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Vertical Marriage: A Godward Preparation for Life Together
Vertical Marriage: A Godward Preparation for Life Together
Vertical Marriage: A Godward Preparation for Life Together
Ebook220 pages2 hours

Vertical Marriage: A Godward Preparation for Life Together

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About this ebook

Marriage is one of the most significant commitments any person can make in this life. Amongst the myriad of preparations you can make, what is most important for a lasting, healthy relationship? Understanding that marriage is not eternal—but its
fruit is—Mike and Anne Rizzo, seasoned marriage counselors, turn our gaze Godward. A vertical focus, on the Creator of marriage, becomes the best foundation for building a beautiful, life-long bond with your future spouse.

How does Scripture's bridal paradigm play into your daily relationship, and what is the ultimate goal of your union? Practical and visionary, Vertical Marriage will help you evaluate your relationship, establish a marital vision, understand God's unique
design for your marriage and future, and set expectations for the nitty-gritty details of life together. For use with a marriage counselor or independently, Vertical Marriage is a premarital manual designed for engaged couples and those already
married who desire to establish a powerful partnership of eternal significance.

"Vertical Marriage is a weighty, no-holds-barred approach to get your marriage started on the right spiritual footing. Wise and spiritually penetrating . . . highly recommended, especially for serious believers." —Gary Thomas, Author of Sacred Marriage and The Sacred Search

"A powerful blueprint for a beautiful union that will help any couple, young or old, to revive their perspective on deep partnership and worship." —Sara Hagerty, Author of Every Bitter Thing is Sweet

"Mike and Anne have crafted a tremendous tool to help you navigate your courtship skillfully. Their wisdom will prepare you for a loving marriage filled with joy and hope—with Jesus at the center. I recommend this one highly!" —Bob Sorge, Author of Secrets of the Secret Place
Release dateDec 7, 2022
Vertical Marriage: A Godward Preparation for Life Together

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    Vertical Marriage - Mike Rizzo


    Vertical Marriage is a weighty (I mean that in the best sense of the word), no-holds-barred approach to get your marriage started on the right spiritual footing. Wise and spiritually penetrating, this book is an ideal way to spiritually test your relationship and understand its biblical foundation. As an added treat, it also offers much practical, real-world advice to help you on the journey toward marital intimacy in all aspects. Highly recommended, especially for serious believers.



    There is a great difference between a marriage that gets by — and one that is lived in light of eternity. Mike and Anne Rizzo lift our vision here, with Vertical Marriage. Their own marriage is a testimony, and this book offers the reader a powerful blueprint for a beautiful union that will help any couple, young or old, to revive their perspective on deep partnership and worship.


    Author, Every Bitter Thing is Sweet

    It is an honor to recommend this amazing resource! In a time of great confusion and unnecessary complexities this book draws a distinct arrow to the heart of Jesus and truth of the Bible! We ought to believe day and night for a restoration of families to their intended design … and yet know it starts with each one of us!





    I believe that one of the wisest things an engaged couple can do is give themselves to a time of preparation before their wedding day. This manual contains not only the practical points of preparation, but will also challenge you to lay the spiritual bedrock foundation of your marriage before you say I do.



    Wisdom has been defined as the ability to live life skillfully. In this book, Mike and Anne have crafted a tremendous tool to help you navigate your courtship skillfully. Their wisdom will prepare you for a loving marriage filled with joy and hope — with Jesus at the center. I recommend this one highly!



    I am captivated by eternity and fixated on living a life that will bear eternal fruit, so I’ve reached to live before the One who will evaluate my life in the end. As Mike and Anne Rizzo share in Vertical Marriage, The hour in which we live is not a time to cast off restraint or focus on the temporal; it’s a time for husbands and wives to contend for fresh, eternal vision in their marriages. If you are considering marriage, never let go of the highest vision — living for the audience of One. This book will give you tools to love Him and to grow in love for one another.




    I like riding motorcycles and shooting guns, so I was apprehensive about meeting with some people to talk about feelings and emotional expectations. My guard was quickly lowered as I realized that the Rizzos were full of practical wisdom and didn’t overwhelm me with poems and perfume. They had a very realistic approach to romance and sexuality that didn’t take anything away from the excitement of being in love, but also helped us maintain real life expectations. It has been almost exactly a year since my wife and I sat with Mike and Anne, and we can clearly look back on specific times that we have purposefully put their teachings into practice. I truly believe that our sessions have helped to enrich our marriage!


