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Holistic Mental Health: Calm, Clear, and In Control For the Rest of Your Life
Holistic Mental Health: Calm, Clear, and In Control For the Rest of Your Life
Holistic Mental Health: Calm, Clear, and In Control For the Rest of Your Life
Ebook353 pages5 hours

Holistic Mental Health: Calm, Clear, and In Control For the Rest of Your Life

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About this ebook

What else is possible when it comes to your mental health? 

This book is a powerful collaboration and collection of experts who will answer that question. Get ready to understand your mental and emotional world at another level, and have access to effe

Release dateOct 1, 2022
Holistic Mental Health: Calm, Clear, and In Control For the Rest of Your Life

Laura Mazzotta

Laura Mazzotta is a Holistic Therapist of 20 years and Akashic Records Channel, grounding you into sustainable selfmastery through the expansion of your consciousness, confidence, and sovereignty in human connection. In the space of The Akashic Records, Laura extracts the deepest, most potent truths you could never access with the human mind alone. Connecting to this depth profoundly opens awareness, humility, consciousness, and self-actualization.What is self-actualization? Wholehearted self-acceptance, appreciation, and enduring self-love.Although Laura channels mind-blowing multidimensional energy, she believes even more in guiding you into how you are meant to do so. Extracting your own unique wisdom brings a level of love, empowerment, and liberation that secures your energy as your most unwavering foundation. All you desire in life extends and naturally unfolds from this space. Aside from her devotion to her mission, Laura loves spending time with her three children, husband of 26 years, and golden retriever. Her favorite thing to do is visit her mother in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, every couple of months and travel as many places as possible to explore the beauty and magic of Mother Earth. Laura also enjoys hiking, breaking into song at a moment's notice, bringing humor into almost any situation, and eating dark chocolate.

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    Holistic Mental Health - Laura Mazzotta


    If you’re reading this book, I guarantee you are multi-passionate, with a flurry of ideas and desires. Most of the people diagnosed with mental health conditions qualify for this constitution and usually end up identifying as ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Bipolar Disorder, or Borderline Personality Disorder.

    Being multi-passionate is a blessing. It’s the cornerstone of massive change-makers like Elon Musk and Bill Gates. When you channel your ideas and energy into something you passionately love, even if it doesn’t make sense to others, you’ll receive exponential results.

    The problem is that mental health diagnoses can make people feel there is something inherently wrong with them, so they focus on the so-called deficiency rather than the passion. What we focus on expands, so if you’re focusing on what’s wrong, you’ll feel and embody that deficiency. This is how people cycle through or get stuck in the mental health system for so long: They continually return to what they lack rather than what they desire and can create.

    The other issue with diagnosis is that people often choose someone or something to blame, like their parents, partners, or life experiences, to explain why they operate the way they do. I’m not saying we don’t have challenging and traumatic experiences that impact us, but our souls signed up for them so we can extract the necessary lessons for our soul’s evolution. It’s all purposeful, and our role is to get to know that purpose.

    Psychiatrists (doctors who prescribe psychotropic medication) will tell you diagnostics allow them to more accurately identify which medication to prescribe for maximum benefit. Some therapists will tell you diagnosis is helpful to access the standard treatment frameworks that have been proven effective.

    I’ve been a therapist for 20 years, and I’m here to tell you that diagnosis doesn’t have to mean shit unless you want it to. Just like I mentioned on the previous page, you get to decide what meaning you give to your symptoms. You get to choose the identity with which you identify. You are the master of your life experience.

    When you identify with any diagnosis as yours, and this applies to physical or mental illness, you lose yourself in a compartmentalized definition that doesn’t take individual factors into account. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to helping humans. Every one of us is a snowflake with our own pattern and beauty.

    This is exactly the reason Holistic Mental Health was born. It’s wildly empowering to pool all the resources out there (from experts with reliable results) to determine that perfect mix of practices that suit you, in your own unique way, with your own unique nuances.

    There’s nothing wrong with any part of you. You simply need to get creative about how to piece together the new and off-the-beaten-path strategies available. This book is an excellent way to begin this process. You get to try 25 practices on for size and tease apart what offers you results and what doesn’t. By the end of this book, you’ll have your own roadmap and toolbox for how to manage your mental health.

