the case for the monk seal (Monachus monachus), of which a burial on the island of Rhodes in Greece is known (Masseti 2012). Francis Galton (1865) related a story of a tamed seal from the Shetland islands (it must have been either the common seal Phoca vitulina, the grey seal Halichoerus grypus, or the fur seal Arctocephalus gazella) and speculated on the possibility of populations of this species becoming domesticated.

    The translocation of a species outside its native range can be used as circumstantial evidence for domestication. Morphological traits of domestication are not detectable in the archaeological record of sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, and cats before 10,000 ybp, but populations of these species were translocated to Cyprus at least 10,600 ybp, suggesting that management of some kind occurred back then (Vigne et al. 2012).

    Identifying morphological changes associated with domestication has been a major interest among zooarchaeologists, aiming at finding signs in isolated and often fragmentary bones and teeth that can be used for this purpose. The artifacts of preservation and the impossibility of separating the many factors involved make the search for universal or even species-specific markers of the first phase of domestication an almost hopeless task. Experimental studies are one approach (Harbers et al. 2020a, b); improvements in the zooarchaeological record will surely help as well.

    Given the diverse evolutionary (phylogenetic) background of the different groups of species of domestics and therefore different evolvability of skull modules, kinds of tissue, and organs, it is unrealistic to expect universal features (e.g., changes in size) or simple markers of a clear wild-versus-domestic dichotomy. More importantly, there are fundamental if not insurmountable challenges in such a search.

    Complete skeletons of the earliest domesticates will never become available. A standard approach to identifying morphological changes associated with domestication has been to compare wild and domestic modern forms of the same species, assuming that the current populations accurately reflect both the ancestral wild form and the domesticated counterpart in its first phases of differentiation (Price 2002a). We can arrive at approximations by looking at populations of domesticated forms that have not diverged much from the wild ones, as done in a study comparing growth series of skulls (Sánchez-Villagra et al. 2017). However, hybridization, feralization, bottlenecks, and the complex interactions between natural and artificial selection pressures can introduce considerable noise to such a standard approach. In fact, no living population is any group’s ancestral population. Furthermore, in many cases, wild populations of a domesticated form no longer exist, as in the case of cattle and camels, and likely also the horse.

    Many genetic studies compare the wild form with current domestic ones, sometimes a specific breed, or even a wide array of them, and discuss the finding as revealing selection for that gene and the associated trait in domestication, even for the early phases. Given the antiquity of domestication and the different intensity of the interaction, it is clear that there will be biases in such studies. This was discussed and demonstrated for genetic features of chickens (Girdland Flink et al. 2014). Over the past 2,000 years there has been variation in two genes in ancient European chickens: the BCDO2 gene, which underlies yellow skin, and the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor gene TSHR, related to the control of development of the thyroid gland and its functions, affecting the regulation of growth, brain development, and metabolic rate. The study of these genes showed that a mutation thought to be associated with domestication was not subjected to strong human-mediated selection until much later in time than what all experts agree was the start of chicken domestication. This is an example of the challenge of addressing any issue concerning the process of (early) domestication with existing and consequently derived forms, known as breeds. Studies of ancient DNA—combined with sound morphological studies from zooarchaeological studies (Evin et al. 2017b; Evin 2020)—may help in making more meaningful wild-domestic comparisons, if the goal is to address domestication per se and not some aspect of selective breeding.

    The study of ancient DNA recovered from remains of different time periods can be used to reconstruct patterns of genetic variation and admixture at earlier stages of the domestication process, get better estimates of the time when initial stages took place, or more specifically provide insights into whether specific variants were already present in past populations, for example coat color mutations (Frantz et al. 2020).

    In the case of forms from which milk is consumed, there is another approach to domestication research: detecting milk residue in pottery (Evershed et al. 2008). This approach has provided evidence of early horse domestication, studying organic residue analysis using δ13C and δD values

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