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The Art of Thinking Clearly
The Art of Thinking Clearly
The Art of Thinking Clearly
Ebook400 pages6 hours

The Art of Thinking Clearly

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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A world-class thinker counts the 100 ways in which humans behave irrationally, showing us what we can do to recognize and minimize these “thinking errors” to make better decisions and have a better life

Despite the best of intentions, humans are notoriously bad—that is, irrational—when it comes to making decisions and assessing risks and tradeoffs. Psychologists and neuroscientists refer to these distinctly human foibles, biases, and thinking traps as “cognitive errors.” Cognitive errors are systematic deviances from rationality, from optimized, logical, rational thinking and behavior. We make these errors all the time, in all sorts of situations, for problems big and small: whether to choose the apple or the cupcake; whether to keep retirement funds in the stock market when the Dow tanks, or whether to take the advice of a friend over a stranger.

The “behavioral turn” in neuroscience and economics in the past twenty years has increased our understanding of how we think and how we make decisions. It shows how systematic errors mar our thinking and under which conditions our thought processes work best and worst. Evolutionary psychology delivers convincing theories about why our thinking is, in fact, marred. The neurosciences can pinpoint with increasing precision what exactly happens when we think clearly and when we don’t.

Drawing on this wide body of research, The Art of Thinking Clearly is an entertaining presentation of these known systematic thinking errors--offering guidance and insight into everything why you shouldn’t accept a free drink to why you SHOULD walk out of a movie you don’t like it to why it’s so hard to predict the future to why shouldn’t watch the news. The book is organized into 100 short chapters, each covering a single cognitive error, bias, or heuristic. Examples of these concepts include: Reciprocity, Confirmation Bias, The It-Gets-Better-Before-It-Gets-Worse Trap, and the Man-With-A-Hammer Tendency. In engaging prose and with real-world examples and anecdotes, The Art of Thinking Clearly helps solve the puzzle of human reasoning.

Release dateMay 6, 2014

Rolf Dobelli

Rolf Dobelli is a bestselling writer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of Zurich.Minds, a community of some of the world's most famed and distinguished thinkers, scientists, artists, and entrepreneurs, and a cofounder of getAbstract, the world's largest publisher of compressed knowledge. He lives in Lucerne, Switzerland.

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Readers find this title remarkable and great. It introduces them to other books and provides practical insights. While it may not be revolutionary, it is a simple and insightful read.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good exercise and basis for interesting conversations. Quotes Kahnemann a little too often for my taste, but I suppose it is only in order to include every kind of behaviour/thinking and studies about it that seems relevant.I read it in German because was not sure whether it was written in German or English - am still not sure...?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Not revolutionary in thoughts or ideas but a practical book if you need to quickly be made aware of some of the errors you make in everyday functioning.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Art of Thinking Clearly is compiled of 2-3 page stories and examples of biases and mistakes we make in our every day thinking. Most chapters explains the reasoning and influences behind the way of thinking and suggests how we can change them. Overall it was a good read. I would recommend this book to those self-helpers, anyone trying to understand and improve themselves.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Such a great book. Sure, it's a copy of 'Thinking fast and Slow', but it's made in a simple manner and has applications that are very insightful.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    FYI: I won this book from goodreads Giveaways, but that in no way influenced my review.

    The Art of Thinking Clearly presents a bunch of anecdotal evidence to support commonly known fallacies in logical thinking. You know that hindsight is 20/20, we cling to our narratives, and think we'll be like the models in makeup ads if only we buy their product, plus a bunch of other semi-obvious ways in which we end up making bad decisions (or poorly rationalized flukes that still turn out okay). This book *might* be the reminder you need to think critically about what assumptions and misconceptions you are basing your decisions on. However, if you're already a critical thinker you probably won't learn too much from this book. Also, it doesn't really seem academically researched enough to be otherwise worthwhile. If it was more humorous it would at least make the obviousness more palatable.

    To its benefit, you will almost definitely find at least one logical fallacy within that applies more to you personally (the, "Oh, I didn't realize it, but I definitely do that!" moment), and I suppose there's a chance that it may make a huge difference in your life. Also, it's a pretty quick read, with separate 'chapters' (a page or two) for each fallacy. So readers who prefer informational shorts over long form compositions will appreciate the format.