    There are truly infinite resources and possibilities within each moment. There’s always an easier route available than you can naturally think of. This is why I love working with the Divine because humanity is constantly uncovering new ways to work with infinite energy. We could publish one of these volumes annually and have a whole new set of practices each time.

    It’s this ever-unfolding process that makes being human fun! Although, we don’t look at it that way when we feel like we’re struggling with physical or mental health symptoms. I’m here to celebrate all the unique, zany, wildly bizarre ideas and desires you experience! Let’s bring them to the forefront instead of hiding behind them in shame.

    The first time I really felt into the power of my idiosyncracies was when I entered the Akashic Records and practiced Reiki. I remember when the Akashic Records were first introduced to me by a friend of mine.

    What the hell are you doing now? I asked her. She was on some kick of entering her Akashic Record, which sounded like another one of those fancy-schmancy spiritual words people make up when they’re grasping to find life’s answers.

    Try it, she said. It’s really cool.

    Cue my eye roll and a deep sigh; while I now had this cute little seed planted in the back of my consciousness. The Akashic Records are a library of information, a Google for the soul. It’s like this library high above the clouds, manned by angels and guides, and when you open your record, you have all the information about your soul from its first spark through past, present, and future lives.

    Just being in this space is deeply healing and illuminating because of its high vibration. The higher the frequency of energy (how fast molecules are vibrating), the less space there is for illness and dis-ease. You literally tune your body to this frequency when you enter the Akashic Records. This relieves symptoms and opens you up to feeling even higher levels of emotion and experience.

    As much as I tried to ignore the call to the Akashic Records, they kept calling my name. They kept knocking on the door with a reminder they were there for me. After about six months of kicking the can down the road, I reluctantly enrolled in an Akashic Records certification program as if to say, Fine, I’ll do it already!

    And the rest is history. Before I even understood much about it, I saw obvious results: My physical symptoms were going away, my anxiety was much lower, I was super clear and confident, and I had immense energy! My husband, who doesn’t fully believe in this stuff, said, I don’t know what you’re doing but keep doing it because you’re so much better. That was the validation my human needed to keep going.

    Now, I can boldly say the Akashic Records have changed my life. Connecting with this space has opened my world up to endless possibilities, vitality, confidence, patience, unconditional love, and personal power. To learn more about the Akashic Records, how they operate, and how you can enter your own, visit this link for a video that guides you through:

    The bottom line is that we’re here to do this life together. We all have our unique traits where we soar. I certainly don’t want to be doing the things my husband is good at, and he likely doesn’t want to do the things where I excel. When we celebrate our unique nuances as gifts, we can work beautifully together and focus on collaborating through our strengths rather than shaming one another for our deficits.

    This book is an invitation for you to explore another way. Take notes on how these practices resonate with and work for you. Allow it to be a fun experiment where you narrow down what’s meant for you. There’s nothing more self-loving than diving into what empowers you most. That’s the momentum that creates and sustains lasting change.

    Chapter 1

    Worthy to the Core

    Feel the Freedom of Embodying Your Soul’s Purpose

    Laura Mazzotta, LCSW-R, Spiritual Empowerment Coach

    A nurse came to my bedside and said, What took you so long to call 911?

    My reply was, My fever spiked from 99 to 105 in 30 minutes. I called as soon as I got to 105.

    Nurse: If you had waited 30 minutes longer, I don’t know if there is anything we could have done for you.

    Me (thinking): Holy Shit. What. The. Fuck. This is entirely surreal.


    The summer morning of August 3, 2016 began this way, and I was planning to take the kids to camp. I started feeling dizzy and nauseated. It escalated quickly, and I told my husband, I’m going to need you to drive the kids.

    He was rushing around like crazy because he wasn’t planning on doing this that morning. He had to take our one-year-old because I felt so sick. I felt bad but knew I couldn’t drive. I took my temperature, and it was only 99.1, but my body was fighting something.

    I grabbed some fluids and headed upstairs to lay down. During the 30 minutes my husband was gone, my temperature rose to 105. My body was shaking uncontrollably, my head was spinning, and I was literally squirming in my skin.

    As soon as my husband walked in the door, I said, Honey, I think I need to call 911.

