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Plant Galls of the Western United States
Plant Galls of the Western United States
Plant Galls of the Western United States
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Plant Galls of the Western United States

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A photographic guide to 536 species of plant galls found west of the Rockies

Beautiful and bizarre, plant galls are growths of various shapes, sizes, and colors produced in response to invading organisms. Describing 536 species of galls and their causative agents, Plant Galls of the Western United States explores this unique realm with stunning photos and fascinating information about the life cycles of the organisms involved.

Often species-specific, plant galls can be shaped like stars, baskets, clubs, wigs, bowls, and cups, with colors and combinations that stagger the imagination. This richly illustrated field guide examines how galls develop, and their uses, seasonal appearance and growth rate, predators, and defense mechanisms. The “architects” of galls—bacteria, fungi, mites, moths, beetles, flies, midges, and wasps—are explored in depth, and descriptions are paired with illustrations of these gall-inducing organisms and their typical galls. Gall accounts are divided into those that occur on trees, shrubs, and miscellaneous hosts, including native and ornamental plants. The guide contains a useful glossary and a bibliography.

  • Features 536 gall species—including 120 new to science and 232 that have never appeared in a field guide before
  • Examines for the first time more than 90 species from southwestern oak trees
  • Contains more than 150 species from most of the deserts of the western states
Release dateApr 20, 2021
Plant Galls of the Western United States

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    Plant Galls of the Western United States - Ronald A. Russo













    Copyright © 2021 by Princeton University Press

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    All photographs and illustrations by author unless noted otherwise.

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    ISBN (pbk.) 9780691205762

    ISBN (e-book) 9780691213408

    Version 1.0

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020949502

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    Editorial: Robert Kirk and Abigail Johnson

    Production Editorial: Karen Carter

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    Jacket/Cover Design: Ruthie Rosenstock

    Publication of this book has been aided by the California Wildlife Foundation, California Oaks Fund

    To my wife, Sheri

    The act of discovery is one of the greatest joys;

    it is a bright flash in the darkness,

    with a reward not soon forgotten.

    —H. E. Evans (1968)


    Preface  ix

    Acknowledgments  xi


    About This Guide  3

    Unnamed Species  3

    Galls in Nature  4

    The Science of Gall Study  5

    A Brief History of Galls  5

    Where Galls Form  6

    Gall-Inducers at a Glance  7

    Evolutionary Paths  7

    Common Types of Galls  9

    Seasonal Appearance and Growth Rate  14

    Environmental Factors  14

    Damage to Host Plants  15

    Galls as Nutrient Sinks  17

    The Gall Community  18

    Parasite-Inquiline Influence on Gall Shape  19

    Gall-Inducer Defense  20

    Honeydew and Bees, Yellow Jackets, and Ants  21

    Insect Predators  23

    Birds and Other Predators  23


    Bacteria  28

    Fungi  29

    Mistletoes  32

    Mites  33

    Aphids and Adelgids  36

    Psyllids  37

    Coccids  38

    Moths  38

    Beetles  40

    Leaf-Mining Flies  41

    Tephritid Fruit Flies  42

    Gall Midges  43

    Gall Wasps  45


    Tree Galls  53

    Hair Chart: Pacific States Species  132

    Hair Chart: Southwest Species  190

    Shrub Galls  225

    Miscellaneous Galls  324

    Native Plant Galls  324

    Ornamental and Introduced Plant Galls  330

    Afterword  333

    Glossary  335

    References  339

    About the Author  350

    Index  351


    On a single blue oak in Chris and Ann Nelson’s backyard in 1969, I found over 20 species of cynipid wasp galls. Thus began a journey that would take me, over the ensuing years, through most plant communities in the western United States. I had no idea at the time that this would become a lifelong passion. I have found galls nearly everywhere I looked. Immediately apparent throughout all of my searching was the startling fact that such extraordinary creations were so abundant, yet so collectively ignored. This guide represents a much more thorough field guide to galls induced on native and some ornamental plants than my previous book. This edition covers a broader region and includes 232 species not in the original book. Along with my own observations and field experience, I have worked to extract as much biological information from the literature—information that has to date been relatively hidden in obscure places inaccessible to most. While this guide encompasses 536 species of plant galls, including 231 species on oaks, it still remains incomplete and should be viewed as an INTRODUCTION, especially for Southwest oaks. For so many plant galls, their existence and the identities and biology of the causative organisms remain a mystery.

