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Mastermind Alliance
Mastermind Alliance
Mastermind Alliance
Ebook217 pages2 hours

Mastermind Alliance

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About this ebook

Mastermind Alliance is a spiritual road map that takes you on an intensive journey to connect with the truest essence of who you were created to be. You will discover what you are called, chosen, and anointed to do. You will encounter six volumes of wisdom along this journey that will transform your life, as you discern the Master’s will, purpose, and ultimately the Master’s Mind. The stage is set. The Master Conductor stands poised at the podium. As He raises His baton, prepare to permit the greatest symphony of your life to break forth. It is already inside of you, ready to be revealed as you walk into the Mastermind Alliance.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 22, 2020
Mastermind Alliance

Michelle D. Jewel Hodges

Michelle D. Jewel Hodges is a licensed minister and prophetess at Monument of Faith Breakthrough Ministries, under the leadership of Chief Apostle Thomas Turner and Pastor Prophetess Roseta Turner. She has served in various capacities in ministry. She has been in ministry for over 22 years, by the power and grace of God. She is the founder and CEO of Beyond All Limits Ministries. Michelle D. Jewel Hodges is a Certified Christian Counselor and a Certified Faith-Based Clinical Counselor. She is also a Professional Educator of almost 20 years, and a loving mother. Her most loved role is that she is a child of God. Her main goal is to share the Gospel with all those she meets along life’s journey, so that souls will be saved, lives will be transformed, and people will be inspired to walk into their Ordained Destiny. Her favorite scripture is Psalm 27:4 – One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in His temple.

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    Mastermind Alliance - Michelle D. Jewel Hodges

    Copyright © 2020 Michelle D. Jewel Hodges.

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    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    WestBow Press

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-1391-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-1392-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-1390-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020923357

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/30/2020




    Larger Than Life

    Rekindling the Fire

    Wisdom from a Donkey

    Journey Ahead


    A Familiar Voice


    Step into the Light

    Just Like Job



    Cogito Ergo Sum (I Think, Therefore I Am)

    Half Empty, Half Full

    Sunshine and Roses

    Encourage Yourself



    Finally, Think



    The Master Potter

    True Purpose

    Complete Metamorphosis

    Phase 1: Enlightenment


    Revelations of the Dreamer



    My Vision



    Phase 2: Deprogramming


    A Glimpse

    Dare to Step


    Phase 3: Transformation



    Phase 4: Manifestation

    Stretch Out



    No Turning Back


    Not From, But To

    Flint Stone

    Not Alone








    A Look Back

    Wrestling the Wrong But


    The Bishop’s Mandate



    Walk on Water

    Winds of Opposition


    A Dream Realized


    The Drummer’s Rhythm

    It’s Natural

    Daddy’s Drumbeat

    Masterful Orchestration

    Totally Committed

    Instrument 1: Commitment to Connection and Consecration

    A Chime from the Orchestra

    Daddy’s Girl

    Light It Up

    Daniel’s Dilemma

    Our Eyes Are upon Thee

    Except By

    For Such a Time as This

    If I Perish, I Perish

    Instrument 2: Commitment to Cogitation

    Muscle of Study

    Muscle of Engagement

    Instrument 3: Commitment to Comaraderie

    Thread of Togetherness

    Esprit de Corps

    instrument 4: Commitment to Collaboration

    Culinary Technique

    Swift and Specific

    Keep Your Hands Up

    All for One, and One for All

    Work the System

    Military Engagement

    The Good Fight

    Feel the Rhythm



    I Have an Idea

    Uncharted Territory

    Take the Limits Off

    Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

    Look Beyond What You See

    It’s in the Genes

    What’s in Your Hand?



    The Final Analysis

    Peculiar Singularity

    Conscious Dispositional Affirmation

    Ordained Destiny

    Undaunted Tenacious Endurance

    Characteristic Quintessential Rhythm

    Creative Innovations

    Curtain Call

    Reflections: Your Turn

    For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

    —ISAIAH 55:8–9


    This book would not have come into existence without the leading of my Heavenly Father, who is my everything. It was through His guidance, wisdom, power, and anointing that I was able to pen the contents of this book. Before I endeavored to write, and every time I commenced to write, I always prayed that He would grant me the wisdom necessary for this work to come forth. I honor Him and worship Him for what He has allowed my hands to write. He is the Author; I am the scribe.

    To my mother, who always taught us to go further and achieve more. When we would say, I can’t, she would change it, and say, Yes, you can. Thank you, Mamacita, for raising us up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Thank you for persevering, even after Daddy passed away. You caused us to become great, and that makes you greater. Thank you for raising me to put God first in everything, and for leading by example. It is because of your great example, teaching, and training that I am achieving many things I thought were not possible. You always caused me to believe for better, for greater, for more beyond myself. You taught me that God will do exceeding, abundantly, above all if I keep trusting and following Him. I am forever grateful. I love you!

    To my apostle, Chief Apostle Thomas Turner, and pastor, Prophetess Roseta Turner, founders and leaders of Monument of Faith Breakthrough Ministries, I extend special thanks for allowing God to use you to instruct me, mentor me, impart to me, and challenge me to go and do all that God desires for me to do. Thank you for imparting wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, and for pushing me into my Ordained Destiny.