    His reply: Really? Can’t I just drive you?

    I don’t think I can make it. And I promptly started to throw up.

    I’ve never called 911 for myself. I called for many of my clients (I’ve been a therapist for 20 years) but was never in a position where someone couldn’t drive me to a doctor or hospital.

    My husband put our baby girl in her crib and called 911. While he was on the phone, I collapsed to the floor. Seeing how wide his eyes were and how scared he was, was something I never want to see again. He already had two family members in the hospital with life-altering events, one who didn’t survive beyond a couple of months. I kept thinking: He doesn’t need this on top of his already existing worry.

    I could hear my daughter, who I was still nursing at the time, screaming and crying from her crib. I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving her behind. Being available to her when she was hungry was such an intimate and consistent experience for both of us. My husband kept saying, She’s fine. I’ll take care of her.

    When the emergency team arrived, they came up to my bedroom and tried to get me to the bathroom. Even with them holding me, I could not tolerate any movement. I kept falling to the ground. They put me on a stretcher and carried me down the steps. I could see my husband watching his wife violently shaking and being carried away by the EMTs when he was already so stressed and emotional about his family.

    I just said, I’m so sorry, honey.

    I was crying and scared. He was petrified. He followed the stretcher as they took me to the ambulance. I kept seeing different people around the ambulance and calling their names. No one was there.

    Once I was in the ambulance, the EMT kept telling me, Just breathe, honey. I need you to take long, deep breaths. I did the best I could. She was taking my blood pressure repeatedly and started an IV. I continued to shake, and my arms and legs went numb. She just kept telling me to breathe and was asking the driver which route he was taking and how long it would take to get there.

    My head started to spin even faster, and the EMT took my blood pressure again. She then started screaming to the front, We need to change the route. We need to get there within eight minutes. Turn on the sirens. The sirens howled, and the ambulance sped faster than I’ve ever felt before. Now I was petrified.

    I didn’t know what was happening to me. I thought:

    I just have a stomach bug! What is happening? Breathe.

    Just breathe. Deeply.

    Visions of my kids kept dancing through my head.

    How long am I going to be at the hospital? Who is going to get the kids from camp? Did my husband get in touch with the babysitter for our youngest? Where is my phone? I need to make sure my husband is okay. The poor guy has to drive to me and then back in time for the kids to get home. Breathe. Just Breathe. Deeply. All the way to your toes. It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. Is it going to be okay? Is something really wrong with me? I’m in the best shape of my life! I just started running! I’m eating like a champ! It’s summer, and I’m swimming with my kids! What the actual fuck is happening?

    When we arrived at the hospital, I was briskly whisked to a quarantine area to rule out meningitis, among other things. The staff suited up in full-body attire to do preliminary testing. They hooked me up to IV antibiotics and medication to stop the body shaking. It felt like I was convulsing, but I knew I wasn’t seizing because I was fully conscious, even though I was super out of it.

    A little while later, they opened my door and confirmed that meningitis was no longer a concern. The doctor arrived and asked a long list of questions. I was so short of breath, dizzy, and still violently shaking. I told her, I. . .need. . .something. . .for. . .the. . .shaking. I. . .I. . .can’t. . . It felt unbearable. I was so uncomfortable. The nurse grabbed medication for me as the doctor and I continued to speak. It took me a while to get the words out.

    Now I had to wait. My husband arrived. I was still shaking, but not as violently. He was sitting by my side, and I was trying to explain what the doctor and I discussed between deep, labored breaths. He was asking questions, and I just kept saying, I’m okay. I’m okay. It’s okay. I’m okay. It’s okay. I just wanted his hand on my arm. It was comforting to have him by my side.

    The doctor came in a little while later. Everything looks good. You’re going to be discharged as soon as the rest of your lab work comes back.

    What? Seriously? How the actual fuck am I supposed to go home with this fever, which had come down to about 101 at this point with the meds they were giving me, shaking and not being able to stand? I can hardly speak!

    Then my bloodwork came in. The doctor promptly came into the room. I’m admitting you. Your lactic acid level is 3.9, and there are several other labs, including white cell count, that present a concerning picture. She claimed this was likely a tick-borne illness, and I was going to need a few days of IV antibiotics and further testing.