    7 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Is there a name for the fallacy of applying a logical fallacy where one does not apply? How about for the assumption that just because you helped edit a book that turned out to be brilliant, you also have a brilliant book in you? There's a little too much of both in this for me; gave up about sixty pages in.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It may seem a bit strange that I give this book a three star rating and not more than that. The book is fascinating in many ways, and it does a great service in revealing many of the fallacies that we live by. This is, however, a part of our character. This is us! There is enough human stupidity that exists in the world, and the 99 bite sized chapters do expose many of the myths that we live by. Yet, the book does not reveal anything of the art of thinking clearly. This is a clever title, and this is one of the reasons I bought the book.... one of the great fallacies of our times. If the book was called, The Book of Human Fallacies, I probably would not have bought it. Yet, there is enough in the book to enthrall, and keep you engaged. The writing style is simple and down to earth. I like this.

    3 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Leuk boekje, lekker vlot verpakt in 52 stukjes van elk drie bladzijden. Het gaat dan ook om een bundeling van columns die eerder in de krant verschenen. Veel van wat Dobelli beschrijft is herkenbaar, zo zeer zelfs dat je dikwijls denkt: dit is een open deur, ondanks de geleerd aandoende begrippen (action bias, endowment bias, enz). Alles bijeen krijg je een mooie staalkaart van de dubieuze drijfveren achter het menselijk handelen. Maar toch... echt veel bij te leren valt er niet (en dat is heus niet omdat ik géén denkfouten zou maken). Bovendien heb ik het moeilijk met Dobelli's voortdurende verwijzingen naar de bedrijfswereld, en vooral de kansberekening bij beleggingen; dat maakt veel duidelijk over welk publiek hij vooral voor ogen had. Want ook dat is een kritiek op het boek: veel van wat Dobelli beschrijft is cultureel bepaald, en geldt vooral in het (materieel-financieel) rijke wereldje van de managers in het Westen. Tenslotte: "denkfouten", vind ik niet zo'n geschikte term; veel van wat de auteur aanbrengt berust net op intuïtief handelen; in enkele gevallen komt Dobelli er ook dicht bij aan te tonen hoe arm en schraal écht-rationeel handelen kan zijn; op het einde houdt hij zelfs een vurig pleidooi om je hart te volgen (is dat geen denkfout?).

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    i want to read all first, but interest to me, in fact, i do not want wait more....

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great book. Introduced me to 'Thinking Fast and Slow' and 'Black Swan'