    Over the past 35 years, researchers around the world have made great strides in understanding the complexities of host-inducer interactions. Someday, when the precise mechanisms are discovered that, for example, allow cynipid wasps to alter the expression of plant genes in specific ways to create galls unique to that species, we may find that such discoveries have applications to other sciences, especially in the medical field. Over 140 new species of gall organisms were discovered during the preparation of this guide. Each time I explore a new area, I find new species. You too may also find galls not described in this guide or any other reference. Please do not let that frustrate or discourage you. The earth is full of discoveries yet to be made. If nothing else, this single idea encourages me, and I hope you, to keep looking and exploring.

    Whether about the ocean or the land, I have spent my entire career over the past 60 years trying to help people see that which they might not otherwise see, with the hope they would come to appreciate the great wonders of this planet. With this guide, I hope to open an entire universe that some may not have previously imagined possible. This earth has treasures beyond our wildest dreams, so get out into nature with your eyes, heart, and mind wide open.

    Ronald A. Russo


    First and foremost, a special thanks to Harold Weidman, who ignited in me a lifelong passion for botany and plant taxonomy during my collegiate years, and to Chris Nelson, for bringing me a branch of urchin galls in 1969 that started this journey. Over the many years of my research and field collections that followed, I have enjoyed the assistance of several scientists, colleagues, and friends. I am indebted to John Tucker (oaks), Richard Goeden (tephritid flies), David Head-rick (tephritid flies), Jim Wangberg (tephritid flies), Patrick Abbot (aphids), Raymond Gagné (gall midges), Jeffrey Joy (gall midges), Joseph Shorthouse (cynipid wasps), Bradford Hawkins (gall midges), Don Miller (manzanita aphids), Charles Dailey (cynipids), Jerry Powell (moths), Robert Raabe (forest pathology), and Sarah Rosenthal (cynipids) for their generous assistance that led to the Field Guide to Plant Galls of California and Other Western States (Russo 2006).

    This updated and expanded guide would not have been possible without the continued assistance of Raymond Gagné (gall midges), James Zimmerman (Southwest cynipids), Gene Hall (Southwest insect collection), and Katherine Schick (cynipids). A special thanks to James Nicholls (cynipids) and Juli Pujade-Villar (cynipids) for sharing their recent research findings and graciously handling a variety of questions. I also appreciate May Chen for sharing galls she has found and Joyce Gross, not only for alerting me to galls she had found but also for the use of her incredible photographs in this guide. Also, I am so grateful that Ken, Tani and Jack Russo found needed samples for the Hair Charts. And a genuine thank you to Amy Hughes and Karen Carter for their brilliant editing of this guide.

    I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to California Wildlife Foundation and particularly Janet Cobb, Executive Officer, for visionary dedication to protecting oak woodlands and unwavering support and contributions to this field guide.

    Finally, I owe so much to my wife, Sheri, not only for her help with the manuscript but also for her enthusiastic hard work as an acute observer, finding many plant galls during our collecting trips, including new species.


    If you have ever camped or hiked beneath oak trees or have oaks on your property or in the neighborhood, you probably have noticed peculiar swellings known as oak apples or mysterious colorful adornments on leaves or branches. Or you may have noticed projections, swellings, or pouches on the leaves of alder, willow, juniper, pine, manzanita, sage, creosote bush, wild plum, wood rose, rabbitbrush, or any number of native shrubs and trees in the western states. Welcome to the realm of plant galls!

