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Rogue Alpha: Wild Lake Wolves, #1
Rogue Alpha: Wild Lake Wolves, #1
Rogue Alpha: Wild Lake Wolves, #1
Ebook219 pages4 hours

Rogue Alpha: Wild Lake Wolves, #1

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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One touch made her crave him. Her shocking choice will change everything.


Biology student Laura Prince discovers a lone black wolf with piercing gold eyes in the forest and feels a connection to him she can't explain. Stranger still, no one believes what she saw was real. Then, she encounters Malcolm Devane — a very real, tall, dark, brooding stranger with hauntingly familiar golden eyes. Laura is drawn to Mal in ways she knows are dangerous. But, when everything Laura has worked for gets torn away, he's the only one she can turn to.

Exiled from his native pack lands, Mal is on a mission of redemption. If he can bring down a rival Alpha wolf and reclaim his pack, he just might get the chance to return home. But when he meets Laura, she stirs a dark passion in him he thought he could never have again. Even though Mal knows the safest thing to do is walk away, the dark wolf inside him may be too strong to deny.


Reader's Note: Each book in the Wild Lake Wolves series is a full length, standalone, cliffhanger free, super sexy, werewolf shifter romance. You can read them in any order but the smoking hot events within each are interconnected and happen chronologically. These wolves like it rough! If you're not into that, you might want to sit this one out. However if you like hot, dominant, alpha male werewolf shifters and the kickass heroines who will do anything to please them, then one-click away and enjoy the ride!

Release dateDec 7, 2022
Rogue Alpha: Wild Lake Wolves, #1

Kimber White

Kimber White writes steamy paranormal romance with smoldering, alpha male shifters and kickass heroines (doormats need not apply). Because she just can't help herself from torturing her heroes…expect edge of your seat suspense as Kimber's characters fight for their happily ever afters and their fated mates. Kimber lives on a lake in the Irish Hills of Michigan with her neurotic dog and wildly supportive family. For the latest scoop on Kimber's new releases plus a FREE EBOOK as a welcome gift, be sure to sign up for Kimber's newsletter at

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    Book preview

    Rogue Alpha - Kimber White

    Chapter One

    It was faint. Barely more than a blip, but I swear I heard it. I adjusted the pack on my back and pressed the binoculars to my eyes again. Damn. Practically dusk now, it was just too hard to see anything. Maybe if I had night vision goggles. For now though, I just found a clump of leaves and a squirrel darting over a fallen log just ahead of me. A breeze picked up from the north, rustling its way through the canopy of elm and birch trees surrounding me.


    There it was again. I shut my eyes and pressed the headset to my ears. I turned up the volume and waited.


    Come on, Bambi, I whispered. Give Mama a sign.

    Still nothing.

    I checked my watch. Six forty-five. I was supposed to be back at the outpost by seven. I’d never make that, but if I got lucky and found our little wayward fawn, I didn’t figure anyone would get angry with me about it.

    An arcing call pierced through the stillness, followed by another. Shit. Turkey buzzards. I saw three of the fat bastards circling overhead. Not a good sign. One of them swooped down and disappeared below the trees just a few yards in front of me. Dread filled me as I made my way toward it. Again, I turned up the volume on my headset hoping against hope I’d hear that little blip indicating our guy was still on the move.

    Prince! The voice vibrated at my hip. Squatting as I was, it startled me enough to make me lose my balance, and I fell on my ass in a wet pile of rotting leaves. I turned the volume down on the walkie as I pulled it out of my hip holster.

    Where are you?

    I brought the walkie to my mouth. No point in whispering now. Any wildlife around me would have run for cover after that lack of grace.

    Just past the 14 trail marker. I thought I had Number 11 tracked. I’m pretty sure his signal just cut out. Hoping it’s faulty wiring. I just want to check it out and I’m heading right back.

