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Healing through love: Heal yourself and others with Anahata Healing
Healing through love: Heal yourself and others with Anahata Healing
Healing through love: Heal yourself and others with Anahata Healing
Ebook175 pages4 hours

Healing through love: Heal yourself and others with Anahata Healing

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HEALING THROUGH LOVE by Ulrich Rathgeber is a book about healing, love and spirituality. It consists of three parts:

In an easily understandable and sensitive way, the author first describes spiritual basics in the first part. He makes the principle understandable how spiritual energy can have a healing effect on people and animals, shares his experience of divine love with us, explains the structure of our subtle energy bodies and talks about different sources of power of spiritual healing.

The second part deals with the different aspects of healing, the author also examines the connections with karma, time, nature, silence and words. In doing so, he gives valuable practical advice on how to attain healing in everyday life.

In the third part of the book he presents his newly developed energetic healing system ANAHATA HEALING. Similar to Reiki, there are three levels of initiation, each of which teaches a specific healing method. In each degree you get access to a certain healing energy, which you can then transfer to people and animals.

To illustrate the effectiveness of his healing methods, the author also describes for each of them some touching as well as amazing case studies from his many years of practice as a professional healer. A highly spiritual and with great expertise written book that should read everyone who is interested in spirituality, love and spiritual healing!
Release dateJul 25, 2022
Healing through love: Heal yourself and others with Anahata Healing

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    Healing through love - Ulrich Rathgeber

    General basics

    What are we?

    People have always wondered about the nature of reality, and for a long time all material things in our world, including our bodies, were considered massive and completely separate from each other. Spiritual energy was something completely different from solid matter in this material worldview, and since it was impossible to imagine an effect of intangible spiritual energy on something material, spiritual healings were considered either as miracles or as the work of the devil, and healers were treated accordingly.

    When the advancement of science made it possible to observe the atoms, it was realized that our physical bodies are actually almost empty and contain only tiny atoms. So from then on, atoms were considered to be the actual solid matter, tiny building blocks that make up all things in our world. Even when one could later look inside the atoms and see that they too were in reality almost empty except for even tinier particles called atomic nuclei, this did not change much – the modular understanding of reality remained largely the same, only that the material building blocks were now considered even smaller than before.

    The material world view, in which everything is separated from each other, was still present at this point; it had only become more refined. For however small the material particles that made up our physical bodies might be, matter was still matter and spiritual energy was something quite different. Spirit and matter still seemed to be separated from each other even in this expanded view and therefore had little influence on each other.

    With the technical progress, however, the development of science continued to advance, and finally quantum physics brought groundbreaking insights that shook the old material world view from the bottom up: It was discovered that the subatomic particles that make up our world in reality had nothing to do with matter as we had imagined it until then!

    On the one hand, these particles are not constantly present, but exist and disappear in rapid succession, and nobody knows where they are when they are not in our universe. On the other hand, they cannot be observed without this observation alone causing changes in them! The mental intention of the observer already influences their behavior.

    This discovery revolutionized our world view in many ways: That these particles react to the mental intent of their observer means that they are no small clumps of dead matter, but spiritual energy. And they are not just some abstract particles in a laboratory that have nothing to do with our lives, but they are literally everything that surrounds us, including our own bodies! So there are no material building blocks as we used to imagine – our essence is spiritual energy and everything around us is also made of it. We are in fact energy beings!

    So in reality there is no separation between spirit and matter, simply because there is no matter that could be separated from spiritual energy – what we thought was matter is in reality also energy, only in condensed form. Since everything is energy, every interaction between two beings is of course also an exchange of energy. And already the principle of spiritual healing can be easily understood: One energy being sends energy into another energy being and this energy causes something there. Neither miracles nor devil's work, but a very simple and natural process!

    The fact that something cannot be observed at the quantum level without already changing it means that there is no real separation between the observer and the observed – perhaps the greatest scientific discovery of all time! It is the scientific proof that in our world everything is in reality connected. Everything is a single common energy field!

    The energies that make up all of us and our environment are as little separated from each other as water in one part of the ocean is separated from the water in the next part. The sages and mystics have been telling us this for thousands of years, and now science finally confirms it:

    In fact, we are all one.

