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Deceased When Last Seen
Deceased When Last Seen
Deceased When Last Seen
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Deceased When Last Seen

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Sharon Is In The Middle Of A Zombie Apocalypse Desperately Trying To Survive And Find Other Survivors. Will She Survive Or Will She Become One Of The Undead Forever? All You Have To Do To Find Out Is Take A Look.

Release dateOct 6, 2022
Deceased When Last Seen

Adriel Montejano

Adriel Was Born In 1983 In Hanford, California To Mexican Parents. He Came From A Bad Neighborhood With Little To Nothing Growing Up And After Years Of Struggling And Working Minimum Wage Jobs He Finally Found His Calling In Life To Be A Writer And Has Been Writing Ever Since.

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    Deceased When Last Seen - Adriel Montejano

    Deceased When Last Seen

    Adriel Montejano

    Published by Adriel, 2022.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. October 6, 2022.

    Copyright © 2022 Adriel Montejano.

    ISBN: 979-8201501594

    Written by Adriel Montejano.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Deceased When Last Seen

    Sign up for Adriel Montejano's Mailing List

    Further Reading: Pride & Prejudice & Love

    About the Author

    Deceased When Last Seen

    Chapter One

    Sharon was a woman who was very close to her family and she loved spending time with them but today was different as she was still spending time with her family but not in the way she wanted as they died and became zombies after a man with a virus died and came back to bite them. She tried telling them it wasn’t a virus, that it wasn’t what they had thought it was as they were attacked by zombies. They didn’t believe her or at least they tried to but she knew what she saw. Her father died first, the virus took over his body and then slowly started to take over others and she saw all of her friends turn into zombies one by one. Then she went to her sister and told her the same thing and she didn’t believe Sharon either, no matter how many times Sharon would tell her it was true. So she left her alone until Sharon convinced her that there was no reason for any of their friends to be dead and even though she continued to deny it and try to convince her that she should go see a doctor she eventually agreed.

    After she agreed they both drove to the hospital where they talked to doctors and found out that the virus was caused by a virus that could kill anyone. That meant that most of the living dead had been killed already. The doctors assured them that if any of them died during the night they would be revived so they just had to stay awake at night and wait for it to happen.

    The next morning when she woke up and looked outside she saw that the whole town had turned into a zombie apocalypse. She sat there staring at it for hours thinking about what had happened  and why everyone else had died and why she was still alive. She decided that she needed to find another way to keep herself alive and she figured that maybe she could help a friend or two. So she got dressed, put on some clothes that weren’t covered in blood and grabbed her car keys. She walked into town looking for someone to talk to or help or anything at all because she couldn't stand being there anymore. As she walked through the streets of what she now called Zombie City her mind began to wander and she tried focusing on one thought but instead of coming up with something she ended up having to start over. As she kept walking she heard a voice calling her name but she ignored it as she kept going and finally made it outside. There was another person standing near the gates of the hospital talking to a security guard about something she didn’t understand but it looked like an argument and as much as she wanted to walk away she felt like she had to stay to see what was happening.

    You know I think you’ve said everything you need to say the security guard was saying I don’t care if you want to fight me or whatever as he said this he pulled out his weapon and pointed it towards the other person who froze in place.

    No please don’t! You don't understand the zombies are headed this way and we need to run and find a safe place to hide!  Please don’t hurt us! The other person pleaded as tears ran down his cheeks.

    What do you mean zombies? You’re joking right? This is just some kind of joke, right? The security guard said as he put his weapon away and approached the other person. He knelt down in front of him and reached out his hand Come here buddy we can get you somewhere safe the security guard was trying to comfort the crying man by rubbing his shoulder but it seemed to have little effect.

    The other person backed away from him as more tears ran down his face Please no! Let me go! Don’t let them eat me! Please! Please! the person pleaded with increasing desperation. Before the security guard could stop him the man broke into a run and started running towards the woods. He quickly disappeared into the trees leaving the security guard behind completely speechless.

    Hey are you okay sir? You look shocked A woman’s voice startled him out of his reverie and he snapped out of it quickly and turned around to find a girl a couple years younger than himself looking at him with concern.

    Yeah yeah I’m fine don’t worry about it He responded shrugging off the incident.

    Okay well...if you say so she replied before walking away.

    Sharon sighed as she stared at the ground trying to figure out what she was supposed to do now. She had gotten lucky enough to find a group of survivors but what if she didn’t? What if the only ones to get saved were those whose families were too far gone to save themselves? She couldn’t imagine going through that and it scared her. Even worse was the fact that she had no idea where this camp or whatever it was was located and she didn’t dare ask anyone else for help because she doubted she could come up with an excuse enough. She sighed again and rubbed the bridge of her nose. It felt like her life was never going to be normal and that terrified her. After a few minutes of walking she decided that she would give up and head back home. She had managed to find a group of survivors but she doubted that they would even bother helping her since she obviously hadn’t done anything to deserve it. Besides, she didn’t really want anyone seeing her cry. After making her way back to the campsite she stopped at her tent to change out of her bloody clothing before heading back home. She was almost home when she realized what she was doing and stopped. She didn’t want to go back there. Not yet anyway, so she decided to go back to the hospital to see if anyone else had survived. Maybe she would find something better there.


    Once she arrived at the hospital she walked around for awhile until she found the main entrance to the building. After a short time of walking she spotted a sign that read ‘Emergency Rooms’ and headed inside. Once inside she checked to make sure that the rooms were empty before starting to search each room she came across. Each room had been taken and no one else had survived. Sharon walked out of the last room and headed for the elevator. She pressed the button to call the elevator and when the doors opened she stepped in, hitting the button for the fourth floor. She leaned against the wall and let out a frustrated sigh. She was pretty sure the hospital was abandoned and she wouldn’t be able to find anything helpful there anyways. She had tried calling her mom before but hadn’t gotten a response. If she was honest she had tried calling her dad but had gotten nothing either. Her parents were probably fine but her sisters had been bitten. It wouldn’t surprise her if they were dead too. She shook her head as she remembered the last time she saw her sisters alive. They were walking home from school when a huge group of zombies chased them down and they were hit by a car. One moment she was watching her sisters get killed, the next she was waking up in a hospital bed surrounded by doctors and nurses. Her sisters had died and she had woken up without them. She was grateful that she had survived but was also upset that she hadn’t had the opportunity to say goodbye to them. Now that they were dead she would never get to see them again. She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind and focused on her current situation. Right now she had to find a place to hide and get some food and drink. As she stepped out of the elevator onto the fourth floor she spotted a vending machine and decided to go grab some chips to eat later.

    As she entered the cafeteria she saw that it was practically empty. Everyone must have evacuated the area she mused. She decided to pick up a random box of chips and pay for it and then move on to the next aisle. As she made her way to the cash register she noticed a guy sitting by the window. He was sitting in his chair and leaning his head against the glass. She paused for a moment and contemplated whether or not she should approach him but soon decided against it. What if he was infected like her? What if they were both infected? She wasn’t ready to deal with that just yet and besides if she had been infected she

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