    3 people found this helpful

Book preview

The Art of Thinking Clearly - Rolf Dobelli






1 Why You Should Visit Cemeteries: Survivorship Bias

2 Does Harvard Make You Smarter?: Swimmer’s Body Illusion

3 Why You See Shapes in the Clouds: Clustering Illusion

4 If Fifty Million People Say Something Foolish, It Is Still Foolish: Social Proof

5 Why You Should Forget the Past: Sunk Cost Fallacy

6 Don’t Accept Free Drinks: Reciprocity

7 Beware the Special Case: Confirmation Bias (Part 1)

8 Murder Your Darlings: Confirmation Bias (Part 2)

9 Don’t Bow to Authority: Authority Bias

10 Leave Your Supermodel Friends at Home: Contrast Effect

11 Why We Prefer a Wrong Map to None at All: Availability Bias

12 Why No Pain, No Gain Should Set Alarm Bells Ringing: The It’ll-Get-Worse-Before-It-Gets-Better Fallacy

13 Even True Stories Are Fairy Tales: Story Bias

14 Why You Should Keep a Diary: Hindsight Bias

15 Why You Systematically Overestimate Your Knowledge and Abilities: Overconfidence Effect

16 Don’t Take News Anchors Seriously: Chauffeur Knowledge

17 You Control Less Than You Think: Illusion of Control

18 Never Pay Your Lawyer by the Hour: Incentive Super-Response Tendency

19 The Dubious Efficacy of Doctors, Consultants, and Psychotherapists: Regression to Mean

20 Never Judge a Decision by Its Outcome: Outcome Bias

21 Less Is More: Paradox of Choice

22 You Like Me, You Really, Really Like Me: Liking Bias

23 Don’t Cling to Things: Endowment Effect

24 The Inevitability of Unlikely Events: Coincidence

25 The Calamity of Conformity: Groupthink

26 Why You’ll Soon Be Playing Mega Trillions: Neglect of Probability

27 Why the Last Cookie in the Jar Makes Your Mouth Water: Scarcity Error

28 When You Hear Hoofbeats, Don’t Expect a Zebra: Base-Rate Neglect

29 Why the Balancing Force of the Universe Is Baloney: Gambler’s Fallacy

30 Why the Wheel of Fortune Makes Our Heads Spin: The Anchor

31 How to Relieve People of Their Millions: Induction

32 Why Evil Is More Striking Than Good: Loss Aversion

33 Why Teams Are Lazy: Social Loafing

34 Stumped by a Sheet of Paper: Exponential Growth

35 Curb Your Enthusiasm: Winner’s Curse

36 Never Ask a Writer If the Novel Is Autobiographical: Fundamental Attribution Error

37 Why You Shouldn’t Believe in the Stork: False Causality

38 Why Attractive People Climb the Career Ladder More Quickly: Halo Effect

39 Congratulations! You’ve Won Russian Roulette: Alternative Paths

40 False Prophets: Forecast Illusion

41 The Deception of Specific Cases: Conjunction Fallacy

42 It’s Not What You Say, but How You Say It: Framing

43 Why Watching and Waiting Is Torture: Action Bias

44 Why You Are Either the Solution—or the Problem: Omission Bias

45 Don’t Blame Me: Self-Serving Bias

46 Be Careful What You Wish For: Hedonic Treadmill

47 Do Not Marvel at Your Existence: Self-Selection Bias

48 Why Experience Can Damage Your Judgment: Association Bias

49 Be Wary When Things Get Off to a Great Start: Beginner’s Luck

50 Sweet Little Lies: Cognitive Dissonance

51 Live Each Day as If It Were Your Last—but Only on Sundays: Hyperbolic Discounting

52 Any Lame Excuse: Because Justification

53 Decide Better—Decide Less: Decision Fatigue

54 Would You Wear Hitler’s Sweater?: Contagion Bias

55 Why There Is No Such Thing as an Average War: The Problem with Averages

56 How Bonuses Destroy Motivation: Motivation Crowding

57 If You Have Nothing to Say, Say Nothing: Twaddle Tendency

58 How to Increase the Average IQ of Two States: Will Rogers Phenomenon

59 If You Have an Enemy, Give Him Information: Information Bias

60 Hurts So Good: Effort Justification

61 Why Small Things Loom Large: The Law of Small Numbers

62 Handle with Care: Expectations

63 Speed Traps Ahead!: Simple Logic

64 How to Expose a Charlatan: Forer Effect

65 Volunteer Work Is for the Birds: Volunteer’s Folly

66 Why You Are a Slave to Your Emotions: Affect Heuristic

67 Be Your Own Heretic: Introspection Illusion

68 Why You Should Set Fire to Your Ships: Inability to Close Doors

69 Disregard the Brand New: Neomania

70 Why Propaganda Works: Sleeper Effect

71 Why It’s Never Just a Two-Horse Race: Alternative Blindness

72 Why We Take Aim at Young Guns: Social Comparison Bias

73 Why First Impressions Are Deceiving: Primacy and Recency Effects

74 Why You Can’t Beat Homemade: Not-Invented-Here Syndrome

75 How to Profit from the Implausible: The Black Swan

76 Knowledge Is Nontransferable: Domain Dependence

77 The Myth of Like-Mindedness: False-Consensus Effect

78 You Were Right All Along: Falsification of History

79 Why You Identify with Your Football Team: In-Group Out-Group Bias

80 The Difference between Risk and Uncertainty: Ambiguity Aversion

81 Why You Go with the Status Quo: Default Effect

82 Why Last Chances Make Us Panic: Fear of Regret

83 How Eye-Catching Details Render Us Blind: Salience Effect

84 Why Money Is Not Naked: House-Money Effect

85 Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work: Procrastination

86 Build Your Own Castle: Envy

87 Why You Prefer Novels to Statistics: Personification

88 You Have No Idea What You Are Overlooking: Illusion of Attention

89 Hot Air: Strategic Misrepresentation

90 Where’s the Off Switch?: Overthinking