    My thoughts:

    My babies! No! I can’t be away from my babies for that long! I have to nurse! I need a breast pump. Is there a breast pump in maternity that I can use? My poor husband. He has to go home to the kids. He can’t be here with me. He needs to go. I will be taken care of.

    My husband left to get the kids. I’ll be back after I get the kids settled. After several hours, I was taken up to a room that I was sharing with another patient. No one told me what unit I was going to or what the treatment plan entailed, other than IV antibiotics. The doctor kept forgetting to put the blood work orders in, so they drew my blood about six to eight times within a 12-hour period. I didn’t feel well enough to care.

    My brother-in-law came to visit me because he was downstairs with his wife, who was also in the hospital! It was a Mazzotta family reunion! He eventually had to leave because I started violently shaking again. Little did I know this was something called the rigors, a very common symptom of sepsis. Unfortunately, I had no idea what was going on until it was printed on my discharge paperwork.

    Several specialists came in to see me. Infectious disease said this was definitely not tick-borne, but they were confused because they couldn’t find the source of the infection. Overnight, my blood pressure tanked, and they needed to give me more fluids. Apparently, this is another symptom of sepsis, which I’d later find out after doing my own research.

    Thankfully, a close friend of mine is a nurse who said I had sepsis from the second I called her to share what was going on. I would cry myself to sleep at night because I missed my kids and being in my home. I felt worse than I’d ever felt in my life. I had no idea what was going on, and the woman next to me was moaning incessantly.

    This was not the environment for me. Is it really the environment for anyone? I remember when I gave birth to all three of my kids and appreciated being in the hospital. There were so many people to support and take care of you and your baby as you learned the ropes and navigated a new normal while recovering from the birthing process. It was really a beautiful experience.

    Then there was this. Um, no thanks! I’ll give birth again several times over! But I was grateful for the medical community saving my life, for having a supportive and loving husband, for having my kids well taken care of, and to be alive!

    This whole sepsis experience was the beginning of a completely different Laura. From this point forward, I was characterized as having a chronic illness. Unable to find the source of the sepsis, I consulted with top immunological researchers in New York City, who discovered I have CVID (Common Variable Immunodeficiency) and would need IGG (immunoglobulin G, the primary protein fighting infection in our immune system) plasma infusions for the rest of my life. I now infuse plasma once weekly to provide immunity.

    I also developed autoimmunity and incurred significant damage to my neurological system from the sepsis. I couldn’t walk or drive without severe dizziness for three years. The depths of fear, anger, depression, helplessness, and anxiety during this three-year period post-sepsis were immense.

    I managed to work a few hours per week but had to cancel appointments regularly. I started considering leaving my practice because I couldn’t provide the consistency my clients were accustomed to. To delay this, I shifted my practice to entirely virtual (about five months before the pandemic). I tried going back to the office a few times but either collapsed (and my husband had to pick me up) or became confused and couldn’t continue sessions.

    This was when I met with my neurologist regarding cognitive impairment. He told me, Unfortunately, autonomic neuropathy is degenerative and, with the immunodeficiency behind it, I expect your symptoms to progress.

    I didn’t believe him. Wait, miss goody-two-shoes-who-always-people-pleases-and-follows-all-the-rules, is disagreeing with a doctor?

    I grew up conditioned to follow the guidance of authority figures no matter what, and doctors were surely authority figures in my world. So, choosing not to believe my neurologist felt like an act of defiance, but it’s also where I started to play by my own tune.

    Finding your own tune is not a fast and easy process. However, if you’ve already started on this path, you’ll move much more quickly. Chronic people-pleasers may need several iterations (wink wink).

    In this instance, it involved doing my own research on how I could heal outside of the traditional medical system. I saw hundreds of specialists and world-renowned doctors. I could confidently say western medicine could only take me so far.

    Upon finding meditation, Reiki, and the Akashic Records, my eyes opened to an entirely different world than the one I was living in. There was infinite possibility here. I learned that energy is always moving, so our reality is always shifting. I learned the energetic impact of our ancestors, past lives, and inner child. I learned the purpose of my soul and the reason for being in this body at this time with these experiences.