    The world of plant galls is a Lilliputian realm in which an organism, sometimes scarcely the size of a period on this page, can induce a plant to produce a swelling that provides food and shelter. Some of these galls, especially those of cynipid wasps, are so flamboyant in design and color they would challenge the wildest of architectural dreams. In their own right, gall organisms are nature’s own miniature architects. Part of the magic of this little-known world is that plant galls are all around us: in forests, woodlands, marshlands, neighborhood parks, and even your garden.

    This guide covers all the states west of the Rocky Mountains, including Alaska, and north of Mexico. (Any references to North America exclude Mexico.) Within this enormous geographic area there is a diverse variety of plant species that hosts a dazzling array of galls. Many of the gall-inducing organisms have been described and named by scientists. Many others are new species yet to be discovered, studied, and classified.

    Plant galls are known for their incredible variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. They range from a gall the size of a pinhead on a leaf to a cankerous gall on the side of a tree trunk that exceeds 1.2 m in diameter. In color, they duplicate the full spectrum of the rainbow and then add blends of colors and patterns that tease the mind. Some galls are smooth and round. Others have wart-like bumps, spines, hairs, tubercles, or flared edges. Some look like balls, saucers, cups, bowls, sea urchins, caterpillars, spindles, clubs, teeth, donuts, or exploded twigs or buds. Some are quite noticeable because of their size or color. Others are nearly impossible to see because they look like normal buds or are so small that they escape detection.

    Of all the galls and their host plants I have studied over the years, the blue, valley, and Oregon oaks of California and the white oaks of Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico produce the most intriguing and bizarre galls in shape and color. Few other insect-induced galls in North America, and perhaps anywhere else, can rival these architectural wonders.

    The purpose of this field guide is to introduce the reader to the causes, effects, and interrelationships of some of the galls and their inducers found in nearly all of the western states (except Texas). The book is divided into two major sections. The first covers the general biology of galls and gall-inducers, host plant effects, and broad ecological relationships with parasites and predators. The second, and larger, portion of this book covers the identification of galls and gall-inducing organisms based on host plants.

    Out of necessity, this guide represents a CATALOG OF GALLS found in the West and is by no means a representation of all existing galls. I am certain that I will continue to find new galls, as will you, that are not described here. While I have collected galls from every western state, including Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana, much of my work over the past 50 years has been in Utah, Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. The usefulness of this guide extends to the entire West, with the ranges of several tree and shrub species extending across several states, as in the cases of Douglas-fir, several pines, aspens, cottonwoods, Great Basin sagebrush, Baccharis species, rabbitbrush, and creosote bush, among others, along with their respective galls.

    This is not a book on insects, nor is it a book on plants. Instead, this is a guide that attempts to interpret a highly complex and evolved collection of rather challenging interrelationships between plants and plants, between plants and animals, and between animals and animals. In some instances, the galls that result from these highly refined relationships will capture the fancy of anyone who dares to focus attention on even a single, bizarre, brightly colored specimen. In taking time to study just a few such galls, you risk being captivated by the same mysterious fever that has lured countless other enthusiasts to birds, wildflowers, or mushrooms. Thanks to the widespread use of the internet, awareness is spreading. It takes only a dash of curiosity to explore, discover, and begin to understand the fascination of these strange creations, and, in so doing, the grand biodiversity of Earth itself.

    About This Guide

    WHY GALLS? Plant galls are in effect the signs of an organism’s presence just as are the skulls, tracks, scratch marks, and droppings used to determine which animal made them. Gall-inducers are rarely visible, due to their small size and short life span. And since many galls tend to be species-specific, possessing diagnostic features that are uniquely associated with a single gall-inducing species, great care has been taken to describe each gall’s morphological characteristics, as subtle as they may seem. Unfortunately, we know little about the life cycles of the organisms that induce these galls, except in a relatively few cases.