91 Why You Take On Too Much: Planning Fallacy

92 Those Wielding Hammers See Only Nails: Déformation Professionnelle

93 Mission Accomplished: Zeigarnik Effect

94 The Boat Matters More Than the Rowing: Illusion of Skill

95 Why Checklists Deceive You: Feature-Positive Effect

96 Drawing the Bull’s-Eye around the Arrow: Cherry Picking

97 The Stone Age Hunt for Scapegoats: Fallacy of the Single Cause

98 Why Speed Demons Appear to Be Safer Drivers: Intention-to-Treat Error

99 Why You Shouldn’t Read the News: News Illusion



A Note on Sources

About the Author



About the Publisher


In the fall of 2004, a European media mogul invited me to Munich to partake in what was described as an informal exchange of intellectuals. I had never considered myself an intellectual—I had studied business, which made me quite the opposite, really—but I had also written two literary novels and that, I guessed, must have qualified me for such an invitation.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb was sitting at the table. At that time, he was an obscure Wall Street trader with a penchant for philosophy. I was introduced to him as an authority on the English and Scottish Enlightenment, particularly the philosophy of David Hume. Obviously I had been mixed up with someone else. Stunned, I nevertheless flashed a hesitant smile around the room and let the resulting silence act as proof of my philosophical prowess. Right away, Taleb pulled over a free chair and patted the seat. I sat down. After a cursory exchange about Hume, the conversation mercifully shifted to Wall Street. We marveled at the systematic errors in decision making CEOs and business leaders make—ourselves included. We chatted about the fact that unexpected events seem much more likely in retrospect. We chuckled about why it is that investors cannot part with their shares when they drop below acquisition price.

Following the event, Taleb sent me pages from his manuscript, a gem of a book, which I commented on and partly criticized. These went on to form part of his international best seller, The Black Swan. The book catapulted Taleb into the intellectual all-star league. Meanwhile, my appetite whetted, I began to devour books and articles written by cognitive and social scientists on topics such as heuristics and biases, and I also increased my e-mail conversations with a large number researchers and started to visit their labs. By 2009, I realized that, alongside my job as a novelist, I had become a student of social and cognitive psychology.

The failure to think clearly, or what experts call a cognitive error, is a systematic deviation from logic—from optimal, rational, reasonable thought and behavior. By systematic, I mean that these are not just occasional errors in judgment but rather routine mistakes, barriers to logic we stumble over time and again, repeating patterns through generations and through the centuries. For example, it is much more common that we overestimate our knowledge than we underestimate it. Similarly, the danger of losing something stimulates us much more than the prospect of making a similar gain. In the presence of other people we tend to adjust our behavior to theirs, not the opposite. Anecdotes make us overlook the statistical distribution (base rate) behind it, not the other way round. The errors we make follow the same pattern over and over again, piling up in one specific, predictable corner like dirty laundry, while the other corner remains relatively clean (i.e., they pile up in the overconfidence corner, not the underconfidence corner).

To avoid frivolous gambles with the wealth I had accumulated over the course of my literary career, I began to put together a list of these systematic cognitive errors, complete with notes and personal anecdotes—with no intention of ever publishing them. The list was originally designed to be used by me alone. Some of these thinking errors have been known for centuries; others have been discovered in the last few years. Some come with two or three names attached to them. I chose the terms most widely used. Soon I realized that such a compilation of pitfalls was not only useful for making investing decisions but also for business and personal matters. Once I had prepared the list, I felt calmer and more levelheaded. I began to recognize my own errors sooner and was able to change course before any lasting damage was done. And, for the first time in my life, I was able to recognize when others might be in the thrall of these very same systematic errors. Armed with my list, I could now resist their pull—and perhaps even gain an upper hand in my dealings. I now had categories, terms, and explanations with which to ward off the specter of irrationality. Since Benjamin Franklin’s kite-flying days, thunder and lightning have not grown less frequent, powerful, or loud—but they have become less worrisome. This is exactly how I feel about my own irrationality now.

Friends soon learned of my compendium and showed interest. This led to a weekly newspaper column in Germany, Holland, and Switzerland, countless presentations (mostly to medical doctors, investors, board members, CEOs, and government officials), and eventually to this book.