    My professor grumbled through the speaker and my heart dropped a little. It sounded like I’d set off his legendary short fuse. Most of the students in my program didn’t like to work with him because of it. But, so far I’d been spared. He’d treated me like gold. The Teacher’s Pet nickname stuck with me, but I didn’t care. It was all in their heads. And I was here to learn. Professor Flood only picked one student each year to work on this grant. Experience like this could help me land a spot in the biology graduate program down the road.

    That’s too far to go on your own. Professor Flood’s voice sounded measured, but not angry. Yet. It’s getting dark. I’ll come to you. I’m about four hundred meters out to the east of you. Stay put.

    Four hundred meters? What the hell were four hundred meters? Give it to me in feet, miles.

    I really think he’s right head of me. Carrion-eaters just above me. Let me just make sure.

    Laura. For once will you just do what you’re told?

    Yikes. Here came the Floodgates, as everyone called them. I guess it was finally my turn to be the target of them. But, by the time I waited for him to get out here, there wouldn’t be much left of whatever carcass those birds zoned in on. If I found our little guy with the tracking tag, Flood couldn’t stay mad at me. It would save the program a couple thousand dollars.

    I pushed back the brush. In a small clearing at the foot of a birch tree, I found what the birds did. My heart dropped. God, I hoped it wasn’t him.

    Shoo! I made as much noise as I could, tromping through the sticks and brambles. The birds cawed at me. Three of them surrounded the red-spotted clump of fur near the tree. One of them raised its wings, protecting his soon-to-be dinner behind him. Up close, these beasties were massive, their heads coming up almost to my knee.

    Shoo! I waved my arms and pushed past them, hoping they’d fly away. But, I was most definitely on their turf tonight. They hopped into the brush but stayed close. Sighing, I dropped down to my knees.

    Number 11.

    He’d laid down in the soft pile of leaves, his gangly legs drawn up beneath him. Only about the size of a Cocker Spaniel, he had a row of white spots in a perfect line down his back. Three white spots clumped together near his rump, two on top, one at the center. It looked like a Mickey Mouse silhouette. I pulled a pair of purple latex gloves out of my pack and checked the small, green tag on his left ear just to be sure. He had a GPS microchip tracker embedded just beneath the skin on his shoulder that transmitted his location on software back at the lab.

    Poor baby, I whispered, smoothing his ears back. He was still warm, his body stiffening. But, his sightless eyes had pearled over as he stared into the woods before him. The birds hadn’t gotten to him yet. I couldn’t find any visible signs of injury on him. But, with his mother nowhere to be found, the little guy was never going to last too long out here. Her beacon had stopped transmitting almost two days ago.

    I took the pliers out of my pack and popped the tag off his ear. We’d learn crucial information about Number 11’s last days back at the lab. I bagged the tag and sealed it carefully into the outer compartment of my pack.

    Sorry buddy, I said. Wish I could do more for you, but circle of life and all.

    One of the turkey vultures cawed at me.

    Yeah. Well, you don’t have to brag about it, asshole. Wait your turn. I’m almost done.

    I took the digital camera from my pocket and snapped a few pictures of Number 11 for Professor Flood’s white board. Then, I zipped the camera in my pack and pulled the gloves off my hands. I was running out of places to stow stuff so I pulled the pack off my shoulder and squatted down to find a plastic refuse bag. They must have smashed their way down to the bottom of my pack past water bottles, notepads, and a bunch of other things I probably could have left back at the cabin.

    The turkey vultures clacked behind me then screeched so loudly I covered my ears. God, could you at least wait until I’m gone!

    But the vultures took flight in unison, and their loud shouts of protest echoed through the forest.

    What the hell made you give up so easily?

    I froze. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Something big had chased the birds away. That same something was behind me. On some preternatural level, I could feel it watching me through the trees. All other sounds in the forest went dead quiet. My own pulse beat loudly between my ears.

    I turned. Slowly.