    PLANT IDENTIFICATION: Successful use of this field guide requires that you have a basic knowledge of taxonomy of native plants. In effect, you must know or be able to identify at least the genus, and in some cases the species, of the host plant to identify the gall organisms described. A number of fine field guides will help you identify plants in the western states. I have systematically used The Jepson Manual of Vascular Plants (2012) for taxonomic issues, along with several other recent regional guides. With some knowledge of plant identities, you can then go to the appropriate group or species and locate the gall(s) of interest. This guide provides as much detailed biological information as is available on each gall species covered, along with host plant and related details. Additionally, several tables list gall organisms known but not necessarily described within the text. Some galls that occur on ornamental plants, for example, are not described here but are referred to in the Ornamental Plant Galls section.

    MUSEUM COLLECTIONS: I studied the cynipid wasp collections at the Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California at Davis; the Essig Museum of Entomology, University of California at Berkeley; the Museum of Natural History, Sierra College at Rocklin; the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco; and the University of Arizona Entomology Museum, Tucson.

    COMMON NAMES: As with many organisms, plant galls have only scientific names, which apply to the gall-inducer. Common names in this guide have been created for the convenience of the reader and apply only to the physical characters of the gall itself—not the agent. The agents’ formal scientific names come only from taxonomists who study the characteristics of the insect or other agent and publish a description and name in a scientific journal. These scientific names are always the binding element to clearly identify a gall-inducer’s taxonomic position. The References section lists references I used to obtain scientific names and information for many species.

    Unnamed Species

    I have chosen to include in this guide a number of species that either I could not identify given available resources or that may be new to science and not yet classified in order to simply record their existence until such time as they can be identified. Even though in many cases the gall-inducer is known to be a midge or wasp, these species are listed here as UNKNOWN.

    Many of the species listed in the 2006 guide as Undescribed have now been identified to genus and appear here with just the generic name, while a few have even been identified to species level. Since I am describing the gall as well as some aspects of the organism’s life, I have changed the term from Undescribed to Unknown. Thus, in the ensuing years after publication of this guide, my hope is that adult insects will be reared from Unknown species herein and will be formally described and named, as they have since publication of the 2006 guide.

    Occasionally, the reader may find a scientific name that has cf. between the genus and species names. This generally means that the described insect gall is close to the species named, with some differences. Some genus names are in quotation marks; this indicates that the organism is assigned to this genus provisionally, until further research confirms its classification.

    It seems unfortunate to me that in our society, organisms without names seem to be less regarded than those with names, especially among smaller species. It is almost as if they don’t exist if they don’t have names. Between those species yet to be formally described and named and those already named and lost in 19th- or early 20th-century literature yet to be digitized, it seems that this dark taxa may never be completely uncovered. The earth is simply too vast, with incalculable refugia where new species exist that may never be found.

    Galls in Nature

    Plant galls represent just one facet, one platform, a single venue among tens of thousands of ways that plants and animals interact with each other in the world. By the very nature of the existence of galling organisms, thousands of other creatures are able to survive in the complicated, intricate, interdependent existence that drives life on this planet. The world of plant galls is but one among countless theatrical stages that exist where the actors perform specific roles in an ecological web that supports the rich biodiversity of our planet. As you will discover in this guide, their existence is important if for no other reason than they provide food and shelter to so many creatures.

    Galls are tumorlike growths of plant tissue produced by host plants in response to chemical and/or mechanical stimuli of invading organisms (mainly bacteria, fungi, mites, insects), resulting in accelerated production of plant growth hormones (auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, etc.). In effect, plant galls result from reprogramming the expression of the plant genome by an outside source. Galls are composed of cells that have undergone multiplication, reaching either abnormally high numbers or greater size than normal, on plant organs whose growth and development have been altered into forms not otherwise found on host plants, as in the case of some acorn, bud, and flower galls. The exact mechanism of gall formation may vary widely from one group of gall-inducers to another. There are so many variables, requirements, circumstances, and unknowns that no one universal method can apply to all gall-formers.