Please keep in mind three things as you peruse these pages: First, the list of fallacies in this book is not complete. Undoubtedly new ones will be discovered. Second, the majority of these errors are related to one another. This should come as no surprise. After all, all brain regions are linked. Neural projections travel from region to region in the brain; no area functions independently. Third, I am primarily a novelist and an entrepreneur, not a social scientist; I don’t have my own lab where I can conduct experiments on cognitive errors, nor do I have a staff of researchers I can dispatch to scout for behavioral errors. In writing this book, I think of myself as a translator whose job is to interpret and synthesize what I’ve read and learned—to put it in terms others can understand. My great respect goes to the researchers who, in recent decades, have uncovered these behavioral and cognitive errors. The success of this book is fundamentally a tribute to their research. I am enormously indebted to them.

This is not a how-to book. You won’t find seven steps to an error-free life here. Cognitive errors are far too engrained to rid ourselves of them completely. Silencing them would require superhuman willpower, but that isn’t even a worthy goal. Not all cognitive errors are toxic, and some are even necessary for leading a good life. Although this book may not hold the key to happiness, at the very least it acts as insurance against too much self-induced unhappiness.

Indeed, my wish is quite simple: If we could learn to recognize and evade the biggest errors in thinking—in our private lives, at work, or in government—we might experience a leap in prosperity. We need no extra cunning, no new ideas, no unnecessary gadgets, no frantic hyperactivity—all we need is less irrationality.


Why You Should Visit Cemeteries

Survivorship Bias

No matter where Rick looks, he sees rock stars. They appear on television, on the front pages of magazines, in concert programs, and at online fan sites. Their songs are unavoidable—in the mall, on his playlist, in the gym. The rock stars are everywhere. There are lots of them. And they are successful. Motivated by the stories of countless guitar heroes, Rick starts a band. Will he make it big? The probability lies a fraction above zero. Like so many others, he will most likely end up in the graveyard of failed musicians. This burial ground houses ten thousand times more musicians than the stage does, but no journalist is interested in failures—with the exception of fallen superstars. This makes the cemetery invisible to outsiders.

In daily life, because triumph is made more visible than failure, you systematically overestimate your chances of succeeding. As an outsider, you (like Rick) succumb to an illusion, and you mistake how minuscule the probability of success really is. Rick, like so many others, is a victim of survivorship bias.

Behind every popular author you can find a hundred other writers whose books will never sell. Behind them are another hundred who haven’t found publishers. Behind them are yet another hundred whose unfinished manuscripts gather dust in drawers. And behind each one of these are a hundred people who dream of—one day—writing a book. You, however, hear of only the successful authors (these days, many of them self-published) and fail to recognize how unlikely literary success is. The same goes for photographers, entrepreneurs, artists, athletes, architects, Nobel Prize winners, television presenters, and beauty queens. The media is not interested in digging around in the graveyards of the unsuccessful. Nor is this its job. To elude the survivorship bias, you must do the digging yourself.

You will also come across survivorship bias when dealing with money and risk: Imagine that a friend founds a start-up. You belong to the circle of potential investors and you sense a real opportunity: This could be the next Google. Maybe you’ll be lucky. But what is the reality? The most likely scenario is that the company will not even make it off the starting line. The second most likely outcome is that it will go bankrupt within three years. Of the companies that survive these first three years, most never grow to more than ten employees. So, should you never put your hard-earned money at risk? Not necessarily. But you should recognize that the survivorship bias is at work, distorting the probability of success like cut glass.

Take the Dow Jones Industrial Average index. It consists of out-and-out survivors. Failed and small businesses do not enter the stock market, and yet these represent the majority of business ventures. A stock index is not indicative of a country’s economy. Similarly, the press does not report proportionately on all musicians. The vast number of books and coaches dealing with success should also you make skeptical: The unsuccessful don’t write books or give lectures on their failures.

Survivorship bias can become especially pernicious when you become a member of the winning team. Even if your success stems from pure coincidence, you’ll discover similarities with other winners and be tempted to mark these as success factors. However, if you ever visit the graveyard of failed individuals and companies, you will realize that its tenants possessed many of the same traits that characterize your success.

If enough scientists examine a particular phenomenon, a few of these studies will deliver statistically significant results through pure coincidence—for example, the relationship between red wine consumption and high life expectancy. Such (false) studies immediately attain a high degree of popularity and attention. As a result, you will not read about the studies with the boring but correct results.

Survivorship bias means this: People systematically overestimate their chances of success. Guard against it by frequently visiting the graves of once-promising projects, investments, and careers. It is a sad walk but one that should clear your mind.


