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Go: Step out of the Ordinary Share the Extraordinary  Jesus Christ
Go: Step out of the Ordinary Share the Extraordinary  Jesus Christ
Go: Step out of the Ordinary Share the Extraordinary  Jesus Christ
Ebook224 pages2 hours

Go: Step out of the Ordinary Share the Extraordinary Jesus Christ

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About this ebook

“Go” is an outstanding comprehensive evangelism resource and training guide which is entirely Bible-based. It contains information that will ready all believers for the work of sharing the gospel. Readers learn all about salvation, witnessing, the lost, God, and the many benefits of salvation.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 24, 2022
Go: Step out of the Ordinary Share the Extraordinary  Jesus Christ

Tricia Lynn Park Ph.D. R.N.

Dr. Tricia Lynn Park is a Christian author and business owner. She is passionate about God and helping Christians be equipped for the work of the ministry. Articulate, vibrant, and always enthusiastic to share the gospel and God’s Word, Dr. Park wants to be remembered for her undying commitment to God’s Great Commission and helping all those in need.

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    Go - Tricia Lynn Park Ph.D. R.N.

    Copyright © 2022 Tricia Lynn Park, Ph.D., R.N.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-7766-3 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022916709

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/21/2022




    Chapter 1: Psychological Considerations in Witnessing

    • Psychological Readiness

    • Soul Wounds

    • Witnessing Wounds

    • Healing Soul Wounds

    • Fear

    • Pride

    • Oppression

    Chapter 2: Why Share the Gospel?

    Chapter 3: Go into all the World

    • Go

    • Preach

    • Teach

    • Baptize

    Chapter 4: Gospel Essentials

    • Saving Faith

    • Repentance

    • Confession

    Chapter 5: Sharing the Gospel

    • Spreading the Love of God

    • Trusting in the Lord

    • Scattering the Good Seed

    • Believing in God’s Power

    • Enduring Opposition

    • Comforting the Suffering

    • Expecting Signs and Wonders

    • Reaching the Lost

    • Saving Israel

    • Going to the Ends of the Earth

    Chapter 6: Assurance of Salvation

    Chapter 7: Characteristics of Salvation

    • Salvation

    • Redemption

    • Propitiation

    • Justification

    • Restoration

    • By Grace

    Chapter 8: Witnessing Essentials

    • Spirit–Led Witnessing

    • Becoming a Good Witness

    • Tailoring the Message

    • Meditating the Word

    • Prayer

    • Post–Witnessing Activities

    Chapter 9: Seed Sowers with a Wider Scope: Office of the Evangelist

    • Definition of Evangelist

    • Old Testament Type of Evangelist

    • New Testament Evangelist

    Chapter 10: Characteristics of the Unsaved

    • All have Fallen Short

    • All have a Conscience

    • The Problem of Good Works

    • Hypocrites

    • Facing Judgment and Hell

    Chapter 11: God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit

    • God the Father

    o Love

    o Rejoices over People

    o Merciful

    o God’s Promise to Heal

    o Worthy of Praise and Worship

    o Holiness

    • Jesus

    o Redeemer

    o Fulfillment of the Law

    o The Only Way

    o Reconciliation

    o Healing in the Cross of Christ

    o Jesus healing through Believers

    o Healer of the Soul

    o Deliverer

    • Holy Spirit

    o Born Again

    o Baptism of the Holy Spirit

    Chapter 12: Additional Benefits of Salvation

    • Good Works according to God’s Plan

    • Jesus Living Within

    • Baptism into Jesus

    • Jesus’s Intercession

    • Servants of God

    • Ongoing Forgiveness of Sin

    • Children of God

    • Purification

    • Joy and Peace

    • Joint Heirs with Jesus

    • Wisdom and Knowledge

    • Fear of Death is Overcome

    • Abundant Life in Jesus

    • Christian Character Development


    With heartfelt appreciation to my family …

    Mom, your undying support kept me going all these years.

    Chris, I’ll never forget how you helped me when life got tough.

    Dad, you showed me how to build something out of nothing.

    Lord God, thank you so much for your love, mercy, grace, and truth.


    This book contains material that will inform, shape, stretch, and grow you. It tells how to share the good news of Jesus Christ in a powerful, meaningful, and purposeful way. It is a perfect Bible companion that outlines life changing evangelism truths and strategies. Scriptures are shared throughout so the readers know that the thoughts expressed are based upon the word of God.

    I started writing this book in 2007 to organize information and experiences I was gathering about soul winning. I have seen many people struggle with evangelism. Lack of motivation and knowledge, fear, and other issues seem to often keep people from sharing the good news. Wanting to help believers, this resource was organized, prayed over, and humbly submitted for publication. The goal is to enlighten, encourage, and equip believers to unashamedly proclaim the wonderful news of salvation in Jesus Christ.