    Based on what is known, at least of cynipid wasps, meristematic and parenchyma tissues are often involved in gall formation. It has been suggested that some gall wasps can convert relatively differentiated tissues back into meristematic tissue. This de-differentiation of host tissues prevents the normal expression of host characteristics and allows subsequent re-differentiation into specialized and varied tissue types observed in cynipid galls. For example, one aspect of this controlling influence is in the development of the concentric rings of tissue that surround the wasp larval chamber, which is usually lined with parenchymal nutritive tissue on which the larvae later feed.

    Since galls of many insects (especially wasps and midges) are specific to their inducer species in size, shape, and color, there appears to be a hijacking of the normal expressions of genes to develop structures that serve the life cycle needs of individual gall-inducing organisms. The exact relationship between compounds provided by the adults or larvae and the resulting manifestation of plant cellular tissue into galls largely remains a mystery to this day. Something in the compounds provided by gall organisms directs, turns off, or reprograms the normal expression of plant genes during the development and expansion of the host plant’s tissues. Scientists have been looking for a long time for the blueprint that seems to control gall characteristics. This has become the holy grail of gall research.

    The Science of Gall Study

    While the exact nature of galls has been the subject of much speculation and myth for centuries, the science of plant galls did not begin to develop until the 17th century. Gall science is divided into two separate fields: the study of plant galls and the arthropods that induce them, called CECIDOLOGY; and the study of how fungi and bacteria gall plants, which falls into plant pathology.

    Cecidology brings together entomology, botany, and parasitology. Most gall-inducing insects are extremely selective in choosing their host plants. Because of this, a person can often identify the kind of plant by the species of gall organism, or the gall-inducer by the species or group of host plant(s). Galls are often so specific in shape, size, and often color to the species of gall-inducer (especially with cynipid wasps), the causative organism can be identified without ever seeing it. The scientific names attached to the photos and illustrations of galls in this guide are actually the names of the organisms that induce them.

    A Brief History of Galls

    Plant galls have been around for millions of years. I will forever wonder about early humans and their encounters with plant galls. What happened when the first hominids bit into large oak apples, thinking they were fruit, only to experience the high levels of tannin? How did they learn about galls as a source of dyes, eyewash, or decorations?

    Some galls have been well known to industrial and agricultural interests as sources of tanning agents (tannin and gallic acid), printing ink, supplementary livestock feed, and in a few cases, the cause of major orchard damage, but their history goes well beyond modern times. Fossil evidence shows that fungi-induced galls existed 300–200 million years ago, during the Upper Paleozoic–Triassic period, in England. Suspected insect-induced galls existed about 225 million years ago, during the Triassic period, in France. The oldest confirmed insect-induced galls from North America are from the Upper Cretaceous, about 115 million years ago, and were taken from fossil beds in Maryland. The oldest known cynipid galls are from the late Eocene, about 34 million years ago, in Florissant, Colorado. Plant galls and gall organisms represent ancient relationships in the evolution of our planet. Today, many of these gall organism–host plant relationships reveal sophisticated and highly evolved organization and development.

    Galls are an integral part of the natural landscape; they played a role in sustaining Native Americans. Evidence exists that Native Americans relied on galls for medicinal and other uses. Several groups located in California’s Central Valley ground the galls of the California gall wasp (Andricus quercuscalifornicus) into a powder used for making eyewash and treating cuts, burns, and sores. The raspberry gall (in this guide referred to as the urchin gall) caused by the wasp Antron quercusechinus was also ground for use as a wash for inflamed eyes. Other galls were ground for use in dyes and hair coloring. Native peoples from the British Columbia coast reportedly ate the fungus galls found on false azalea (Menziesia ferruginea). Certain spring galls, loaded with tannic acid, were chewed to clean teeth. Native Americans from Arizona reportedly smoked the large round galls most likely caused by the stem-gall midge Asphondylia auripila, found on creosote bush (Larrea tridentata). What other uses for galls existed that we may never know about?