Does Harvard Make You Smarter?

Swimmer’s Body Illusion

As essayist and trader Nassim Taleb resolved to do something about the stubborn extra pounds he’d been carrying, he contemplated taking up various sports. However, joggers seemed scrawny and unhappy, and bodybuilders looked broad and stupid, and cyclists? Oh, so bottom-heavy! Swimmers, though, appealed to him with their well-built, streamlined bodies. He decided to sign up at his local swimming pool and to train hard twice a week.

A short while later, he realized that he had succumbed to an illusion. Professional swimmers don’t have perfect bodies because they train extensively. Rather, they are good swimmers because of their physiques. How their bodies are designed is a factor for selection and not the result of their activities. Similarly, female models advertise cosmetics and, thus, many female consumers believe that these products make you beautiful. But it is not the cosmetics that make these women model-like. Quite simply, the models are born attractive, and only for this reason are they candidates for cosmetics advertising. As with the swimmers’ bodies, beauty is a factor for selection and not the result.

Whenever we confuse selection factors with results, we fall prey to what Taleb calls the swimmer’s body illusion. Without this illusion, half of advertising campaigns would not work. But this bias has to do with more than just the pursuit of chiseled cheekbones and chests. For example, Harvard has the reputation of being a top university. Many highly successful people have studied there. Does this mean that Harvard is a good school? We don’t know. Perhaps the school is terrible, and it simply recruits the brightest students around. I experienced this phenomenon at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. It is said to be one of the top ten business schools in Europe, but the lessons I received (albeit twenty-five years ago) were mediocre. Nevertheless, many of its graduates were successful. The reason behind this is unknown—perhaps it was due to the climate in the narrow valley or even the cafeteria food. Most probable, however, is the rigorous selection.

All over the world, MBA schools lure candidates with statistics regarding future income. This simple calculation is supposed to show that the horrendously high tuition fees pay for themselves over a short period of time. Many prospective students fall for this approach. I am not implying that the schools doctor the statistics, but still their statements must not be swallowed wholesale. Why? Because those who pursue an MBA are different from those who do not. The income gap between both groups stems from a multitude of reasons that have nothing to do with the MBA degree itself. Once again we see the swimmer’s body illusion at work: the factor for selection confused with the result. So, if you are considering further study, do it for reasons other than a bigger paycheck.

When I ask happy people about the secret of their contentment, I often hear answers like You have to see the glass half full rather than half empty. It is as if these individuals do not realize that they were born happy and now tend to see the positive in everything. They do not realize that cheerfulness—according to many studies, such as those conducted by Harvard’s Dan Gilbert—is largely a personality trait that remains constant throughout life. Or, as social scientists David Lykken and Auke Tellegen starkly suggest, trying to be happier is as futile as trying to be taller. Thus, the swimmer’s body illusion is also a self-illusion. When these optimists write self-help books, the illusion can become treacherous. That’s why it’s important to give wide berth to tips and advice from self-help authors. For billions of people, these pieces of advice are unlikely to help. But because the unhappy don’t write self-help books about their failures, this fact remains hidden.

In conclusion: Be wary when you are encouraged to strive for certain things—be it abs of steel, immaculate looks, a higher income, a long life, a particular demeanor, or happiness. You might fall prey to the swimmer’s body illusion. Before you decide to take the plunge, look in the mirror—and be honest about what you see.


Why You See Shapes in the Clouds

Clustering Illusion

In 1957, Swedish opera singer Friedrich Jorgensen bought a tape player to record his vocals. When he listened back to the recording, he heard strange noises throughout, whispers that sounded like supernatural messages. A few years later, he recorded birdsong. This time, he heard the voice of his deceased mother in the background whispering to him: Fried, my little Fried, can you hear me? It’s Mammy. That did it. Jorgensen turned his life around and devoted himself to communicating with the deceased via tape recordings.

In 1994, Diane Duyser from Florida also had an otherworldly encounter. After biting into a slice of toast and placing it back down on the plate, she noticed the face of the Virgin Mary in it. Immediately, she stopped eating and stored the divine message (minus a bite) in a plastic container. In November 2004, she auctioned the still fairly well preserved snack on eBay. Her daily bread earned her $28,000.