    Tricia Lynn Park, Ph.D., R.N.


    Imagine you are saved and know you are going to heaven. You feel peace. You feel hope. You feel like you are no longer alone in the world. You attend a vibrant church and a weekly Bible study. You host a prayer group. You watch Christian videos online and are growing spiritually. You have thoughtful Christian friends. When you have a problem, your church rallies on your behalf. Church members bring coffee, food, and shoulders to cry on. The support is wonderful. You think God is so good. You thank Him every night. But deep down something just doesn’t feel right …

    As a Christian, you are aware you are to share the gospel. However, it’s been years and you have yet to do it. At the beginning of your Christian walk, you told yourself you needed to learn more before witnessing. You now know more, but you remain silent. You wonder why you are not motivated to share the gospel. Since you never think about witnessing, you assume you are just not called to share the good news. When invited to evangelize, you always find reasons to stay at home. You think you couldn’t preach the gospel because you aren’t good at public speaking. You feel you wouldn’t be good at witnessing because you don’t know how to talk about salvation.

    While you feel guilty for not sharing the gospel, you also notice irritation. You wonder why you have to be responsible for what happens to someone else. Doesn’t God know you have enough problems, and how it upsets you to tell people they will go to hell for rejecting Jesus? You hope the unsaved find Christian websites or encounter missionaries. That way you don’t have to step up. You justify your inactivity in evangelism because you are busy with church functions. You hope all that you do is enough. But deep down something just doesn’t feel right …

    Have you ever felt that something wasn’t right in your walk with the Lord concerning evangelism? If so, I’m here to say that you are not alone. Many Christians have never evangelized or are struggling to do so. If you are having trouble evangelizing or just want to improve your soul winning skills, this is an incredible resource for you. You will discover psychological considerations in witnessing, keys for improving your motivation for evangelizing, as well as information about the gospel, witnessing, the unsaved, and God.

    This book is a powerful source of inspiration and information. If read and diligently applied, it will springboard any believer into the most important work of sharing the gospel. Get ready to be super blessed and to be a big blessing. I encourage you to stop being just a sinner saved by grace. Start being a sanctified soul winner for Christ!



    Psychological Considerations

    in Witnessing

    For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

    – Proverbs 23:7

    If you are Christian, you have a God–given mandate to put the plight of the unsaved at the forefront of your mind and to respond with faith–filled action. Witnessing is a key part of being Christian. It necessitates a decentralization of the self so that the spiritual needs of the unsaved can be prioritized. Witnessing involves making sacrifices and not holding tight to one’s thoughts, agendas, and feelings. Soul winners must be humble and study the Bible to show themselves approved (2 Timothy 2:15). They must carve out time in their busy schedules to share God’s message of love. They’ve got to be patient, and willing to be misunderstood, rejected, and even avoided (2 Timothy 2:3–4). Soul winners always have a long to–do list. Natural human tasks may seem burdensome, but the weight carried by a soul winner always outweighs them all. Why you might ask? It’s because nothing outweighs the supreme importance of telling people how to be saved.

    Psychological Readiness

    When a Christian considers the hell–bound destiny of the unsaved, dreadful urgency can spark evangelistic efforts. However, if you are going to be soul–winning, it’s important to do some soul–searching. While you might think you are ready, willing, and able to be an effective witness, you may discover some unexpected problems. You might even find some walls blocking the way to fruitful evangelism. Assess your psychological readiness for the task of evangelism by answering the following questions:

    Ask yourself, Do I know what evangelism involves? How much do I know about the gospel, witnessing, the unsaved, and God? You might find that you don’t feel ready to preach the gospel. You may realize that you don’t understand the predicament of the unsaved. You may find that you don’t know much about God or witnessing. If you are shaky in any of these areas, learning Biblical truths is a good idea (Romans 12:2).

    How a person is in the world is typically a reflection of how he or she thinks. If someone believes he or she lacks intelligence, that person probably won’t join a think tank, or try to get an advanced degree. If someone believes he or she is a poor dancer, that person may never get up to dance at a party. If someone thinks he or she is not ready to share the gospel, that person is going to shy away from sharing the good news. Proverbs 23:7 says, For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Becoming a good witness on the outside first requires work on the inside.

    Strive to equip yourself with knowledge about evangelism. It will make a big difference when you have an opportunity to share the gospel. I’m not saying you can’t go out and share just John 3:16 with as many people as possible. What I’m saying is that with more understanding of the gospel, witnessing, the unsaved, and God, you will be better able to handle various witnessing encounters. In Ephesians 1:19, Paul prays that utterance may be given to me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel. Paul humbly asks God for the right words to speak when he shares the gospel. We need to have that same heart.

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