    It is foolish to get married without first doing premarital counseling. It would also be foolish to not get the manual currently in your hand. Mike and Anne have a great wealth of wisdom and knowledge when it comes to relationships, and they helped my wife and I realize the deep significance of the commitment we were making to each other when we got married. We absolutely love them, and you will too.

    —ERIC & ERIN

    Through this book, Mike and Anne are joining your team in your fight for love. My husband and I have found the Rizzos’ experience and knowledge completely priceless, and I can’t recommend them highly enough!


    Mike and Anne are seasoned counselors and friends of the Lord. Premarital counseling was a joy with them, even as we walked through some tough places of the heart. They painted a much-needed, biblical perspective on marriage in light of eternity and our callings to love God first.


    My wife and I were so glad we did premarital counseling with the Rizzos. Our time with them pinpointed areas of weakness and gave us some tools to grow: like resolving conflict and defining the roles in our relationship. Because of these conversations, we went into marriage empowered to move forward as a team.


    Mike and Anne Rizzo were a well of deep wisdom to drink from as we made huge decisions that greatly impacted our future. They were able to read deeply into our hearts and tell us things that we were thinking and feeling but couldn’t really articulate. Their advice has stuck with us, making our marriage stable and strong, and is still shaping the way we live day by day, three years later.

    —NATE & KATE


    Vertical Marriage — A Godward Preparation for Life Together

    By Mike and Anne Rizzo

    Copyright © 2022 by Mike and Anne Rizzo

    All rights reserved

    Formerly published under the same name by Forerunner Publishing, Kansas City, MO.

    This book or any parts of this book may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the authors at, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

    ISBN: 9798362818456 (print)

    eISBN: 978-1-6678803-0-3

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Cross-way, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (The Message) from THE MESSAGE. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ Scripture quotations marked PHILLIPS are taken from The New Testament in Modern English, J. B. Phillips, 1962 edition, published by HarperCollins. Scripture quotations marked (AMP) taken from the Amplified® Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. ( Scripture quotations marked (NASB) taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. ( Scripture quotations marked (KJV) taken from the King James Bible. Public domain. All emphasis in Scripture quotations is the author’s.

    Cover design by Wesley Harmon

    Printed in the United States of America

    To Mike Bickle.

    Through your teaching and example as a leader,

    our lives have been enlarged.




    Introduction: Are We Ready for Marriage?

    Purity Pledge

    Part One:

    Building a Strong Foundation

    1: Covenant or Contract

    2: Let’s Build a Marriage

    3: Evaluating the Relationship

    Part Two:

    A Unique Partnership

    4: Marital Vision

    5: God’s Amazing Design

    6: Husband and Wife Roles and Needs

    Part Three:

    Conflict, Cash, and Sex

    7: Resolving Conflict

    8: The Healing Journey

    9: Loving God with Our Money

    10: Sexuality in Marriage

    Part Four:

    Fruit That Remains

    11: Marriage Within the Bridal Paradigm

    12: A Fruitful Investment

    13: Married in Exile

    Part Five:


    Appendix A: Birth Control

    Appendix B: Couples Connecting

    Appendix C: Household Budget

    Appendix D: Intercultural Marriage

    Appendix E: Wedding Night and Honeymoon

    Appendix F: Divorce and Remarriage

    Appendix G: Recommended Reading


    Amy Peterson — your professional skills and excellent coaching have made us better writers. We greatly appreciate your partnership and invaluable contributions to this project.

    John Chisholm — without you, this book would not be in existence! Thanks for encouraging us to put a part of our life’s work on paper.


    If you are browsing this book, chances are that you are in a dating or engaged relationship, or you want to be prepared ahead of time for when that happens. The purpose of entering into a dating relationship is to discover if the other person is someone you would want to marry — to get acquainted with their life vision, values, personality, gifts, and weaknesses to decide if you want the relationship to progress to engagement. This manual that Mike and Anne Rizzo have written will help you in this process.