In 1978, a woman from New Mexico had a similar experience. Her tortilla’s blackened spots resembled Jesus’s face. The press latched on to the story, and thousands of people flocked to New Mexico to see the savior in burrito form. Two years earlier, in 1976, the orbiter of the Viking spacecraft photographed a rock formation that, from high above, looked like a human face. The face on Mars made headlines around the world.

And you? Have you ever seen faces in the clouds or the outlines of animals in rocks? Of course. This is perfectly normal. The human brain seeks patterns and rules. In fact, it takes it one step further: If it finds no familiar patterns, it simply invents some. The more diffuse the signal, such as the background noise on the tape, the easier it is to find hidden messages in it. Twenty-five years after uncovering the face on Mars, the Mars global surveyor sent back crisp, clear images of the rock formations: The captivating human face had dissolved into plain old scree.

These frothy examples make the clustering illusion seem innocuous; it is not. Consider the financial markets, which churn out floods of data every second. Grinning from ear to ear, a friend told me that he had discovered a pattern in the sea of data: If you multiply the percentage change of the Dow Jones by the percentage change of the oil price, you get the move of the gold price in two days’ time. In other words, if share prices and oil climb or fall in unison, gold will rise the day after tomorrow. His theory worked well for a few weeks, until he began to speculate with ever-larger sums and eventually squandered his savings. He had sensed a pattern where none existed.

oxxxoxxxoxxoooxooxxoo. Is this sequence random or planned? Psychology professor Thomas Gilovich interviewed hundreds of people for an answer. Most did not want to believe the sequence was arbitrary. They figured some law must govern the order of the letters. Wrong, explained Gilovich, and pointed to some dice: It is quite possible to roll the same number four times in a row, which mystifies many people. Apparently we have trouble accepting that such events can take place by chance.

During World War II, the Germans bombed London. Among other ammunition, they used V1 rockets, a kind of self-navigating drone. With each attack, the impact sites were carefully plotted on a map, terrifying Londoners: They thought they had discovered a pattern and developed theories about which parts of the city were the safest. However, after the war, statistical analysis confirmed that the distribution was totally random. Today it’s clear why: The V1’s navigation system was extremely inaccurate.

In conclusion: When it comes to pattern recognition, we are oversensitive. Regain your skepticism. If you think you have discovered a pattern, first consider it pure chance. If it seems too good to be true, find a mathematician and have the data tested statistically. And if the crispy parts of your pancake start to look a lot like Jesus’s face, ask yourself: If he really wants to reveal himself, why doesn’t he do it in Times Square or on CNN?


If Fifty Million People Say Something Foolish, It Is Still Foolish

Social Proof

You are on your way to a concert. At an intersection, you encounter a group of people, all staring at the sky. Without even thinking about it, you peer upward, too. Why? Social proof. In the middle of the concert, when the soloist is displaying absolute mastery, someone begins to clap and suddenly the whole room joins in. You do, too. Why? Social proof. After the concert you go to the coat check to pick up your coat. You watch how the people in front of you place a coin on a plate, even though, officially, the service is included in the ticket price. What do you do? You probably leave a tip as well.

Social proof, sometimes roughly termed the herd instinct, dictates that individuals feel they are behaving correctly when they act the same as other people. In other words, the more people who follow a certain idea, the better (truer) we deem the idea to be. And the more people who display a certain behavior, the more appropriate this behavior is judged by others. This is, of course, absurd.

Social proof is the evil behind bubbles and stock market panic. It exists in fashion, management techniques, hobbies, religion, and diets. It can paralyze whole cultures, such as when sects commit collective suicide.

A simple experiment, carried out in the 1950s by legendary psychologist Solomon Asch, shows how peer pressure can warp common sense. A subject is shown a line drawn on paper, and next to it three lines—numbered 1, 2, and 3—one shorter, one longer, and one the same length as the original one. He or she must indicate which of the three lines corresponds to the original one. If the person is alone in the room, he gives correct answers because the task is really quite simple. Now five other people enter the room; they are all actors, which the subject does not know. One after another, they give wrong answers, saying number 1, although it’s very clear that number 3 is the correct answer. Then it is the subject’s turn again. In one-third of cases, he will answer incorrectly to match the other people’s responses.

Why do we act like this? Well, in the past, following others was a good survival strategy. Suppose that fifty thousand years ago you were traveling around the

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