    Two blazing eyes hovered between the trees about five yards straight ahead of me. My heart hammered in my chest as I carefully rose to my feet. I clutched the pack to my chest, thinking maybe I could hurl it at whatever lurked in front of me. That ought to be enough to scare it off.

    Then the creature stepped out of the shadows and I dropped the pack to my feet.

    A black wolf with piercing gold eyes took two slow steps toward me. His massive paws made barely a sound as he moved through the blanket of leaves. His ears pricked and he chuffed once, pawing the ground. He kept his eyes locked with mine displaying a keen intelligence that both hypnotized me and made my heart race even faster. Should I run? Should I make myself look bigger? We didn’t cover wolves during training, for God’s sake! This was western Michigan. They didn’t hunt this far south.

    I moved toward him. I don’t know why I did it. Some rational part of my brain told me to scream, to run, to find the biggest stick I could and throw it at him. But, the wolf kept coming toward me. Something seemed familiar about him, absurd as I knew that was. He bared his teeth and let out a low, vibrating sound that seemed to penetrate my skin and warm my blood.

    I put a hand out. Something made me want to touch him though my fingers trembled before me. The wolf pawed the ground again but didn’t move away. His golden eyes flashed, changing, narrowing, becoming almost human for an instant. But, that couldn’t be. None of this could. This felt like a waking dream. Not real. Too incredible.

    I stepped forward, reaching out. The wolf was just a few inches from me. The world was the sound of my own breath hitching as I finally threaded my fingers through his coarse, dark fur, placing each hand just below his ears, tilting his head toward me.

    And more incredible still, he let me. He let out a few quick pants, and cocked his head, but he didn’t shy away. That low vibration in his throat seemed to fill me as if I were making the sound with him.

    Who are you? I don’t know whether I voiced those words aloud or just thought them. The wolf blinked slowly once, twice, but he didn’t shy away as I kept my hands on his head. He seemed to be asking me the very same question.

    I leaned down, bring my face level with his. The fur on the back of his neck stood on end and he pricked his ears but still, he didn’t stop me. His breath blew hot against my skin and he searched my face with those fiery golden eyes. We stood like that for a few moments, transfixed by each other. I felt his power between my fingertips as I ran my hand down from the dome of his head, across his back. He had thick, corded muscles through his shoulders that rippled as he shifted his weight from one front paw and the other. He seemed to be deciding whether to stay put or run himself.

    It’s okay. This time I did speak out loud. What are you doing all the way down here? Are you lost?

    Some rational part of my brain told me I should try and tag him too. Or at least get a picture. No one would ever believe me that I’d found him this far south. I couldn’t though. I could barely move. At least, not until the next instant when everything changed.

    Thunder cracked all around me. The wolf’s eyes widened and he jerked backward, breaking the link between us. The wolf let out a growl that ricocheted off the trees and stirred my own blood. He was hit. Wounded. It all happened in an instant but red blossomed above his left eye. His blood sprayed across my hands. But, he moved so fast I saw only a streak of black as he disappeared into the trees again.

    Get down!

    I came back into myself. Professor Flood stood in the clearing bracing his shotgun against his shoulder. Shaking, I dropped to my knees, my hands on fire where the wolf’s blood coated my palms.

    Chapter Two

    Jesus. Laura. Are you all right?

    My ears still rang from the shotgun blast. Professor Flood brought the gun down and came to me. He put a hand on my shoulder and shook me gently.

    Laura. Are you all right?

    I shook my head. You shot him?

    I held my hands in front of me. Professor Flood put the shotgun down and grabbed my wrists. He drew me to my feet.

    It’s not my blood, I said. I’m okay. You didn’t have to do that.

    He pulled a white handkerchief out of his pocket and wrapped it around my hands, wiping off most of the blood. I jerked my hands away. I didn’t want him to touch me, to touch any part of the wolf, strange as that seemed. Shock. I must be in shock.

    Why did you do that? That wasn’t a dart. That was a 12 gauge! Jesus, you could have taken my head off.