    There is a very special person whom I could not close out this section without thanking. She is none other than Rev. Lenora Counter. She has always been very special to me. She is my second mother. I met her when my family moved to the state when I was a little girl. She has been the one constant person in my life all of these years, outside of my mother. She has helped my mother to keep me on the right track, as much as possible. She has been a great source of encouragement for me all throughout my life. She has been and still is an awesome voice of wisdom. No matter what has transpired in my life, from the passing of my father when I was ten years old to the birth of my son, she has always been there to guide and steer me in the right direction, right alongside my mother. She has been an awesome prayer warrior and coach during the writing of this book. Mama, thank you for always being there.

    A special thanks to Baby Girl for joining forces with me and always being there. You have always believed in me and prayed with me through it all! I thank God for giving me you as a sister and a friend. I am eternally grateful for Him placing you in my life, iron sharpening iron.

    Thank you to my son, J. E., for being my greatest inspiration. Continue to strive for the best in everything. Allow God to cause you to walk in the mastermind alliance.

    A special thanks to Westbow Press for opening this door of opportunity.

    To everyone who prayed and said words of encouragement, thank you.


    Have you ever wondered why you were born and why are you here? Did you ever ask yourself, What is my true purpose in this life? Have you ever wondered how you could make your life better? Did you ever feel that you were missing something, that there was a void that you just couldn’t fill? Have you ever felt deep down inside that there has got to be something more to your life than meets the eye?

    These questions are common to mankind. You are born into this life without a step-by-step manual delineating every step to take and every move to make. You encounter many situations and circumstances that cause you to question your very existence. You live in a society that has countless views of how life should be lived, what success looks like, what you should be doing, and how you should conduct yourself. In this world of chaos and confusion, life is lost in living. You begin to lose yourself and your identity to the warped ideologies of this world.


    Children, in their innocence, are not afraid to step out onto the waters of opportunity. They believe for the impossible. Their dreams are larger than life. They know little risk in attempting to do anything. They just go for it. They strive for excellence in all they do. They believe that everything they do is wonderful. Children have an enthusiasm that is contagious. They want everyone around them to be as enthusiastic as they are and as involved as they are in their activities and tasks. All of their intentions are pure. In their minds, they live in a perfect world. What happens to that innocent mentality?

    As we get older, the struggles of life begin to take over our thoughts, our feelings, and our actions. As long as children believe in their perfect world, they are successful. As soon as someone comes along and destroys their innocent passion for life and living, the light slowly begins to dim until sometimes it is completely diminished. The vibrancy that once was is no more. They no longer strive for the best. They settle for less because that is what was handed to them on a bitter platter of negativity. Less is easier to deal with. Less comes with fewer challenges. Less becomes okay.

    Those children grow up to be adults, regular people just like you and me. They live average lives according to societal standards. Society teaches that only a select few are destined for greatness. Society dictates that only a small percentage of the population will accomplish their childhood dreams and fulfill their childhood aspirations. Some of us grab hold of the vision for our lives and thrive. Others of us become the adult shells of those misguided children.

    In which category do you belong? Are you one of the ones who has kept the treasure of your childhood dreams locked safely in your heart and has actively pursued your dreams, or are you one of the ones who has allowed the thief of societal beliefs to steal your dreams and aspirations?


    If you have allowed the kindling fire of your dreams to be extinguished, all hope is not lost. You can recover your dreams. You can resurrect your aspirations. Lying dormant deep down in the crevices of your quintessence is the seed of your dreams that was planted from the foundation. Many seeds can lie dormant for long periods of time and still grow into some of the largest, most beautiful masterpieces known to humanity. In the Disney movie Mulan, the main character had just had her dreams of becoming a perfect bride seemingly crushed by the matchmaker, thus diminishing her hopes of upholding the family honor and making her father proud. To prevent his daughter from shrinking into despair, he told Mulan, The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. Mulan struggled for a time, but a spark deep inside her was kindled, and she began to live again. In the end of the movie, the emperor adorned Mulan with great awards and accolades. He even gave her a token to take home and show her father that she had brought him honor. Even in the most tempestuous times, you can still rise above your situation.


    There is a story of a faithful and hardworking donkey, greatly admired by its owner, the farmer. The farmer could depend on this donkey to do many odd jobs and fulfill many duties. One day, the donkey fell into a deep pit that the farmer was digging for a well. The pit was very deep and unstable. Sending someone in would put that person in danger. In addition, the donkey was crying and kicking about. The farmer knew that he could not get the donkey out and that the donkey would eventually be miserable and ultimately die in the hole.

    Regretfully, the farmer and several of the farmhands began to shovel dirt over the donkey in hopes of putting it out of its misery and preventing it from having to suffer long. Unbeknownst to the farmer, every time he threw a shovel full of dirt on the top of this donkey, it would shake off the dirt and step up a little higher onto the pile of dirt that used to be on top of it. The farmer continued to do this until he noticed something miraculous.

    As he was about to place another shovel of dirt on top of the donkey, he looked, and the donkey was no longer deep in the pit because it was stomping on the dirt as it hit its back. The

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