    Being a therapist for two decades, I felt like a bit of a dumbass that I had never touched the depths of healing with traditional psychotherapy. So, I set out on a new adventure and officially awakened to the absolute brilliance and natural wellness I held within.

    I was fine! In fact, I was perfect, just as I was at that moment. I was present. I was focused in ways I hadn’t been in my entire life. I had energy and confidence! My physical body was only one aspect of who I was, and it, along with my life experiences, didn’t define me. I was part of something so much more.

    I’m about to take you through a practice that will undoubtedly get you on the path to feeling this magnificence. All you need is a pen, paper, time to yourself, and maybe even a candle and tea.


    Get yourself comfortable. Take a nice, deep breath in. Pause. Allow your exhale to be longer than your inhale. Repeat these breaths two more times, and settle in.

    You, my friend, are worthy to the core. You do not need a doctor, loved one, degree, health status, partner, body size, skin color, sexuality, or gender to determine your worth. You get to decide who you are. You get to decide how powerful and full of health and wealth you are.

    This decision comes from you. It comes from within. It comes from that voice inside you that knows so clearly who you are and what you’re here for. Where does that voice come from? How is it generated? Through your soul and the energetic building blocks that make you who you are.

    When you truly feel into this relationship with your soul, others’ opinions will not shake the fulfillment of your soul’s mission. You won’t feel the need to apologize for your uniqueness and off-the-beaten-path, seemingly outlandish perspectives and desires.

    So, let’s get in touch with your soul! To fully embody your soul’s purpose, you need to relax deeply and surrender to its vibration. Feeling into this experience is what makes it sustainable versus just knowing it. To maximize the benefit of this practice, I encourage you to visit and listen to the audio version of this meditation.

    Take a moment to adjust your physical body so you can sink into the space in which you’re sitting. Take another breath in, all the way to the base of your spine. Exhale slowly. Do this breath two more times and close your eyes.

    You are deeply well. You are grounded and rooted in your body. Feel the roots extending from the bottom of your feet all the way into the depths of Mother Earth. Allow yourself to extract the nutrients of this root system as you inhale.

    Imagine each of your cells lighting up with this energy. Since 80% of the information we hold is sent from the body to the brain, allow this light to travel upward, delivering comforting, nourishing, stabilizing energy to the cells of your brain.

    As these illuminate, rays of brightly colored energy extend beyond the top of your head, like you’re wearing a radiant crown. Allow this to invite your higher self into this experience. Take note of what your higher self looks like and what it feels like to be in its presence. Bask in this for a moment.

    Now take the hand of your higher self and allow it to guide you into the universe. You’re floating amongst the stars while remaining grounded and safe in your body. You feel weightless and buoyant, free from your body and the world.

    You have perspective here. You can see things so clearly, like how your life events that have unfolded, and are unfolding, are paving a path for your highest good. Appreciate the beauty of the stars and planets and the silence of this moment.

    This is your essence. This is the frequency of your soul. Loving, patient, spacious, free, and light, with the ability to create anything and everything from this space from which all things are formed.

    This dark matter you’re floating in is fertile ground, where your soul plants your ideas and next steps. Watch what your higher self is planting right in front of you. Watch the purpose that’s already planted here, that your higher self is watering, nourishing, and preparing for your continued journey on Earth.

    Know that, whether you have conscious awareness of this purpose, you are energetically witnessing and receiving the codes of it now. You are intimately involved in its expansion.

    Take a deep breath to pull these codes into each of your energy centers, mind, and body. Feel as your body expands with the breath, increasing the capacity for actualizing your soul’s desires.

    Identify where your purpose currently lives within you. Where in your body do you feel it emanating? It may be a physical sensation, an emotion, or just a clear knowing.

    Send breath to this area to open even more space to hold this energy. Hold your breath briefly to express your sincere intention to integrate these codes.

    Now take the hand of your higher self and float back to the space in which you’re sitting. Feel as your higher self rises back into the ether. Connect with the surface on which you’re sitting. Wiggle your fingers and toes, stretch your neck, and open your eyes whenever you’re ready.

    You’ve just experienced a frequency unknown to most humans on this planet. This is the frequency of unconditional love, permanence, and unwavering clarity. The more you attune yourself to this space, the more it is palpably felt, and worthiness becomes automatic.


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