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Sharon & Ryan
Sharon & Ryan
Sharon & Ryan
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Sharon & Ryan

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This is a story about a couple who overcome the odds despite everything they have been through to acheive their dreams. Will their relationship survive? There is only one way to find out.

Release dateAug 27, 2022
Sharon & Ryan

Adriel Montejano

Adriel Was Born In 1983 In Hanford, California To Mexican Parents. He Came From A Bad Neighborhood With Little To Nothing Growing Up And After Years Of Struggling And Working Minimum Wage Jobs He Finally Found His Calling In Life To Be A Writer And Has Been Writing Ever Since.

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    Sharon & Ryan - Adriel Montejano

    Sharon & Ryan

    Adriel Montejano

    Published by Adriel, 2022.

    Sharon & Ryan

    Adriel Montejano

    Published by Adriel, 2022.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. August 27, 2022.

    Copyright © 2022 Adriel Montejano.

    ISBN: 979-8201099961

    Written by Adriel Montejano.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. August 27, 2022.

    Copyright © 2022 Adriel Montejano.

    ISBN: 979-8201099961

    Written by Adriel Montejano.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Sharon & Ryan

    About the Author

    Sharon & Ryan

    Chapter One

    All the preparations were made, she had a dress in her closet that she’d be planning on wearing at their wedding and all she really wanted was for everything else to be perfect.

    The only thing left was to get it perfect, which is what brought Sharon into her office early in the morning with a frown on her face. It felt like every time she tried to look forward to today, something went wrong. It wasn’t until after ten minutes of sitting there that her mood began to lift slightly but as soon as Sharon saw Ryan walk into her office, she felt her heart drop once more. It never failed that Ryan was the last one to arrive at work before she did and it always seemed to happen when he arrived on his very first day of work. Every new job was like the first one, it was never easy and every time Ryan got there, he’d either make a joke or try to engage with someone in some way but the worst thing was when he walked out. It made it seem as though nothing had happened, but if you could see the small tear stains on his shirt as he left, then you knew he hadn’t slept well.

    As soon as Ryan sat down in front of her desk, she was immediately suspicious. Good Morning, Ryan! She greeted happily despite the heavy atmosphere around them. The fact that her tone sounded forced didn’t go unnoticed by Ryan. He’d learned over time how much his presence affected her, so whenever he heard her fake cheerful voice, he knew it was because he did something wrong.

    Ryan gave her a polite nod and turned his attention back toward the papers spread across her desk. If he’d been anyone else, he would have asked what they needed him to do since Sharon rarely came into his office, but he knew better than to bring up something that clearly upset her. Instead he decided to start up small talk with her. He hated seeing her this way and wanted desperately to cheer her up, but he couldn’t help feeling bad about leaving Sharon alone like this. So, uh, where are we on the proposal? he asked, trying his best not to sound too eager. It took every ounce of strength within Ryan to keep himself from smiling.

    She looked up, surprised that her friend would even mention her own wedding but she knew she deserved the smile that lit up Ryan’s face. Her best friend was the most caring person she knew and although sometimes she wondered if he actually cared about her, she appreciated knowing that she mattered in his life. I think that will take us another week to plan. She smiled in response to Ryan’s question.

    He nodded in acknowledgement, trying not to seem too disappointed. Do we need a ring yet? I mean, your fiancé can’t be marrying a wedding planner if he doesn’t have the ring. He joked lightly, hoping to lighten the mood. Sharon rolled her eyes playfully and let out a short laugh.

    Chapter Two

    I don’t know whether I should thank or feel insulted that you think I wouldn’t know how to handle an engagement ring. I might be old but I am still capable of making a decision based on what feels right to me. And if you’re going to insult someone, it’s probably the smartest thing to do to make sure it isn’t your own fiancée.

    Ryan smirked, enjoying the banter. That’s probably true, but you’ve definitely got a point. Maybe you should just let me pick our wedding theme. I promise I won’t ask anything stupid, but I’m not sure my brain has ever done anything quite like this.

    Sharon smiled, grateful to have her friend’s company again. Ryan made her forget about her problems, just like usual. Alright, I can live with that. Although, no funny business while I’m working, please? This place hasn’t seen a decent cleaning in months. They both laughed as their conversation drifted off into different topics. Before long, they’d gotten lost in their little world.

    Sharon was still staring intently at the piece of paper she held in her hand. She stared at the numbers and letters as her mind raced, thinking over every possible solution she could come up with. There was no reason why they shouldn’t have everything ready by now, but she wasn’t giving up on finding a way for them to do things perfectly. When she finally snapped out of it, she glanced at Ryan who was grinning at her in amusement. What? She asked, looking confused.

    His smirk faded away and instead replaced itself with a kind expression. Nothing, just glad to see you in a good mood again, babe. You haven’t been yourself lately and honestly, it worries me. Is everything okay?

    Sharon sighed quietly. I know. I’m sorry about that, it’s just... She paused for a few moments, unsure if she should continue but deciding to risk it anyways. I want our wedding to be perfect...I want it to reflect the person I love. But if I tell him that we need more time, then he’ll be pissed off, especially given how busy he usually gets with his job. So what if we wait just a little longer and I can find a ring at home? That way, if we decide to do it sooner rather than later, it won’t be a surprise anymore. I mean, it’ll only change a little bit. And it’ll help us both relax.

    It sounds like you’re worried about losing him. Ryan stated, leaning closer to Sharon.

    Of course I am! She whispered, shooting a quick glance around to ensure nobody was watching them. They were completely safe here, no one would interrupt whatever this was about to be. This is the longest relationship I’ve ever been in, and while I hate the idea of having to give that up, I’m terrified that if we don’t hurry up and finish planning, we’re never going to be able to pull it off. And I just...I really like this guy and if he says no... The words died in her throat and she took a deep breath to calm herself down enough to speak. If he breaks my heart, I’m going to lose the best thing in my life.

    Ryan put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead softly. Hey. Listen to me, okay? He loves you just as much. I know he does. He would never intentionally hurt you, he loves you too much to do that. And you deserve the best, Sharon. Don’t worry about it. Just keep telling yourself that and everything will work out. It seems like he needs time, right? Let him figure it out. Then when he comes around, we’ll show him exactly how amazing you are and it’ll be fine.

    Sharon leaned against Ryan and closed her eyes. His confidence in her made her believe everything would turn out great. She didn’t have any doubts about their future. It was just that she didn’t know what to say next to make Ryan understand how important he was to her.

    Chapter Three

    You should get some sleep. Ryan whispered as he pulled away from the embrace he shared with her. I mean it. Even if we’re going to be late getting home, you deserve some rest.

    Don’t remind me. I’ll try. Sharon answered, smiling slightly before walking to Ryan’s door and opening it. After saying goodbye and wishing him a pleasant evening, she shut the door behind her and headed towards her bedroom, leaving Ryan sitting behind her desk. She went straight upstairs without even bothering to look up at Ryan and just focused solely on getting ready for the rest of her day. As she climbed the steps, she noticed that she could see two sets of footprints on the stairs and assumed one of them belonged to Ryan and that the other belonged to whoever it was that had taken the spare key to leave all her stuff. As far as she was concerned, they weren’t doing her any favours and she was beginning to become angry. She stopped in front of her door and waited for the person to knock before letting them in. As they entered her apartment and she heard the door closing loudly behind them, she looked up, expecting to see Ryan glaring at them or maybe even throwing them out. However, what she found almost took her breath away:

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