    Not even close, he said. And I didn’t shoot at him. I shot high. But you can’t be too careful. I warned you the coyotes out here are extremely aggressive. That’s why you’re not supposed to venture off this far alone, Laura. Especially with it getting so dark. That could have been much, much worse. We’ve got black bears out here too.


    Professor Flood grabbed my backpack and held out his hand to help me up. I shook it off and rose to my feet. I’m okay.

    That wasn’t a coyote. You saw it. You shot at it. What are you talking about?

    Professor Flood froze and turned toward me. He ran a hand through his light brown hair. He had a cowlick at the front that never laid flat. It lent a boyishness to his looks along with his perpetually tanned skin and piercing blue eyes. Eyes that stared at me now as if I were speaking Martian.

    Yes. I know exactly what I saw. Why the hell didn’t you stay where I told you to?

    What? My mind raced. My heart still beat in my throat. I struggled to grasp something normal. Something to get my pulse to beat steady again. I looked down at my discarded pack, the patch of leaves on the ground. Oh. Number 11.

    My hands still shaking, I pointed back at the birch tree where the little fawn had fallen. Flood stepped around me and went to it.

    He shook his head. Damn. I was hoping that little guy would make it. No sign of injury?

    No. He looks like he just went to sleep like that.

    Hmm. Well, while we’re out here. Might as well make some use of it. You think you’ve got a hold of yourself?

    I bit my lip past the comment I wanted to make. You mean since you shot at my fucking head? I’m fine.

    Good. You have any specimen containers in your pack? I’ve got a flashlight. Why don’t we see if we can find any droppings nearby?


    I smacked my palm against the side of my head, trying literally to knock myself back to the present. Droppings. Right. I pulled a fresh pair of gloves out of my pack and a specimen container.

    It’s not glamorous, Flood said as he shone the light in a circle around where Number 11 rested. But I don’t have the equipment or funding for autopsies or blood samples. Poop. We can do poop.


    Bingo! Flood stopped a few feet from the fawn and shook the light. Bag it up.

    I raised a brow at him but went to the spot on the ground he indicated. Then I bagged the poop.

    Congratulations, Miss Prince. You’re on your way to becoming a bona fide biologist now.

    I sealed the container and disposed of my gloves with the other. I held the container out to Professor Flood, but he just smiled. That’s all you.

    Right. Lucky me.

    Come on. If we hurry back, there might be some pizza left for you.

    You ordered without me?

    Flood shrugged and smoothed his cowlick back. It fell right back in front of his face a second later. He shot me a dazzling smile and put a hand on the small of my back, making my skin prickle just a little. I told you to be back by six thirty. You try making Cameron and the others wait when there’s food involved. Don’t know where that kid puts it. He’s got a hollow leg or something.

    Cameron Davies was Professor Flood’s favorite graduate assistant. He, Professor Flood, and I made up the team from Great Lakes University until the end of the summer semester. Another group of researchers from Michigan State shared the camp with us. We had help from the D.N.R. and the Manistee Park Ranger Service, but this was all Flood’s show. Tracking Chronic Wasting Disease or C.W.D. in a particular herd of white-tailed deer that had been given certain antibiotics within the first few months of their lives. So far, the results had been dismal. The animals were still getting sick. Still dying.

    Flood had parked the Jeep at the entrance to the trail. I hopped in the passenger side and put my pack in the seat behind me. As Flood started up the vehicle, I turned to him.

    That wasn’t a coyote back there, I said. Didn’t you see it? It was a wolf. A great big wolf.

    Flood smiled when he looked at me. I’d seen him flash that smirk in class. It was kind of his trademark. It’s why most of the girls sat in the front row, for a chance of having it directed straight at them. Then they’d leave class giggling and whispering to each other about Byron Flood and his killer dimples. For me though? Right now? It felt patronizing.

    "You’ve been out here too

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