    One of the first people to write about galls was the Greek naturalist Theophrastus (372–286 BC), who wrote about the famous gall nuts of Syria. Pliny, the Roman naturalist (AD 23–79), recorded 23 medical remedies made with plant galls, including a hair-restoration product. For centuries, the production of figs for animal and human consumption has relied on tiny gall wasps.

    In 1861, over 800 tons of Aleppo galls (induced by a cynipid wasp, Cynips gallaetinctoriae, on a European oak, Quercus infectoria) were imported into England for commercial use. Aleppo galls, primarily from Turkey, were the most-used galls in medicine for many years. In the United States, over 550,000 pounds of galls were imported annually from Turkey as late as 1945 for commercial use. Later, a Texas gall, the mealy-oak gall, became commercially popular due to its high tannin level of 40%. Galls have been used for dyeing wool, leather, and fur and for skin tattooing in East Africa. Galls (Dryocosmus deciduus) have even been used as supplemental livestock feed in Missouri and Arkansas. In Mexico, large oak galls (Disholcaspis weldi) were occasionally sold in fruit stands because of their reported sweetness.

    Because of the lasting quality of ink produced from European oak galls, gall-based ink, called iron-gall ink, has been used for centuries. Monks used gall-based ink in the transcription of manuscripts nearly 1,000 years ago. Later, gall-based ink became the preferred ink used by the United States Treasury, Bank of England, German Chancellery, and the Danish government. Many important and well-known documents, including Book of Kells, Magna Carta, Dead Sea Scrolls, Declaration of Independence, as well as drawings by Rembrandt and Van Gogh and the compositions of Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, and others, were created using gall-based ink.

    Plant galls have a long-standing place in the evolution of our landscape and our human history, and what we know has just scratched the surface of their importance to nature and the well-being of humankind.

    Where Galls Form

    Galls can form on every plant part: roots, trunks, branches, buds, flowers, fruits, and leaves. While some plants such as oaks support galls on all these parts, other plants, such as sage (Salvia spp.) and manzanita (Arctostaphylos spp.), may support galls only on their leaves. In one analysis in Europe involving oaks, a scientist found that of the cynipid wasp galls known, 2% were on flowers, 4% on acorns, 5% on roots, 5% on buds, 22% on branches, and about 62% on leaves. He also reported that over 80% of galls on members of the rose family (Rosaceae) developed on leaves. The reason for such a disproportionately high gall incidence on leaves is because the leaf is the part of the plant that undergoes the highest metabolic activity during a relatively short growth period. Galls can, therefore, develop relatively quickly in spring and summer. The normal photosynthetic activity of leaves contributes greatly to rapid development and nutrition of galls and the larvae growing in them.

    As you go through this guide, you will notice that some species and groups of host plants support more gall-inducers than other plants. Nineteen host plant species or groups host more than 78% of the gall-inducers in this guide; 55% of these are found on oak trees, while only a few occur on roses (Table 1). When you ponder the enormous populations of these species and their associated inquilines, parasites, and hyperparasites, the ecological ramifications and importance of such hosts as creosote bush (Larrea tridentata), wild roses (Rosa spp.), sagebrush (Artemisia spp.), oaks (Quercus spp.), and willows (Salix spp.), among others, are staggering.


    Gall-Inducers at a Glance

    Aside from insects and mites, the guide includes a broad spectrum of galls that develop as a result of the biological activity of invading organisms such as bacteria, rusts, sac fungi, and mistletoes. These galls are swellings from which reproductive products or agents are released. Some botanists regard the swellings that result from invasion of parasitic mistletoes (Arceuthobium spp.) as a reaction to irritation and not true galls. Mistletoe-induced witches’ brooms are included as galls in this guide. The bulk of gall-inducers in this guide are mites and insects that create a dazzling array of galls within which their offspring are nourished.