    One purpose of engagement is to establish the relational and lifestyle patterns that will be foundational to your marriage relationship. These involve how you will communicate, spend time and money, and solve conflicts, and how you view sexuality, children, raising children, planning the future, seeking God, doing ministry, and relating to the local church. All of these topics, and more, are covered in these pages.

    We have found that the best preparation for dating and marriage is to work on yourself. Work through your own brokenness with the help of wise counsel. Grow in your true identity and gain tools to help you continue to live authentically by owning your sin, asking for and extending forgiveness, and taking your thought life captive.

    Deep love is built on respect. The most important question is not, Will I be attracted to this man or woman for the rest of my life? Attractions can change very quickly. The question is, Will I respect him or her for the rest of my life? Are they interesting in ways that go beyond physical attraction? Is his or her heart set on the right things, and do they consistently follow through on their convictions over time?

    A strong foundation for godly marriage involves being equally yoked. Each one sets their heart to seek first Jesus and His kingdom, to verbally encourage each other to press in to their relationship with Jesus wholeheartedly, and to obey God’s will in their life and relationships.

    We believe in humility, serving one another, and obeying Jesus. One purpose of marriage is to develop a strong partnership in doing God’s will together as a couple and family. This involves enjoying His blessings, enduring hardships, and obeying Him in small things and the routines of everyday life.

    We are so grateful for Mike and Anne’s life and ministry at the International House of Prayer — many lives have been changed by it.

    Mike & Diane Bickle

    International House of Prayer


    Are We Ready for Marriage?


    This is a question asked by many singles as they ponder marriage. It is also a question asked by many who are married, feeling overwhelmed by the challenge, and wondering if they made the right decision.

    A decision of great magnitude requires great consideration. Jesus made this clear to the multitudes that followed Him: "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple" (Lk. 14:26). This is the essence of being joined to Christ. He must become the transcendent object of love among all of our relationships.

    His instruction is to count the cost before deciding. The two parables of Jesus’ following this passage serve as an illustration (Lk. 14:28–33). One: before you build a tower be sure you have access to all the materials you will need to complete it. Two: before going to war consider your military resources, measured against those of your enemy.

    Are we ready to count the cost of what it takes to build a marriage over decades? Are we ready to consider whether we have the strength to stand against the army of darkness that will come against our marriage union? Are we aware that the strength will come only when our relationship with Christ is priori-tized above all?

    A covenant pledge to Christ is not to be entered into lightly. In like manner, choosing to spend the rest of our earthly days in a marriage covenant with one person requires a skillful and wise decision-making process.

    Most of us are familiar with the invitation to receive Christ, given at evangelistic crusades. Various estimates I have seen over the years indicate that a low percent of respondents (anywhere from 6 to 25 percent) continue on in a vibrant faith. Listen to these words of a famous evangelist who preached the gospel in the American colonies during the Great Awakening: There are so many stony-ground hearers that receive the word with joy, that I have determined to suspend my judgment, till I know the tree by its fruits.¹ The evangelist was George Whitefield.

    I advise singles who think they have found their marriage partner to first evaluate their ability to build a solid foundation in the relationship, which rests on the reality of each partner’s commitment to Jesus. Only marriages with a vertical focus on God successfully enter into all that He designed marriage to be. The sets of questions throughout this manual are for self-examination as well as a lens through which to evaluate that potential future spouse. Is the fruit of the Spirit evident? How have we navigated seasons of transition? Have we walked with Christ, rooted and built up in Him, established in the faith (see Colossians 2:7)?

    In our own premarital season, Anne asked these same questions of me and I of her. As our friendship was initially budding with promise of perhaps a longer future, we began to count the cost and take stock of our relational resources. Throughout this book we have both endeavored to share highlights of our journey with you, and you will note our names prior to each major section.

    My life in Christ is the ultimate source for my married life. Granted, I don’t always feel qualified, much less prepared, to run hard after God every day. Nor do I rely on feeling like a great husband to determine whether I choose to act like one. But if we count the cost on the front end of every day and nurture the Yes, Lord on the inside, His grace will be sufficient. Together, your source in God will be the source in your marriage.

    Nearing thirty-five years of marriage at this writing, I

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