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Bible Study for Reaching Critical Mass: A Layman's Earnest Call to Personal Ministry Action
Bible Study for Reaching Critical Mass: A Layman's Earnest Call to Personal Ministry Action
Bible Study for Reaching Critical Mass: A Layman's Earnest Call to Personal Ministry Action
Ebook61 pages15 minutes

Bible Study for Reaching Critical Mass: A Layman's Earnest Call to Personal Ministry Action

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About this ebook

Whether it’s a Sunday School class, life group, Bible study group or home group, this companion Bible study is meant to give Christians the opportunity to dive deeper into discovering and implementing their role in spreading the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 19, 2022
Bible Study for Reaching Critical Mass: A Layman's Earnest Call to Personal Ministry Action

W. Todd Reynolds

W. Todd Reynolds is the founder and President of Sonrise New Testament Ministries. Tod has a three-decade-long personal relationship with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Since 1991, Todd has felt a calling to serve Jesus Christ above and beyond his local church. Until Jesus revealed his calling to Todd, he felt led to keep a spiritual record of how Jesus worked in his life. After fifteen years, Jesus Christ’s call in Todd’s life became clear. Todd was led to establish Sonrise New Testament Ministries. Without Todd’s unique life experiences, and the leading of the Holy Spirit, Reaching Critical Mass would not be available today. Todd’s passion for sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the people worldwide in their native languages, and the earnest call for other Christians to join in similar yet diverse ministries as a renewed lifestyle, is his lifelong commitment.

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    Bible Study for Reaching Critical Mass - W. Todd Reynolds

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-6410-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-6411-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022907524

    WestBow Press rev. date: 5/12/2022


    Chapter 1

    The Laws of Critical Mass

    Chapter 2

    Sins Impact on Creation

    Chapter 3

    Redemption from a Sin-Permeated

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