    The energy field

    We are all part of this one all-encompassing energy field, of which everything consists and in which all life takes place. Our consciousness identifies itself with a certain part of the energy of this great pool, and we see this selected part of the energy as ourselves and our physical body.

    So what is this energy field? It is the whole that contains everything that exists and yet is much more. We can call it whatever we want: United Quantum Field, All That Is, Universe, Silence, Life, Divine Love, Divine Source, Being or God. Although the term God may be negatively biased by church influences for some readers, I would like to use it here because it fits here best for my feeling.

    Many years ago, on a walk without any external trigger, I came for a few hours into the most extraordinary and at the same time most ecstatic state of consciousness I have ever experienced. I consciously experienced the energy field that fills and connects us all, and I saw and felt the energy everywhere and in everything! In all people and things there was divine essence, like a golden light shimmering easily through all forms. I was able to perceive the absolute perfection of creation, in which everything is connected with everything else and therefore every seemingly unimportant little thing is equally important and equally necessary for the whole.

    At first, everything seemed to me to be a gigantic living clockwork in which billions of small and large cogs interlocked: For the whole to work, each of its parts is needed, no matter how big or small it may be. Some parts are designed to rotate with each other and others to rotate against each other, but also the opposing running cogs are necessary for the whole to work. Some directions of rotation change, others always remain the same, and that is exactly as it should be.

    The whole movement runs absolutely perfectly and no part of it can ever interfere with it, because even if he should try to do so, this change in his direction of rotation is not a disturbance, but in turn a necessary and important part of the whole process.¹

    Next, I had the impression of a huge stage with billions of actors performing a play in which everyone plays their part perfectly. I realized that for this play, every detail, no matter how small, is absolutely important, that these very pedestrians are walking along that very street, talking about that very subject, because that very moment that cyclist is passing by them, picking up a very specific sentence from them, and so on… The perfection of the whole is that everything fits together perfectly, and its liveliness is that everything is constantly changing. No one can ever disturb the perfection of this divine performance in any way, because everything he does is again exactly the perfect representation of his role in it. Yet no one is a puppet, who has a fixed role to play, but anyone can change his role at any time at will and thus influence all other roles and the entire performance, which is what makes it so vivid.² As individuals, therefore, we do have free will within a given framework of possibilities.

    On this level of consciousness, I realized that our mere existence is in reality absolute paradise: we always live in divine perfection and can never fall out of it, even though we usually cannot consciously perceive it, unfortunately.

    We have only apparently left paradise.

    ¹ But please do not interpret my impression of the perfect clockwork as something mechanical – every cog in it has the freedom to choose all directions of rotation on its own level and thus influences all other cogs. The perfection of the clockwork is not disturbed by this, it only changes constantly the form through which its perfection is expressed, and this is what makes it so lively.

    ² It`s a bit like improvisational theater, where the content of the piece is constantly changing…

    About divine love

    During this experience I could not only see the divine essence as golden light in every seemingly material form, but I could also feel it as absolutely pure, unconditional, infinite love. It was present in every single being and every thing in a unique way, and seen in this way it was always something individual. But since it was in everything, I could also perceive it as all-encompassing and impersonal. I realized that it was both at the same time, depending on how you look at it.

    Divine love is infinitely more than what people understand by love. It is more like an infinite eternal ocean that embraces, penetrates and keeps everything alive. I felt ecstatic, weightless and filled with such an unbelievably strong bliss as I have never experienced before. It was literally an experience of God, and it completely changed my life. Since that experience, I do not longer believe that we all are part of this one divine love, but I know it with absolute certainty. Therefore, I can assure you from the bottom of my heart that you are never really separated from God, even if it may sometimes seem that way to you! In truth, this divine love is the only thing that exists behind the backdrop of all forms. In reality, there is no one but God, and he plays all the roles on the stage of his creation himself! This means that you are a part of God, and I and all others are as well.

    I used to wonder why most saints and holy men only say what love is not, for example not controlling each other, not restricting each other, not being jealous and so on. Wouldn't it make more sense if they told people instead what love is? Since this experience I know the reason for this: The deeper you experience divine love, the more you become aware that its unlimited nature can never be

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