    Evolutionary Paths

    During millions of years of evolution and adaptation among insects, natural selection influenced the biological paths that each group and species followed. As a result, each species found specific niches within which it operated for the purposes of survival and procreation. Some insects became woodborers, pollinators, or carrion eaters, while others rolled dung, captured spiders, or parasitized other animals. Somewhere along this evolutionary line, many species of insects and mites evolved intimate relationships with plants, resulting in the development of galls. These evolving gall-inducers became extreme specialists. Worldwide, there are an estimated 13,000 species of gall-inducing arthropods, a number that is slowly increasing with continued research. Among them there are at least 21 separate groups, but for our purposes we shall consider only 12: eriophyid mites (Eriophyidae), psyllids (Psyllidae), coccids (Kermesidae), aphids and adelgids (Aphididae and Adelgidae), beetles (Cerambycidae), moths (Gelechiidae, Tortricidae, Cosmopterigidae), leaf-mining flies (Agromyzidae), tephritid fruit flies (Tephritidae), and gall midges (Cecidomyiidae), and three families of wasps: tanaostigmatids (Eupelmidae), sawflies (Tenthredinidae), and cynipid gall wasps (Cynipidae).

    The United States has over 2,000 known species of gall-inducing insects. Nearly 700 of these species are cynipid wasps. There are also more than 800 species of gall midges. Next in prominence are tephritid fruit flies. While an accurate number of gall-inducing tephritids north of Mexico is not available, several species are common in the West. Eriophyid mites are responsible for a considerable number of galls. Several aphids, two adelgids, and many moths induce galls in the West, even though there are far more than are listed in this guide. At least two leaf-mining flies and three tanaostigmatid wasps are known to gall western plants. Only one gall-inducing beetle is included here, even though many beetles are inquilines in galls. The only coccid known to induce galls in the United States is found in the Southwest. The only psyllids included here occur on ornamentals (see Ornamental Plant Galls).


    The second group of gall-inducers includes numerous species of bacteria, fungi, and mistletoes that stimulate the production of root, stem, and leaf galls. Unlike some insect galls, these agents often produce much less specificity in size, shape, and color of galls, making identification using these characteristics difficult and sometimes impossible. For some, identification is possible based on identity of the host and location and type of gall. Some bacterial galls (nitrogen-fixing nodules) appear on roots of host plants such as lupines (Lupinus spp.), alders (Alnus spp.), and the group of shrubs generally referred to as ceanothus (Ceanothus spp.). These galls are rare examples of situations in which the host plant and the gall-inducers mutually benefit. Other bacterial galls appear just below the soil surface of fruit trees and ornamental roses and are sometimes detrimental to the host plants. Fungus galls are associated with stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits of cottonwood (Populus spp.), alder (Alnus spp.), choke cherry and plum (Prunus spp.), and wood fern (Dryopteris arguta). Mistletoes almost always induce stem swellings and sometimes witches’ brooms on host plants (pines [Pinus spp.], firs [Abies spp.], incense cedar [Calocedrus decurrens], among others). See Table 2 for a listing of the gall-inducing organisms covered in this guide.

    Another group of gall-like structures appears on trees such as buckeyes (Aesculus spp.), California bay (Umbellularia californica), coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), and the ornamental pepper tree (Schinus molle), and are actually genetic anomalies or simply adventitious buds, not true galls resulting from invading organisms. See "Redwood False Galls" in the Tree Galls species accounts. The biology of each major group of gall-inducers is discussed later.

    Common Types of Galls

    Most galls occur on leaves, petioles, stems, and branches. Leaf galls are divided into specific types based on their general structure. Leaves support roll galls, fold galls, erineum pockets (also called erinea or filzgalls), pouch and bead galls, and mark or spangle galls. On stems and branches, we see either integral swellings or detachable outgrowths. Two other forms of galls include fasciations and witches’ brooms. Other swellings, usually at the base of a tree trunk or high along the main trunk, called burls, are often mistaken for galls.

    ROLL GALLS: These galls are characterized by the outer edge of the leaf rolling inward, encompassing the gall organism (Figure 1). The rolled leaf tissues are either slightly or noticeably swollen and may be much harder than surrounding tissues. Mites, moths, and some midges generally produce roll galls.

    Figure 1. Roll gall.

    FOLD GALLS: These galls involve either the outer edge of the leaf simply folding over one time inwardly to encompass the gall organism, or the leaf folding along the midrib, creating a pouch on one side of the leaf (Figure 2). Swelling and distortion of leaf tissues are also characteristic of these galls. Aphids, moths, and midges usually induce fold galls.

    Figure 2. Fold gall.

    ERINEUM POCKETS: Erineum pockets (or erinea or filzgalls) are hair-lined pockets or depressions on leaves (Figure 3). These pockets are usually noticeable on one side of the leaf, with a corresponding bump on the opposite side. Eriophyid mites usually induce erineum galls. A sac fungus (Taphrina populisalicis) is also known to create spore-producing pockets on cottonwood leaves.

    Figure 3. Erineum pocket.

    Figure 4. Bead galls (top), pouch galls (bottom).

    BEAD AND POUCH GALLS: This group of galls can be shaped like small pouches, beads, clubs, spikes, shallow pits or blisters on the leaf surface and are often seen on willow and sage (Figure 4). All forms have an opening at the base, which allows escape of the mites or gall midges when mature. Eriophyid mites and some gall midges induce pouch and bead galls.

    Figure 5. Mark and spangle galls.

    MARK AND SPANGLE GALLS: In most cases these leaf galls completely enclose the insect and have no openings, with the exception of some cecidomyiid galls. Mark and spangle galls are either detachable or are an integral part of the leaf, and both tend to be the most flamboyant among the galls in color and shape (Figure 5). Cynipid wasps and a few cecidomyiids (gall midges) induce most mark and spangle galls on leaves. Some cecidomyiid galls have openings leading to the larval chambers, but others do not.

    FASCIATIONS: In these galls, the terminal buds of numerous plants are stimulated to fan out, creating extraordinarily flattened and rather striking shapes, often resembling elk or moose antlers (Figure 6). Sometimes bacteria, fungi, or mites are involved in these structures. The majority of fasciations, however, are thought by genetisists to be associated with broken DNA repair genes and are usually referred to as noninfectious fasciations. Fasciations occur commonly on ornamental plants, as well as on a few native species (Table 3).

    WITCHES’ BROOMS: These are common on conifers but also occur on many native shrubs (Table 4). Brooms usually involve a dense collection of small branches and shoots emanating from a common focal point (Figure 7). Often these die after one season.

    Figure 6. Fasciation.

    Figure 7. Witches’ broom.


    Large brooms exceeding 1.5 m in diameter have been found on Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla). Witches’ brooms usually involve bacteria, fungi, mistletoes, or mites. Broom-like clusters of shoots that originate from external mechanical injury not associated with an internal organism are not true galls. For example, porcupines have the habit of repeatedly chewing the same area of a conifer trunk or branch, which results in a broom-like cluster of shoots. From a distance, these dense clusters of branches might look like any other normal mistletoe-induced witches’ broom.

    STEM AND BRANCH GALLS: These galls involve a variety of causative agents including rust fungi, mistletoes, flies, moths, beetles, and wasps. Galls are either integral or protrude from the branch and are detachable (Figure 8). Integral stem galls can disrupt the flow of nutrients to outer regions, thereby killing the branch beyond the gall. Common curios from Central America sold in tourist shops in California and elsewhere are insect galls carved into lizards and birds (Plate 1). These galls look like an exploded branch, creating a fan-shaped natural art form, which allows easy escape of the adult wasps.

    Figure 8. Detachable stem gall (left), integral stem gall (center), integral petiole gall (right)


    BURLS: These are knobby outgrowths with unusual grain, often at the bases of trees. Redwood burls are often sold as curios or for wood

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